t; In the new page [https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/xx] you can
> find the coordinates in the left panel for copy/paste.
> -- althio
> On 13 December 2016 at 00:49, john whelan wrote:
> > In JOSM I can see the longitude and latitude of each node of a
> building. I
> > don
Of course I should have remembered that.
Thanks John
On 12 December 2016 at 19:24, Mike Thompson wrote:
> John,
> In JOSM, select the node, press + i. A dialog box will be displayed
> from which you can copy the coordinates.
> Mike
> On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 5:10
could use Overpass API. It can give you center points for areas (both
> way and multipolygon). You could use those coordinates.
> You can extract this information as CSV. Then read that into a spreadsheet
> or Pandas or R or your own PostGIS table, of course.
> Polyglot
We've known there is likely to be problems for some time now but little
seems to be happening.
Unicef and World Food Program now seem to be operating in there. ehealth
Africa etc are doing some work on the Polio vaccine side.
I'm not sure how relevant to HOT the shape files are. Basically we map
although there are some imports but they are restricted because of
licensing and some are not the best quality.
My question was more is or will mapping become an urgent limiting factor?
If so should we be mapping now rather th
I'm still not seeing a grid.
Cheerio John
On 18 December 2016 at 13:24, Russell Deffner
> Hi Phil, sorry for the delayed reply. It’s a large area so it might take a
> moment to load; it’s also a bit different from our traditional projects as
> we’re pre-identifying the populated places s
just the
> project boundaries but not the task ‘squares’; they do come up if you take
> a random task.
> =Russ
> *From:* Kevin Bullock [mailto:kbull...@digitalglobe.com]
> *Sent:* Sunday, December 18, 2016 4:54 PM
> *To:* hot
> *Cc:* Russell Deffner; john whelan
I had a quick look. I must say that reading through the instructions I
personally wouldn't feel confident I could mark any tile done. They are
quite comprehensive and I'm not sure I personally have the experience to
map all the different things requested.
I did validate a couple of tiles then pu
My personal reaction is OpenStreetMap which is the data base behind HOT is
not very open to machine scanning. The reason being they've seen some
fairly poor results in the past.
If you can set up some sort of workflow where the images are manually
verified that might be more acceptable but its qu
Currently my thoughts run along the lines of use it to identify areas with
buildings. Same as Mapswipe?, heavens things get outdated so quickly these
days and Mapswipe hasn't been around for that long.
Secondly if you map them but tag them with something like
possiblebuilding=yes then they wouldn
Some sort of notification of when a tile is completed on a selected project.
Currently I open up four projects each day and check for completed tiles so
I can validate them. Three are moving very slowly currently, it can be a
couple of weeks before another batch of tiles gets done.
Problem is at
Just a comment when validating building only projects it is taking roughly
ten times longer for the tile to come up than it does to validate so it is
having an impact and probably a greater impact on validators.
Cheerio John
On 31 January 2017 at 07:53, Kretzer wrote:
> Yes, those Aweil proje
You need JOSM for validating anyway so if you're using JOSM then you can
simply search for everything and it will give you the mappers name. iD
will not pick out the crossing ways and duplicate nodes etc.
Have you read through
that you
> are validating, once you select it in JOSM ("S" to put JOSM in "select
> mode" and then click on the element), you can press +H to see
> everyone who has ever edited it.
> On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 6:49 PM, john whelan wrote:
>> You need
A couple of comments, these are sort of related but not so scientific as
Martin's work:
First when you validate JOSM validation catches unclosed ways, (buildings
for example.) crossing ways, ie two highways that cross but don't have a
node so routing software won't know you can change from one to
It's still taking twenty three milliseconds for a tile to come up.
Much much better thank you all.
Cheerio John
On 9 February 2017 at 20:05, Blake Girardot HOT/OSM <
blake.girar...@hotosm.org> wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> This has been completed and everything seems to work well.
> If you still
As a work around if you are running a maperthon could you download the area
imagery directly? It's not quite as nice as using the tiles but if you
upload frequently at least you can get some mapping done.
