[LAAMN] Al Gore Takes Cannes, Dixie Chicks Rule

2006-06-05 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. I think I should have sent out the slate earlier as I've now gotten other emails on the subject and could really provide a debating blog (if that's the proper term) on the subject. I may, only may send out a note or two tomorrow morning, for your consideration. I'm actually delighted, just

[LAAMN] Murder Most Foul, Negotiate Unconditionally

2006-06-06 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. I'm moved by this thoughtful response, which is also reflective of several others. Remember to vote. Dear Ed, Thank you for sending out responses. I am going to focus here on the nonpartisan races: Not only is Judge Janavs a conservative appointee of Gov. Deukmejian, Judith Meyer is also a

[LAAMN] Flagburning and other Epidemics, National Call-In Day

2006-06-06 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. A bare-bones description of Sunset Hall's Garden Party is at the bottom of this email. My own brother is one of those friends of Joe Hacker who couldn't open the attachment. It had the details, including the contact info and the Wednesday deadline for reserving, not buying, the tickets. Pa

[LAAMN] Chomsky: "The United States is Terrified," Shameless in the Senate, Call Today

2006-06-07 Thread Ed Pearl
http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article13520.htm "The United States is Terrified" - Noam Chomsky on Latin America's Move Towards "Independence and Integration" The U.S. in the past has had two fundamental mechanisms for controlling Latin America: one is violence, the other is economic st

[LAAMN] The Morning After, Greg Palast, Dear Mr. President, The Art of California Labor

2006-06-07 Thread Ed Pearl
- Original Message - From: Anthony Saidy Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 8:37 AM Subject: The Morning After -from A Peace Candidate Who Lost (Three ill-funded and vastly outspent peace candidates all lost to incumbent L.A. -area Dem Members of Congress, Olmert followers, who voted for Bu

[LAAMN] Other People's Blood, More Hidathas, Make Music, not War

2006-06-08 Thread Ed Pearl
Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War? As Many As 250,000 http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article11674.htm Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In Bush's War 2482 http://icasualties.org/oif/ The War in Iraq Costs $286,652,094,995 See th

[LAAMN] Cockburn: Palestine: It's All Over

2006-06-08 Thread Ed Pearl
http://www.counterpunch.org/ June 5, 2006 Population Transfers, Land Theft and Bankrupt Ghettos Palestine: It's All Over By ALEXANDER COCKBURN The first item I ever wrote about Palestinians was around 1973, when I was just starting a press column for a New York weekly called the Village Voice.

[LAAMN] A US Lieutenant Refuses Deployment to Iraq

2006-06-09 Thread Ed Pearl
- Original Message - From: Jeff Blankfort Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 5:23 PM Subject: [Left Turn Newsletter] A US Lieutenant Refuses Deployment to Iraq OLSON: What do you make of the growing anti-war sentiment in the country? WATADA: I don't see it manifest. Soldiers that come bac

[LAAMN] Krugman: The DeLay Principle, PBS Funding

2006-06-10 Thread Ed Pearl
http://select.nytimes.com/2006/06/09/opinion/09krugman.html?th&emc=th The DeLay Principle By PAUL KRUGMAN NY Times Op-Ed: June 9, 2006 The federal estate tax had its origins in war. As America moved toward involvement in World War I, Congress - facing a loss of tariff revenue, but also believing

[LAAMN] Barbara Ehrenreich: A Guided Tour of Class in America

2006-06-10 Thread Ed Pearl
http://www.tomdispatch.com/index.mhtml?emx=x&pid=88568 A Guided Tour of Class in America A Tomdispatch Interview with Barbara Ehrenreich You turn into a middle-class, suburban housing project on the periphery of Charlottesville, Virginia, and at a row of attached homes, you pull up in front of th

[LAAMN] Baghdad Burning: Zarqawi...

2006-06-10 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. I've sent you two emails at the same time only once or twice before. I'd planned a powerful Barbara Ehrenreich interview for the past week, but felt the need to temper the news and analyses around Zarqawi with the sense of the hood this blog exemplifies. Ehrenreich to follow. Ed ps. I've g

[LAAMN] Pilger: Freedom Next Time

2006-06-11 Thread Ed Pearl
June 7, 2006 John Pilger's new book, Freedom Next Time (Bantam Press, 2006; http://www.johnpilger.com/) has just been published. Containing chapters on Diego Garcia, Palestine, India, South Africa and Afghanistan, it is a devastating indictment of brutal state- corporate power, and a heartening ac

[LAAMN] The Issue is Not Whether Hamas Recognises Israel, Latin America Notes

2006-06-13 Thread Ed Pearl
http://news.ft.com/cms/s/8622b5ee-f68a-11da-b09f-779e2340,s01=1.html Financial Times June 8, 2006 The writer is a senior fellow on the Middle East at the US's Council on Foreign Relations and a visiting professor at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. The issue i

[LAAMN] Officer-Resistor Gains National Support, Cusack's Latest Film

2006-06-13 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Many of you have asked for more information about Ehren Watada, how to help and where to donate money. There's now an official website, noted at the end of this story. Ed Military Officer Gains National Support for Resisting Deployment by Sarah Olson truthout.org - Thursday 08 June 2006 http

[LAAMN] Please call Mayor Villaraigosa's office NOW!

