Re: [Emc-users] Lathe support

2008-11-09 Thread Leslie Newell
Hi Kirk, Yes, basically you reflect the X axis about the origin. The only problem is that this has to be done in your current coordinate system, before the tool offset is applied. If I understand your solution correctly it would change the machine coordinates. X=0 in machine coordinates will

Re: [Emc-users] Lathe support

2008-11-09 Thread Leslie Newell
The GUI also needs to know about this. Presumably there is a way of notifying the GUI if a Gxx is issued to change between radius and diameter. Does anyone know if any other control uses a suitable G-code for this? Les Jeff Epler wrote: It should almost certainly be a modal code, similar to

Re: [Emc-users] Lathe support

2008-11-09 Thread Leslie Newell
Hi Chris, The manual I have (but can't find) for a (mumble mumble) Fanuc lathe control says I,K are still radius even when X is diameter. I don't know how universal this is. But it makes sense to me - when you talk about the radius of a feature on a lathe part (like a fillet) you don't

Re: [Emc-users] Lathe support

2008-11-09 Thread Leslie Newell
Hi Jon, If you just want diameter readout, what would happen if you changed the INPUT_SCALE to be half the value? BTDT. The problem, as you mentioned, is that arcs come out elliptical. First part doesn't sound too hard, but I haven't heard of anyone using the joystick inputs like

Re: [Emc-users] I J code

2008-11-08 Thread Leslie Newell
Hi Jon, Actually absolute I,J isn't that uncommon. Many controls have a parameter to select either absolute or relative I,J. Les Jon Elson wrote: I and J in absolute is VERY odd, not standard at all. I think you would need to write a computer program in your favorite language to read in

[Emc-users] Lathe support

2008-11-08 Thread Leslie Newell
Does anyone know the current state of lathe support? I have been searching through the wiki and docs and haven't found a definitive list of what is actually implemented at the moment. CSS? radius/diameter modes? Threading canned cycles? Thanks, Les

Re: [Emc-users] Filleting the corners of a pocket

2008-09-09 Thread Leslie Newell
Hi Aaron, With inside corners you will always get a fillet due to the radius of the cutter. You can reduce the problem by using a smaller cutter. If you are cutting a pocket for a sharp edged part to fit into, open the cut operation in SheetCam and go to the cut path tab. Turn on

Re: [Emc-users] Checking MPG operation

2008-08-24 Thread Leslie Newell
If you want a graduated wheel then you have to turn it slow enough that the machine can keep up. There isn't any real way round this. Even expensive industrial machines have this limit. However with their very high rapid speeds you can't spin the wheel fast enough to have a problem. One way

Re: [Emc-users] Steppers vs Servo based CNC kit for Sherline Mill ?

2008-07-28 Thread Leslie Newell
Hi Sergey, IM Service do some nice servos that are ideally suited to a Sherline They also do some nice servo drivers though they are step/direction so you can't use the encoders as a DRO. Steppers do work and can be

Re: [Emc-users] Limit Switches

2008-07-28 Thread Leslie Newell
I do this on my lathe. I use a LED/sensor out of an old ball mouse with a semicircular flag on the motor that is about 1.5 diameter. The output of the sensor is open collector(switches to ground). This is in parallel with the home switch. The home switch is normally closed. Homing proceeds as

Re: [Emc-users] CNC design questions

2008-07-21 Thread Leslie Newell
tool motion: 120 x 90 x 20 cm (X-Y-Z) Posibly a little small. Remember it doesn't cost much more to go bigger. It does depend raher on what you want to make. frame material: T-slotted aluminum Easy to work with though quite expensive if you can't get it second hand. Remember

Re: [Emc-users] CNC design questions

2008-07-21 Thread Leslie Newell
Sorry Ray but you are wrong. You have maximum current at low speed and stationary but maximum power is at high speed (technically it peaks at the corner frequency) and maximum acceleration. Like any motor, power out = power in - losses. Look at fig.14 in the step motor basics and you will see

Re: [Emc-users] CNC design questions

2008-07-21 Thread Leslie Newell
With a switching drive such as a Gecko the current through the motor is regulated by adjusting the output voltage. Below the corner frequency the current is fixed. Above the corner frequency the drive can no longer supply enough voltage to overcome the inductance of the motor so the current

Re: [Emc-users] CNC and Delrin

2008-07-07 Thread Leslie Newell
Hi Kirk, Most plastics like a really sharp edge with lots of positive rake. You want to slice it off rather than scraping it off. The xxGT inserts generally use a micrograin carbide which allows them to hold a finer edge. The down side is that they wear faster. However in a plastic like

Re: [Emc-users] CNC and Delrin

2008-07-06 Thread Leslie Newell
Use the high positive rake inserts designed for aluminium, such as CCGT or DCGT. They work well on most plastics. They also work quite well on wood. As you are probably aware you will end up with long strings that get tangled up in the work. It helps to program in pauses to break the strings

Re: [Emc-users] EMC the right choice for us?

