Re: Link edit question

2010-03-24 Thread Rick Fochtman
Leave the "(R)" off the NAME statement and the original LMOD will remain untouched. A condition code will also be set but I don't recall the exact message that generates it. Rick Supra Uche wrote: Hi List, I have a quest

Re: Mainframe Executive article on the death of tape

2010-03-23 Thread Rick Fochtman
I haven't seen a bona-fide tape I/O error since my shop installed 3480 drives, lo these many years ago. What's this guy smoking? Whatever it is, I'm sure it's illegal! :-) Rick --- Pinnacle wrote: Anybody read the Mainframe Ex

Re: IDC3009I RC=4 RSN=108 (from IGGCSI00)

2010-03-18 Thread Rick Fochtman
--- I am using CSI (catalog search interface) to obtain some catalog information for a data set. For some data sets IGGCSI00 returns with RC4 and reason code 108 and also message IEF705I is issued. Description of IDC3009I

Re: ISPF Preprocessed Panels

2010-03-12 Thread Rick Fochtman
-- Hello everybody: I would like to request people's opinions on taking the trouble of preprocessing ISPF panels. We have been preprocessing ISPF and SDSF panels for a long time now (at least the portion of those that

Re: z9 / z10 instruction speed(s) -- OCTANE of CPUs

2010-03-10 Thread Rick Fochtman
Not so much high-horsepower engines, but rather high-compression engines. Makes a HUGE difference in aircraft reciprocating engines. Higher compression leads to higher heat buildup in the cylinder and that can lead to pre-ignition, with seriously detrimental effect on the engine and the power c

Re: IBM Plans to Discontinue REDBOOK Series

2010-03-08 Thread Rick Fochtman
- "Give a man a fish, and he will eat today. Teach a man how to fish, and he will feed himself." --- "Give a man a fish and he will eat today. Teach a man how to fish and

Re: IBM Plans to Discontinue REDBOOK Series

2010-03-08 Thread Rick Fochtman
Do you mean that you have been successful at keeping yourself fully occupied with plenty of work from clients eager to engage your services, or that you have been successful at putting yourself out of a job just as quickly as possible

Re: z9 / z10 instruction speed(s)

2010-03-08 Thread Rick Fochtman
- Given the axioms of the discussion, it would be an entire book. The contention was that IBM shipping capacity that isn't used "doesn't make sense". - But it makes excell

Re: History; was "z9 / z10 instruction speed(s)"

2010-03-08 Thread Rick Fochtman
- Hershey bars cost a nickel") I'm dating myself, but I can remember buying Hershey bars at two for a nickel.

Re: Defrag

2010-03-05 Thread Rick Fochtman
- Steve, Why not just allocate a bigger VTOC. The argument is that the regular shuffling of thousands of CYls into contiguous extents to save one or two cyls on a VTOC is valuable exercise. I don't see it. I would give the Storage Admin h

Re: Defrag

2010-03-05 Thread Rick Fochtman
AFAIK, you are limited to 16 extents on a volume (NON-VSAM, PDS, DAM, etc.). If you are allowed (or can) do multi-volume, then yes, you get 16 [max] per volume for 59 volumes. Reclaiming space in the VTOC: If I can get al

Re: OT: need for "SmartUser"?

2010-03-01 Thread Rick Fochtman
Too true. Too bad we can't do to our users what a DI can do to their recruits to get them to "shape up". (drop and give me 50, you button clicking idiot!!) --

Re: need for "SmartUser"?

2010-03-01 Thread Rick Fochtman
-- Did the people understand the postings as written? That is the acid test. Legal papers get edited and checked and re-checked - which doesn't mean they are unambiguously clear.

Re: need for "SmartUser"?

2010-03-01 Thread Rick Fochtman
Time to fire some grade school teachers and get the rest back to teaching some basic skills. I've seen similar scenarios when interviewing applicants. Including one that I actually had to read the applications to him. (Company policy was that everyone had to submit an application, even if the i

Re: OT: need for "SmartUser"?