2006-06-13 Thread Ed Pearl
So much death and destruction. It's time to do the little things, the moral, personal things. Make the damned mayor do what he should have done a long time ago. What a dehumanizing, rotten country this has become. -Ed - Original Message - From: Woody Hastings (@ Earthlink) To: Frien

[LAAMN] The Deaths at Guantanamo, Please sign, cartoon

2006-06-13 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. The front page of yesterday's LA Times had two articles using the ploy of questioning the motives of the suicide victims in Guantanamo and the guilt of the murderers in Haditha. The agenda is damage control of the horror most Americans now feel and getting us used to such atrocities, even spo

[LAAMN] The Art of California Labor, Free CC Music Series, "I'm Gonna (Blank) the President!"

2006-06-14 Thread Ed Pearl
AT WORK: THE ART OF CALIFORNIA LABOR EXHIBIT EXPLORES THE ARTISTS AND IMAGES OF THE LABOR MOVEMENT LOS ANGELES - El Pueblo Historical Monument in collaboration with California Exhibition Resources Alliance (CERA) will present AT WORK: THE ART OF CALIFORNIA LABOR, from June 13 thro

[LAAMN] Susan Nathan: The Other Side of Israel

2006-06-14 Thread Ed Pearl
Susan Nathan: The Other Side of Israel A Review by Reilly Vinall, an intern at the Council for the National Interest in Washington, D.C. The Arab American News.com -- June 3, 2006: Although much of the outside world's attention to the Israel/Palestine conflict is focused on the occupation of

[LAAMN] Pitt: House Republican War Crimes, Scott Ritter-Steven Hill event: 'Waging Peace'

2006-06-15 Thread Ed Pearl
http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/061506Z.shtml House Republican War Crimes By William Rivers Pitt t r u t h o u t | Perspective Thursday 15 June 2006 There is going to be a debate today on the floor of the House of Representatives regarding Iraq. Is it within the realm of possibi

[LAAMN] Military Deaths in Iraq Hit 2,500, Poll, Violence in Oaxaca

2006-06-16 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Again, a first. As with today's feature, I rely on Truthout to scour the internet and send me many such important items. It's a small, very productive and deserving operation. I will never ask you to support me, but please join me in supporting them with a small donation. Their call follo

[LAAMN] No Peace, No Vote: Sign the Voters For Peace Pledge

2006-06-16 Thread Ed Pearl
Dear Reader. I hope you're as concerned as I by the bravado and calousness of the hawks in yesterday's hearings on the war. It's essential to build a mighty force and focus on the war in this year's elections. Here's a potentially powerful initiative by UFPJ, a national coalition involving hundr

[LAAMN] Tom Hayden: Resisting Reform, LAPD Timeline, Labor-Art Opening

2006-06-17 Thread Ed Pearl
http://www.lacitybeat.com/article.php?id=3917&IssueNum=158 Los Angeles City Beat June 15-21, 2006 Resisting Reform A judge extends federal oversight over the LAPD for three more years, but the department shows little willingness to change ~ By TOM HAYDEN ~ It looked as though the fix was in, th

[LAAMN] Amy Goodman/ Greg Palast: Election Fraud, Class War, No End in Sight

2006-06-18 Thread Ed Pearl
AMY GOODMAN: "Years from now, in Guantanamo or in a refugee relocation "Enterprise Zone", your kids will ask you, "what did you do in the class war, daddy?" We may have to admit that conquest and occupation happened before we could fire off a shot. The trick of class war is not to let the victims

[LAAMN] The Peace Race, Oaxaca Update, Self-Help Graphics

2006-06-19 Thread Ed Pearl
The Peace Race By Katrina vanden Heuvel 06/17/06 "The Nation" -- -- The peace majority is real. A CBS poll finds that 80 percent of Democrats believe the United States should have stayed out of Iraq, and more than 60 percent want US troops home as soon as possible. A Washington Post/ABC poll fin

