Re: COMP refutation paper - finally out

2011-07-09 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
Bruno, I'm not exactly sure what you mean by vitalism but if its what I have in mind. then it died erroneously. I don't think notions of qi and prana are without foundation far from it. There is a sense in which, if vitalism died, that was a mistake but I am not exactly sure of

Re: COMP refutation paper - finally out

2011-07-08 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
Ultimately physics is just  set of well defined rules (algorithms) and matter and energy is just information. How do you exactly distinguish matter and energy... what do you on one hand consider to be matter and on the other consider to be energy. and how are both just information? Can you

Re: Mathematical closure of consciousness and computation

2011-07-07 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
John M on second examination not bad. I need to look over it again though and see if I can reply. On Jul 7, 8:29 am, John Mikes wrote: Friends: Lots of *mouse*-traps written in this and other*posts/preposts/repost/superposts/etc. * God? Truth? Reality? even:

Re: Mathematical closure of consciousness and computation

2011-07-07 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
Actually John, the more I read it the more I feel for it but some seeming issues: there is an info-transfer into 'us' from the limitless complexity you say information-transfer, or we can rephrase it as information processing or information reception etc. But I think information is a

Re: Mathematical closure of consciousness and computation

2011-07-07 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
Is metaphysics merely a notion that is the reversal or antithesis of the world as we know it? Instead of change: changelesness. Instead of diversity or multiplicity: unity. Instead of instability: stability Instead of of birth and death: immortality. Instead of complexity: simplicity.

Bruno's blasphemy.

2011-07-06 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
Bruno assumes that consciousness preceded matter then why do we only find consciousness as a terrestrial phenomena (suns and stars aren't conscious).. and as a later stage terrestrial phenomena for that matter i.e. water, plants, minerals etc. are not conscious. and intellect and

Re: COMP refutation paper - finally out

2011-07-06 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
Bruno, is it possible that there is no fundamental reality or primary reality... and even if there was, and it was non- observational or non-experiential why would it matter to us? It seems to me that reality or knowledge always implies a blind dualism that reflects the way in which we (I)

Re: COMP refutation paper - finally out

2011-07-05 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
John M, that was a pretty excellent performance, you should write more on here. On Jun 15, 12:54 pm, John Mikes wrote: Dear Brent, let me cut in with your last par: *...There is a tendency to talk about human-equivalent intelligence or human level intelligence as an

Re: COMP refutation paper - finally out

2011-07-05 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
Benjay: yes, in introducing states of meditation and lucid dreaming and drug altered states you may perhaps hone in on the essence and nuance of what qualifies consciousness and illuminate something of the qualitative texture and subtly and scope of its complexity of modes or states. There

Re: consciousness

2011-07-04 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
And in any case, the elan vital was endlessly debate for centuries and was eventually discarded as nonexistent. perhaps erroneously... such as perhaps ether was erroneously discarded. Perhaps many things were erroneously negated Jung talks of psychic forces it seems like a evocative and

Re: consciousness

2011-07-04 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
Mathematics is causally inert. Yet it's existence is debatable and it's certainly interesting to discuss. the problem with mathematics is that it lacks potency, in actuality, in and of itself. Sound exhibits tremendous potency. Do you think of mathematics as a subset of thought/language? On Jul

Re: consciousness

2011-07-04 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
how do you leap from non-doer to non-doing and unconsciousness? On Jul 3, 10:30 pm, Jason Resch wrote: On Sun, Jul 3, 2011 at 10:32 PM, B Soroud wrote: if you are thinking about consciousness, then what else could it have been but consciousness that

Re: Mathematical closure of consciousness and computation

2011-07-04 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
Rex, your killing me, I was following you well as the most logical seeming person here, but then you started plummeting into thoughtless absurdities it started with a response to this guys ridiculous assertions: The very definition of consciousness: having awareness of ones own thoughts and

Re: Mathematical closure of consciousness and computation

2011-07-04 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
1) More is answered by: A: Math - Matter - Minds (or as Bruno suggests Math - Minds - Matter) than by B: Matter - Minds - Math, or C: Minds - (Matter, Math). You forgot to mention the possibility that they all arise simultaneously or that perhaps they are all essentially the same

Re: Mathematical closure of consciousness and computation

2011-07-04 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
Don't let Bruno misrepresent Plato as a fanciful sounding idiot plato was smart, real smart that is why he never had a stable or definitive theory of forms it was just something he was developing and playing with in so far as we know and he was the harshest critic of it. and if

Re: Mathematical closure of consciousness and computation

2011-07-04 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
I like this group, the people are razor sharp in here Bruno is too, nevertheless he gives me a headache. even if he was right, I hope hes wrong. On Jun 5, 11:19 pm, Felix Hoenikker wrote: Has anyone watched the movie Contact, in which the structure of the universe was

a fundamental error.

