> can I get a link to Webfaction?
googling webfaction -->
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I am using the newforms-admin branch, which is really great. But I
realized I still have admin specific fields options in my model, e.g.
blank, choices. I am wondering where they really belong.
David S.
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> Webfaction django hosting rocks.
I second that.
Truly professional, responsive, and helpful.
David S.
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"Django users" group.
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The delete_stage view does not take a post_url argument. Code
follows, but, really, it seems there must be a better way. Thanks.
#from url.py:
urlpatterns = patterns('',
P.*)$' , 'admin.views.delete_stage_with_post_url'),
app_label, model_name, post_url='/%s' % (post_url,))
#from the template:
David S.
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On Jan 30, 12:16 pm, Jacob Kaplan-Moss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Django's cache only implements a minimal subset of functions -- those
> supported by *all* cache backends. You can always interact with the memcached
> directly
For example we clear memcached like this:
from django.core.cac
'/var/local/source/django_src'] + ['/var/sites/
ourroot'] + sys.path"
PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE our.settingsadmin
PythonInterpreter admin
PythonDebug On
It seems to work!
Data Modeling Essentials
by Graeme Simsion, Graham Witt
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reate" brings
you to a page with a link to download the PDF.
Any thoughts on whether this is the "right" way to do this? Thanks for any
David S.
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dding the necessary javascript.
David S.
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(r'^admin/manager/sale/add/$', 'sale.add'),
(r'^admin/', include('django.contrib.admin.urls')),
If you go this route, you may still be able to take advantage of generic views,
e.g. django.views.generic.create_update.create_object.
://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/2892. A work-around is to use the
undocumented Admin.manager field to explicitly set the manager you want the
Admin interface to use.
For ordering, you need to apply the patch.
David S.
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load: results_for_post,
error: function(type, error) { alert("Error getting accounts: " +
error); },
return false;
It also makes it so they can not enter an illegal value in this view.
Anyway, perhaps the SQLAlchemy branch might someday address t
> some details
So, I looked at the admin code and noticed that in the absence of any ordering
it orders by PK DESC. I submitted a patch that would change the behavior to use
the ordering returned by a custom default manager.
ld it? Is there a
workaround besides implementing the admin interface for this class myself?
David S.
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"Django users" group.
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Is there a replacement for the old _manipulator_validate_FIELD magic in
the post 0_91 trunk?
If you can not make an instance method, then you lose, for example,
"hasattr(self, "original_object")".
David S.
You r
Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven gmail.com> writes:
> On 4/14/06, Kenneth Gonsalves thenilgiris.com> wrote:
> > next release *must* be magic removal - no point doing any interim
> Better to bite the bullet and get this over with.
I was thinking simultaneous release. Really just for the s
Anyone know of a neat way to add class info to the admin interface html for
fieldset that edit_inline generates?
I actually want to see this inline stuff, but use a class to disable editing it.
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Glenn Tenney think.org> writes:
> 2. In Rails you need to declare your SQL code *and* tell Rails about
> your schema, but in Django it's all very nicely put into an object
> oriented description in your model. A big win, to me, for Django.
Rails has something called migrations (see
The 0.92/0.95 idea or some variation is good. Today's trunk is quite competant
and should have it's own label before the significant changes the M-R
development will introduce.
With more thanks for all the hard work,
David S.
/1442), expect a
0.91.1, or grab the last pre-magic-removal version from svn when that exists?
Thanks for the advice.
Peace, David S.
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"Django users" group.
> default? e.g.
> field = meta.CharField("Caption", default="some default text", ...)
Sadly, no. The use case is a link from another context (page) that contains
some of the values in question, i.e. from an author detail, click "add book" so
that the book add admin page is returned with
Is there a mechanism to pre-populate fields in an admin add page?
I can imagine a javascript hack or trying to use the admin template
from my own view somehow, but I am hoping for something really simple
that I missed in the docs.
Peace, David S.
I have followed the docs to the letter regarding my mod_python setup but I am
having a frustrating experience with Apache falling over. I can not seem to
find a foothold for solving this and I thought I would ask if anyone has advice
or has seen (and fixed!) anything like this.
The behavior is
I have some custom validation I want only on adding a record, not changing it.
Is there a way to qualify my _manipulator_validate_FOO() method or to find out
from within it if it is an add or change? I know I can create a custom
manipulator to use from my own views, but I would like the admin vi
fields = (None, {'fields': \
('address', 'prefix', 'description',
'maintainer', 'customer', 'changed_by',)
You can set create_by in the _post_save method add it to the data dict as you
are doing now.
David S.
ve to circle back and see if I can help.
In the meantime, it is PostgreSQL for me.
David S.
to have more
than 1 user--and in fact if it is going to run with Apache--then SQLite is right
David S.
with my one fancy
page--simplejson (helping get all ajaxy) was installed as an egg of course but
no longer.
David S.
Anyone familiar with this error running Apache and SQLite?
SQLite objects created in a thread can only be used in that same thread
For instance, I am importing some data that updates
records and want those reflected in the log even though the admin interface is
not involved.
David S.
David S.
Jacob Kaplan-Moss jacobian.org> writes:
> would you be up for testing a (possibly buggy) backend if I could get
> one out?
I would like to volunteer as well. Are there unit tests or is that part of
Also, I am curious what the differences are and if versions matter.
I do not understand precisely how these two settings are used.
>From Django doc, we have:
MEDIA_ROOT - Absolute path to the directory that holds media for this
installation. Example: "/home/media/media.lawrence.com/" See also MEDIA_URL.
MEDIA_URL - URL that handles the media served from MEDIA_ROO
ls for its clarity and the impact on usability.
You can not get things done "more quickly" if you do not know how to do things
or where to find out. These tutorials and references are very good at
describing how things work.
Thanks so much.
David S.
Thanks for any help.
David S.
I have been persuing the same sort of path, i.e. SQLite, wxPython,
cx_freeze for the same reasons. But I am pretty excited about Django
and how quickly I can get functionality that has been so tedious to
build myself. And, I am happy to go for the web app even for clients
with 1 in-house user fo
Robin Munn gmail.com> writes:
> Django will only auto-increment fields listed as AutoField. If you use
> any other type (CharField, IntegerField), it's assumed that you want
> to specify the primary key yourself each time.
The only drawback seems that you can never specify the id when you use
Awesome. Lucid, concise, timely. Thanks much.
Since the admin templates are auto-generated, how does any JavaScript that you
link in with the js option actually get used?
I am editing the admin index.html file so that it will ignore Core and Auth and
just list the user defined models.
But using :
{% ifnotequal app.name 'Core' %}
appears to have no effect.
Am I misunderstanding this tag?
Some images are not showing up in admin. For example:
"/media/img/admin/icon_searchbox.png" is not found.
The images linked to in the stylesheet work fine.
Is there configuration that fixes this?
Where do stylesheets for the public interface live? What does the standalone
server think its root directory is on the machine it is running on? I can only
get my stylesheet working using the code from the admin base.html:
adrian exoweb.net> writes:
> Is there a way to create multiple tables which share an id field? My
> meaning is that ids would be unique over both tables.
One way to do this with django is with a MasterTable that is responsible for
key. For the tables across which you want the un
Where stylesheets for the public interface live? What does the standalone
server think its root directory is on the machine it is running on? I can only
get my stylesheet working using the code from the admin base.html:
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