2008-07-02 Thread Leslie Newell
I have to admit I don't have a vast amount of experience of the internals of EMC but it shouldn't be difficult to probe the whole sheet then generate a correction matrix that is used before the G-code is generated. Probing a large sheet would be very time consuming. Do you need this for

Re: [Emc-users] SheetCam TNG V0.0.24 for Linux released

2008-06-22 Thread Leslie Newell
Hi Eric, I replied before but it didn't seem to get through. I think I have found a problem with the sheetcamlibs package. Try downloading and installing the sheetcamlibs package again. If you still get the error, open a terminal and enter the following: sudo dpkg --force-remove-reinstreq

Re: [Emc-users] SheetCam TNG V0.0.24 for Linux released

2008-06-22 Thread Leslie Newell
That is good news. If you do break anything, please let me know. I'll sort out the extension problem in the next release. Thanks, Les John Thornton wrote: Les, I have been trying all the options and trying to break SheetCam TNG for linux but nothing has broken so far. The only thing I

Re: [Emc-users] SheetCam TNG V0.0.24 for Linux released

2008-06-21 Thread Leslie Newell
Hi Eric, I think I have found a problem with the sheetcamlibs package. Try downloading and installing the sheetcamlibs package again. If you still get the error, open a terminal and enter the following: sudo dpkg --force-remove-reinstreq sheetcamlibs You will probably have to enter your

Re: [Emc-users] Sheetcam

2008-06-21 Thread Leslie Newell
Hi Aaron, How long ago did you download? I did find a problem with the sheetcamlibs package last night. It is hopefully now fixed. Les aaron Moore wrote: HI Trying to intsall Sheetcam TNG onto a fresh install of ubuntu 8.04. When I double click on .deb file it says the package might be

Re: [Emc-users] SheetCam TNG V0.0.24 for Linux released

2008-06-21 Thread Leslie Newell
I am glad that fixed it. It is slightly embarassing to release something that mungs people's machines :-[ LEs Eric H. Johnson wrote: Les, The new sheetcamlibs package did the trick. Both sheetcam and the packaging system seem to be working fine. Thanks, Eric

Re: [Emc-users] SheetCam TNG V0.0.24 for Linux released

2008-06-19 Thread Leslie Newell
What error message do you get? Les Emory Smith wrote: I've had enough. Won't install on 804. - Check out the new Marketplace. It's the best place to buy or sell services for just about anything Open

Re: [Emc-users] SheetCam TNG V0.0.24 for Linux released

2008-06-18 Thread Leslie Newell
Hi Andrea, I had sort of expected that to happen somewhere along the line. The sheetcamlibs package is a bit of a bodge at the moment. I would have used the standard Ubuntu wx libs but they are not fully up to date, also they are not available at all for earlier versions of Ubuntu. I am not

Re: [Emc-users] SheetCam TNG V0.0.24 for Linux released

2008-06-18 Thread Leslie Newell
Hi Lawrence, That is what I do for the original SheetCam. I can't do it for TNG because the plugins need to access the libraries at the same time. The wxWidgets docs specifically state that statically linking in this case won't work. I think I have found a way round the issue by having a

Re: [Emc-users] SheetCam TNG V0.0.24 for Linux released

2008-06-18 Thread Leslie Newell
Hi Emory, Sorry about that. You caught me in the procsess of testing some changes. I have changed over to using a private set of libraries. Uninstall the existing sheetcamlibs then re-download and install both the libs and application. Hopefully it should now work. Les Emory Smith wrote:

Re: [Emc-users] SheetCam TNG V0.0.24 for Linux released

2008-06-18 Thread Leslie Newell
Thanks Moses, I'll look into it. Les Moses O McKnight wrote: Hi Les, The Ubuntu wx libs are indeed out of date. I get my packages from The line I use for Ubuntu Hardy 8.04 is: deb gutsy-wx main These are the latest wx libs and the

Re: [Emc-users] SheetCam TNG V0.0.24 for Linux released

2008-06-18 Thread Leslie Newell
Hi Kent, Most of the install issues have been with older versions. More recent Linux distributions are more standardised and easier to work with. With dialog boxes, the help is supposed to appear on the side of the window. It works reasonably well on Windows but Linux windows tend to be a lot

[Emc-users] SheetCam TNG V0.0.24 for Linux released

2008-06-17 Thread Leslie Newell
Hi all, I have just uploaded the Linux version of 0.0.24 to This release now comes as a Debian package (.deb). This covers all of the Debian derivatives such as Ubuntu, Knoppix etc. If you can't use .debs then let me know and I'll see what I can sort out. I do intend to support

Re: [Emc-users] SheetCam

2008-06-11 Thread Leslie Newell
Hi Aaron, Thanks for the glowing report ;-) Autopackage doesn't seem to like ubuntu. I am testing some alternative packaging methods. I'll make an announcement on this list once I have something sorted out. Les aaron Moore wrote: Hi I have just installed sheetcam on my suse box and it is

Re: [Emc-users] SheetCam TNG for Linux released

2008-06-06 Thread Leslie Newell
I'll carry on with my experiments as I would like to support as many distros as possible but if it turns into too much of a nightmare I'll make a deb and only support Debian based distros. Les Moses O McKnight wrote: I would second Ray on .deb files. Another thing to consider is that since

Re: [Emc-users] SheetCam TNG for Linux released

2008-06-05 Thread Leslie Newell
If used incorrectly autopackage installs can go pear shaped. Very. Yes. I am finding that out the hard way :-( .run/.sh/.bin have worked well here. I don't know how difficult this might be. Yes, that is the route I am intending to go. Nixstaller looks to be a good bet. It has the

[Emc-users] SheetCam TNG for Linux released

2008-06-04 Thread Leslie Newell
The moderators of this list have kindly allowed me to announce the release of SheetCam for Linux. SheetCam is a general purpose 3.1/2D CAM package. It was originally aimed towards routing and plasma cutting but has now evolved into a competent milling package as well. This release is part of a

Re: [Emc-users] SheetCam TNG for Linux released

2008-06-04 Thread Leslie Newell
method. Give me a few days to see if I can get it working. Les Matt Shaver wrote: On Wed, 2008-06-04 at 20:16 +0100, Leslie Newell wrote: As I cannot afford to support packages for every Linux distro, I am using Autopackage which should install on most reasonably up to date distros

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