[jQuery] unsibscribe without google account

2009-09-17 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, I'm trying to unsubscribe from this mailinglist and from the developer mailinglist. It seems, that I need a google account for that. Actually I wasn't planing to create a new account just to unsubscribe from two mailinglists. Is there another way? Christof

[jQuery] Re: is accessing element by a class faster than accessing X element by ID

2009-01-07 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, $('#toto_contaner').children(); That only works, if all .toto elements are direct children of #toto_contaner and there are no other elements in #toto_contaner. In case only the second assumption does not hold, I guess $('#toto_contaner div.toto').hide() is the fastest solution. If the

[jQuery] Re: is accessing element by a class faster than accessing X element by ID

2009-01-05 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, although i couldn't see one or the other or even the other being much faster considering that the selector would have to go through all the elements to see if *any* element on the page either (1) has the specified class or (2) has the specified id There is document.getElementById()

[jQuery] Re: is accessing element by a class faster than accessing X element by ID

2009-01-05 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, And try something like: var toto = []; $('.toto').each(function(){ var elem = $(this); toto[elem.attr('ref')] = elem; } Then, to hide the toto div with ref=1 or ref=2, just call: toto[1].hide(); toto[2].hide(); Why not use this: var toto = $('.toto'); toto[1].hide();

[jQuery] Re: Norton thinks jQuery is a virus?

2008-12-10 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, Anyone got any ideas? This is now happening to one of our guys on any site he visits that is using jQuery. Even interface.js got blocked at one point.. Risk name: HTTP Acrobat PDF file suspicious download File: jquery.js Are you shure, your Server does not deliver .js Files as

[jQuery] Re: Exists

2008-10-28 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, if(!$('label[for=Subject,class=Error]').length) Have you tried $('label[for=Subject].Error'? Christof

[jQuery] Re: How to clone jQuery object?

2008-05-25 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, I meant to ask... What is the actual goal here? Can you give a little background? Maybe there is another way to accomplish what you want to do that doesn't rely on cloning the jQuery constructor. I want to have both $ and $D; but in $D, I want to override some functions like

[jQuery] Re: How to clone jQuery object?

2008-05-25 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, Is it absolutelly necessary, that $D has all the other jQuery functionality? If not just hav the code you need in $D. Not necessary, but I want to have them chained with jQuery object [...] Is it absolutelly necessary, that the functions have the name click() and hover()? Maybe

[jQuery] Re: jQuery for loop - am I crazy?

2008-04-24 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, function initDashboard(){ $(document).ready(function(){ if($(.adminMsgSummary).length 0){ var theCount = $(.adminMsgSummary dl).length-1; for(z=1;z=theCount;z++){ var theDl =

[jQuery] Re: deferring script loading

2008-04-20 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, Thanks, it seems to have worked:-) I suppose it doesn't harm to set the time interval to a value greater than 10, right? Of course not. That just increases the time between the moment, jQuery is available and the moment your code is evaluated. It should still work of course. Christof

[jQuery] Re: dynamically loading javascript files (getScript() behavior)

2008-03-29 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, Still, I've been using another approach that seems to work fine (at least) in FF and IE. Insted of getting the file and evaluating it, I just add a new SCRIPT element to the HEAD of the document with the specified URL. There are Safari Versions that don't load scripts that way. For nowI

[jQuery] Re: jQuery.Plugin, first release.

2008-03-06 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, 1- First of all, do you frequently use jspax for your jQuery plugins ? no one said this plugin is the first of its kind. Yes I do. I have recieved reports from developers that have poblems with jsPax and IE, but none of their testcases did show their problems for me. For my part I never

[jQuery] Re: jQuery.Plugin, first release.

2008-03-06 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, Now, jQuery is not structured in packages, it's a core. You could consider the plugins as package, but there's no jQuery module to load them orderly (that I know of). That was one of the reasons I wrote jsPax. I chose not to use jQuery in jsPax, because I still have some applications

[jQuery] Re: jQuery.Plugin, first release.

2008-03-05 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, i have no idea whether this is feasible or not, i'm just a UI designer No, it isn't. The browser doesn't know what you mean by class=lazy. As soon as the browser reads a script tag it will begin to load the script, no matter what classname you gave it. There is no way to stop him.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery.Plugin, first release.