Cheerio John
On 10 February 2017 at 08:03, Blake Girardot wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> We a
>From the public health point of view we map in support of reducing deaths
etc from things like Malaria. In a number of African countries these days
deaths from road accidents are higher not to mention the number of injuries.
I think its more Open Data / Best Practises at some sort of government
A couple of days? We have projects that have been open for a couple of
Given a couple of decent mappers an area can be mapped and validated quite
quickly depending on the imagery. Given poor quality imagery people tend
to drift off to other projects.
MSF, Red Cross organise maperthons,
Additionally if you don't map the settlements then how do you know where
the highways are? Does it really need tracks?
Cheerio John
On 18 February 2017 at 11:04, Daniel Specht wrote:
> If all hamlets are to be connected to the road network and all residential
> roads mapped, I'd recommend allo
Data quality is always an issue and we don't have enough validators which
doesn't help.
We also have user expectations. If you want to use OSM in a particular
area with low internet access perhaps you could arrange with someone to run
an eye over the area first? With a large number of different
OSMand allows tags to be updated on nodes but what about building outlines
that have been tagged building=yes is there an easy way to change these to
building=residential for example?
Thanks John
HOT mailing list
Thanks I'd forgotten about it.
Does the trick but the training guide should be fun.
Cheerio John
On 22 Feb 2017 3:14 pm, "Majka" wrote:
> The only editor I know for this is Vespucci for android, allowing full
> edits, including use of JOSM presets. Everything else allows easy edits of
> nodes
Currently there are HOT projects that include in the instructions the words
"If you are unsure of what tag to assign to a road, use the provisional
highway=road tag."
Yes but many routing systems ignore this these. When we mapped with GPS
traces we used highway=road because you didn't know if it
nd Mapathons)
> yopaseopor
> On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 11:42 PM, john whelan
> wrote:
>> Currently there are HOT projects that include in the instructions the
>> words
>> "If you are unsure of what tag to assign to a road, use the provision
Interesting possibilities here. IOS apparently has Go Map!!
Cheerio John
On 23 February 2017 at 10:33, joost schouppe
> This is also possible with Mapcontrib, which works just fine on mobile.
> The scope is limited to what the mapcontrib instance has pre-defined.
> In this exa
all routers. I am aware that many
routers will allow you to adjust which highways they will run on.
Cheerio John
On 24 February 2017 at 04:11, Rory McCann wrote:
> On 22/02/17 23:42, john whelan wrote:
> > Currently there are HOT projects that include in the instructions the
> words
>-buildings are marked as points and not traced
This is acceptable to OpenStreetMap. Adding additional information is
easier to a node with things such as osmand etc.
> -residential areas are drawn for less than three buildings
Although many projects have this in the instructions I'm not sure t
Just an ideal thought. It came about as I'm loading in bits of Nigeria by
the enamel bucket at the moment then looking for untagged ways and crossing
What stands out are blocks where every track and settlement is mapped and
blank bits of the map. I've been attempting to join bits of hi
igitized at a coarse scale. Mapping
> quickly doesn't have to be done crudely.
> There is no troupe of magic mapping elves that clean up the rough mapping.
> The next set of HOT projects I will set up will be roads/highways only and
> then buildings only.
> Keep mapping
ean up the rough mapping.
> The next set of HOT projects I will set up will be roads/highways only and
> then buildings only.
> Keep mapping,
> Emmor
> On Sun, Feb 26, 2017 at 1:16 AM, john whelan
> wrote:
>> Just an ideal thought. It came about as
Currently in JOSM I'm not seeing the tile frame.
Cheerio John
On 3 March 2017 at 17:26, Rebecca Firth wrote:
> Appreciate all the hard work going into getting this fixed - thank you
> very much, especially to David who was meant to have been enjoying some
> time off.
> Luckily there is a work
Correction it was a little slow.
On 3 March 2017 at 18:19, john whelan wrote:
> Currently in JOSM I'm not seeing the tile frame.
> Cheerio John
> On 3 March 2017 at 17:26, Rebecca Firth wrote:
>> Appreciate all the hard work going into getting this f
One crude method is to download the daily dump. Cut out the area you're
interested in.