[LAAMN] Joseph Massad: The (Anti-) Palestinian Authority, LA 8 Trial

2006-06-19 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. This essay isn't as visceral as reports of bloody atrocities or starving children, but lays a basis for their occurrence. It takes a bit of focus and time, as required in complex situations, but provides a framework for understanding a lot of the everyday. I'm not saying this is definitive, bu

[LAAMN] Krugman, Keillor, Dellums on Life at the Top

2006-06-20 Thread Ed Pearl
http://select.nytimes.com/2006/06/19/opinion/19krugman.html?th&emc=th Class War Politics By PAUL KRUGMAN NY Times Op-Ed: June 19, 2006 In case you haven't noticed, modern American politics is marked by vicious partisanship, with the great bulk of the viciousness coming from the right. It's clear

[LAAMN] Ridenour on Leadership in Cuba, UNESCO Prize, Victor Navasky

2006-06-20 Thread Ed Pearl
Ron Ridenour: Leadership Posted by: "Ron Ridenour" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Mon Jun 19, 2006 10:10 am (PDT) Leadership By Ron Ridenour [June 18, 2006. 20th in series] After nearly half-a-century, why is Fidel Castro still the President of the Council of State, in effect, the president an

[LAAMN] Pilger: The War on Children, MECA: Urgent: Medicine for Gaza

2006-06-21 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. I'm now off to help KPFK's fund drive. I've become quite busy over the past year and had to resign the station board, but greatly value the preservation of this unique, courageous and historic voice- warts and all. If you call 818-985-5735 this morning, I may be the one you'll talk to. Tho I

[LAAMN] Olson / The Art of Loving, Jensen / Attacking Iran

2006-06-22 Thread Ed Pearl
Commentaries are sent to Sustainer Donors of Z/ZNet To learn more, consult ZNet at http://www.zmag.org Today's commentary: http://www.zmag.org/sustainers/content/2006-06/18olson.cfm == ZNet Commentary Graduates face choice between love or 'selling out' June 21, 20

[LAAMN] Southwest Museum, Jiffy Lube, 2 events + an Apology

2006-06-22 Thread Ed Pearl
From: "christo90065" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 10:00 PM Subject: Friends of the Southwest Museum Coalition - Action Alert The Mayor of Los Angeles, under the guidance of the Human Relations Commission, is now conducting a public input process to find out what people thin

[LAAMN] NY Times: Iraq, Unfiltered, Hallinan: Dispatches from the Edge

2006-06-23 Thread Ed Pearl
http://www.climatecrisis.net/ Free Screening of An Inconvenient Truth Al Gore will be present ~ When: Saturday, June 24th at 8:00 PM Where: California Plaza, 350 S. Grand Avenue Los Angeles, CA (you can take escalator at 4th and Olive right up to event) CLCV invites you t

[LAAMN] Climate Change Is Good for You

2006-06-24 Thread Ed Pearl
http://www.climatecrisis.net/ Free Screening of An Inconvenient Truth Al Gore will be present ~ When: Saturday, June 24th at 8:00 PM Where: California Plaza, 350 S. Grand Avenue Los Angeles, CA (you can take escalator at 4th and Olive right up to event) CLCV invites you to a

[LAAMN] An American Icon: Gore Vidal

2006-06-25 Thread Ed Pearl
http://www.commondreams.org/headlines06/0623-01.htm Published on Friday, June 23, 2006 by the Independent / UK An American Icon: Gore Vidal on Italy, Iraq - and Why He Hates George Bush by Peter Popham The old fellow, incredibly, is as movie-star handsome as ever; even the l

[LAAMN] Dowd's Not-So-Wonderful Life, Moore's solution, Kwanza

2004-12-21 Thread Ed Pearl
The New York Times - Dec 19, 2004 http://www.nytimes.com/2004/12/19/opinion/19dowd.html A Not So Wonderful Life By Maureen Dowd Exterior bridge over Potomac River - Night Close Shot - Rummy is standing by the railing, staring morosely into the water. The snow is falling hard. Feeling a tap on

[LAAMN] The Enemies Among Us

2004-12-22 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. I need to make a correction and apologea of this morning's mailing. I originally intended sending the article below as well as a Guardian report of the mortar attack in Mozul. I scan the LA Times maybe 30 minutes before I send my mailings, saw that story as the headline and realized I

[LAAMN] The politics of the Christmas story, Because we are Jews

2004-12-22 Thread Ed Pearl
I find this combination complementary and hopeful. Thanks to Karem Pomer for article #2. But first, try this fascinating, wondrous click-on . Winter Solstice at Newgrange Mound Ireland -- http://www.knowth.com/winter-solstice.htm The politics of the Christmas story By James Carroll | Decem

[LAAMN] Fallujah and The End Of Warfare

2004-12-23 Thread Ed Pearl
http://outlookindia.com/full.asp?fodname=20041220&fname=fallujah&sid=1 Outlook India12/20/04 The End Of Warfare Against the most heavily armed opponent in the history of War, Fallujah has still not let itself be "taken" to date. The mightiest military machine in history has met its match.

