
2003-01-02 Thread Matthew X
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [anarchy_africa] Anarcho-socialism? I'm pretty new to the list, so I don't know how much of this has been said before, but I have a couple things to add on the issue of sectarianism. First, I think some Latin American anarchists, under the banner of specifis

Re: What is Anarchism?

2002-12-30 Thread Matthew X
>>>Anarchism is the belief that people are basically good, <<<(Shoate shite) Sez who? A lot of people attracted to anarchism seem to think like Lord Acton,that power corrupts and the less your average person has over you the safer you'll be. Isn't Christianity the belief that people are basicall

Correction of AP-CIA Disinfo.

2002-12-23 Thread Matthew X
A small three-paragraph story recently raised extreme concerns. This AP newswire from Washington told how engineering models appeared to confirm the nuclear industry's claim that a reactor containment vessel could withstand a direct hit from a jet airplane. This may be a convenient supposition

Status of SMS encryption project?

2002-12-21 Thread Matthew X
>>>Ultimately, what we need is encrypted voice. <<< Al Quaida sure do.Dragon speaking has some Drs and lawyers packages,so maybe they have a crypto option.A local Dr here had his laptop seized recently so I imagine there is at least a small market. http://www.dragontalk.com/ORDERINFO.htm I'll wr

Re: Anonymous blogging,

2002-12-12 Thread Matthew X
>>> a man who hasn't yet thought of *any* American city he wouldn't really rather see nuked until it glowed <<< I thought it was just one with the really large african-american population? >>>-- or any cop car he wouldn't throw rocks at. <<< Well if that's true,he doe's have a good side then. :

Sheik,Sheik,Sheik,one word babe...encryption.

2002-11-25 Thread Matthew X
Is the service secure? Yes, your mobile phone offers the same online security features currently in place for Arab Bank Online Banking Service on the computer. 128-bit encryption, the highest encryption commercially available, is used for all communications and financial transactions to protec

Mongo's googleshare of cryptoanarchy.

2002-11-24 Thread Matthew X
'cryptoanarchy' has a 0.01% googleshare of 'Tim May' http://ed.suppose.co.uk/googleshare.php?as_q=cryptoanarchy&q=Tim+May As the unreconstructed Mong just renewed his call for nuclear destruction of greater DC and suggested a plan to monkeywrench the Heimreich Gestapo even if we broke a few yeg

El Matty Proffr not on list.

2002-11-20 Thread Matthew X
17 is clearly an error,a couple were neutralized/captured and we are now down to 11 disciples plus Mongo.(12 if you include me:) Still we must not be discouraged,remember Thermopylae,remember the bridge,Horace,the Trojan horse,Achilles,the battle of Britain,lord beaver. Its just been repeated tha

Cpunk Cells.

2002-10-15 Thread Matthew X
>> We all noted that most Cypherpunks physical meetings are in about this >> range, of 20 to 30 attendees, and that the mailing list has ranged >> from >> a few hundred to about 500 distinct, real subscribers for most of the >> list's existence. > > Though the epicenter of the movement is pre

Keep off the rolls

2002-10-13 Thread Matthew X
Experian threatens to sue in electoral roll row 'In a growing battle over privacy rights, Experian, Britain's biggest credit reference agency, is threatening legal action against local authorities refusing to release information held on the electoral roll. An Experian spokesman said: "A number

JYA ping

2002-10-03 Thread Matthew X
A NYC lawyer has been charged with defending her clients(!),anything is possible. Has anyone written direct? I am not printing to this site lately either.So to sum up:"God is dead,Bakunin is dead and I don't feel very well myself.

Dear Dan

2002-09-22 Thread Matthew X
>>It's not just planet-killer asteroids. It's the potential for other kinds of threats, including bio-terrorism and scientific mistakes.<< Dan Gilmore. Its not just that either,what's to stop Saddam putting enough space junk up their to fuck up all the near earth orbits for donkeys? >>Not t

CATO's true colors.

2002-09-21 Thread Matthew X
Cato: You Missed A Spot This wasn't mentioned in the latest bit, but I also noticed that the graphics at the top display different text relevant to the various sections of the page when you put your mouse cursor over them. The text includes sentences like: "See how much you could benefit fr

Holding PTrei accountable.