2008-03-05 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, First release of jQuery.Plugin, that's the name, it is used to lazy load plugins. The file is only fetched with the first call to the plugin. 1. Why not use existing and tested code like e.g. jsPax (jspax.org) or jsan? 2. Can your code resolve dependencies? 3. Does it work with

[jQuery] Re: jQuery.Plugin, first release.

2008-03-05 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, what if you comment out your script tags ? i'm probably pulling hairs here. Then you don't have the script tags in the DOM. You would need to write your own parser then to parse the content of the coments - not a too simple task. Of course you also can not use the existing jQuery

[jQuery] Re: Loading dynamic JS libraries with jQuery

2008-01-15 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, I'm trying to load JS files (libraries) dynamically at run-time with jQuery but I'm not being able to... I thought I had this working before but now it's not. Here's my code: Which Browser are you testing with? Generally there are two possibilities to load Scripts dynamically: 1. add a

[jQuery] Re: Debug Tools - Charles, DebugBar, Firebug Lite

2008-01-03 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, What debug tools do you all use? [...] How about tools for IE? Is there anything you'd reccomend? alert() Christof

[jQuery] Re: Performance of jquery

2007-12-11 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, IE7 Prototype: 2199 ms Mootools: 1546 ms jQuery: 1336 ms FF2 Prototype: 326 ms Mootools: 390 ms jQuery: 1092 ms SAFARI3 Prototype: 896 ms Mootools: 279 ms jQuery: 452 ms To complete the values: Konqueror Prototype: only Errors Mootools: only Errors jQuery: 699 ms With

[jQuery] Re: uhhh.......WAT?

2007-09-28 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, So, if I understand this, clicking on the jQuery link above should...uhh, pop an alert right? No. A click on any a-tag on your page will pop the alert. Christof

[jQuery] Re: uhhh.......WAT?

2007-09-28 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, This ass/troll/clueless individual thanks you for making this group forum now begin to sound like every other developer's resource on the web: well-intentioned but ultimately crippled by the bratty missives of a few self-important detractors. I don't whant to sound like i'd support

[jQuery] Re: Enterprise Javascript?

2007-09-28 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, after giving a cursory look at XUL here are some of the things AIR does that XUL doesn't: * Built in support for Flex/Flash (Layout/Logic + Fancy Animation/Video) Of course you can use any Firefox Plugin - including the flash Player, Quicktime, Adobe Reader, etc. IIRC there is even

[jQuery] Re: ui slider plugin

2007-09-28 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, Please ask on the dedicated jQuery UI list: Uh, not another mailinglist. I can not read all that. BTW. I have found a solution. The point was, that I had to use position:abslute for all elements. Seems like slider does expect that to work correctly. Another Problem someone else might

[jQuery] ui slider plugin

2007-09-26 Thread Christof Donat
Hi I am having problems with the UI slider plugin. I have this HTML structure (bulilt with DOM): div id=hue style=float: right; margin-top: 5px; background-image: url(img/hue.png); width: 18px; height: 186px; img id=hueSlider src=img/handle.gif style=left: 232px;/

[jQuery] Re: Enterprise Javascript?

2007-09-26 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, Actually, if you'd like to use js to access a database, may I suggest Adobe AIR? Have I already expressed my dislike of AIR? Basically, in allows you to embed JS/HTML into an installable application, Wow, how new. Have you ever looked at XUL? Just create an installer that installs

[jQuery] Re: Apply xpath-evaluate in an iframe document

2007-09-18 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, // not working $(frameDocument).(//img).hide(); Try $('img',frameDocument).hide(); Christof

[jQuery] Re: Javascript best practices

2007-09-13 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, More more plugins are using CSS to style the layout, this is good, but their didn't aware of if user browser don't know javascript, it is useless to load the CSS, e.g. thickbox script type=text/javascript src=path-to-file/thickbox.js/ script link rel=stylesheet

[jQuery] Re: NEWS: jQuery 1.2 Released

2007-09-12 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, The end result is probably a net enlargement of included JS, IMO. You can always include the convenience functions in your own code. Then you have no net enlargement of code. You even can leave out those you don't intend to use reducint the size of the whole js code. Of course you can

[jQuery] Re: jQueryCamp '07 (Boston)

2007-09-08 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, We're going to be having the first all-day jQuery mini-conference October 27th, here in Boston, MA. Hm. I'd like to come. I'll see if I can find the time and a cheap plane. Does the US still treat travellers from outside like criminals (taking fingerprints, etc.)? Christof