2011-07-04 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
the failure of society or civilization is in its attempt to figure things out... to come up with a coherent, absolutely persuasive and complete picture-form of things.. rather then to figure out how to enjoy its existence. it focuses on the probably futile effort to figure out what

Re: Mathematical closure of consciousness and computation

2011-07-04 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
Rex, I think your onto something here let me add a little critique: 1. Explanation is subordinate to description. 2. Description is subordinate to observation. 3. Observation is subordinate to experience. 4. And now we want to close the circle by explaining experience. you

Re: Mathematical closure of consciousness and computation

2011-07-04 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
Rex: Your life is “on rails”. Maybe your final destination is good, maybe it’s bad. is not our life essentially on rails i think we should utterly abolish the notion of any teleology, destination, or end. there is no end abolish the notion of end in endlessness or in annihilation,

Re: Mathematical closure of consciousness and computation

2011-07-04 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
Jason: I can easily prove to you at least one thing must be self-existent for there to be anything at all It looks like we have not assimilated the history of philosophy here. I thought we did away with these classical metaphysical speculations. Did you not read Kant? You may be able to prove

Re: Mathematical closure of consciousness and computation

2011-07-04 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
Rex definitely makes the most sense in this group... On Jun 6, 10:16 pm, Rex Allen wrote: On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 10:00 PM, Jason Resch wrote: On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 3:42 PM, Rex Allen wrote: How can any of those questions

Re: Mathematical closure of consciousness and computation

2011-07-04 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
Your brain contains information received by the senses, it is a system which can enter many different states based on that information It is so amazing to me how blind people are who actually believe this clearly ridiculous notion. information as used by geneticists and brain-scientists is a

Re: Mathematical closure of consciousness and computation

2011-07-04 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
comp immaterialism: I am dreaming that all numbers are dreaming and I don't know it. On Jun 7, 7:32 am, Jason Resch wrote: On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 5:22 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote: On 07 Jun 2011, at 04:00, Jason Resch wrote: I guess you mean some sort of

Re: Mathematical closure of consciousness and computation

2011-07-04 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
if reality was known, it wouldn't have to be stated... unless there was a mis-perception that needed to be corrected hence our theorem tautologies are evidence that reality is not known otherwise it would not need to be doubly and secondly stated for assurance and clarification that is

Re: Mathematical closure of consciousness and computation

2011-07-04 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
indeed. there are a) misperceptions b) perceptions c) lack of perceptions d) impossibility of perception e) pseudo-perceptions. It is interesting to check out what Penrose is talking about when he talks about Fashion, Faith, and Fantasy in theoretical physics. Fashion: String Theory Faith:

Re: Mathematical closure of consciousness and computation

2011-07-04 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
Brunoism, forces one to conclude that all propositions are infinitely recursive, self-negating, and un-negatable. 1) God is dead 2) God is reborn - as theoretical physics Brunoism: old wine in new bottles. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Everything

Re: Mathematical closure of consciousness and computation

2011-07-04 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
Jason, you say there is still a great deal of activity within an anestetized mind, yet consciousness is abolished. when you say consciousness is abolished... we know what you mean, yet we do not really know what is meant by consciousness is abolished meaning, we don't know what underlies that

Re: Mathematical closure of consciousness and computation

2011-07-04 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
language is the most bewitching and misleading devil in existence... it produces the illusion of knowledge. there is a distinction between understanding and knowledge. On Jun 7, 8:05 am, Jason Resch wrote: On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 5:53 AM, Pete Hughes wrote:

Re: Mathematical closure of consciousness and computation

2011-07-04 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
Bruno says: But immaterialism is not a believe in an immaterial realm, it is before all a skepticism with respect to the physical realm, or to the primacy of the physical realm. It is the idea that there is something behind our observations. can this supposed something behind our observations be

Re: Mathematical closure of consciousness and computation

2011-07-04 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
it sounds like Bruno is ontologizing mathematics rather then seeing it as merely a way of knowing or a tool for organizing, classifying, accounting for, and navigating space-time. On Jun 7, 9:31 am, Bruno Marchal wrote: On 07 Jun 2011, at 16:32, Jason Resch wrote:

Re: Mathematical closure of consciousness and computation

2011-07-04 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
it emerges from self-observation by relative universal numbers. how could you ever prove that there are any numbers independent of human thought? are there any numbers independent of language, sound, imagination, thought, and figures? On Jun 7, 9:31 am, Bruno Marchal wrote:

