Anarchists in the front line.

2002-01-30 Thread mattd
I think that any activist or person in struggle is somewhat interested in their public image, because you want to reach people and hopefully get them to join you or at least support what you are doing. The problem with how this conundrum has been framed in activist circles is that it leads to


2002-01-30 Thread mattd
MARIN COUNTY, Calif. - AVN Hall of Fame director Alex de Renzy's family and friends held a celebration of life in his memory at his home on June 16. The ceremony was held outdoors on a warm, beautiful, sunny day in a spot in de Renzy's backyard that overlooked lush, green hills and mountains. It

Ashcrofts meatgrinder.

2002-01-30 Thread mattd Talk about your synchronicity: A reformed alcoholic Born Againer gets elected (more or less) President, a rightwing religious fanatic gets confirmed as Attorney General... and Prometheus Books publishes Adam Eve owner Phil Harvey's

Faustines Beads

2002-01-29 Thread mattd

RE: Dr evil,cypherpunk genius.

2002-01-29 Thread mattd
Like when He said we need more/better PR? HAHAHA! Your right.You his mini-me?

I'm a redneck myself.

2002-01-29 Thread mattd 1927 -- US: Cactus Ed Abbey, American xenophobic anarchist / ecologist / writer lives, Home, Pennsylvania. His uncompromising works include The Monkey Wrench Gang; Desert Solitaire; Hayduke Lives. I am a redneck myself, born bred on a

Bring on the Nubiles.

2002-01-29 Thread mattd I may want to cut her father and uncles hearts out with a sharp rock but Ill cheerfully supply all the kids with booze and Xanax.Whatever turns them on.Say G'day to Australia.The exchange rate's unreal at the minute. Jeb Bush's Daughter Is

Attack of the Killer Comfy Sofa's.

2002-01-29 Thread mattd
Flame-Retardant Chemical Could Prove as Serious a Pollutant as PCBs or DDT By Matt Crenson The Associated Press Published: Jan 29, 2002 A chemical flame retardant commonly used in foam furniture padding is accumulating so rapidly in the breast milk of nursing mothers that environmentalists and

Re: Property Rights

2002-01-28 Thread mattd
By my reckoning, property rights require only one party and their possession of the means and intent to keep other parties from using that property. steve Yeah,and as they say inside,everyones got to sleep sometime. Imagine for a moment that, as ordinary citizens were watching the evening

CIA confirms it uses reporters as agents

2002-01-28 Thread mattd
The CIA also denied that Pearl worked for the agency. Although we don't normally discuss such matters, Daniel Pearl does not now nor has he ever worked for the CIA, said agency spokeswoman Anya Guilsher. FROM This e-mail was sent using Microsoft's

Quasha-CIA-Texas law firm-Bush crime family take the money Enron.

2002-01-28 Thread mattd
The Quasha's and Bush families CIA ties go way back.See Nugan Hand.,00.htm ...Although twice elected governor of Texas (in 1994 and again in 1998), the son known as Dubya had lived through nearly two decades of business failures, embarrassing

Re: USS Greeneville: deadliest thing in the sea

2002-01-28 Thread mattd
leaving nine Japanese dead. And on its first major deployment after that incident, the sub grounded while trying to enter the Saipan seaport last August in rough seas. Once a submarine has tasted human blood it just can't be trusted. You know what they do to bears in the zoo after they've

Ego is not a dirty word,dont you believe all you've seen or you've heard.

2002-01-28 Thread mattd
Max Stirner The Ego and It's Own (Rebel Press London 1993, available from Freedom press in London) Max Stirner is a relatively obscure figure in anarchist and left wing thought. He has influenced many who regard themselves as anarcho-individualists such

raisethefist founder interview. Keep fighting, and fight hard. Don't stop.