[jQuery] Re: Loading remote JavaScript

2007-08-21 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, Is there an easy way to get a remote script and run code when it has loaded as well as check the content type? $.getScript only works with those scripts on the same server. You can use $('script src=http://example.com/myscript.js; type=text/javascript'). appendTo('head'); It

[jQuery] Re: Loading remote JavaScript

2007-08-21 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, I'm aware of that method, but I want a callback to find out what content type was loaded, display it if text/html or execute it if text/ javascript. $('script src=http://example.com/myscript.js; type=text/javascript'). appendTo('head'); $('script

[jQuery] Re: Exec'ing JS In load()ed content for IE

2007-08-13 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, Posting things multiple times doesn't raise the probability to get a useful answer. Christof

[jQuery] Re: Jquery Vs. Prototype

2007-08-07 Thread Christof Donat
Am Dienstag, 7. August 2007 schrieb Klaus Hartl: Joel Birch wrote: On 07/08/2007, at 5:35 PM, Mika Tuupola wrote: say-ferry = American say-kweery = UK gee-kooery = Finnish Rally Driver jah-ee-kweery = Australian jä-kwärrie = german ;-) ha? = bavarian ;-) Christof

[jQuery] Re: Jquery Vs. Prototype

2007-08-05 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, I'll put it this way: I've been using JavaScript for quite some time - begining with a small game in 1997. I've looked at a lot of libraries over the time and always thought: take out the stuff I don't need and I get the rest much smaller than this stuff. jQuery was the first time this

[jQuery] Re: Coder vs Designer?

2007-08-03 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, In my present job we don't have a designer, so us coders are the designer. I don't mind but I'd still like to keep the two separated as much as possible. Our Designer gives me (the developer) what he has produced with GoLive and a text describing, how things should interact. If

[jQuery] Re: Coder vs Designer?

2007-08-03 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, I'm sorry Christof, didn't mean to offend you. Just saw the code and couldn't hold back... No problem. I took your response as a challange, not an offense ;-) Christof

[jQuery] Re: Coder vs Designer?

2007-08-03 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, I spot a typical case of classitis here. I just used Matts original here. Why not getting a little more semantic and use a real heading instead of the least semantic element with a class heading: div h2Course Title/h2 p.../p /div Less bloated, less to transfer... How

[jQuery] Re: Good Javascript editor or IDE?

2007-08-02 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, What recommendations on JavaScript editors or IDEs does anyone have? gvim, or emacs whichever fits your needs more ;-) Just to have brought up two alternatives to those IDEs packed with special features for everything and everyone but don't adapt to your speciffic needs. Is there

[jQuery] Re: OT: A Big Idea

2007-07-30 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, I wanted to comment your blogpost, but could not register. Anyway. http://commadot.com/?p=581 I would love your thoughts on it. I don't understand, why people think that this idea is so great, but i'm not 100% shure if I have really understood it. Do you whant to use a HTML rendering

[jQuery] Re: AW: [jQuery] Re: OT: A Big Idea

2007-07-30 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, 1. The web has never been designed to give you exactly the same results everywhere. It has been designed to give the user the best possible access to the information independent from his eventual disabilities. Use the tool as it is and don't complain that your hammer is not a saw.

[jQuery] Re: AW: [jQuery] Re: OT: A Big Idea

2007-07-30 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, 1. Allow the publisher to determine which rendering engine to display the page in. Exactly this is what I don't whant to see and I do think that I have good reasons. Think about sIFR. It works because it's unobtrusive and relies on a plugin that everyone has. Well, most people. How

[jQuery] Re: AW: [jQuery] Re: OT: A Big Idea

2007-07-30 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, sIFR does not break aural readers at all. It takes normal HTML and it pushes it into a flash movie (if flash is there) and shows it with the flash font. So we can not count on an exact visual representation - only if flash player is installed. What do we gain then? Is the flash player

[jQuery] Re: named function vs anonymous functions

2007-07-28 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, If you want to call a method of a CLASS then yes it will work because 'this' is then no longer tied to a specific OBJECT. Yes, it is. It is tied to the class object, which is the constructor function object in JavaScript: function myWonderfullClass() { this.countme =