Re: COMP refutation paper - finally out

2011-07-04 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
lol, the pagan confusion in this forum is exactly why the Church thought it necessary to dogmatically formulate a creed and impose that rigid and absolute structure on the masses. otherwise such heathen indeterminacy and inventiveness would continue ad infinitum. Neo-platonism was

Re: Mathematical closure of consciousness and computation

2011-07-04 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
Rex have you studied Spinoza's notion that freedom is the recognition of necessity? If you haven't read Spinoza I would recommend him on this free will/determinism issue. On Jun 9, 8:00 am, Rex Allen wrote: On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 5:58 AM, Bruno Marchal

Re: Mathematical closure of consciousness and computation

2011-07-04 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
Yes, Bruno... i think you have made a grave grave error in assuming self-consciousness as an intuitive indisputable. something is, that is for sure. but in regards to what is we cannot speak there is some being, but I want to call this being into question. what asserts or negates its

Re: Mathematical closure of consciousness and computation

2011-07-04 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
When we talk about consciousness we have to be specific about what mode of consciousness we are referring to there is no consciousness in and of itself that we are aware of so do we mean self-consciousness, other-consciousness, dream-consciousness, form- consciousness or phenomenological

Re: consciousness

2011-07-03 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
I just realized that for some reason only half of these posts show up in my e-mail… Bruno, you speak of self-consciousness… do you mean body-image? Or do you mean abstract self-recognition? Or the tendency towards false identification? Or body relation/identification in a combative framework? It

Re: consciousness

2011-07-03 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
We can never experience pure consciousness because we can never silence the continuous influx of sensory data; This is debatable, I have heard of a certain toxic substance extracted from fogs in Haiti, that if administered, results in a effect that is said to be a total dislocation and abstraction

Re: consciousness

2011-07-03 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
“It sound more like you are reifing body and system.” Would you rather me rarefy it? “Consciousness here and now is accepted by many as the most undoubtable truth” That to which you point by the indicator consciousness, observe that… it is not a clear and defined perception, it is not a clearly

Re: consciousness

2011-07-03 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
Bruno, what makes you think that mathematics can apply to anything beyond the physical world, is not mathematics restricted to the domain of the physical world it doesn't apply to the qualitative metaphysical domain of anima- psyche. On Jul 3, 9:54 am, Bruno Marchal wrote:

Re: consciousness

2011-07-02 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
I think Descartes HAD to include the soul into his 'human' unit to escape from Inquisition and that is why he anticipated the complexity in our time's idea - that includes the body and *mind* with its bi sided influences as a body-soul dualism. (I don't want to start a battle on this).

Re: The Man Behind The Curtain

2011-07-01 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
but I prefer to think of physics as a collection of models, models that map the territory, but are never the territory itself. who's to say that there even is a territory or what it is? It seems to me that we are all presupposing some vague notion of reality to begin with, a notion as

Re: The Man Behind The Curtain

2011-07-01 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
nevertheless, you guys are brilliant and I'm glad to join the genuine thinking. genuine thinking is the most radical activity on earth. On Jun 30, 11:15 pm, Constantine Pseudonymous wrote: but I prefer to think of physics as a collection of models, models that map

Re: Mathematical closure of consciousness and computation

2011-07-01 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
is not any meta-phenomenological 'object', including the 'self', necessarily the construct of a third-person point of view... an essentially anthropomorphic third-person perception without any objective independent existence, or any determination as such. and is not the negation of such an


2011-07-01 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
I just want to say how stupendously enthusiastic I am about this group and it needs to be reiterated VERY FEW PEOPLE REALLY THINK in this world you guys are actually doing that, and its blowing me away. its almost a nonexistent phenomenon in terms of the way the world has been

Re: Mathematical closure of consciousness and computation

2011-07-01 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
reflected to your thought in shadow form? On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 12:17 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote: On 01 Jul 2011, at 08:36, Constantine Pseudonymous wrote:  is not any meta-phenomenological 'object', including the 'self', necessarily the construct of a third-person

Re: group

2011-07-01 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
a subtler order of preconditions that is or needed to be in place that could account for the subtler order of phenomena we perceive in the first person etc. On Jul 1, 12:37 am, Constantine Pseudonymous wrote: I just want to say how stupendously enthusiastic I am about this group

Re: The Man Behind The Curtain

2011-07-01 Thread Constantine Pseudonymous
. I am not sure because he seems to believe in a phenomenology   of mind where I think we need a phenomenology of matter. Bruno On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 12:09 AM, Bruno Marchal   wrote: On 01 Jul 2011, at 08:15, Constantine Pseudonymous wrote: but I prefer