2010-03-01 Thread Rick Fochtman
Too bad there's no vaccie for "Stupid Syndrome". :-__ Bill Fairchild wrote: Fast food restaurant chains have a lot of experience with successfully dumbing down the keyboard of their cash registers. You might try contacting the chief architect of cash register design for McDonald's: http://www

Re: LPARs: More or Less?

2010-03-01 Thread Rick Fochtman
- FORTRAN H and FORTH are two very different languages. I don't know if there was ever a FORTH implementation for OS/360. -- I was completely unaware of a F

Re: Adventure - Or Colossal Cave Adventure

2010-02-25 Thread Rick Fochtman
-- We used WYLBUR (I THINK OBS version) at Westinghouse Lamp Divisions on a 360/65. I had been given to understand that ORVYL (sp.?) was the TP monitor portion of WYLBUR. Nev

Re: Senior Java Developer vs. MVS Systems Programmer (warning: Conley rant)

2010-02-25 Thread Rick Fochtman
LISP could cause permanent brain damage! - LISP = LOTS of INSERTED STUPID PARENTHESES. :-) Rick --

Re: Best practice for 24-bit storage in assembler called from C/C++

2010-02-25 Thread Rick Fochtman
- If you've ever done list processing, CONTROLLED storage is the cat's meow. Beats the Dickens out of trying to maintain arrays and array counters, especially if there's a chance of exceeding the size of the arrays. ... How is CONTROLLED

Re: LPARs: More or Less?

2010-02-25 Thread Rick Fochtman
Prior to MFT II and HASP II, HASP also automated the control of partitions in MFT, but I'm not going to ask you to believe just how bad the facilities were; suffice it to say that the original MFT without HASP or ASP was a nightma

Re: Adventure - Or Colossal Cave Adventure

2010-02-25 Thread Rick Fochtman
-- The phrase "WYLBUR/TSO" confirms my suspicion that someone was very confused; the two are very different animals. --- That's true but I've actually seen at least one shop that converted

Re: Adventure - Or Colossal Cave Adventure

2010-02-25 Thread Rick Fochtman
suspect he may have meant ORVYL, the interactive exuction companion to WYLBUR. We never ran it, so I don't know much about it. Did anyone use it other than Stanford? -- We used it at AMA

Re: Best practice for 24-bit storage in assembler called from C/C++

2010-02-24 Thread Rick Fochtman
--- OK, I'll bite. What is/was the intended purpose of controlled storage? I remember when I first was learning PL/1 (too many moons ago to count) being fascinated by it, but at that time I couldn't really see what the advantag

Re: IBM-caused needless aggravation for today

2010-02-23 Thread Rick Fochtman
Yeah, give me my deserved grief for dropping the "I" in "IBM" from the subject. Some day I'll learn how to cut & paste... Peter Relson z/OS Core Technology Design --

Re: About ENQ - some basic questions

2010-02-22 Thread Rick Fochtman
-- One place that MAY use it would JES2 for the SPOOL datasets. Since all spool datasets have the same name, if JES2 had the ENQ on the dataset name, you would be unable to delete or create additional SPOOL datasets while JES2

Re: About ENQ - some basic questions

2010-02-22 Thread Rick Fochtman
--- You are aware, of course, that an authorized program can access the dataset without even going thru OPEN and without a single DD statement? Quite true, IF

Re: catalog a vsam dataset in another catalog ?

2010-02-22 Thread Rick Fochtman
-- I meant to add that with the exception of SYS1, a VSAM dataset can only exist in 1 catalog at a time. I must have missed this one too, when did IBM remove PAGE HLQ from this list? I thought that the original OP wanted to keep

Re: catalog a vsam dataset in another catalog ?

