Re: [Flexradio] Software development with C#

2005-10-05 Thread Frank Brickle
Philip Covington wrote: ...a big update to jDttSP along with a GUI very soon on Linux. I think it is a collaboration between Bob Cowdery, Bob McGwier, and Frank Brickle so I am sure one of them can tell you more. That's right. Now that we're past the official fork between the Linux

Re: [Flexradio] Linux jDttSP

2005-09-30 Thread Frank Brickle
Edson -- Yipes! I can't thank you enough for pointing this out. We've had a couple of other reports about problems with the spectum output and have been going nuts trying to figure out what was going on, because I have been unable to duplicate the problem. There was a lengthy process of

Re: [Flexradio] Linux jDttSP

2005-09-30 Thread Frank Brickle
Edson -- Thanks for being patient :-) I am in the process of implementing a stand-alone little machine based on the VIA EPIA mini-atx mother board and the control application I am implementing is the first piece of a remote controlled SDR-1000 + little DSP-dedicated computer. Wonderful.

Re: [Flexradio] [Flexradio -- OT] What do I do for an antenna?

2005-09-07 Thread Frank Brickle
Larry Loen wrote: 4. 80 is a must-have. Must be able to do DXCC with this antenna and my amp. 30 meters I very much wish to have, having never been on the band in a serious way. If there is an outstanding monobander at 80, I would definitely consider that. Gotta get ON4UN's Low Band

Re: [Flexradio] Hardware interface (Linux)

2005-09-06 Thread Frank Brickle
Jim Lux wrote: Which of the two hardware wrappers is the current one in dttsp (the one in pyhw or pyhw2?) pyhw2 is the current version. I am informed that there are some conflicts in the way it's initialized that I have been unable to duplicate here. It's supposed to be backward compatible

Re: [Flexradio] UI philosophy, was: ...bandstack

2005-09-05 Thread Frank Brickle
It's a little sad that there have been some really effective alternatives to what we now have, and they never caught on. For example, the worksheet UI in Mathematica (much as I otherwise dislike that program) is very convenient and flexible. It's pretty common among Lisps with graphical

Re: [Flexradio] In a sentimental mood

2005-09-01 Thread Frank Brickle
Bob -- I'm not saying that VST is directly applicable - but why not this concept on a modest scale with SDR? We haven't really begun to see the diverse applications people will put this kind of radio to, given the right interfaces are present. We have no disagreement whatsoever about helping

Re: [Flexradio] In a sentimental mood

2005-09-01 Thread Frank Brickle
Phil -- Everyone comments on how clear and readable my SSB is over long distances (300+ miles) with a single 12 element K1FO antenna 30' above ground on 2 Meters. HINT - HINT Nag, nag, nag ;-) I know. It's like trying to push water uphill. Not to worry. I have masts, antennas, a rotor, and

Re: [Flexradio] gnuradio/modularity, was: sentimental mood

2005-09-01 Thread Frank Brickle
One last comment. Have a good, long look at gnuradio. The gnuradio project is simply a first-class piece of work. It embodies from the ground up the kind of modularity that some are asking for. It's an experimenter's paradise. It's free. The development tools are free. The developers

Re: [Flexradio] In a sentimental mood

2005-09-01 Thread Frank Brickle
Jim Lux wrote: Is it? Are the various aspects of the receiver and transmit processing truly a series of interconnected little boxes with data flowing continuously through them (in a you can replace a module, without knowing what's happening in the adjacent modules, recompile, and it still

Re: [Flexradio] In a sentimental mood

2005-08-31 Thread Frank Brickle
Ahti Aintila wrote: Thanks to Frank for hollering, but why didn't you holler louder? Honest answer? Because (1) you should choose your battles with care, and (2) in the end, the Windows version is of no importance to me personally. Everybody likes to cherry-pick ideas from Fred Brooks. My

Re: [Flexradio] A plea to SDR software developers

2005-08-30 Thread Frank Brickle
Jim Lux wrote: 1) Gosh.. there needs to be SOME documentation of the structure of the software. Even a readme listing that says what each module does and who calls what. Sure.. am_demod.c probably does something with demodulating AM, but you'd never know it from reading the comments. It's

Re: [Flexradio] A plea to SDR software developers /dev/null

2005-08-30 Thread Frank Brickle
Jim Lux wrote: Nonsense... it's never premature to at least describe the intended structure as you build it. I'm inclined to believe you haven't actually made any serious attempt to look at the code. Don Knuth often has made the point that the chief deficiency in most programmers'