2002-01-28 Thread mattd
Interview with Raise The Fist founder me 10:06pm Sun Jan 27 '02 article#6607 Interview with Sherman An Interview with Sherman of RTF / by mark January 27 2002, Sun, 5:14pm An interview with Sherman,

Bottlenecks,singularities,phase transitions,emergance,whats wrong with revolution?

2002-01-28 Thread mattd
Well? Call a spade a fucking shovel. While I await your reasoned result I plan to collate several choice ~ Faustine posts and send them to several alphabet agencies.She should never eat lunch in that town again.

Anarchism and the Black Revolution.

2002-01-28 Thread mattd
Lorenzo Komboa Ervin's Anarchism and the Black Revolution and Frank Fernandez's Cuban Anarchism are now complete and online for your perusal. Please visit: Anarchism and the Black Revolution Cuban Anarchism


2002-01-28 Thread mattd Soldiers rebel over Palestinian policy Jerusalem: Fifty-two Israeli combat reserve soldiers have announced they will no longer fight in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, saying military actions there are nothing to do with providing security

Capitalism in close up.

2002-01-27 Thread mattd,2763,640125,00.html Rainforest plundered by Murdoch's ex son-in-law Fortune-hunting businessman has struck lucrative deal with Mugabe. Jason Burke and Antony Barnett report Jason Burke and Antony Barnett Sunday January 27, 2002 The Observer He was

Mirrors needed to annoy SS and FBI goons.

2002-01-27 Thread mattd
FREE SPEECH ONLINE | Jan 27 2002 Raided by FBI The founder's house of , a prominent LA-based news and organizing website, was raided by the FBI, Secret Service and LAPD on the 24th. San Francisco Indymedia contacted the FBI and confirmed the incident. Now,

Biggest Thieves are the Biggest Liars as well.

2002-01-27 Thread mattd
Howard's word costs $187m By ANDREW PROBYN 28jan02 THE Howard Government spends $512,000 a day telling you what to think. And it spends $15.5 million a year to check the message is getting through. Having spent $187 million on advertising campaigns and self-promotion last year, the Federal

Diamond B.U.Ms

2002-01-27 Thread mattd
Diamonds supplement Barter Units of Money. By GEOFF WILKINSON 28jan02 DIAMONDS are not just a girl's best friend, according to a new report by the Australian Institute of Criminology. They are also highly desirable to organised crime figures who use them as currency in a range of illegal

Botulism hope for stroke victims Thatcher,May.

2002-01-27 Thread mattd
Wrinkle cream stimulates brain power By Nicole Strahan 28jan02 THE world-first use of brain scanning technology on children in Melbourne has found that using a wrinkle treatment called Botox to treat cerebral palsy can permanently improve brain function. The first phase of a study by

Grendels Mother.

2002-01-26 Thread mattd
probably eats red herring.Articles on Carlyle and the CIA. linux format uk has an 8page spread on

Tell Bechtel,justice posse's coming.

2002-01-26 Thread mattd
PROFITS ON TAP Here in Bolivia $25 million is the annual cost to hire 3000 rural doctors, 12,000 public school teachers or hooking up 125,000 families who don't have access to the public water system. Which of these are you suggesting Bolivia should do without in order to pay you? - Jim

Eurorepression news.

2002-01-26 Thread mattd
Cops cop Kop These days some people are saying that the new rock'n'roll is... terrorism. Well the Dutch police thought so this week when they arrested Marc - lead singer of the band 'Kop' and Barcelona squatter - in an Amsterdam supermarket accusing him of ETA (Basque Militant Separatists)

'Better to die for something than live for nothing'.

2002-01-26 Thread mattd
TOWER STRUGGLE Colombia's second city Cali is today on a city wide stoppage in support of 800 workers from the Sintraemcali Union. For the past 31 days they have been occupying a 17-storey communications tower, the home of the state owned Emcali, who supply water, electricity and telephones to

AU Invasion day;with the people unarmed it could happen again.

