Re: [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening

2014-06-22 Thread Timm750
--empyre- soft-skinned space-- Hi, everyone, thanks for great week. Hope you'll continue to chime in through the rest of the month, as well. Regarding, Salome's question, I'm wondering whether she would exclude participatory vibrancy as a critical condition of the

Re: [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening

2014-06-22 Thread Salomé Voegelin
--empyre- soft-skinned space-- Dear Tim I am sure participatory vibrancy has a criticality, or at least has the potential for criticality in both the instances you mention, it depends however on your interpretation of the auditory and of criticality as to whether

Re: [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening

2014-06-20 Thread Christoph Cox
--empyre- soft-skinned space--Rule and Levine's analysis of International Art English was brilliant and hilarious (AND, it should be mentioned, a project of Triple Canopy, one of the key

Re: [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening

2014-06-20 Thread Salomé Voegelin
--empyre- soft-skinned space-- Chris, in relation to the dumb world: absolutely of course I would never suggest that the world is a dumb vessel we sit within. However, the answer to humanism and idealism that sets itself above this world and its things, is not to

Re: [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening

2014-06-20 Thread Anna Friz
--empyre- soft-skinned space-- Hi all, To my mind, a most basic condition of art is for something to be revealed, though what that/those thing/s are will never be singular. I don't believe there is something essential about what sound art/audio art/ music can

Re: [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening

2014-06-20 Thread Semitransgenic
--empyre- soft-skinned space--I would tend to focus on the word inclusive in that previous quote, audience engagement is important, IAE doesn't help with this really. My gripe is not with with considered and qualified insider discourse, people need to build careers

Re: [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening

2014-06-20 Thread Christoph Cox
--empyre- soft-skinned space-- One last comment on this general epistemological and metaphysical issue which, while not about sound per se, bears on methodologies of sonic inquiry: The (non-human) world is not an other from which we are somehow cut off. Human

Re: [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening

2014-06-20 Thread Semitransgenic
--empyre- soft-skinned space--*...And human processes of perceiving and knowing are simply variants of the processes of selection, incorporation, assimilation, etc. through which the entire world (inorganic, organic, animal, human . . .) operates...* sorry, I just

Re: [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening

2014-06-20 Thread Seth Kim-Cohen
--empyre- soft-skinned space-- Dear Semitransgenic In order to penetrate the epistemological bubble of Christoph's post, I suppose one would have to have read folks like Nietzsche and Deleuze and Foucault and Derrida and De Landa and Christoph himself. This would

Re: [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening

2014-06-20 Thread Seth Kim-Cohen
--empyre- soft-skinned space-- Over the past 8 or 9 years, Christoph and I have been back and forth from the eastern to western borders of this territory. And yet I feel there are stones still to be overturned. To wit: When Christoph writes, human processes of

Re: [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening

2014-06-20 Thread Salomé Voegelin
--empyre- soft-skinned space-- On Jun 20, 2014, at 7:23 PM, Seth Kim-Cohen wrote: Why can't we accept our anthropomorphized and anthropomorphizing position without succumbing or surrendering to an anthropocentric privileging of the human (all

Re: [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening

2014-06-20 Thread Seth Kim-Cohen
--empyre- soft-skinned space--Over the past 8 or 9 years, Christoph and I have been back and forth from the eastern to western borders of this territory. And yet I feel there are stones still to be overturned. To wit: When Christoph writes, human processes of

Re: [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening

2014-06-20 Thread Christoph Cox
--empyre- soft-skinned space--Semitransgenic: If you disagree, then explain yourself and offer an alternative position, instead of taking cheap, short potshots at anyone whose thought and writing has any philosophical content. Your quick dismissal of such views is

Re: [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening

2014-06-20 Thread Christoph Cox
--empyre- soft-skinned space-- I agree with much of what Seth says. As for much of what Salome says, a proper response would require a much bigger contribution than I'm able to make right now and a different forum than this one. Suffice it to say: (1) I accept a

Re: [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening

2014-06-20 Thread D Ryan
--empyre- soft-skinned space--well Seth, valid point, my comment was inappropriate, and I apologise, entertaining myself at someone else's expense is not clever, or constructive, that said, although not entirely ignorant of those you mention, I'm certainly not a

[-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening

2014-06-19 Thread Jim Drobnick
--empyre- soft-skinned space--For today, Thursday, 19th, our focus will be on Hearing and Listening. While these topics may have been addressed in the past through perceptual or phenomenological methods, the questions by Jennifer Fisher, Eldritch Priest and Salomé

Re: [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening

2014-06-19 Thread Salomé Voegelin
--empyre- soft-skinned space-- Dear Jim thanks for inviting me to pose a question to this list. my question is rather short: What is the relationship between listening and sound art? and in many ways so self evident that it truly baffles me, and any suggestions,

Re: [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening

2014-06-19 Thread Seth Kim-Cohen
--empyre- soft-skinned space-- Hello All Nice to be with you and thanks, Jim, for the invitation to participate. Art that engages sound is not a special case. The same obligations obtain, and the same privileges too. The fetishization of audio technology hearkens

Re: [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening

2014-06-19 Thread Priest Eldritch
--empyre- soft-skinned space-- Thanks for giving me the opportunity to participate in the discussion, Jim. I think Seth's post is bang on, and it actually unearths this strange tendency to treat sound and listening as extra-discursive somethings that are often

Re: [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening

2014-06-19 Thread Christoph Cox
--empyre- soft-skinned space-- I think a false dichotomy is being drawn here between sound waves and mute materiality [sic], on the one hand, and ideologies, economies, societies, subjects, history, power, on the other. This dichotomy maps on to other false

Re: [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening

2014-06-19 Thread Salomé Voegelin
--empyre- soft-skinned space-- At a talk tonight at the Chelsea College of Art in London I was reminded that John Berger wrote his seminal Ways of Seeing in 1973. That is a good 40 years ago, and it is 40 year of acknowledging and working with the fact that seeing is

Re: [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening

2014-06-19 Thread Christoph Cox
--empyre- soft-skinned space-- Salome: Whom do you have in mind with the claim that some of us . . . [pretend] that scrutinizing the ideological or political aspects of listening or sound [ . . .] is somehow either not possible or desirable or manifests a betrayal

Re: [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening

2014-06-19 Thread Salomé Voegelin
--empyre- soft-skinned space-- Chris: I am sorry if I was not as clear as I would like to be. I do not think sound is necessarily political, and a vista is not per se political either, but listening and looking are. Sound is sound and a chair is a chair, but how I

Re: [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening

2014-06-19 Thread Salomé Voegelin
--empyre- soft-skinned space-- Sorry, just to add. I do not think that a post-idealist, post-humanist materialism means to deny human agency, perception and reflection in a passive vibration, but to understand the equivalent embededness, (being centered in the world

Re: [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening

2014-06-19 Thread Semitransgenic
--empyre- soft-skinned space--Hi Seth, not sure I can agree with this : ) The fatigue with the language of conceptual art expressed by Semitransgenic strikes me as a response to the very difficult and neverending work of resisting the dominant vocabularies of our times

Re: [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening

2014-06-19 Thread Andra McCartney
--empyre- soft-skinned space--Thanks for these questions. I am fascinated by how people listen to sound art, and find that others' listening experiences expand my understanding of sound art works. Each time I have engaged listeners in conversation about sound art,

Re: [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening

2014-06-19 Thread Kevin deForest
--empyre- soft-skinned space--I think it’s relevant to question and challenge oversimplified binary constructions that might assume easy polarities, pitting the physical against the cultural for example.I am drawn to Marcus Boon’s “politics of vibration” because of