Re: [Audyssey] Side-scrollers vs FPS games.

2007-04-17 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark, According to my last account all you need for that game is the Python interpretor and a few extra Python modules which the game requires. I have bunch of Python stuff on my system, and it isn't going to blow your system up. I even scratch out quick and dirty apps in Python myself so it

Re: [Audyssey] question about the vanishing platforms in monti

2007-04-17 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi, Correct. The platforms are hard on difficult. but easy enough on easy and normal levels of play. Yohandy wrote: > I actually like the platform challenge. I'm sure Tom will have a minimum > time for the platforms to disappear. I seriously doubt you'd be crossing a > pit and it'll vanish bef

Re: [Audyssey] question about the vanishing platforms in monti

2007-04-17 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi, Ouch! That would be really tough. In some areas of the original temples you might have to jump over two or three at most, but never ten. That is next to impossible. Yohandy wrote: > How about like 10 fire pits, and you need to cross 10 platforms? each could > disappear in 2 seconds and you

Re: [Audyssey] question about the vanishing platforms in monti

2007-04-17 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Michael, James North's version of the platforms was closer to the original. The original were completely timed. I could of course do this, but I felt randomly changing the length of times would be more challenging. I mean if you want them to be timed I can do it, but random elements seamed a

Re: [Audyssey] Sryth folks

2007-04-17 Thread Brandon Cole
A hint I shall give for one of them. h i n t Do you know any other explorable locations in Talonis? If so, you may wish to try those. Keep in mind you can explore specific areas by typing their names into that explore edit box. - Original Message - From: "Ron Schamerhorn" <[EMAIL PROTEC

Re: [Audyssey] Sryth folks

2007-04-17 Thread Bryan Peterson
I believe it's Yirssin with two S's and one R. As for Lothren, you need to Explore Talinus and type Penekarn Lane. Stroll along the lane and ignore the beggar. That should help you out. It ain't pretty when the pretty leaves you with no place to go. J.D. Fortune, Pretty Vegas - Original Messa

Re: [Audyssey] Sryth folks

2007-04-17 Thread Ron Schamerhorn
If you mean the explore Talinus option, what would one type in there? I've tried the name with no luck. - Original Message - From: "Karl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 6:27 PM Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Sryth folks Hi, H I N T "Explore Talinus" will help you find

Re: [Audyssey] Bug in quest?

2007-04-17 Thread Dark
Well,certainly nothing of that in spectrum, I'd say it's deffinately a problem with Assassin. Beware the Grue! Dark. - Original Message - From: "Robjoy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 9:35 PM Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Bug in quest? > Ah, i think i know what cause

Re: [Audyssey] Sryth folks

2007-04-17 Thread Karl
Hi, H I N T "Explore Talinus" will help you find the first one. I'm not sure about the second myself. Original message: > Hi all > Okay I'm not sure if I want just a hint or spoiler for this. I'm having > troubles locating people in Talinus. Those two would be Yirrsin, and > Lothren. I've lo

[Audyssey] Fw: C n D: O.T. Braille converter eases web use

2007-04-17 Thread Josh
Hi, I thought this was interesting. I'm going to try this when I get an internet connection at my new house. Josh - Original Message - From: "Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "blind-gay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: "cookinginthe dark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 9:14 A

[Audyssey] Sryth folks

2007-04-17 Thread Ron Schamerhorn
Hi all Okay I'm not sure if I want just a hint or spoiler for this. I'm having troubles locating people in Talinus. Those two would be Yirrsin, and Lothren. I've looked around, and tried random and such with no luck. Should I keep trying or is there somewhere spacific I need to go? Thanks

Re: [Audyssey] Bug in quest?

2007-04-17 Thread Robjoy
Ah, i think i know what causes the bug. When you enter a room which has an object in it, like a key, then bang, automation error. Rob - Original Message - Subject: [Audyssey] Bug in quest? Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2007 18:17:16 +0200 From: "Robjoy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Hello all, I've installed

Re: [Audyssey] Sarah mirror inquiry

2007-04-17 Thread Phil Vlasak
Hi nicol, spoiler space for those who have not read Harry Potter does break a mirror in book five So far it has not been repaired. If he does repair it in book seven I may just do what you suggested. there is a Repairo spell that would do the trick. But I did not have Sarah record it yet. Thanks fo

Re: [Audyssey] Bug in quest?

2007-04-17 Thread Dark
Hi robjoy. As I was writing the news item for earlier, I tried out the quest thingy (that's how I know it works with Hal). I played a fair amount of the spectrum game, and didn't encounter any runtime errors, so it's probably an assassin related issue, I recommend you let t

Re: [Audyssey] Side-scrollers vs FPS games.

2007-04-17 Thread Dark
Nothing wrong with original dk (though the country games are my personal favourites), original Dk has had so many re-releases it's not funny, - I first played a port for the Bbc micro back in the late 80's, then later had the Gameboy version using the super gameboy adapter for the snes. it'

Re: [Audyssey] Side-scrollers vs FPS games.