2002-01-26 Thread mattd
Within Tent The Australian Aboriginal Tent Embassy celebrates its 30th anniversary this Saturday (Australia's national day, otherwise known as 'Invasion Day'). The camp was started in 1972 by a group of Aboriginals who decided that unlike other nations, theirs wasn't represented by an embassy

UK SHnews

2002-01-26 Thread mattd
SchNEWS in brief * People disrupted an Air Defence Systems Conference at the Hatton in London on Wednesday. Armed with stinkbombs the protesters managed to ruin the nice suited men's #350 buffet. The chair of the meeting, Gordon 'Come on lads let's get 'em!' Wilson joined army types and govt

Petty San diego P.I.Gs,Tomorrows Bacon?

2002-01-26 Thread mattd
Anthony, a volunteer with Food Not Bombs was carrying water and fruit to protesters at an action outside of Burger King. He was stopped, the police accusing him of providing ammunition for demonstrators to throw. When he explained he was simply trying to feed the protesters and make sure they


2002-01-26 Thread mattd
Poster Cause Uproar in New Orleans posted by dfg on Friday January 25 2002 @ 10:37AM PST Uptown Signs Use Shock Value, Profanity Rhetoric Reminiscent Of 'Fight Club' Prose NEW ORLEANS -- Signs using profanity and threats to

Houston we have an enron

2002-01-26 Thread mattd Enron May Spark Revolt of Professionals by James K. Galbraith NOWADAYS there are three classes in America: working people at the bottom, professionals above them, a tiny elite at the top. Democrats represent the professionals,

Faustine in the Movies

2002-01-26 Thread mattd
Willie Wanker and the Fudge Packing Factory Starring: Abby Rhodes, Tom Byron, Jake Williams, Stacey Nichols, Dallas, Jeanna Fine, Alex Sanders, Tess Newheart, Vince Voyeur. ~ Faustine fudgepacker. Rated: XXX Inventory: Usually ships 3-5 days Running Time: 85 minutes Year Released: 1995, FAT

Telstra scumbagsRus.

2002-01-26 Thread mattd Telstra rigs Oz ZDnet poll By Tim Richardson Posted: 25/01/2002 at 15:19 GMT Telstra has admitted rigging a poll in which consumers were asked whether the Australian telco charged too much for Internet access. Two hours after ZDNet Australia

Public servants lose 1/3 BILLION in enron swamp.Greasy Weasel jeb Bush suspect.

2002-01-26 Thread mattd he Enron (news/quote) scandal, which has become the consuming interest in Washington and around the country, is starting to have a particular resonance in Florida, where it is touching another Bush: Governor Jeb Bush. Florida's state

FARC killing police is wrong and matties very sad.NOT!

2002-01-26 Thread mattd
[On the bright side 9 police have been killed in the last 2 days in Columbia.] Dumbass, nobody is supposed to be dying. I keep telling them,APster's the way to go,they're authoritarian socialists,maybe they'd listen to you,jim?

Filthy P.I.Gs make bigger Fools of themselves.

2002-01-25 Thread mattd Federal Agents today raided the home and confiscated the servers and all political literature of the founder of an anarchist indymedia website.

Pork Warning! Steer clear of P.I.Gs.

2002-01-25 Thread mattd
Bomb in Colombia's Capital Kills Four Policemen and a Child By Andrew Selsky Associated Press Writer Published: Jan 25, 2002 BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) - A bomb attached to a bicycle exploded in front of a restaurant across the street from a police station Friday, killing four policemen and a

Chinese jeckle and Hyde terror state welcomes rsa investment.

2002-01-25 Thread mattd
China: Communist Party Touts Billionaire Capitalist Role Model Jan 25 A recent news feature published in China's state-run media touted a billionaire as an example of someone the Communist Party should embrace. The article is a sign of official attempts to push political changes necessary to

LAPD shitting bricks over Riverside APster contract?

2002-01-25 Thread mattd On Thursday, January 24th, around 4pm, the Los Angeles FBI served a search warrant to the owner of anarchist website The search warrant was based on charges

Jesus is my lawyer.