So something like
osmconvert64 G:\downloads\zambia-latest.osm.pbf -o=f:\maps\zambia.osm
osmconvert64 f:\maps\nigeria.osm -b=8,0,15.6884766,9
Your drive letters will be different. Wa
These are both high priority projects but Bing coverage is not as good as
it could be.
However there is imagery
It's not quite what we usually do but Syrian refugees are ending up in many
parts of the world. OSMand allows you to choose the language both for the
menus and for the map.
So in Ottawa all the street names are in English or French but I can search
for pharmacy in English or pharmacie if I'm usin
This is similar to my pulling in Africa a country at a time and using JOSM
to check for errors.
What I have noticed is one mapper will misstag then others will follow. So
sanitising the area or checking it for errors before the new HOT mappers
start would probably improve the overall data quality
about "(multi)polygons". This is not
> something that only affects multipolygon relations, but all polygons,
> even the ones created from closed ways. They are simpler than mp
> relations, but that doesn't mean they can't have problems.
> Jochen
> On T
> master/doc/problems.md
> https://github.com/osmlab/fixing-polygons-in-osm/blob/master/doc/faq.md
> If there is something unclear after reading them, please ask, and I am
> happy to explain.
> Jochen
> On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 08:30:27AM -0400, jo
rst place?
> John Whelan said earlier, "What I have noticed is one mapper will misstag
> then others will follow.” I think this is true, and likely goes beyond
> tagging — I suspect new mappers are looking for frames of reference to
> judge their own work by, and end up just
We tend to think of mapping buildings as one of the simpler tasks we ask
mappers to do but recently I've been looking at code that can extract
buildings from OpenStreetMap aggregate the floor area then calculate an
estimated population.
Trouble is when I look at the map in some areas the buildings
Are you looking for information on how to do it? On suggested hardware?
Essentially for this purpose I see no reason why one local machine such as
a lap top couldn't feed the others. In a windows environment its fairly
easy to configure. In the security tabs for the folder you just make the
> I hope someone will come along with an example of what they've managed to
> do before. If not it should be a fun exercise :)
> Cheers, Joseph
> On 22 March 2017 at 15:42, john whelan wrote:
>> Are you looking for information on how to do it?
>>> Looks like it could be a good feature to add though! Looks like Dale has
>>> opened an issue on it already: https://github.com/posm/posm/issues/277
>>> Cheers, Joseph
stigating what would give
> the OSM contributors the best user experience (that would likely be = which
> one would serve the tiles in the fastest way).
> Cheers
> Claire
> On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 5:53 PM, john whelan
> wrote:
>> Taking it a ste
Regret asking a techie an apparently simple question yet?
Cheerio John
On 22 Mar 2017 1:56 pm, "john whelan" wrote:
> Realistically do you need the complexity and expense of NAS? Most hard
> drives last at least two years, Western Digital traditionally last a bit
> longer in
I'm not sure where to post this but although it was created for intel NUCs
with 8 gigs of memory can it be run on other boxes such as an i7 Laptop
with 4 gigs of memory or isn't it stable enough yet?
Thanks John
HOT mailing list
t; Papers.
> For future questions on POSM the best place to ask questions is on github.
> http://github.com/posm
> Dale
> On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 2:49 PM, john whelan
> wrote:
>> I'm not sure where to post this but although it was created for intel
I think we need to define the requirements first. POSM works on standard
hardware in a standard configuration. It's been field tested and you learn
from experience.
It needs to be fairly idiot proof and unfortunately they're turning out
better quality idiots all the time. It needs good simple d
Some way to spot the most recently mapped tiles that have not been
validated. The current activity list isn't too bad except when a mapathon
hits then there are more tiles than the activity list can hold. Also
validating takes up slots on the list.
The reason I'm after the most recently mapped t
It's something I've noticed in Africa so its probably not putting new
mappers through a month's training first but many villages have been mapped
but tagged as a single building with building=yes.