2010-02-22 Thread Rick Fochtman
-- At first this sounds easy but let me explain: I am working on putting up a COD..not the fish as we are coming from an unsupported z/os . I'd like to use my current IODF (or even the previous one) but herein lies the problem. I DON'T want

Re: Adventure - Or Colossal Cave Adventure

2010-02-21 Thread Rick Fochtman
zMan wrote: On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 5:31 PM, Ed Gould wrote: Gabrial: I used to have a copy of Adventure that worked fine under MVS (albeit 30 years ago). Its been ages since I have thought about it. A fellow sysprog did the fortran conversion and we actually (at one time) had a map to the

Re: SWTL and 522

2010-02-18 Thread Rick Fochtman
--- From IBMLink ASCBSWTL (ASCB+x'C4') = Step Wait Time Limit 1 word in timer units. (JWT value, if applicable; i.e., if *not* TIME=1440). From the doc on the STIMER macro: For TUINTVL,

Re: What was old is new again (water chilled)

2010-02-18 Thread Rick Fochtman
--- I like it! And I remember a site that had a swimming pool into which the heat was dumped (either that, or it was the backup cooling in case of chiller failure -- they'd drain the pool through the CPUs while they did an orderly

Re: PDS vs. PDSE

2010-02-17 Thread Rick Fochtman
-- The system structures designed into S/360 that turned into bottlenecks sooner than most others did were built around the cKd architecture, in which the K is uppercased because it means KEY (where "KEY rhymes with "bad, bad, bad").

Re: SMS compression cost & size

2010-02-17 Thread Rick Fochtman
--- By 'killer apps' you mean good ones to COMP for, right? Would you COMP regardless of size, if short on CPU already, with lots of DASD? (even for less than 50 cyls) If size matters, what should the MIN size be? ---

Re: Batch Job Output Limiting

2010-02-17 Thread Rick Fochtman
I have been given the task of designing a way to prevent batch jobs fromfilling up our spool packs. The main culprits are traces with large input files that result in 10's of millions of lines of trace data on the spool vo

Re: Fastest branch instruction

2010-02-17 Thread Rick Fochtman
-- I may be advertising my age, but would a BXLE or BXH be the most efficient? - If you're guaranteed a hit, BRANCH RELATIVE ON COUNT would be the fastes

Re: What was old is new again (water chilled)

2010-02-17 Thread Rick Fochtman
Perhaps someone could summarise cogently what was wrong with water cooling the first time around (which, yes, I was there to witness). :-) I surmise it wasn't the water cooling so much as the space and the energy consumpt

Re: End of service for 3490-A20 and 3490-B40

2010-02-13 Thread Rick Fochtman
Consider: 1000's of 3490 carts of archived data that won't completely cycle out for another 5 to 10 years. Although we tend to revisit the issue every year, so far we still judge it cheaper to maintain (by non IBM) a f

Re: Determining if DUMMY allocation

2010-02-12 Thread Rick Fochtman
-- True confession time: I've never used DEVTYPE. Questions: 1. Is it "low overhead"? How would you guess it compares to searching the TIOT and issuing a SWAREQ? I'm not concerned about one or two instructions here, but

Re: Old assembler modules.

2010-02-12 Thread Rick Fochtman
-- Here is a funny one for you. We were doing house cleaning and found the 3705 assembler modules in linklib. We were just going to delete them but we thought we should go through change control to CYA. AFter the weeke

Re: PDS vs. PDSE

2010-02-10 Thread Rick Fochtman
John Ehrman of the IBM Mainframe Discussion List wrote on 02/10/2010 01:46:57 PM: PDSEs have been available for a long time, and provide many advantages over PDSs. Why are people reluctant to use PDSEs? I think of a fe

Re: Need Testers for Dataset Audit Facility (DAF) 1.4.9

2010-02-10 Thread Rick Fochtman
Out of curiosity (and lack of knowledge in this area), is there any benefit to having DAF if I am already a Vanguard customer? --- Yes. The DAF rep

Re: Compuware FileAid to IBM FileManager Conversion

2010-02-10 Thread Rick Fochtman
- I'd also be interested in any comments, as we're looking to do exactly the same thing. We're also considering replacing: - Abend/AID & Abend/AID CICS with Fault analyser Xpediter TSO & Xpediter CICS with Debug tool Strobe &

Re: IBM countersues Neon over zPrime accelerator

2010-02-05 Thread Rick Fochtman
That is never discussed around here. Management just pops in and out of existance around here like virtual quantum particles. They come in, mess up everything that has been working, then go away to "work their magic" a