2002-01-25 Thread mattd Prison rape has become a hidden epidemic. Some experts estimate that between 300,000 to 600,000 men and boys are victimized every year These gruesome statistics are all too personal for me. I've visited inmates in over 600 prisons and

subspecimens of humanity and spherical chickens,Faustines anal urges.

2002-01-25 Thread mattd
justines psychobabble 101 snipped to... subspecimens of humanity, now theres a thought... Govt suckups as? Oh yeah? Did it ever occur to you that they might just have been sneaky and devious enough themselves to figure out what a wily old puff adder like yourself would want to hear? LOL

New Transperancy in Govt?

2002-01-24 Thread mattd
From the UAE to the UK to this...Changing the way the CIA, the National Security Agency, the FBI and other agencies gather, analyze and disseminate information. The goal is to distribute more broadly intelligence data throughout the federal government, as well as to state and local law

Crime and Punishment

2002-01-24 Thread mattd
Death penalty statistics remain a state secret in China. Political interference is common, Amnesty International says on its website. Often, mass executions are carried out before major events or public holidays as a warning to others. Execution is by shooting or lethal injection and sometimes

Kiss me,Im Irish.

2002-01-24 Thread mattd WSM meetings Every month in Dublin we host a gathering of anarchists and other libertarian socialists to discuss a topic of interest over a pint. The meetings, for experienced activists and new comers alike, normally feature a local guest speaker with some

Re: Ecash fraud resolution

2002-01-24 Thread mattd
If transaction cost is low enough, commodities become money, and money commodities. There's no need for a numeraire. Someday. :-). Cheers, RAH Barter Units of Money or BUMs should smell as sweet.There is a tide in the affairs of BUMs that taken at the

Thinking outside the box, deviously.Mongo gives up.Im a senile reactionary.

2002-01-24 Thread mattd
I meant to send this to Cypherpunks, but only sent it to David Honig. So, he's a slight head start on solving the puzzle. Zats ok,we all gotter get old one day.Keep taking that viagra for your head aches. stuff cut ... Some cog scis think this is evidence of hardwiring for social

Transurbans.state of the art securitymeasures cracked.

2002-01-24 Thread mattd
Toll link to fraud By MARK BUTTLER 25jan02 TWO men had the credit card and personal details of an estimated 12,000 CityLink customers when they were arrested, a court heard yesterday. Geelong Magistrates' Court was told the Colac men used the credit card information from the tollway operator to

Fwd: Anderson accounting for FBI

2002-01-24 Thread mattd
Subject: Anderson accounting for FBI Enron Accounting Firm Has Ties to FBI (english) by besmirked 10:50am Thu Jan 24 '02 Enron oversees FBI's inept investigation of Enron. [source: Reuters, Jan. 16; Newmax, Jan. 17] ARTHUR ANDERSEN HAS MILLION-DOLLAR FBI CONTRACT. The accounting firm now under


2002-01-24 Thread mattd
Envelope-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: Anonymous [EMAIL PROTECTED] Comments: This message did not originate from the Sender address above. It was remailed automatically by anonymizing remailer software. To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: TIM MAY IS RECEIVING CHILD PORNOGRAPHY, ALL HIS EMAIL

Former acting PM compares aussi taliban to breaker morant.

2002-01-24 Thread mattd
Fischer compares Hicks to Morant By Brian Woodley January 25, 2002 ONE hundred years after the firing squad of a foreign military power controversially executed two Australian soldiers, another Australian awaits an uncertain fate in a faraway military jail  and the comparisons are flowing.

To answer nobranes Question

2002-01-23 Thread mattd
How to resolve it? Where barter/hawala fail APster.

Wheres Maurice Tate? Paging maurice Tate.