[jQuery] Re: [Off-Topic] CSS Combine Images

2007-07-27 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, I have been using this technique for some time now and always searched for a tool that would help me combine those images easily, but never succeeded. That is why I decided to build my own :) Have you had a look at ImageMagick? The ImageMagick tool montage should do what you need. I

[jQuery] Re: [Off-Topic] CSS Combine Images

2007-07-27 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, I have done this in php with gd and ImageMagick in the past, but this a desktop application that will allow more finegrained control of the combined output image and the source handling in the future. montage is a CLI tool with fairly finegrained control of the combined output ;-)

[jQuery] Re: named function vs anonymous functions

2007-07-27 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, I currently have: $(this).change(function(){ //my function code here });//end change fn I decided to move the function outside this block since I might want to use it at another time besides a change event so my function is now myfunction = function(){ //my function code

[jQuery] Re: named function vs anonymous functions

2007-07-27 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, $(this).change(myfunction); To expand on that a small bit: if you want to call a method of an object then you must create an anonymous function to do it for you: $(this).change( function(){ myobject.myFunc() } ); I was of the impression that $(this).change(myObject.myFunc);

[jQuery] Re: OT: js file obfuscation

2007-07-27 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, Any recommendations for a (preferably free/opensource) js obfuscator that you've used and liked? I'm looking for something to take what packer does to the next step: at minimum, obscure methods names, but preferably scramble the dickens out of the file to reduce the likelihood of

[jQuery] Re: Possible to retrieve image data via AJAX for display?

2007-07-25 Thread Christof Donat
Am Mittwoch, 25. Juli 2007 schrieb Rob Desbois: Yes, sorry I didn't phrase my post very well: there is a URL for the image, of course, but I was trying to emphasise that there isn't a URL to an image cached on the server's filesystem to pass back, as I don't want to *permanently* cache the

[jQuery] Re: Possible to retrieve image data via AJAX for display?

2007-07-25 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, Thanks for that, but I was really looking to see if there was a browser-independent mechanism, No, there isn't. Canvas and IECanvas is the closest you can get. I have done quite some research on that matter for a project where I really could have profited from canvas, but IECanvas was

[jQuery] Re: Possible to retrieve image data via AJAX for display?

2007-07-25 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, I believe the ctx variable should be: var ctx = $('canvas')[0].getContext(2d); I was expecting that a canvas tag exists on the page. If it doesn't it should better be something like this: var ctx = $('canvas').appendto('body')[0].getContext(2d); Christof

[jQuery] Re: Possible to retrieve image data via AJAX for display?

2007-07-24 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, I have a server-side script which generates a graph image given a set of dataset identifiers. Additional datasets are implicitly added server-side too. Currently the image contains the legend, but I'd like to generate the legend in HTML as it'll be more consistent with legends used for

[jQuery] Re: Loading Javascript Dynamically (in other words, as needed)

2007-07-23 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, I was wondering if jQuery can be used to load javascript dynamically, on an as-needed basis. Here is the problem I have: I want to load a page with as little javascript as possible. jspax.org You don't even need to have jQuery loaded before. I do user jQuery as a jsPax Package. In the

[jQuery] Re: Syntactic sugar for checking whether an element exists

2007-07-13 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, I'd like: $('.whatever').text(); // = [foo, bar, baz] $('.whatever').text(','); // = foo,bar,baz But at the moment $('.whatever').text(','); would set the text in all elements to ','. I don't think we should change that behaviour because it is the more complicated to simulate:

[jQuery] Re: Syntactic sugar for checking whether an element exists

2007-07-13 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, I did do so, but I think it doesn't help to have functions which have semantically irritating names. If a function is called exists(), that indicates, that the function is operating on one or no element, not a collection (the same problem as with is()). Oh I'm not saying exists()

[jQuery] Re: Interested in porting another DOM creation plugin?