They aren't grouped together but rural Africa doesn't have that many large
foot print buildings so it
> Pierre
> --
> *De :* john whelan
> *À :* OpenStreetMap talk mailing list
> *Cc :* "hot@openstreetmap.org"
> *Envoyé le :* samedi 25 mars 2017 13h28
> *Objet :* [OSM-talk] A tool for picking up settlements ta
I've been taking a look at this Android app in the play store. What I like
is the very clean interface.
I've been looking at it to add levels to buildings for inexperienced
Knowing how HOT likes to tag things could it be expanded to add the sort of
tags that NGOs are interested in?
I looked into Overpass API, but no luck. In
> JOSM areasize would definitely work. You'll have to find a sweetspot around
> 100-
> so
> building areasize:100-
> or possibly 500 or 1000.
> Polyglot
> 2017-03-25 19:34 GMT+01:00 john whelan :
ay for JOSM and its incredible functionality!
> Polyglot
> 2017-03-26 1:51 GMT+01:00 john whelan :
>> I'll need to play around but by using building followed by remove addr,
>> name etc I can start to pick them out. What exactly is areasize measured
>> in?How can I d
My understanding is that mapswipe is only used to identify where to map.
Not to contribute to the map.
Cheerio John
On 26 Mar 2017 7:38 am, "Hakuch" wrote:
> I contributed some data via mapswipe, but I could not find out where and
> how exactly the marked tiles are used? Are there tasks where t
there might
be a way to bring something into OSM via a review process.
Cheerio John
On 26 March 2017 at 08:22, Hakuch wrote:
> On 26.03.2017 14:13, john whelan wrote:
> > My understanding is that mapswipe is only used to identify where to map.
> > Not to
eselected. Also the description: "The data
> are prepared by MapSwipe"
> Regards,
> On Sun, Mar 26, 2017 at 2:40 PM john whelan wrote:
>> I seem to recall the same area is mapswiped by four different people
>> before a mapper maps it.
>> O
validator. Six passes to get a validated
tile. The other way would give you one in four passes three of which would
be on smartphones.
Cheerio John
On 26 March 2017 at 09:01, john whelan wrote:
> But does it address the concern about how much effort is expended compared
> to the value
ection as well.
Cheerio John
On 26 March 2017 at 10:46, Jo wrote:
> It's definitely useful to save actual mapper's time. For validation I'm
> not sure it would be a big help.
> Op 26 mrt. 2017 3:12 p.m. schreef "john whelan" :
> Would we be better a
OT Summit presentation on MapSwipe and pybossa
> https://youtu.be/pRZ_mWn0Lmc
> Cheers,
> Pete
> On 26 Mar 2017 15:47, "Jo" wrote:
>> It's definitely useful to save actual mapper's time. For validation I'm
>> not
up of people involved in the workflow.
> Cheers,
> Pete
> On 26 Mar 2017 17:27, "Jo" wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> Both possibilities exist. You can 'reserve' a bunch of tile to work on
>> while off line, or you can work online.
I'm starting to see areas where someone has mapped a largish area
landuse=residential and other mappers have tightly mapped groups of
buildings and tagged landuse=residential within this.
I'm not sure whether to ignore them or delete one or the other?
Thoughts please.
Thanks John
> I already saw people replacing the landuse=residential tag by place=town
over a precise urban area for some towns in Africa what I think is
basically wrong because these places are generally larger than the
residential area.
I must confess I normally just add a landuse=residential to these. I'l
>Surely population density could be accessed more accurately by numbers of
buildings than by sizes of "blobs", which are outlines very inconsistently ?
I've seen people take the square area of all the buildings and apply a
formula to it that includes the number of storeys. Not as good as a census
When I validate or go searching for untagged ways I quite often come across
a building mapped two or three times its actual size.
If its important for estimating population etc perhaps this could be
mentioned in the instructions for the project.
For the moment I'm just adding building=yes tags.
Just mark it done. Do not add anything.
Cheerio John
On 8 April 2017 at 21:06, Sandy Olkowski wrote:
> Hello,
> Sorry to post this question generally but I'm not sure who to ask. When
> mapping a square that has no relevant features, how should we save the
> work?
