Re: power communication

1995-06-06 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
All: I'm new to ECOFEM, and in fact new to Internet, so this venture into the electronic fray is with trepidation. I do have a lot of experience with E-mail here at work (State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection) and know this medium is no place f

Stormy Monday

1995-06-12 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Mary, Claudia, Jeff, Jackie, Kylie, Joy, Anne, Leanne: Thank you all for the feedback on my "cyberthroats" question. Maybe the Internet is a doorway to a new level of human understanding. Using this brutally direct medium, without the facial expressions and bo

stormy everyday

1995-06-14 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
This morning someone responded to the LBJ quote I used: >The blatant, almost obscene hypocrisy of that particular statement >by that particular individual verges on the overwhelming. I >really wish you'd quoted somebody else. Like, maybe Adolf Hitler,

RE: stormy everyday

1995-06-15 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
I missed the war by a hair - my lottery number was 116 when they stopped the draft. You're right about McNamara. (Sometimes predicting is easy - in the '60s anyone could have predicted that in the '90s computers would be ubiquitous, rock 'n roll would still

Re: stormy everyday

1995-06-15 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Jaimie: Have you read John Gray's works: "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus", or "Men, Women and Relationships"? I read the latter, and it rang a lot of bells with descriptions of the strikingly different ways men and women approach things. Men focus mor

essentialism/nature & culture

1995-06-15 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Susan: The nature vs. culture issue reminds me of an ecology theory that distinguishes between "r type" organisms and "k type" organisms. r type organisms, such as mold, settle in a new area and grow in an uncontrolled fashion (picture cultures in a pet


1995-06-15 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Mary, Susan: Quick response (I need to get out of here before the computer shuts down). "Survival of the planet" - There is entropy, which, as you say, will eventually cause this planet to "die." The interesting thing about life is that it defie


1995-06-16 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Mary et al: Okay, I'm a sexist. ECOFEM's resident sexist, available for recreational bashing. Now that we have that established, let's get to the heart of the matter. (By the way, what is the definition of "essentialism"?) At this point, I'm total

good ole boy networks

1995-06-16 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Mary, Shawn: I, too, want the same privileges as others. When you speak of constraints, you're singing to the choir. Our elitist culture holds many people down, of all colors, backgrounds, and gender. For example, engineers get quicker promotions and higher pa

re: essentialism

1995-06-16 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Bertina: Then rename ECOFEM to ECOHUMAN. I don't get it. Is feminism supposed to be a distinction without a difference? Al

good ole essentialism

1995-06-16 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Julie, Mary: (Julie, I got two copies of your message. All you need to do is post to ECOFEM, and all subscribers are copied.) Yes, Camille Paglia is extreme. (See "Vamps and Tramps".) She's bisexual and, in her own words, addicted to her own hormones. She

re: essentialism

1995-06-16 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
>Jackie said: > >Well, NOW he's (Al) trying to tell us what to Re-NAME the list! >JEEZ! Al-baby, you must be having the male equivalent of a "bad >PMS day!" Why don't you take off now & take in a "Happy Hour" >somewhere. you might have been working too hard (?) Jackie-darling: Tak


1995-06-17 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Ronnie, Anne: Your thoughts are state-of-the-art, I think. Let's dig in. On value-hierarchy - I have to go with a paradox here. I think value-hierarchy on issues such as life forms is inescapable. We HAVE to make certain choices. But I do reject value-hierar


1995-06-18 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Ronnie: Thanks for the thoughts. We seem to agree more than disagree. Clearly meat eating is overemphasized in our culture. It's bad for our bodies and takes an enormous toll on the environment. I've cut back on meat as much as I can, but can't get it totally


1995-06-18 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Mary: "Situational ethics" refers to changing your ethic based on the situation. I didn't do that. I used the same ethic in both examples: _what's best for humans_. Now, if the ethic to be used is _give animals equal rights_, then shooting a hungry all


1995-06-19 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
T.H.: What's best for humans? You're right - very difficult issue, one that lawmakers and judges and churches... and all of us... grapple with endlessly. I think a majority of people would agree that it's not right to allow a selfish few to exterminate seals or


1995-06-19 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Ronnie: Thanks for the response. On responsibility - we should explore this at length, it's very complex. What are the risks involved with environmental projects? I find it interesting that the Feds require testing drinking water for myriad chemicals W