2002-01-23 Thread mattd
Has there been a crime wave in Cali? Gail Overhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: mattd [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Maurice Tate At 06:04 PM 1/14/02 -0800, you wrote: I received a copy of a note from you that you are asking for Maurice Tate's supervisor. I am the chief of the bureau in which

Tim Mays La cage aux Folles

2002-01-23 Thread mattd
Tim May swishes in here hinting loudly about his much better than APster scheme.Well after some stale cheddar about e-cash.May we please be enlightened now oh Timmy One? Put up or fuckin' SHUT UP! Direct action_ is what it's all about. Undermining the state through the spread of espionage

APster in Asia.

2002-01-23 Thread mattd
Malaysia: New controls on media. The Malaysian government on 16 January rejected allegations of a 'plot' to discredit journalists on the Kuala Lumpur English language daily, the Sun, to justify censorship. Media rights groups allege that the journalists were given bogus information about a

Outbreak of Anarchy in New Orleans.

2002-01-22 Thread mattd
A website is up and running for Anarchism in New Orleans, relaying upcoming anarchist events in our calendar section to folks, and providing local links to other radical and progressive groups. We also have a section with upcoming regional/national anarchist events which our group supports,

Fahenheit 451

2002-01-21 Thread mattd
AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS FOUNDATION FOR FREE EXPRESSION November 1, 2001 Dear Bookseller, Last week, President Bush signed into law an antiterrorism bill that gives the federal government expanded authority to search your business records, including the titles of the books purchased by your

BBC News | AMERICAS | Prison camp pictures spark protests

2002-01-21 Thread mattd
We must keep those pics in mind when we catch those gimps Faustine and Aimee. Subject: White Stripes I Think I Smell A Rat Oh I think I smell a rat I think I smell a rat all you little kids seem to think you know just where it's at I think I smell a rat walking down the street carrying a baseball

Anthrax Missing From Army Lab

2002-01-21 Thread mattd
Anthrax Missing From Army Lab January 20, 2002 By JACK DOLAN And DAVE ALTIMARI, Courant Staff Writers Lab specimens of anthrax spores, Ebola virus and other pathogens disappeared from the Army's biological warfare research facility in the early 1990s, during a turbulent period of labor

Alien Antrax Farm.Are you OK aimee?

2002-01-21 Thread mattd
Discreetly buying plain envelopes while wearing gloves,applying stamps with water,NOT saliva and sealing mannitol,talcum powder,sweet and Lo or similar fine grey powder and posting to various federal and state employees,large junk food chains,other offensive corporations during a REAL anthrax

Dong Bang

2002-01-20 Thread mattd
1929 -- Manchuria: The Korean anarchist guerilla general Kim Jwa-Jin (sometimes called the Korean Makhno) is assassinated while doing repair work on a rice mill. The Korean Anarchist Federation in China was formed in April 1924. Over 2 millon Koreans were living in Manchuria, the Korean

Chick president sworn in one year ago today.(complaints about chickto Mongo please.)

2002-01-20 Thread mattd
This is the one that's so catholic she thinks divorce should be illegal. Hundreds of thousands of protesting Filipinos forced President Joseph Estrada to step down; Vice President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo was sworn in as the new president.2001. 1872 -- Filipino soldiers workers stage a bloody

Kerry Fox sucks in new movie.

2002-01-20 Thread mattd
Truly, madly, deeply explicit By PETER GALVIN Monday 21 January 2002 Kerry Fox, left, and Mark Rylance in a scene from Patrice Chereau's film, Intimacy. QA: Kerry Fox Gallery: A glimpse of Intimacy There's no faking the already notorious scene in Intimacy when actor Kerry Fox takes her

Aimees final solution to the cypherpunk problem

2002-01-20 Thread mattd
Recalling the day killing Jews became official German policy By CAROL WILLIAMS BERLIN Monday 21 January 2002 In an elegant lakeside villa framed by frosted shrubbery and dusted by falling snow, 15 high-ranking Nazis finalised the bureaucratic details for exterminating Europe's 11 million Jews.