> I've been adding a gene
>> For me as a mapper, I wish that I would have a list of my finished tasks
>> where I see which have been validated / invalidated. It would give me a
>> boost when I see I am doing things right.
>> Florian
>> Am 25.03.2017 um 17:31 schrieb Pet
uraging more users to validate.
>> I know you've led quite a few discussions on this list about validation,
>> so I'll be sure to check through those as well to find a common points.
>> Thanks!
>> Matt
>> On Sun, Apr 9, 2017
I've been looking at one section of Africa and tagging untagged ways and
area=yes ways. It's a very small % of the entire continent.
So far in the last couple of days I've tagged nearly 800 buildings and I
have another 350 untagged ways to go through.
Looking at the mappers and the profiles many
I have just come across a batch 13 and 16 march 2017 with two mappers
mapping the same buildings. I have deleted some duplicates but I suspect
there are more there.
Cheerio John
On 10 April 2017 at 17:50, john whelan wrote:
> I've been looking at one section of Africa and tagging
> but the users are so much more productive and validators will come in
> hordes to thank you :-)
> Polyglot
> 2017-04-10 23:50 GMT+02:00 john whelan :
>> I've been looking at one section of Africa and tagging untagged ways and
>> area=yes ways. It
Thank you Majka.
I think Majka has pinned down one major problem. Same problem as I had
with trainee programmers to them speed was important. In HOT we shoot
ourselves in the foot by saying this project is urgent, implying speed is
of the essence. We need a different way to say this.
This proj
This is not for beginners and its much more something to think about first
before rushing in.
I've been looking over bits of Africa and one thing that stands out is the
large number of imported highways. Unfortunately they don't always align
to the imagery. Well they can be within a km or two of
I'm looking at a project with more than 1,000 tiles that need validating.
Some are done by mappers who are new, some by experienced mappers.
What I'd like is something to serve up the tiles most in need of validation
in the order of priority.
So new mappers first, recent work first, trusted mappe
When the Open Data conference was held in Ottawa many attendees stayed at a
nearby downtown University of Ottawa student residence. Unfortunately the
Ottawa U returns 1st September.
Cheerio John
On 21 April 2017 at 11:50, Heather Leson wrote:
> Yipeee!
> On 21 Apr 2017 17:46, "Rachel VanNice
It's not validation in the conventional sense but there seems to be some
sort of system that detects crossing highways I suspect by using overpass.
It was developed in Europe for crossing highways there but has now been
extended to cover other places and I'm not sure of the name of it.
Anyway rat_
In Africa where we see small groups of huts clustered with other groups
typically 100 meters apart some mappers will map each small cluster some
draw a much larger landuse=residential covering perhaps a dozen small
When validating I accept either but I suspect the multiple small
I would concur that JOSM load up a chunk of the map then run the validator
on it is a lot faster than Maproulette having said that not every one is
familiar with the technique and a lot more people ie different warm bodies
use Maproulette.
Cheerio John
On 2 May 2017 at 11:51, Andrew Buck wrote:
There is an interesting article in the Economist about how these diseases
are being reduced. It started in 1987 when Merck started to give away a
drug that was effective against river blindness. One problem was getting
it to those who need it.
The World Bank and the World Health Organisation tea
For project 1396 the new imagery makes a big difference both in quality and
coverage. It is available in JOSM but you need to select it in preferences.
For other projects project managers might like to review the new imagery
and amend their instructions if appropriate.
Thank you DigitalGlobe and
OpenStreetMap and HOT conventions are slightly different. In OpenStreetMap
a much wider range of mapping conventions are used and it is quite
acceptable for a building to be mapped as a node or outline, in HOT the
convention is to map it in outline.
If the buildings are mapped accurately then you
The problem with using imagery is it depends when it was taken. Just after
the rainy season all the unpaved highways will be narrower. Realistically
if we map the highways connecting settlements as something such as
highway=unclassified surface unpaved then let the locals clean up that
probably is
But from your computer science background you should realise there are
costs involved. To mark a building as a node is one line in the database.