2007-07-13 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, This looks really interesting: http://www.zachleat.com/web/2007/07/07/domdom-easy-dom-element-creation/ Of course his proposal for porting doesn't quite work out with jQuery, but a port that is integrated into jQuery's API would be really cool. A nice Idea, but somehow I feel

[jQuery] Re: Syntactic sugar for checking whether an element exists

2007-07-12 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, Why? For me the sweetest thing about using jQuery has been it's intuitiveness right out of the box. When I started I just looked at some initial code samples (fancy API pages weren't around back then or I didn't know about them) and then was virtually able to 'guess' the jQuery

[jQuery] Re: Syntactic sugar for checking whether an element exists

2007-07-12 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, However, as you said this library is more then just code, it's art. And this is why I'm emphasizing those new functions: They empower the artist Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry) Don't

[jQuery] Re: Syntactic sugar for checking whether an element exists

2007-07-12 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, var element; if ( (element=$('#someID')[0]) ) { /* element exists */ } else { /* damn... */ } I'd prefer var e if( (e=$('#someID')).length ) { // element Exists } else { // element does not exist } Usually you whant to know if an Element exists to create it

[jQuery] Re: Syntactic sugar for checking whether an element exists

2007-07-12 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, if( ! (e=$('#someID').length) ) e = $('p id=someIDasdf/p').appendto('#myParent'); e.hide(); Oops. if( ! (e=$('#someID')).length ) e = $('p id=someIDasdf/p').appendto('#myParent'); e.hide(); Just close the parentheses where they should be closed :-) Christof

[jQuery] Re: Syntactic sugar for checking whether an element exists

2007-07-12 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, Christof: I appreciate your comments. Even more however I would have appreciated if you'd have taken into consideration why I made the proposal. I did do so, but I think it doesn't help to have functions which have semantically irritating names. If a function is called exists(), that

[jQuery] Re: Attn. developers. Speed of getElementById

2007-06-27 Thread Christof Donat
hI, String comparison has to compare each char at each position. abc=abc would involve 3 iterations. digitalbush.com=digitalbush.com would involve 15 iterations. That is only really relevant if you really need to do all the comparisons. I guess that browsers do a linear search trough the

[jQuery] Re: Javascript: OOP help, accessing parent objects

2007-06-26 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, Thanks, that's really great, I'll have to really play around with that when I've got the time to really get to grips with it. Can you do multiple inheritence with that trick? That is not a trick, but a usuall JavaScript idiom. You can simulate multiple inheritance as well, but then you

[jQuery] Re: Javascript: OOP help, accessing parent objects

2007-06-25 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, function Contained () { var self=this; self.var1=1; self.var2=2; self.method1=function () { }; } function Container () { var self=this; self.varA = 'a'; self.varB = 'b'; self.containedObj = new Contained; } var foo = new Container;

[jQuery] Re: Javascript: OOP help, accessing parent objects

2007-06-25 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, C++ ... (new Container()).containedObj.method1(); //How could method1 ever access varA? OOps, this shopuld of course read (new Container())-containedObj.method1(); Christof

[jQuery] Re: Javascript: OOP help, accessing parent objects

2007-06-25 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, Okay, thanks for the help. I was just trying to figure out how to do inheritence in javascript and instead embedded objects inside other objects. :) Ah, what you are looking for is this: function super() { /*...*/ }; super.prototype = { varA: 'a', varB: 'b' } function

[jQuery] Re: TreeView with Checkbox Tree

2007-06-25 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, I am looking for this: http://www.blueshoes.org/_bsJavascript/components/tree/examples/example3.ht ml I want insert Checkbox in my treeview. Is it possible with JQuery? I guess Jörns Treeview Plugin will do the trik for you. Just add the checkboxes to the li-Tag.

[jQuery] Re: jquery editor?

2007-06-22 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, This may be slightly off-topic, yet i would like to know which piece of software you like best to write jquery code? I prefer gvim. I don't have a specific jquery-Syntax file, because I did not have a need for it, but it would be no problem to write one. The downside is that vanilla

[jQuery] Re: security advice

2007-06-06 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, i think what i really was after, was a small 'framework' that does the thing for me. i can include it everywhere i need/want and check a isLoggedIn or sth like that. There can't be a framework that takes the burdon of secure programming from the programmer. There are features of your

[jQuery] Re: security advice

2007-06-06 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, Wow, what is this. I have not inserted the '' in front of the line that starts with from thinking. It is not in the copy of the message in my sent-folder. It must have beed added somewhere else. Christof

[jQuery] Re: Dynamically loading javascipt .js files?

2007-06-06 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, Is there a way for jQuery to dynamically load an external js file? You might like to have a look at jspax.org. Christof

[jQuery] Re: WYMeditor hiccups

2007-05-28 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, However, $j is defined globally throughout jquery.wymeditor.js, as: var $j = jQuery.noConflict(); I have not looked at your code now, so this is just a guess. Are you shure, that you have jQuery propperly loaded? Christof

[jQuery] Re: dealing with spam on the jQuery list.