OZ censorship.We cant tell you what we censor on the internet.

2002-01-20 Thread mattd Alston's X files: the secret truth about Internet censorship Your access to the Web is being censored by the Government - but it refuses to reveal exactly what it is we are not allowed to see. The Last Word by Lauren Martin All you have to do


2002-01-19 Thread mattd
We Are the Freedom Urban Collective Knowledge Expansion Division The Freedom Urban Collective Knowledge Expansion Division (F.U.C.K.E.D) is Brisbane's latest and greatest experiment in non-authoritarian Revolutionary Activism. Our aim is to create a non-authoritarian society free of

Concrete anti-nato action.

2002-01-19 Thread mattd
MUNICH Every February the NATO Munich Security Conference takes place. This year the official organiser of the conference is BMW's own Herbert Quandt foundation. It's a meeting of administration officials of the NATO-member states and about 200 military strategists, generals and experts on


2002-01-19 Thread mattd
CRAP ARREST OF THE WEEK For handing out leaflets: Five people were nicked in Usak, Turkey, for handing out anarchist leaflets. They've all been charged with being members of an 'illegal terrorist organization' and were badly beaten


2002-01-19 Thread mattd
BLOCKS AWAY! Faslane in Scotland is home to all of Britain's Trident (nuclear) submarines. Last year there were two massive sit down blockades where over 500 people were arrested. The courts still haven't dealt with all those arrested at the first one in February and haven't even began to deal

We can't keep meeting like this.

2002-01-19 Thread mattd
NEW YORK The World Economic Forum is, in a way, a big cocktail party for the global corporate elite. As an organisation, it has no power to actually set policy, but it creates a space in which international leaders can hash out their vision for the rest of us. In their own words, they are fully

Lard ass declares war on US.

2002-01-19 Thread mattd
TRADE BLOC N ROLL A major trade war between the USA and EU looks on the cards after the World Trade Organisation (WTO) once again ruled against US corporate tax breaks. Companies like Boeing and Microsoft have been cashing in on illegal subsidies to the tune of $4 billion. So what's going on

If the prisons rocking,dont bother knocking.

2002-01-19 Thread mattd
Inside SchNEWS A Chiapas prison in Mexico felt the full force of inmates' unrest earlier this month as 1,000 rioted against appalling conditions, beatings and corruption. All credit goes to the Prison Warden Fidel Velazquez, a retired military officer who oversees a brutal regime, he has denied

Polish Anarchists battle nazi's and riot cops.ABC.

2002-01-19 Thread mattd
PO BOX 43, 15-662 BIALYSTOK POLAND e-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Editorial Welcome to next issue of Warhead, first one in this year. Previous year was very busy for many of us here as struggle is intensifying and there are more and more actions. Thanks to everyone that is supporting this paper and

No Gods,No Masters and Food not Bombs.

2002-01-19 Thread mattd
From: Scott Andrew Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi I picked up a flyer at the black rose yesterday...the comrades there said it was still in the developing idea stage or something, anyway, it reads: Sydney anarchists are planning to organise an Anarchist Autonomous conference on the weekend of the

Faustines responsibility.

2002-01-18 Thread mattd
them, Hang on,correct them!? Like in the cultural revolution? Define violent. Tims *violent* sentiments are risible to me. they perceive that as a ratification. Im glad to see RATs are here.(radical assembly of tactical sentencing.) (While mattd is a self-identifier, and self abuser

Aimee Farr and mattd

2002-01-18 Thread mattd
Subject: OK, I'm SHUTTING THE FUCK UP NOW!!! [WAS: No, *really*...] [WAS!WAS: No, I mean ***really***] After receiving the attached correspondence from my probation officer, I have decided to drop my InterNet connection, as it appears that even accessing NonMainStreamDream news sources, such

Tim May hit by a Goose on the merry go round.