As a way well there are four nodes for a start each with its lat and long,
then you have the connecting way. Have you saved a bit of .OSM and opened
the ideal case is buildings as well-outlined ways (which is what
> "experienced OSM mappers" do prefer, btw; no retraining needed).
> Cheers,
> Jan "Piskvor" Martinec,
> OSM and HOTOSM mapper
> Dne 22. 5. 2017 17:54 napsal uživatel "john whelan"
> >
> > However, I think there is a case for rendering node-buildings in the HOT
> > cartography? I'll file a suggestion here: https://github.com/
> > hotosm/HDM-CartoCSS.
> >
> > Bjoern
> >
> > On 23 May 2017 at 04:54, Rob
> > (2) Potentially a plugin assists the user in converting node[building]
> into
> > way[building]. As John mentioned, I do think the building plugin is
> really
> > useful, and it seems feasible to add some functionality to it for
> > converting from node[building
In the computer world we use best practices as a method of preventing
problems. We do things such as ensuring operating systems are updated in a
timely fashion. In the corporate world there are lists of best practices
lying around.
Although HOT normally concentrates on medical matters, on the mi
Is it possible to pay by paypal or any method that does not involve using
my credit card number over the web?
Is the amount in Can dollars?
Thanks John
On 22 June 2017 at 10:43, Rachel VanNice wrote:
> Hi all!
> Our chance to get past the mailing list and chat all things humanitarian
> mapping
all into Eventbrite.
> I know you're local, we haven't started organizing any local mapathons or
> events outside the program yet, but Melanie, from the Working Group would,
> I'm sure, appreciate some help on the ground, if you're willing.
> Best,
> Rachel
I think its take your pick. Generally speaking I'd choose something that
your mappers can relate to and provide feedback to them.
If it helps I am validating on http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/2656# and
http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/2657# two fairly small projects that you
stand a chance of com
I'm seeing some interest in different levels of government in Africa and
others in enriching OSM with their data.
Is there somewhere that discusses things like Open Data licenses etc.
Thanks John
HOT mailing list
> Donal
> On 6 Jul 2017 17:07, "john whelan" wrote:
>> I'm seeing some interest in different levels of government in Africa and
>> others in enriching OSM with their data.
> this claim among the data creators, it should be safe to use the data.
> Arun
> On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 11:35 PM, john whelan
> wrote:
>> Not quite what I'm after. The City of Ottawa amended its Open Data
>> license to be in line with th
I'm looking at Chad by bringing 10% of the country at a time. I'm seeing
thousands of untagged ways most of which are buildings, far more than I
would expect.
If you're running a project in Chad that includes mapping buildings you may
wish to check the map in a week or two as I continue to tag un
lot better.
Cheerio John
On 15 July 2017 at 03:19, Bjoern Hassler wrote:
> Hi John,
> Let me know if I can do anything scripting-wise.
> Bjoern
> On 15 July 2017 at 02:49, john whelan wrote:
>> I'm looking at Chad by bringing 10% of the country at
which means helpers can find you on
> the basis of your OSM id.
> For your use case, it would be possible to get the script to produce a
> list of non-square buildings, which could then load loaded into JOSM, and
> cycled through with the TODO plugin...
> Also, any support i
> Hi John,
> Could you send me example coordinates or task number?
> Bjoern
> On 15 Jul 2017 16:37, "john whelan" wrote:
> I suspect your standards are much higher than mine. Basically I ignore if
> a building is square or not, in ge
Does it matter? If you're mapping from imagery then surely they become
building=yes in either case.
Cheerio John
On 23 July 2017 at 18:05, Vao Matua wrote:
> They look like small dwellings similar to the ones in pastoral communities
> in Ethiopia.
> However, I do not have on the ground experie
Lusaka is one of the few places in Africa that has boots on the ground,
many of which have backgrounds in GIS. I think there have been at least
twenty active local mappers mapping here so I'd be inclined to leave the
tagging up to the locals.
Cheerio John
On 26 July 2017 at 07:20, Bjoern Hassler
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