1995-06-19 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Ronnie: Guess I'm being paradoxical again. On one hand I'm advocating going with the anthropocentric approach because humans are in charge and we can't uninvent things. (Maybe some day we can?) On the other hand I'm advocating replacing the patriarchal system

biological differences

1995-06-19 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Sara, Mary: I second Mary's question about violence by women. Has anyone studied the violence level in _women's_ prisons? (By the way, I'm 41, and my testosterone level seems as high as it ever was. But I'm non-violent. Does this mean I'm really female?)

drinking water

1995-06-19 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Mary: Yes, contaminants can travel long distances in ground water. Especially here in Florida, which has a Karst geology and sandy soils. One of the sections in my Division runs Florida's drinking water program under the Safe Drinking Water Act, and the staff

Internet address

1995-06-20 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Ronnie: I sent you a message over the weekend. Did I use the right Internet address? Al

drinking water

1995-06-20 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Mary: I didn't mean to sound condescending. If I did, I apologize. About EPA - was that a joke, or do you really avoid EPA? Pesticide use - good point - we never know fully who is using what, although out pesticide staff tries to find out. And it's a losing

re: drinking water

1995-06-20 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Mary: Yes, what a concept indeed. The lack of communication between government agencies (and internal portions thereof) is, IMO, almost criminal. I hope the Internet can help. I'm reminded of a response the CEO of a small company gave to Tom Peters when asked


1995-06-20 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Wendy, Phil, unnamed, Carol: Thanks for the E-mail. Phil, I'm sorry about the broadside. I have a bad habit of over-dramatizing my words, and constantly step on people's toes. When that happens, just call me a jerk and know that I wasn't trying to hurt any fe

re: watersheds

1995-06-21 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Wendy: Is New Zealand changing its _political boundaries_ to match watershed boundaries? Or establishing zones along watershed boundaries in addition to the political boundaries? If the former, that would be really progressive! The latter (two overlapping sets


1995-06-21 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Mary: Okay, now we're getting to the nub of it. I fully agree, women have been treated like dirt for thousands of years, and have a right to be mad as hell. And some of us males will actually help you change things. (Other males are mad as hell about reverse


1995-06-22 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Carol: You heard about that too? Luckily, Mary got a Bureau Chief job in my Division, here in Tallahassee. The District's loss, our gain. Al


1995-06-22 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Ronnie: No offense taken. Growth management is a bear of an issue. First, let me say that we cannot stop people from moving into the State. Some have thought of building a wall at the border, but it would be unconstitutional. (Didn't Oregon try this once?)


1995-06-27 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Shawn: I asked you not to flame, but you did anyway. Do you get off on it? It is YOU that needs to look at the facts. There are documented cases of reverse discrimination, and the Supreme Court agrees. Discrimination is unfair, no matter what color or


1995-06-27 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Mary: Yes, as a matter of fact. I'm willing to look at it line by line if you want. Let me ask you, do you think it's any less prejudiced to call reverse discrimination a "myth" when it is not a myth? Go talk to the folks who have lost work because of

RE: jerks

1995-06-27 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
>To Shawn Boeser and Ecofem subscribers: > > Thank you! > > Al, bless your heart for whatever you are willing to do to >advance the cause of women in this day and age. I do however, understand >Ms. Boeser's reservations. I am a black woman and all my life many white >people who wo


1995-06-27 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Dept: Tel No: SUNCOM: TO: Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855( RUSHANAN_A@A1@DER ) Subject: Re: jerks This list is not set up for your personal problems/ego trips


1995-06-27 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Dept: Tel No: SUNCOM: TO: Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855( RUSHANAN_A@A1@DER ) Subject: Re: dense Your last -- and frequent -- and every post reflects a self- centered

RE: guilt

1995-06-27 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
>> Monte': >> Nice to meet you. >> >> Of course, an oppressed person should suspect the oppressor who >> suddenly changes his tune. But how am I the oppressor? What have >> I done to deserve blame? >> Al >>

the invisible hand

1995-06-27 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Jackie: I'm glad you picked up on that point. Nearly ALL of us in this industrial based, hierarchal, patriarchal economy depend on a "hand that feeds us." We're told to follow authority, to "go along to get along," even when we're told to do something unethica