2002-01-18 Thread mattd
Back on the list for a day or two and already you are back in your tired old pattern Yeah,fuck off Tim,you boring old fart. of claiming that there is some collective guilt for the actions of individuals. We stole this nation fair and square. What mattd writes about is of little concern

: Re: judge Magic Lanterned by amateur, and busted

2002-01-18 Thread mattd
What if the hacker had implanted the files? What if another hacker before him had accessed the system in the same way and had implanted the files? What if a trojan or a computer virus had accessed the system and had implanted the evidence? Questions I must remember to ask the Victorian police

Individual bullshitters of the world Unite!

2002-01-18 Thread mattd
Even if CIA can Echelonize each individual bullshitter and character string they find on the Internet, it should be quite easy for programmers to create something that will roam around the net and give them enough suitable strings to read and check, and leave the smart people well enough alone.

Los Alamos Scientist Criticizes FBI in Book

2002-01-18 Thread mattd
The FBI still racist? They haven't been sued enough.There are some interesting parallels with early nuclear physics and early (and current) crypto.See Brighter than a thousand suns.Some say this book is Jungk,I beg to diffie. Scientist's refuse to work for totalitarian regimes! Shock Horreur!

Intelligence: Heredity-Environment Debate Resolved?

2002-01-18 Thread mattd
And Fukuoya has spoken of the end of history,we can all relax,take 5 sharp breaths in through your nose and the rest of the day off. Punk's attack on the establishment and institutions of the day, its willingness to exploit taboos for fun and profit, was supremely effective at getting up

I did not have sex with that women...Aimee Farrinsky.

2002-01-18 Thread mattd
I would not like to see this forum further mischaracterized as being associated with certain activities in the press. Yeah right. I don't care what you would like this forum characterized or mischaracterized as. Tim cares for this list like chauncey the gardener,now he's tossing in his

USA: Arbitrary, discriminatory, cruel, futile -- 25 years of judicialkilling

2002-01-18 Thread mattd
A small no of correctional orifacers volunteer for needle duty.They should all be sent copies of APster. Stopping cold blooded state murder is a revolutionaries 1st duty.(plus its fun,beats candle vigils and all that bleedin heart % When have the many little Eichmanns who are preparing the

Suggested Reading: To better understand anti-Capitalism

2002-01-18 Thread mattd flagblackened's anarchist FAQ's and If capitalism is not stopped soon it could easily be the death of us.In a revolutionary period the close study of all previous revolutions is advisable. Participation, not consumption, is the single most

RSA in China.A rotten stink.

2002-01-18 Thread mattd Not only are rsa trading with a despicable regime for reasons mentioned previously,they would appear to supporting proliferation that stands to cost trillions to defend against.Any comment from resident rsa weasel Peter Trei? needed for cybersavanarola's

2002-01-18 Thread mattd
Net closes on bosses surfing porn By INGA GILCHRIST 19jan02 MELBOURNE executives are being sprung by hi-tech computer audits checking web pornography. The latest software checks mean foolish high-flyers who dabble in dirty Internet sites are being sprung red-handed by their employers and sacked

Wackenhut West of cabazon.

2002-01-18 Thread mattd
Woomera detainees sew lips in protest By KERRY TAYLOR CANBERRA Saturday 19 January 2002 More reports at our Immigration mini-site At least 58 detainees at the Woomera detention centre have sewn their lips together and others have joined a hunger strike, the Immigration Department confirmed last

Professor rat's, get out of jail free card.

2002-01-18 Thread mattd
Drunk, begging, no ticket: $100,000 By MEG MUNDELL Saturday 19 January 2002 Andy turns up for court sober, wearing his best pair of jeans. Where he slept last night is anyone's guess. He hasn't had a drink this morning and the bottle is calling. But first, he has the small matter of $100,000

Re: One arms violent people with weapons.

2002-01-18 Thread mattd
Tis a vast apparatus operating well beyond the cover story of the famous 13. How far it extends into the private sector is a most interesting question, sometimes examined here but not as much as it deserves, since we abide the enlightened self-inerest that private nefarium and dastardy is richly

Fwd: Tims Mild Stroke and medication.