2007-04-17 Thread Dark
Hi ken. I did rather fancy the game, but I'm always wary of installing random stuff onto my Pc if I'm not sure what it does, and it seemed you have to install things in order to run Python applications to play the Moosic game. If I'm just beeing obverly anxious here, please let me know and I'll

Re: [Audyssey] Sarah mirror inquiry

2007-04-17 Thread nicol
Hi PHIL Before I step on toes again. s p o i l e r s p a c e harry and his friends used a spell to repair glass that broke. to give an example in book5: hermien gave harry an essence to dip his hand into after professor umbrich forced him to write out words which carved in his own flesh which c

Re: [Audyssey] Sryth skill and NV inquiry

2007-04-17 Thread Bryan Peterson
As for Arcana, yes you can use it to identify unidentified items. It's got to be at level 30 or higher. As for NVR, enchanted items are the only way to increase it, and they're fairly rare. Same goes for might and other stats like that. It ain't pretty when the pretty leaves you with no place to

Re: [Audyssey] Side-scrollers vs FPS games.

2007-04-17 Thread Yohandy
Lol. I had my 10 year old sister play the game and she beat it in about a minute her first time. was hilarious. Also sighted folk have an advantage, as they don't have to worry about the panning issues we experience with the game. By the time you hear a creature near you, they've already seen it

Re: [Audyssey] Sarah mirror inquiry

2007-04-17 Thread Phil Vlasak
Hi, spoiler space If you break the mirror you will be out of luck getting help from Dobby. Phil - Original Message - From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 1:10 PM Subject: [Audyssey] Sarah mirror inquiry > Hi Phil and list, > I am just writing to see if a certain

Re: [Audyssey] question about the vanishing platforms in monti

2007-04-17 Thread Yohandy
I actually like the platform challenge. I'm sure Tom will have a minimum time for the platforms to disappear. I seriously doubt you'd be crossing a pit and it'll vanish before you take two steps. - For an amazing video gaming site containing original soundtracks, game art, etc, go

Re: [Audyssey] question about the vanishing platforms in monti

2007-04-17 Thread Yohandy
How about like 10 fire pits, and you need to cross 10 platforms? each could disappear in 2 seconds and you'll need to rush to the next platform before it vanishes. Should be fun! - For an amazing video gaming site containing original soundtracks, game art, etc, go here. http://g

[Audyssey] Sryth skill and NV inquiry

2007-04-17 Thread acarthon
Hi list, it's AC. I have a few questions. 1. Is it possible for me to use the skill of arcana to identify the items myself without having to seek out someone else to do the identifying for me? My skill level in arcana is 30. (skillful) 2. I have noticed that there doesn't seem to be many way

[Audyssey] Sarah mirror inquiry

2007-04-17 Thread acarthon
Hi Phil and list, I am just writing to see if a certain attribute of the mirror is implemented in the recent version of Sarah. I seem to remember in the beta version you mentioning that if you dropped the mirror and broke it that bad things would start to happen. (like the 7 years of bad luck supe

Re: [Audyssey] question about the vanishing platforms in monti

2007-04-17 Thread Charles Rivard
I know he put a spoiler out there in order to curb the questions and misunderstandings, but I have not looked at it, and I will not look at it until totally stumped. - Original Message - From: "Michael Feir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Gamers Discussion list" Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Re: [Audyssey] question about the vanishing platforms in monti

2007-04-17 Thread Michael Feir
Hi Tom. I wasn't expecting you to hand over the keys to the kingdom so to speak. I had hoped for some more in-depth discussion about the proper use of random elements in games. The unavoidable bomb in Treasure mania1 is a clear instance of completely unfair and unavoidable death. What you've tho

Re: [Audyssey] Side-scrollers vs FPS games.

2007-04-17 Thread Ron Schamerhorn
Hi Tom This would be I believe *gasps* showing my age again the original, which I remember from the Coleco Vision. Ron - Original Message - From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Gamers Discussion list" Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 11:25 PM Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Side-sc

[Audyssey] Bug in quest?

2007-04-17 Thread Robjoy
Hello all, I've installed quest and tried one of the games which comes with it, called assassin. When i go west from the first room, i got the following error message: --- Quest --- Run-time error '-2147417848 (80010108)': Automation error -

Re: [Audyssey] question about the vanishing platforms in monti

2007-04-17 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Michael, I'd like to clarify things just abit. The platforms do provide ample time to get across even on the lowest random value. You just have to be quick about it. In the entire time I have been testing the game I have only been dumped twice off a platform, and I simply misjudged when to ju

Re: [Audyssey] Side-scrollers vs FPS games.