Reconceptualizing Conflict

1995-06-28 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
White flag, white flag. Truce. It was never my intent to become the focal point of this list. Plenty of blame to go around - ego on my part, defensiveness on the part of several others. I just thought that with my knowledge of environmental matters an


1995-07-01 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
: SUNCOM: TO: Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855( RUSHANAN_A@A1@DER ) Subject: Re: points You ignore the most basic etiquette skills -- is this from ignorance or arrogance? In your case, probably both. This is not an "office" and no one needs -

RE: reconceptualizing conflict

1995-07-01 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Jackie: Thank you kindly for your thoughts on pursuing diversity of opinion. I've been hounded so much lately by censors both at work and on this list, your comments almost bring a tear to my eye. Thanks for the understanding. Riane Eisler's passage o

RE: diseased thinking

1995-07-02 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Kylie, Leanne: (I'm following the thread of your last posts. I hope it's not "off-topic" for ECOFEM.) Okay, now I know I'm patronizing too. Patronizing and sexist. But here's a real situation: Like it or not, the powers that be made me the Af

environmental topics

1995-07-02 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Steve: The U.S. Senate is considering a House bill calling for risk assessment and cost/benefit analysis for all new environmental regulations. To flesh out the cost/benefit part, the U.S. EPA recently concocted a scenario involving costs and benefits of

Affirmative Action

1995-07-02 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
TO: Mark Latch, Assistant Director Division of Water Facilities FROM: Al Rushanan DATE: July 3, 1995 SUBJECT: Affirmative Action Committee

RE: chivalry

1995-07-05 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Sara: Thanks for the post. The next paragraph is sarcasm, so please don't take it personal. BEGIN SARCASM: Is "chivalry" a four letter word? On the opening doors thing, I often open car doors for women, but wouldn't be caught dead opening a car door for an un

I'm sorry, I can't resist...

1995-08-08 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
On population: It's not a matter of BIRTH CONTROL OR REDUCED CONSUMPTION. We need BOTH. But even both won't be enough. Much of the world already experiences starvation, and it's getting worse. Even if human population growth leveled off RIGHT NOW, we'll STIL

distribution of wealth

1995-08-09 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Suzanne: Yes, you're right, the distribution of wealth is a serious problem, and it's gotten worse in America over the past 15 years. But it's not confined to developed countries. Look at Rio as an example of huge separation of rich and poor in a developing

RE: birth control

1995-08-11 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Mary Hallock Morris: Right on, Mary! I agree completely. Freedom of educated choice is the way to go. I've learned a lot reading Eisler. She describes how much of the world is still stuck in the patriarchal mode of family planning (oft


1995-08-11 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Mary Hallock Morris: I understand. I used to live in Ohio. They tried to talk me out of moving South because of the heat... Al

population sticky

1995-08-12 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Praise be to those who refuse to be coerced into having unwanted children. When I was seventeen, I decided not to have kids so as 1) to not contribute to overpopulation; and 2) to not bring a new person into a world arguably headed for disaster. My friends

tying things together

1995-08-26 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
This is truly an exciting time in the history of human relations. Many authors, apparently "on the same wavelength," are writing about dramatic changes in how we view things in our culture. I'm particularly impressed in Riane Eisler's tying together of myriad

RE: Suriname

1995-09-06 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
> Great. India did the same thing recently. But how long can > developing countries avoid the temptation of "easy life" at the expense > of the environment. Corporations and individuals intent upon making > money in the name of development and progress may still preva

RE: Suriname

1995-09-06 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
>Unfortunately, it isn't just an issue of profits, quality of life, and >"fairness." It's also an issue of survival. Is it right that some people >in this world have luxuries galore while others toil and suffer in the most >deplorable conditions imaginable? Certainly not! But what makes anyone

re: "noxious weeds"

1995-09-08 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
Weeds provide valuable habitat, erosion control, etc. However, some also cause hay fever, etc., and exotic weeds can disrupt an ecosystem (e.g., melaleuca and brazillian pepper in South Florida). I once did a paper on "noxious weeds" for an ecology class. One

re: 'noxious weeds'

1995-09-10 Thread Al Rushanan TAL (904)487-1855
From what I read, there are 'noxious weeds' and 'exotic plants'. 'Exotic plants' are those, like melaleuca, that are not indigenous to the territory in question. Often, like melaleuca, they begin to dominate the terrain and crowd out native species. (In the cas