Re: Word-1 of the Co nventional Save Area ‏

2010-02-04 Thread Rick Fochtman
Tom Marchant wrote: On Thu, 4 Feb 2010 11:54:44 -0600, McKown, John wrote: Of course, I always zero 8(,13) just before I RETURN (in HLASM). Of course? Why? So you know where the chain ends in a dump. -- For IB

Re: Word-1 of the Co nventional Save Area ‏

2010-02-04 Thread Rick Fochtman
-- It is still used by PL/I, which is alive and well, to accomplish bidirectional save-area chaining. --- Guess again. Bidirectional chaining s accompplished using the seco

Re: Word-1 of the Conventional Save Area

2010-02-04 Thread Rick Fochtman
--- Could someone please enlighten me as to what the purpose is/was of the first word of a save area? Usually when I'm going through a dump it's not important, but I have seen LE put some control information in there. I've also he

Re: IBM countersues Neon over zPrime accelerator

2010-02-03 Thread Rick Fochtman
R.S. wrote: Mark Zelden pisze: [...] I don't have a stake either way, but if I were rooting for Neon and they won this battle, IBM would still be free to change the licensing rules or not charge less for special engines, or they could just change the code and break zPrime for Neon. So the

Re: Friday thought - a couple of SUBSYS= subsystems for discussion.

2010-01-31 Thread Rick Fochtman
-- Doesn't FREEPOOL test whether there is a buffer pool before trying to free it? - That's a fairly recent refinement to the FREEPOOL macro. For many years there was no such c

Re: IPCS Start-up issue

2010-01-28 Thread Rick Fochtman
--- Rick, Have you tried opening a PMR with IPCS support? How exactly are you trying to start it? From the i...@390u panel or home grown option? Btw, that panel selection option uses CMD(BLSCLIBD) NEWAPPL(BLSG) PASSLIB SCR

IPCS Start-up issue

2010-01-27 Thread Rick Fochtman
Still having problems. Under ISPF, I can't get IPCS to start. The dump directory is allocated properly but I still get the same start-up error: IKJURPS RC=20,ERROR=23 I re-iterate: IPCS docs and MSGS & CODES are useless; no information is available. There doesn't seem to be anything about IK

Re: IPCS Starttup issue

2010-01-26 Thread Rick Fochtman
TSO/E TMP cannot process an IKJURPS request. For example, during LOGON processing." Are you by any chance trying to start IPCS in your logon exec, before the first READY prompt has been issued? On Mon, 25 Jan 2010 20:19:36 -0600 Rick Fochtman wrote: :>Trying to start IPCS for the first

IPCS Starttup issue

2010-01-25 Thread Rick Fochtman
Trying to start IPCS for the first time on this system and getting a failure in IKJURPS, RC=20, ERROR=23 Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? MSGS & CODES dscreiption is completely useless, as are the IPCS pubs I have. TIA Rick --

Re: "The Naked Mainframe" (Forbes Security Article)

2010-01-24 Thread Rick Fochtman
I remember much of it vividly, since Nixon was the president when I got drafted into the Army. On January 22, 1973, he went on nation-wide TV and announced that there would be no more draft into the Armed Forces of the United States. That was also the day I got my promotion to Sergeant First C

Re: "The Naked Mainframe" (Forbes Security Article)

2010-01-24 Thread Rick Fochtman
Ron Hawkins wrote: Ed, Let me go fetch a grain of salt. And you want me to believe that in 1970 there was OS/360 running with ESCON connected to 3330 DASD drives deep under the White House. And that IBM lab was the one with the Electron Microscope. I'm sort of amazed that in 1974 IBM could r

[no subject]

2010-01-22 Thread Rick Fochtman
Can we have removed from the list. We don't need the Viagra commercials on this list. Careful, he may be a legit member whose machine has been compromised, or just whose address was faked. Faking an email address i

Re: REXX to delete all members of a PDS... serverpac CPPEDELM

2010-01-20 Thread Rick Fochtman
-- I don't know about that program, but this REXX program doesn't work with PDSE (013-EC abend): ARG dsn "ALLOC F(PDSDIR) DA("dsn") SHR REUSE RECFM(F)", /* pds directory