2007-04-17 Thread Ken the Crazy
black cat? Ken Downey President DreamTechInteractive! And, Coming soon, Blind Comfort! The pleasant way to get a massage--no staring, just caring. - Original Message - From: "Dark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Gamers Discussion list" Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 6:26 PM Subject: Re: [Audyss

Re: [Audyssey] question about the vanishing platforms in monti

2007-04-17 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi, Na, just tell him to take a nice trip, and you will see him next fall. Charles Rivard wrote: > With an evil grin, I will say, "Wait and see. You'll find out when you play > the game. I anticipate your fall." mwah, ah, ah. > ___ Gamers maili

Re: [Audyssey] question about the vanishing platforms in monti

2007-04-17 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Will, I think allot of the issue here is misinformed expectations. When I mentioned random Michael thought the random numbers was in such a way you would have no chanse in crossing the platform. Most of the time you have ample time to cross as I have done it many many times on the easier lev

Re: [Audyssey] question about the vanishing platforms in monti

2007-04-17 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Michael, Sigh... Do you honestly think I would make it impossible to cross a platform without a chanse of crossing? Of course not. I loath giving out the secret to this puzzle before the game is released, but I feel I absolutely must to quel people pushing panic buttons. Answer follows so do,

Re: [Audyssey] Side-scrollers vs FPS games.

2007-04-17 Thread Ken the Crazy
Have you tried the Moosik game? It's written in Python and can even be altered any way you like. There is even an online death match game included. Ken Downey President DreamTechInteractive! And, Coming soon, Blind Comfort! The pleasant way to get a massage--no staring, just caring. - Ori

Re: [Audyssey] question about the vanishing platforms in monti

2007-04-17 Thread Charles Rivard
With an evil grin, I will say, "Wait and see. You'll find out when you play the game. I anticipate your fall." mwah, ah, ah. - Original Message - From: "Nicol Oosthuizen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Gamers Discussion list" Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 12:55 AM Subject: [Audyssey] quest

[Audyssey] MushClient script now available.

2007-04-17 Thread James Homuth
For those of you who've requested it, I've now made it publicly accessible. - it includes a default MushClient world template, and instructions for the script's implementation. Of note, people not running JFW 8.0 *might* have problems

Re: [Audyssey] regestering Sarah

2007-04-17 Thread Phil Vlasak
Hi Janet, The best way to register the Sarah game is through the Draconis shopping cart. Yes you need to buy it! If you can not get this to work, there is an ordering wizard in the game at the beginning. It requires you to type in your credit card number and

Re: [Audyssey] question about the vanishing platforms in monti

2007-04-17 Thread Michael Feir
You can have both, Will. A game doesn't have to unfairly kill you to make it last longer. Look at something like Nethack or Alien Outback. That game takes quite a lot of skill and quick thinking to conquer. Judgement Day is similar. There are lots of things making those games difficult but than

Re: [Audyssey] question about the vanishing platforms in monti

2007-04-17 Thread william lomas
hi in some ways i agree with michael but thomases idea sound awsome it means you'd fine the game extremely tough, that's what we want, right? not a game where we go bang bang bang, inished, lol, we want one that will last a while and take a while to master and counquer will On 17 Apr 2007,

Re: [Audyssey] question about the vanishing platforms in monti

2007-04-17 Thread Michael Feir
That's far too capricious, Tom. Randomly getting killed through no fault of your own isn't fun. It's stupid. There should be a basic amount of guaranteed time to cross those platforms before they disappear. The point of those in the game was to get used to their pattern of appearing and disappe

Re: [Audyssey] Side-scrollers vs FPS games.

2007-04-17 Thread Niko C
In a mud I play, I had to kill a monster. I was given a location and I went there. I was looking around for a little but still couldn't find it. Then, I went back to where I was told to start looking. The train station. I walked around and one of the places was a ticket booth. I had an idea. I t

Re: [Audyssey] OT: Virginia Tech

2007-04-17 Thread Niko C
We as American's are devided about tis. Some feel the same as you but I do not. I truly love freedom in America and want to keep my freedoms that have been going away. Guns is just one of those issues. If students have been allowed to open carry guns in school, there wouldn't be caos and co

Re: [Audyssey] OT: Virginia Tech

2007-04-17 Thread Dark
My sympathies with this incident too, I find the hole gun question extremely strange (also being in the Uk). Agreed, people kill people, but if their carrying guns the situation is a lot worse. All the best, Dark. - Original Message - From: "mark bishop" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Gamer

[Audyssey] ot, Dark's got a place!

2007-04-17 Thread Dark
A friendly burrow safe and warm, Dark's got a place! let moon and stars and sky go rome, Dark's got a place! sorry, Duncton wood moment there. Anyway, most people will probably know that for the last few years I've been living in Van Mildert ccolidge, which, - while providing a lovely lak

Re: [Audyssey] OT: Virginia Tech

2007-04-17 Thread mark bishop
Can I express my sorrow from the United Kingdom as well. Could I also ask the americans on this list to email me directly to explain to me why so many of them want to be able to carry guns around with them. Because I know that where I live in Birmingham England I would feel really 'unsafe' if I

Re: [Audyssey] Side-scrollers vs FPS games.

2007-04-17 Thread Dark
Hi thom. I personally am an exploration nut, so I love the idea of going through a game and finding all the hidden items etc, - this is one of the things that interests me about Monti. As a fairly huge fan of the mega man series, I take the point about complex game elements like vanishing led