[LAAMN] Jesus & Alinsky, Marlon Brando

2004-12-24 Thread Ed Pearl
Today, 12/24 at 5 PM, KPFK 90.7 fm, do not miss: Marlon Brando: A Revolution Unto Himself A 60 minute special on the late illustrious actor which will focus on both his fabled career, his political causes--Black Panthers, American Indian Movement, King--and how they influe

[LAAMN] Blessings of the Season

2004-12-25 Thread Ed Pearl
My best wishes to all. Thanks to Carol S for Joyeuz Noel, and thanks to Ken and paxorganica for the chance to put wishes into practice. -Ed >From : www.paxorganica.com To : [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject : Contact Form Submission Comments: Dear Friend, A well-respected and popular professor at the

[LAAMN] The Baby & the Cross, A Grieving Mother

2004-12-26 Thread Ed Pearl
- Original Message - From: "Ed Pearl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Ed Pearl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Sunday, December 26, 2004 2:18 PM Subject: The Baby & the Cross, A Grieving Mother The season and the election intensify interest in the lea

[LAAMN] Hearts & Minds in Contrast

2004-12-30 Thread Ed Pearl
Today's LA Times notes the death of Susan Sontag on A-1 plus another article from a close friend in Calendar. And please read Steve Lopez' column, p1, B-2 for a reliable article on disaster relief for sunami victims. And, of course, the most comprehensive view of both will undoubtably be on Demo

[LAAMN] The Quake, Relief and Fallout

2004-12-30 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. I truly wish there were a big protest rally at the White House or Congress demanding a far more serious response than $20 mill. (Bush said $20 BILLION and had to be corrected) and many other direct provisions. That hasn't happened so here's what we can do. I'll pass on other initiatives. Ed

[LAAMN] Tailoring the Truth, A Hopeful Year for Latin America

2004-12-30 Thread Ed Pearl
Via NY Transfer News Collective * All the News that Doesn't Fit The Baltimore Sun - Dec 28, 2004 http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/opinion/oped/bal-op.intel28dec28,1,2558446.story?coll=bal-oped-headlines [Wayne S. Smith, a senior fellow at the Center for International Policy, served with the S

[LAAMN] Disaster in Context

2004-12-30 Thread Ed Pearl
Here's a sampling of readers comments, including the appropriate graphic, attached. I see the latest victim tally has gone beyond 120,000 people, with many more likely to be counted and many others not. Dimensions of this tragedy are many and vast, anguishing and frustrating. For sure, we cann

[LAAMN] Carrying On

2004-12-31 Thread Ed Pearl
riginal Message - From: "Sunil Sharma/Dissident Voice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Ed Pearl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 3:49 PM Subject: Re: Disaster in Context Thanks Ed, I also posted a few articles about the disaster on Dissident Voice. My

[LAAMN] Lenny, Paul, and NY Transfer on year 2004

2005-01-02 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi, and a better year to all. I had no intention of sending anything, just in to check emails and right at the top were these two wry pieces which many will appreciate. Provides relief and helps digestion. Today's LA Times lead editorial (not Steve Lopez, below) shares the sentiment. This,

[LAAMN] There IS a partnerit!

2005-01-02 Thread Ed Pearl
- Original Message - From: Gila Svirsky To: Coalition of Women for Peace Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2005 11:22 PM Subject: There IS a partnerit! Friends, Israelis have gotten used to saying, âThereâs no partnerâ, referring to the perceived unwillingness of Palestinian leaders to

[LAAMN] Revisionism: Stopping the Bum's Rush and Daniel Pipes

2005-01-04 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Yesterday's afternoon mailing touched the nerve I'd hoped for and I've gotten several responses. Here's one from an old friend whose click-on advice I've followed and saved for reading. Then, Paul Krugman and David McReynolds -ep Ed, Thank you so much for sending out the Stanton/Go

[LAAMN] Sara Paretsky and 'Blacklist'

2005-01-04 Thread Ed Pearl
Grannie, Look What They're DoingBut first, some good information: Ed - did you hear Flashpoints today? There is a woman from UCB, who is Acehnese, Sylvia - didn't get last name - who Dennis has had on several times. In today's program she mentioned another international grass roots organizatio

[LAAMN] Shirley Chisholm's Legacy, "Save Social Security"