Re: [Flexradio] A plea to SDR software developers

2005-08-30 Thread Frank Brickle
Sami Aintila wrote: Nothing to regret, Jim. These things needed to be said. [Frank Brickle] Further discussion /dev/null. Well, this is certainly a helpful attitude. When these things are brought up in a public fashion, prior to any private communication or discussion on the subject

Re: [Flexradio] A plea to SDR software developers

2005-08-30 Thread Frank Brickle
Gerald Youngblood wrote: Yep, the SDR-1000 is not a backpacking rig. Nor is a backpacking rig a SDR-1000. A fork will never be a knife but you can cut some with a fork if you push hard enough. Everything has its place. However, I had fun going mobile with the SDR-1000 on the way to Dayton

Re: [Flexradio] A plea to SDR software developers

2005-08-30 Thread Frank Brickle
ecellison wrote: NAW! Don't take it private! An occasional 'flame war' sobers or makes us drunk one way or tother. (That is almost a quote Frank) You've got my number, Eric. The old Irish question Is this a private fight, or can anybody join? always seemed like a good way to start a

Re: [Flexradio] Suggestions for Teamspeak forums

2005-08-20 Thread Frank Brickle
lyle johnson wrote: The Pentiums can run circles around these, but due to pipelining and so forth really like to deal in bathes of audio samples rather than a sample-at-a-time like the traditional DSPs use, which may be part of the reason the SDR1K has issues with lag/delay. The DSPs used in

Re: [Flexradio] Suggestions for Teamspeak forums

2005-08-20 Thread Frank Brickle
Jim Lux wrote: Not according to the description I read... 20kHz LPF in front of the A/D for the Orion. OK, I was definitely operating under a misconception. Good. The real advantage of the SDR1K is that the architecture is very open. Yup. You can even feel the breeze blowing through it

Re: [Flexradio] Display error?

2005-08-12 Thread Frank Brickle
n4hy wrote: As it stands, you are limited to about 10 Hz accuracy in the freq. calibration based on the display. You mean...there's a feature where the SDR1K *isn't* better than my IC-746? Horrors! That's it! I'm done with this project. What were you guys thinking? -73 Frank AB2KT

Re: [Flexradio] Thank you audiophiles

2005-08-11 Thread Frank Brickle
Larry W8ER wrote: In case you are a doubting soul, listen to what can be done with a flat FLEX transmitter as it is: Yow. That is positively scary. Reassuring, though. We went through a fair amount of soul searching before deciding to move the input audio

Re: [Flexradio] Synthedit like interface as a basis for experimental SDR?

2005-08-09 Thread Frank Brickle
Bob -- This kind of graphical programming has a long and venerable history. If you have a library with access to the Computer Music Journal, you'll see that work on this kind of system, for both synthesis and control, is discussed in articles as far back as the early 70's. There are

Re: [Flexradio] Real FSK

2005-08-05 Thread Frank Brickle
As a point of interest, it turns out the FSK generator is a hybrid of the iambic keyer and the keyboard keyer. It uses a version of the iambic hardware interface but a version of the keyboard tone generation and threading. The only really new element is signalling from the outside to turn the

Re: [Flexradio] Multichannel audio interfaces

2005-08-01 Thread Frank Brickle
Jim -- The AudioScience interfaces (high-quality stuff aimed at broadcast apps) have Linux drivers. All of their gadgets have at least 4 playback streams; a number of them have 8 simultaneous input paths as well. If your computer is up to it I believe you can use

Re: [Flexradio] Python Console for the Linux Radio

2005-08-01 Thread Frank Brickle
Bob -- Entirely beautiful. How about PyRad? 73 Frank AB2KT [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have added a page here on progress and a little info for any who are interested. The whole site needs redoing at the moment but I will try to keep that

Re: [Flexradio] Multichannel audio interfaces

2005-08-01 Thread Frank Brickle
channels.. ASI6244 or ASI6044 or ASI5042 No idea how much they cost, though. Frank Brickle wrote: Jim -- The AudioScience interfaces (high-quality stuff aimed at broadcast apps) have Linux drivers. All of their gadgets have at least 4 playback streams; a number

Re: [Flexradio] [ot] new vSkype video conferencing

2005-07-27 Thread Frank Brickle
Unfortunately there is no Linux client for vskype yet. That notwithstanding, Skype is really excellent. We're using it as our basic phone service when we're in BC, and it's been nothing but a delightful surprise how well it works and how little it costs. Of course it's tough to run the SDR1k

Re: [Flexradio] [OT] yes Skype is available for Linux

2005-07-27 Thread Frank Brickle
Skype, yes; using it here. Vskype, no. 73 Frank AB2KT Ken N9VV wrote: SuSe Fefora Mandrake Debian de Ken