Re: REXX to delete all members of a PDS... serverpac CPPEDELM

2010-01-20 Thread Rick Fochtman
- Then I came up with a little QSAM program that set the entire directory to zeros and placed the x'' in the key and first member name of the first block. Then IBM invented PDSE and spoiled all your fun. Does this techn

Re: REXX to delete all members of a PDS... serverpac CPPEDELM

2010-01-20 Thread Rick Fochtman
Some folks have asked about how to delete all members from a PDS without deleting the PDS. I just stumbled across this while doing a receive from ServerPac CPP. -

Re: REXX to delete all members of a PDS... serverpac CPPEDELM

2010-01-20 Thread Rick Fochtman
Some folks have asked about how to delete all members from a PDS without deleting the PDS. I just stumbled across this while doing a receive from ServerPac CPP. -

Re: Getmain Freemain?

2010-01-19 Thread Rick Fochtman
--- I have an old assembler program which we call numerous times from a rexx script. There seems to be an issue introduced with our z/OS 1.10 upgrade which did not previously exist... the memory usage builds up and eventually abend

Re: Source code for s/360

2010-01-17 Thread Rick Fochtman
- Thanks everyone. I have the MVT source code. Rick's site is down, but another site had a copy. I was looking for the 1st OS, which I think is PCP. Is that correct? -- Fi

Re: Bookshelves under BookMangler

2010-01-13 Thread Rick Fochtman
--- In the old days, books were printed on paper and usually placed into a three-ring binder. When they got too big, the authors split them into multiple volumes. -- W

Re: Subject: Re: VTOC Fmt6

2010-01-13 Thread Rick Fochtman
-- >> COBOL is the Language of the Future! << PL/1 is the UNCOBOL :-) Rick -

Re: Korean bank Moves back to Mainframes (, not back)

2010-01-12 Thread Rick Fochtman
- I disagree. The basic operation of a credit card at the get go was for the customer to be authenticated by comparing the signature on the voucher with the one on the card. If they don't match the vendor refuses the transaction. T

Re: Subject: Re: VTOC Fmt6

2010-01-08 Thread Rick Fochtman
- Rick Fochtman pisze: -- BTW: I would like IBM to document those undocumented options. It wouldn't hurt to create an appendix named "Obsolete options" wi

Re: Subject: Re: VTOC Fmt6

2010-01-07 Thread Rick Fochtman
-- BTW: I would like IBM to document those undocumented options. It wouldn't hurt to create an appendix named "Obsolete options" with remark that all the options are ignored and may stop work (in term of syntax) in the future. The same

Re: Bookshelves under BookMangler

2010-01-05 Thread Rick Fochtman
be a pita. I'm trying to solve your problem. Charles -Original Message- From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of Rick Fochtman Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 10:44 AM To: Subject: Re:

Re: Bookshelves under BookMangler

2010-01-05 Thread Rick Fochtman
--- I can't very well access that file from a DVD or CD-ROM I don't know what that means. Can you be more specific? You're sitting at a PC(?) that is connected to the Internet(?). You need data that you can cut and paste into a _

Re: Bookshelves under BookMangler

2010-01-04 Thread Rick Fochtman
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of Rick Fochtman Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 7:20 PM Can someone out there point me to what bookshelf contains the PoPs manual? All I've been able to find is a PDF and I need the instruction tables from Appendix B in an

Re: 360 programs on a z/10

2010-01-04 Thread Rick Fochtman
Note that both Patton and Montgomery agreed that the best approach was a spearhead across Europe into Germany. They disagreed on who should lead it, each wanted to be the sole leader of the action. Eisenhower overruled both and o

Bookshelves under BookMangler

2010-01-03 Thread Rick Fochtman
Can someone out there point me to what bookshelf contains the PoPs manual? All I've been able to find is a PDF and I need the instruction tables from Appendix B in an editable format. Thanks, in advance. Rick --- If you're not the lead dog, the view never changes.