2002-09-21 Thread Matthew X
>>Make corporations financially liable if they fail to provide a service due to a cyberattack. Their insurance firms will then start to require standards in a much more diverse and flexible way than legislation would. This is similar to how bank vault and safe standards were improved during t

Re: Thwarting LE library fishing expeditions

2002-08-30 Thread Matthew X
One thing we don't have down here is grand bloody juries,thank you jesus! Plea bargaining or as its commonly known,'blackmail' is not so pronounced here though there are hallway 'chats'. Look I don't want to sound like a broken,( or rooted as we sometimes say down here) CD,but isn't Operation So

Jim Bell system 2.

2002-08-16 Thread Matthew X
http://www.anti-state.com/vroman/vroman9.html The Jim Bell System Revisited by Robert Vroman Ed. note: This article reflects the views of the author ONLY, not the editors. We have no official opinion whatsoever on the Jim Bell System, aka Assassination Politics. Please see Robert Vroman's ori

Give Mongo his due.

2002-08-16 Thread Matthew X
>>Pay attention to the antitrust angle. I guarantee you that Microsoft > believes Pd is a way to extend its market share, not to increase competition<< Bruce. This was the first thing our resident state hater Mong picked up on.Its would be under ACCC investigation down here in 5 nanoseconds...

Trei lies to himself again.

2002-08-15 Thread Matthew X
>>a misplaced respect for the whims of The Men with Guns. This is not a Good Thing.<< Sure CJ would agree having been arrested at the point of one. >>A freedom to skulk in the shadows, hoping not to be noticed, is not the legacy I wish to leave behind. Peter Trei << So tell us peter,why di

CATO evacuation plans

2002-08-15 Thread Matthew X
a)Tell declan and other media whores and shills to stay,"Its just a drill." b) Shred all tobacco documents c) Ditto all wind farming cruft,global warming malarky. d) All donation information must be burned.(and I don't mean on to a dvd,goddamit.) e) Don't run or drive fast,act nonchalant,but get

Govt.claims ownership of all encrypted files seized.

2002-08-12 Thread Matthew X
http://cryptome.org/Free Speech Contents of RaiseTheFist.com http://www.melbourne.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=31475&group=webcast "...An interesting feature of the seizure procedure described in the search warrant, pointed out by John Young at Cryptome, is this wording: iii. Any data tha

Article on file encryption options

2002-07-30 Thread Matthew X
http://www.zdnet.com.au/itmanager/technology/story/0,229587,20266902,00.htm FROM http://www.zdnet.com.au/ WHERE A Swiss company named id Quantique is already selling a device that performs over fiber networks what it calls quantum key distribution. Eat your heart out peter Trei.

: CDR: millicent ghetto blasters

2002-07-17 Thread Matthew X
>>...I would argue that the only *lasting* surprise offered by AP was the fact that when mild wants of large numbers of people can be coordinated, economic efficiency can lead to significant, and heretofore unexpected, outcomes (i.e. getting a notable figure killed). << Or...a complete noneti

Lockdown for anarchist prison resistor,Rob los Ricos.

2002-04-12 Thread matthew X
Comrade Rob los Ricos is in the 'hole' for refusal to submit to manditory DNA testing at Oregon State Penitentiary. We are unsure of the amount of time he will be in lock down. Letters of encouragement can be sent to: Rob Thaxton #12112716 OSP, 2605 State Street Salem, OR 97310 USA Letters mu

P.Trei's credibility a fantasy

2002-04-11 Thread matthew X
>>Further, placing the notes in a simple aluminum foil pouch, or a wallet > with equivalent lining, would cut any detectable signals by maybe 30-50 > dB. > Most people don't, and won't do this. You may not worry about the sheeple, but I do.<< Where does this corporado PIG FUCKING PIECE OF SHI

Re: mil disinfo on cryptome

2002-04-07 Thread matthew X
>>To be blunt, no official can be trusted, period, nor can any of their contractors who have agreed to abide the official rules. Which, as oft stated here, includes all state-empowered and privilieged professionals, from architects to lawyers to doctors to priests to acupuncturists, and not l

Re: Julia Child was a Spook

2002-04-07 Thread matthew X
>>weasl>>"...You have so completely missed the point here that it's almost comical. The fact that we provide aid and encouragement to the nazi-like Israeli's is but a small part of our problem..."<< Whats this 'we' whiteman? Do cypherpunks have a country? Is crypto-anarchy providing aid to Is