Re: [Flexradio] cygwin-X

2005-07-22 Thread Frank Brickle
I assume you're running an X server on the cygwin machine. If you bring up a local xterm, can you ssh in it to the SuSE machine? If so, what happens if you ssh -X? That should let you run X clients on the SuSE machine with the cygwin machine X server as the host. Frank [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Flexradio] Linux, pyhw(2) broken

2005-07-21 Thread Frank Brickle
Philip Covington wrote: ...One interesting thing is that if you just compile the 2.6 kernel with CONFIG_PREEMPT then it's soft realtime enough that I would almost say that there is no need for RTAI in the SDR application. This is a huge change from the last time I played with these things

Re: [Flexradio] Linux

2005-07-18 Thread Frank Brickle
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 2. The setDDSFreq() does not set the frequency although it does set the band relay. Other commands seem to work ok. I don't have an RFE board so changed to reflect that. I can set the frequency from the Windows Python console fine

Re: [Flexradio] Beta 1.3.14 Comments

2005-07-08 Thread Frank Brickle
Richard Stasiak wrote: ...I think I will have to try SSB now... Why on earth would you want to do that? After all this work we put into CW so you could actually use the SDR1K like a real radio? ;-) 73 Frank AB2KT

Re: [Flexradio] Frequency Accuracy

2005-07-05 Thread Frank Brickle
Jim Lux wrote: Seems that a better way to measure clock accuracy on the sound card is to generate a sine wave in software and run it out to the (external reference locked) counter. The spotting tone function in the DSP will generate a continuous sine, at an arbitrary frequency, with the

Re: [Flexradio] Buffer Sizes and Getting my narrow filters back

2005-06-28 Thread Frank Brickle
Not sure how the Windows version is working right now, but I think the audio and DSP buffer sizes are finally independent. To get the narrow filters you need large DSP buffers, not audio buffers. 73 Frank AB2KT Larry Loen wrote: I have 3B8FG in my sights, but I might miss. Still haven't

Re: [Flexradio] What does the compander do?

2005-06-27 Thread Frank Brickle
Joe -- The compander in the DSP is a replacement for compression. The process is calld compansion because it will also do expansion, therefore com-pression + ex-pansion. Whether it compresses or expands, and how much of each, are all controlled by a single parameter. When the compander is

Re: [Flexradio] Tx Image rejection Phase Gain balance controls don't work Tx Panscope bug

2005-06-27 Thread Frank Brickle
While adding the new 9-band ISO-center graphic EQ today, I noticed that the IQ correction had somehow bubbled up to the wrong place in the TX audio input chain. Doubtless an artifact of the many ping-pongs of the source code between Bob and me. Now in its correct place. 73 Frank AB2KT Alan

Re: [Flexradio] What does the compander do?

2005-06-27 Thread Frank Brickle
Joe - AB1DO wrote: 1. Is the compander's compression algorithm different from that of the TX Feed Forward Compressor? They're completely unrelated. The feedforward compressor is basically a digital model of an analog design, I believe based on the example in Frerking. The compander

Re: [Flexradio] Console running out of room?

2005-06-25 Thread Frank Brickle
ecellison wrote: Well, I was overstating on the 'banning' discussion, sort of to make a point... It's not a bad idea to modulate discussion on this subject, because most everybody (yours truly!) has strong feelings on the subject, and it's an easy subject to have opinions about. The task

Re: [Flexradio] 13.10 Compandor

2005-06-24 Thread Frank Brickle
BTW, question for anybody who can help. The compansion function is basically a bounded, single-quadrant version of f(x) = (1 - exp(x)) / (1 - exp(alpha)) mirrored into a second quadrant for x 0, for compansion factor alpha. This kind of waveshaping is usually analyzed in terms of

Re: [Flexradio] low amp drive, SSB punch, processing, etc. LONG POST

2005-06-24 Thread Frank Brickle
n4hy wrote: ...I am going to figure out the best regression line at the place of maximum slope on this compression curve. That slope will tell you how much gain is being applied at that agnitude. If it is 10 dB, I am going to call it 10 dB of compression... The only problem I have

Re: [Flexradio] ON AIR TEST

2005-06-24 Thread Frank Brickle
Phil -- I'm occupied for the next couple of days, but we could certainly do it from here. Bob knows the way. Is any time during the week, especially evenings, convenient for you? If not, the following weekend is a good possibility. We could also set up to do some recordings. 73 Frank AB2KT

Re: [Flexradio] low amp drive, SSB punch, processing, etc. LONG POST

2005-06-24 Thread Frank Brickle
n4hy wrote: You caught me again trying to cheat. That ain't cheating, it's science, as opposed to engineering. You tell me the correct answer, I can't do it, so I do what I can do and call it correct. Frank

Re: [Flexradio] Console running out of room?