2007-05-22 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, We'd have to mark them as spam via the gmail web client though, right? I use Thunderbird to get my gmail. I almost never visit the actual gmail web client. :o' I don't use gmail. I wouldn't use the gmail webclient, because I am very happy with kmail. I don't like to use webmailers,

[jQuery] Re: The best practice to do this

2007-05-22 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, textarea id=mytext -1 -2 -3 /textarea I guess, it is just my lack of imagination why someone could whant to need such a UI. At first I suggest, that you step back and have some thoughts if there really is not a better uI for what you need. Anyway, To get what I think you need you

[jQuery] Re: An idea for a jQuery core addition - Plugin Registering...

2007-05-04 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, A lot of people prefer to package up all the plug-ins they use on a site and then pack/minimize it into one file. This method can be really affective for plug-ins that are used as part of the core site theme. 1. When your pages have very different functionality, it is more efficient to

[jQuery] Re: An idea for a jQuery core addition - Plugin Registering...

2007-05-04 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, how would jsPax accomplish: $(user).each(function(){ $.jsanUse('com.myapp.userClass'); com.myapp.userClass.doSomething(this); }); Where com.myapp.userClass.doSomething is passed the selected user? Would it have to be this? $using('com.myapp.userClass', function() {

[jQuery] Re: An idea for a jQuery core addition - Plugin Registering...

2007-05-03 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, variable names. You can e.g. do that by encouraging people to use Plugin names like java packages, e.g. org.jquery.ajax. Exactly! And furthermore if you use a corresponding directory structure i.e. /jslib/org/jquery/ajax.js then you should eliminate collisions right off the bat.

[jQuery] Re: An idea for a jQuery core addition - Plugin Registering...

2007-05-03 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, In my May 2 2007 11:21 post I mentioned a jQuery port of JSAN making it a plugin to jQuery. the code in that post is the entire contents of the file jqjsan.js which comes out to 1,116 bytes in an uncompressed state. The compressed jsPax is 1,654 bytes. But as you pointed out they are

[jQuery] Re: An idea for a jQuery core addition - Plugin Registering...

2007-05-02 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, Why not use OpenAjax? http://ejohn.org/blog/thoughts-on-openajax/ OK, I accept the legal stuff. I did not join that Alliance because I did not understand any of that. I have problems with legal texts in german - a foreign language doesn't make that better. The technical stuff:

[jQuery] Re: An idea for a jQuery core addition - Plugin Registering...

2007-05-02 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, Sorry, I just found a mistake in my solution code: jQuery.plugin = function(name) { var p = jQuery.plugins; var n = name.split('.'); for( var i = 0; i n.length; i++ ) { if( !p[n[i]] ) p[n[i]] = {}; p = p[n[i]]; }

[jQuery] Re: An idea for a jQuery core addition - Plugin Registering...

2007-04-30 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, // Implementation: $.require = function(names) { $.each(names.split(,), function(i, n) { if( !$.fn[n] || $[n] ) throw required plugin + n + not found; }); } // Usage: $.require(autocomplete,dimensions); Why not use OpenAjax? If you

[jQuery] Re: Why this code is so slow?

2007-04-22 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, How can I change this to my code runs faster? I don't think, that you should change jQuery here. As much as I understand it, that function is called whenever you use a more complex expression than just an ID, a tag name or a classname. 1. Try to give your input-Elements IDs and use

[jQuery] Re: Library showdowns

2007-04-18 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, There are some situations when you can only pass a variable referring to a function; with a curry function you can pass a variable that refers to a function + arguments. That is not a big problem with annonymous functions: takingAFunction(function(a){return mycallback(5,a)}); That is

[jQuery] Re: Library showdowns

2007-04-18 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, Currying doesn't give you float function(float a) { return mycallback(a,42); } Of course it does, you just have to clever. let us say you have this function: divide = function(a){ return function(b){ return a/b; }} If you want to create the function a/3 you can do the following:

[jQuery] Re: [Newbie] Why this. doesn't work?

2007-04-02 Thread Christof Donat
Hi, I have this Javascript in JSON notation and using the jQuery Ajax. var objectJSON = { myvalue: hello, myFunction: function(param) { this.myvalue = param; $.ajax({ type: POST, url: '/ajax/address.php',