Re: Mismatch: table-body

2007-01-12 Thread Abel Braaksma
Xavier Ottolini wrote: Hi, I want to build a PDF file with a XSL transformation. I use FOP 0.93 on Tomcat 4.3 (Windows) . Fop is embeded in a JSP. If I run FOP as a standalone application. The XSL transform is ran successfully. But In my embeded class, an exception is thrown :

Re: Mismatch: table-body

2007-01-12 Thread Abel Braaksma
Xavier Ottolini wrote: Error(Unknown location): fo:table-body is missing child elements. Required Content Model: marker* (table-row+|table-cell+) PS: your templates shows that you do have a matching template, containing well enough literal result

Re: Mismatch: table-body

2007-01-12 Thread Xavier Ottolini
Thanks you Abel. I'll check the DOM tree to see if some elements are missing. I'll also add a test before adding the table. Xavier Abel Braaksma a écrit : Xavier Ottolini wrote: Error(Unknown location): fo:table-body is missing child elements. Required

Re: FOP Problem

2007-01-12 Thread Jeremias Maerki
On 11.01.2007 01:22:04 pwillsey wrote: Jeremias Maerki-2 wrote: Ok, in this case I'd modify the application so you can write out the generated FO within your application. Maybe there's something special about that environment. I modified the application to do this and then I

Re: Mismatch: table-body

2007-01-12 Thread Xavier Ottolini
You were right, it was just an error in the XML document. Thanks. Xavier Ottolini a écrit : Thanks you Abel. I'll check the DOM tree to see if some elements are missing. I'll also add a test before adding the table. Xavier Abel Braaksma a écrit : Xavier Ottolini wrote:

Re: positioning fo:table just above the footer

2007-01-12 Thread Jeremias Maerki
Have you tried using a footnote? On 12.01.2007 10:45:19 raja k wrote: Hi, I am using xml and xsl to generate PDF. In xsl I have table which is basically a signature block. My requirement is to align this table to the bottom of a page (just above footer). Currently, I have given spaces

Re: ExternalGraphic Image not available

2007-01-12 Thread Xavier Ottolini
I modified the fop.xconf file as follow !-- Base URL for resolving relative URLs -- baseD:\Applications\jakarta-tomcat-4.1.30\webapps\opencms\export\xsl\/base Then I modified my script as follow FopFactory fopFactory = FopFactory.newInstance(); FOUserAgent foUserAgent =

Re: ExternalGraphic Image not available

2007-01-12 Thread Jeremias Maerki
And what is that problem? If you mean the INFO messages, you can eliminate them by configuring the loggers so the messages don't appear anymore. They are purely informational. On 12.01.2007 12:16:51 Xavier Ottolini wrote: I modified the fop.xconf file as follow !-- Base URL for resolving

Re: ExternalGraphic Image not available

2007-01-12 Thread Xavier Ottolini
No. I had a problem because the HTTP header was wrong. Althougg my method specified the http response, this.response.setContentType(application/pdf); this.response.setContentLength(out.size()); //Send content to Browser

FOP .93 NoSuchMethodError

2007-01-12 Thread tahjmh
I have been running FOP .92 successfully. When I download the new .93 fop.jar and run, I receive the following error: NoSuchMethodError at The error is triggered when attempting to create the FopFactory.newInstance( ). I have

Blank PDF file

2007-01-12 Thread Xavier Ottolini
Hi, After deploying my application with FOP I have got a curious problem. A PDF is generated but without any text. The file is completely white. There is no text inside. No error is displayed. The terminal shows ordinary messages. With the system prompt, I saw that the request returns

Re: FOP .93 NoSuchMethodError

2007-01-12 Thread Jeremias Maerki
Do you have line numbers where the NoSuchMethodError happens? I'd dare say you have an old xmlgraphics-commons.jar in your classpath. FOP 0.93 need version 1.1. On 12.01.2007 15:51:48 tahjmh wrote: I have been running FOP .92 successfully. When I download the new .93 fop.jar and run, I

Re: Blank PDF file

2007-01-12 Thread Xavier Ottolini
Hi, My problem is really serious. I checked that the XML source normaly buid OK. The XSL has not changed. If I print out.size(); It returns 207658. I do not know why is my page white. Has anybody already meet such problem ? Best Regards Xavier Xavier Ottolini a écrit : Hi, After

Re: Blank PDF file

2007-01-12 Thread Chris Bowditch
Xavier Ottolini wrote: Hi, After deploying my application with FOP I have got a curious problem. A PDF is generated but without any text. The file is completely white. There is no text inside. No error is displayed. What kind of Application are you deploying? If you are running FOP inside

Re: FOP .93 NoSuchMethodError

2007-01-12 Thread tahjmh
That was it. I knew the jar changed and thought I had updated it. After getting your message, I verified it had been changed and it works. Thank you! Jeremias Maerki-2 wrote: Do you have line numbers where the NoSuchMethodError happens? I'd dare say you have an old

Re: Blank PDF file

2007-01-12 Thread Jeremias Maerki
Write the byte array with the PDF to a file for debugging and check if it is still blank when opened outside the browser. If it is not, at least you will know that it's a browser problem. If it is blank, please post the PDF so we can take a look what could be wrong. Make sure the URL used to