2005-06-24 Thread Frank Brickle
Couple of items. I switch between CWL and CWU all the time. The nice thing about LSB injection is that the pitch of a CW signal goes *up* as you tune *up*. That seems nice and intuitive to me. However, I also do a fair amount of cross-mode operation (HF and VHF both) and you need to be able

Re: [Flexradio] Console running out of room?

2005-06-24 Thread Frank Brickle
Gary -- I personally would choose to display a smaller set of buttons for features I use all the time, like CW controls and one-button memory dumps to CW or voice (or digital), or just fewer buttons altogether if, because of my limited operating skill set and interests, they’re controlling

Re: [Flexradio] Console running out of room?

2005-06-24 Thread Frank Brickle
Phil -- All right, that's great. It's not a real or a permanent solution, but having multi desktops might be one way to ease the pain of expanding to a full-screen console. Also, under Linux, I have several small sticky windows -- things like the jack controls -- that stay in place even

Re: [Flexradio] ON AIR TEST

2005-06-24 Thread Frank Brickle
Phil -- I usually get home around 7:30 - 8:00 and monitor 144.200 with the SDR 144.220 with the IC756 Pro2 split off the 2M transverter + 50.125 direct to the 6M5X while I fill my HD up with all the QA posted here (still have 24 more to read tonight). OK, let's give it a shot Monday and/or

Re: [Flexradio] Re: Interfaces General comment

2005-06-17 Thread Frank Brickle
Jim Lux wrote: And an enormously rich set of interfaces both in and out. Although, I have noticed that there's more and more USB and some sort of high speed MIDI (people want to dump samples more rapidly). Yes, USB seems to have made the various MIDI 2 proposals unnecessary. Thank

[Flexradio] SourceForge DttSP CVS

2005-06-16 Thread Frank Brickle
All, The SourceForge CVS problems *appear* to have been fixed. The latest snapshot should be in sync with the tarball I've been sending to those who requested it. When we have ascertained that the problems really are fixed, we will update CVS with the very latest changes. There are some

Re: [Flexradio] Re: Interfaces General comment

2005-06-16 Thread Frank Brickle
Larry Loen wrote: It does, however, imply a very different modus operandi. I suspect it may be a real dividing line. I wonder aloud if this will dictate whether one is still using the SDR five years from now or not. Given that it is you in particular, I hope I'm wrong. I'm afraid I'm not

Re: [Flexradio] (no subject)

2005-06-11 Thread Frank Brickle
ecellison wrote: What might be doubly interesting is looking into taking (e.g. ) gear for 1296 and trying out moonbounce. That's beyond my current capabilities, but it is something we could dream about and maybe make happen. Or, maybe something surer like 6 meters during the Leonids or

Re: [Flexradio] [Q] how to use external keyer with 1.3.5?

2005-05-28 Thread Frank Brickle
Dale Boresz wrote: ...I've been using the SDR on receive and the K2 on transmit for a couple of months, and there's not much I can't manage to pull through. FWIW, I've stacked my HW-8 on top of the SDR1K and am uglying up a little carrier-sense T/R switch to do the same thing. The Heath

Re: [Flexradio] Two questions - Feed line and T/R switch

2005-05-27 Thread Frank Brickle
Jobst Vandrey wrote: 1) I plan to run the SDR-1000 on 20 meters only into a 50 ohm antenna... 150 feet of RG-213 coax OR 150 feet of window line with 9:1 baluns at both ends? RG-213 has about 0.8dB loss per 100 ft into a 50 ohm load at 14MHz. Add in the connectors and you've got ~2dB. A pair

Re: [Flexradio] Delta-44 microphone connection

2005-05-26 Thread Frank Brickle
The new compander shows up in the RX audio chain too, just before the squelch. It really improves the squelch performance on CW RX, although it does point up the need to lengthen the squelch slew rates. There are some occasional clicks on the releases of high-amplitude CW elements when the

Re: [Flexradio] Xandros Linux

2005-05-10 Thread Frank Brickle
Dale -- ...he has no experience w/ Linux and would prefer to spend his time with radio work and not getting up to speed with a new operating system. With any of the current desktops, particularly KDE, the learning curve is not steep. Would the Linux SDR1000 code compile and run on

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