2002-01-17 Thread mattd
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: mattd [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Tims Mild Stroke and medication. Textual analysis reveals Tim may have suffered a mild stroke some time between 1994-7 and is on medication. The spelling mistakes,content to ballast ratio and flame rate were also taken into account

All Frissle No Sausage.

2002-01-17 Thread mattd
NBL. The international organizations will merely relocate their meetings to more defensible locations. Qatar?Brunei? How brave of them.How assured.How telling. The Canadian Rockies will be a little harder to storm during the next Gang of Seven meeting. Not without your support Dunc.(we

Aimee,mattd,Faustine Sandwich.

2002-01-17 Thread mattd
Aimee wrote: I'm so damn mad, I can't even subscribe to a mailing list. YEAH!!! THAT'S THE SPIRIT! Idiotic Govt plants have to stick together I guess. But I have to admit I was rather hoping you'd come back anonymously to mix it up and give everyone a little hell in the grand

Crypto for Dummies

2002-01-17 Thread mattd They knew I was planning to kill federal agents, proffesor rat said They were scared because I wrote athat shows a way to eliminate government. They were afraid I could convince the public that I

Fwd: (fyi) Daily Bleed: 1/16 DIAN FOSSEY; Monkey is as Monkey Do

2002-01-17 Thread mattd
Envelope-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 08:30:32 -0800 From: David Brown, Recollection [EMAIL PROTECTED] X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.76 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) X-Accept-Language: en To: biblioSpamaroonies [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: (fyi) Daily Bleed: 1/16 DIAN FOSSEY; Monkey is as Monkey

I want jeff Gordon DEAD!,I want his family DEAD!

2002-01-17 Thread mattd
On Jan. 17 , 1899, Al Capone , the American gangster and prohibition era crime leader , was born. Following his death on Jan. 25 , 1947, his obituary appeared in The Times. (Go to obit. | Other Birthdays) FROM 1961 In his farewell address,

greg normon

2002-01-17 Thread mattd by Daniel Hopsicker January 14--Tampa Florida Tampas kamikaze kid pilot was (pick one): a. A Bin Laden sympathizer b. An American Patriot. c. A British Citizen. Answer: All of the above. Puzzled? So is everyone else... In an exclusive investigation

RE: Aimee,mattd,Faustine Sandwich.

2002-01-17 Thread mattd
I'm being followed so close my laptop was stolen. That's not close enough. ~Aimee Gee,didn't ya'all miss the scintillating wit of agent Farr.The keystone KKKops are on me like a cheap suit,aimee,go back to annoying Tim and shooting fish in a barrel.(and yrself in the foot.) How can a

Planet of the Gates.

2002-01-17 Thread mattd Hilarious bill,I thought you were dead. I had a dream last night,oh boy... I'm not sure where the dream came from. Maybe it was the painkillers I've been on for my twisted back (a ridiculous softball injury, reaffirming my belief that desk

Scott McNealy must die.

2002-01-17 Thread mattd
The chief executive officer of Sun Microsystems said Monday that consumer privacy issues are a red herring. You have zero privacy anyway, Scott McNealy told a group of reporters and analysts Monday night at an event to launch his company's new Jini technology.Get over it. FROM

CIA, encourage promotion of vices to divert Palestinian Youth

2002-01-17 Thread mattd
Yeah,they should have something to do while waiting for the time to strike,like the sleepers in Amerikkka. The settlers kids are all hung up and horny so they can be lured to their deaths with offers of cheap sex.If its worked once... Not giving everyone in the region translated copies of

Hot Air Jihads.

2002-01-16 Thread mattd has a declaration which includes many of the crypto-anarchy concepts. Found in archives circa 96 and still a valid URL. ALSO RUSH die Salman Rushdie, in a speech I heard several years ago, said that it was widely doubted that Iran would or could actually

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