Re: Why is JCL so bad was Re: Basic question on passing JCL set symbol to proc

2010-01-03 Thread Rick Fochtman
So that's where CMS got that idea. But z/OS device independence is eroding. Why are there TPUT/TGET/PUTLINE/GETLINE (whatever) rather than just doing QSAM I/O to SYSTSPRT and SYSTSIN? And I'm dismayed at the number

Re: "Portable" data centers (was RE: Small Server Mob Advantage)

2009-12-30 Thread Rick Fochtman
Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) wrote: In <>, on 12/21/2009 at 12:34 PM, Lloyd Fuller said: It was also a tank before the M1 Abrams. Yes, but there was an M1 rifle before there was an M1 tank ;-) I suspect that M1 and M60 are not the only numbe

Re: JES SPOOL "quota" by user?

2009-12-23 Thread Rick Fochtman
OK, I'm being Scrooge. But we have a person here who loves to use the JES2 SPOOL as a report repository. Most likely due to it being "easy" and not needing to bother with estimating his dataset size requirements. So, what woul

Re: CA mainframe install software

2009-12-22 Thread Rick Fochtman
Don't you mean "CA Aggravator" ??? :-) Rick - Paul Gilmartin wrote: On Mon, 21 Dec 2009 11:18:51 -0800, Schwarz, Barry A wrote: It was called CA-Activator. By whom? -- gil -

Re: "Portable" data centers (was RE: Small Server Mob Advantage)

2009-12-22 Thread Rick Fochtman
John, M60 is also a 60-ton tank, now considered obsolete. Mounted a 105mm Main Gun. Rick -- Chase, John wrote: -Original Message- From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Ed Finnell In a message dated 12/21/2009 9:28:2

Re: "Portable" data centers

2009-12-21 Thread Rick Fochtman
-- IIRC, the DAT box was optional on the 370/145 and became standard on the 370/148. No; the "upgrade" on the 370/145 was a new floppy disk. -- Isn't that also an upgrade???

Re: 360 programs on a z/10

2009-12-19 Thread Rick Fochtman
Which was why in the day I remember sorting input batch files in reverse (descending) key sequence so that the ISAM I/O would find the "next" insertion point without traversing the entire overflow chain. Ideally, if the "next" poi

Re: 360 programs on a z/10

2009-12-17 Thread Rick Fochtman
Mike Myers wrote: Rick: Yes, I had forgotten about SIO/HIO/TIO and was reminded of those by your first post. I can't recall if I ever personally wrote a SIO instruction. Most of the channel programming I ever did was at the EXCP level, so i don't recall writing a SSCH instruction either. A

Re: 360 programs on a z/10

2009-12-17 Thread Rick Fochtman
The 360 instruction set is wholly contained in the z/Series instruction set and many system constructs were extended in such a way as to make them backward compatible. - Not stri

Re: Converting CA-MIM to GRS

2009-12-17 Thread Rick Fochtman
-- I'm writing a procedure to convert CA-MIM to GRS. Are there any tools to work with? I found some old hits on this but I was hoping to hear something newer. ---

Re: 360 programs on a z/10

2009-12-17 Thread Rick Fochtman
-- I've often heard that programs that ran on the IBM 360 will still run on a z/10. Is this true? Some? Most? All? Has to be at least one (IEFBR14). (-: I've never found a pr

Re: "Portable" data centers (was RE: Small Server Mob Advantage)

2009-12-17 Thread Rick Fochtman
--- And MOBIDIC (sp?) was earlier than that. -- Are you sure that MOBIDIC isn't a social disease ??? :-) Rick

Re: "Portable" data centers

2009-12-17 Thread Rick Fochtman
--- But there were strong indications that the 370/145 had paging. The implementation of the DOS Emulator Feature only made sense if the hardware was designed for paging. - IIRC, the DAT box


2009-12-08 Thread Rick Fochtman
Donnelly, John P wrote: We cannot see what happened here. Our VATLST entry reads, in part: EDIT SYS1.PARMLIB(VATLST11) - 01.05 Columns 1 00072 Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR ** * Top of Da

Re: "Portable" data centers (was RE: Small Server Mob Advantage)

2009-12-08 Thread Rick Fochtman
-- How big were those, compared to an iPod? Probably like battleship::kayak. Physical size. How about capacity? -- How about CRAY-1 vs. Slide Rule? :-) Rick

Re: Now is time for banks to replace core system according to Accenture

2009-12-04 Thread Rick Fochtman
- I would prefer "supplementing" sturdy seat belts with dangerous air bags. I take it that you don't have children? None that I'll admit to. :-) Lifelong bachelor,

Re: Now is time for banks to replace core system according to Accenture

2009-12-03 Thread Rick Fochtman
--- Are they? They're not designed to the same engineering standards, and in some cases safety has been compromised in the name of convenience, e.g., replacing sturdy seat belts with dangerous air bags.

Re: Now is time for banks to replace core system according to Accenture

2009-12-03 Thread Rick Fochtman
--- I wouldn't mind looking back at the "good old days", but only for hysterical purposes. SIO/TIO/HIO are NOT areas I would care to revisit for any productive purpose. :-) That was the progressive new era; the "good old day

Re: Jes2 Converter abend d37

2009-12-02 Thread Rick Fochtman
-- It can always be worse. I once saw a vendor's SE give a 10- or 20-page printout to a colleague of mine, who then sat at a keypunch for several hours punching cards to match the VERIFY and ZAP hex data for the dozens of PTFs descr

Re: Now is time for banks to replace core system according to Accenture

2009-12-02 Thread Rick Fochtman
--- While this discussion has evolved into a discourse on HLLs and library support, I would like to make an observation. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, Accenture was Arthur Anderson Consulting. My company contracted with them

Re: Now is time for banks to replace core system according to Accenture

2009-12-02 Thread Rick Fochtman
--- P.S. Anybody doing any linked-list processing in 64-bit space? Having trouble comparing link keys to find insertion points. What kind of problems? Can't seem to

Re: Jes2 Converter abend d37

2009-12-01 Thread Rick Fochtman
Take a hard look at the ALLOCxx Parmlib member. Rick Rick, Which PARMLIB member has the space allocations? Roger -- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive acc

Re: Now is time for banks to replace core system according to Accenture

2009-12-01 Thread Rick Fochtman
- I mean, how many times on this list do we keep harping on about how wonderful it was when we had to handcraft our own IO routine etc etc!! Who is we? I don't believe that I'm the only one one this list to write that I would never wan

Re: Now is time for banks to replace core system according to Accenture

2009-12-01 Thread Rick Fochtman
Gee, I didn't finish High School. Better slit my throat now... And I dropped out of college, twice, never finished. What's your point? Sensitive much? Sheesh. --- I gave up a promising

Re: Now is time for banks to replace core system according to Accenture

2009-12-01 Thread Rick Fochtman
- I just believe that's the way CEOs and CIOs will read it. Most of them really think that the mainframe, especially using z/OS, is old technology even with the changes that have been put in place. I really love this board.

Re: Now is time for banks to replace core system according to Accenture

2009-12-01 Thread Rick Fochtman
--: Accenture is saying that now might be the time for banks to replace their core systems and retool to new technology. They don't actually say it, but it sounds to me like their saying that big banks should get off the mainframe. comme

Re: Now is time for banks to replace core system according to Accenture

2009-12-01 Thread Rick Fochtman
- <><>People don't need college to learn Java. Java's available for free, it handles the kind of applications an amateur knows & likes to play with, and it is easy to find help on the Web. <><>People don't need college to learn brain

Re: Jes2 Converter abend d37

2009-11-30 Thread Rick Fochtman
Claude, you've got a good idea, but why not specify BLKSIZE=0, for better space utilization? And that won't really help the converter at all. Roger, have you considered altering the default space allocation values in the PARMLIB ?? Rick

Re: Bye from Brian

2009-11-30 Thread Rick Fochtman
Brian, you might explore the free E-Mail account from Might be well worth your while. Rick -- Brian Crow wrote: Thanks, Andrew, I could just not quite pull the plug, but now I must as the email dies tomorrow... I will however be sure t

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