2005-01-05 Thread Ed Pearl
Shirley Chisholm's Legacy by John Nichols The Online Beat - thenation.com 01/03/2005 @ 8:21pm http://www.thenation.com/thebeat/index.mhtml?bid=1&pid=2098 Thirty-three years ago this month, a member of the U.S. House from Brooklyn challenged her party and her country to think more boldly than it

[LAAMN] Backing Gonzales is Backing Torture

2005-01-06 Thread Ed Pearl
Dear EmailNation Subscriber, Yesterday, a dozen high-ranking retired military officers took the rare step of signing a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee expressing "deep concern" over the nomination of White House counsel Alberto R. Gonzales as attorney general. They understand, as

[LAAMN] KING WEEK 2005 Kicks-Off this Friday, JANUARY 7, 2005 at the Baldwin Hills Mall

2005-01-06 Thread Ed Pearl
SAVE THE DATE - KING WEEK 2005 - January 7-17, 2005Hi. Please consider this an extra and special afternoon mailing. I just opened it and knew many would be interested My planned mailing on Alberto Gonzales will follow shortly. Also, I'll send information on the MLK Day Parade when it's availa

[LAAMN] Monbiot on Victims of Tsunami, Our Changing Climate

2005-01-06 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Here are some pertinent notices and two sentient articles. Ed Senator Boxer is taking calls and looking for numbers to support her stand for democracy today against the certification of the (fraudulent) electors. Call (or fax): Washington, D.C. (202) 224-3553 San Francisco, CA(415

[LAAMN] Toronto Sun and NY Times on The Dollar and Global Freefall

2005-01-06 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Because the calendar item is on-air today at 3pm, I place it's notice at the beginning of this email. Sounds very interesting, especially since close friends have just returned from Europe with reports and analysis of the issue. It may sound like a stretch, but the subjects of this mailing

[LAAMN] Palestinian Elections - Charting the Palestinian Future

2005-01-07 Thread Ed Pearl
- Original Message - From: Haithem El-Zabri Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 5:38 AM Subject: Palestinian Elections - Charting the Palestinian Future Note: Special coverage of the elections provided at www.alaqsaintifada.org. Palestinian Elections - Charting the Palestinian Future

[LAAMN] Democrats roll over, Cynthia McKinney

2005-01-08 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Sadly, I concur with the following analysis. I listened to much of the Ohio hearings via KPFA (not kpfk!) internet, and they were exactly that - Ohio confined. The first things out of almost every Democrat's mouth were that nobody was contesting Bush's election and they were talking only a

[LAAMN] Pilger: The Other Tsunami

2005-01-09 Thread Ed Pearl
The Other Tsunami By John Pilger The New Statesman 10 January 2005 Issue While the sea may have killed tens of thousands, western policies kill millions every year. Yet even amid disaster, a new politics of community and morality is emerging. The west's crusaders, the Un

[LAAMN] David McReynolds: Rosa Luxemburg and reflections for our times, ICUJP

2005-01-09 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Not everyone getting this will know the characters, period and struggles discussed herein. David sketches them well and as historical context for understanding our current dilemma and hopefully, a spark for struggle, or at least appreciation. I've previously written of David's own long, r

[LAAMN] An Interview with Allan Nairn, Calendar

2005-01-10 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Please do consider both Calendar items listed after the article. Also, the Pacifica National Board will be in LA this Friday thru Sunday, all are welcome and housing/transportation help is needed. I'll send a full description of the weekend tomorrow. Aceh: An Interview with Allan Nairn Al

[LAAMN] Naomi Klein: You Break It, You Pay For It

2005-01-10 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Whover is praying to the rain gods, please stop! First, some good news to open the week's emails. Then, even though Naomi Klein's topic is serious, she always carries a light touch, as in 'a little drop of sugar makes the medicine go down.' Surely, kids, you remember. (Mary Poppins,

[LAAMN] The Salvador Option - Newsweek

2005-01-11 Thread Ed Pearl
Good morning. Yesterday's Democracy Now! reminded us that in the 1980's the U.S. denied creating death squads in Central America who, in turn, had copied activities in Vietnam which assassinated tens, if not hundreds of thousands of people. Those targetted in both areas were primarily not

[LAAMN] Robert Fisk - The Ghosts of Vietnam, Tsunami Benefit

2005-01-12 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Nowadays, I hesitate sending you yet another essay on the horrors of Iraq, but simply couldn't resist this profound, historical view by Robert Fisk. I truly hope it informs and educates. The benefit is noted not because the money it can garner will seriously dent the the enormous need of fu

[LAAMN] Civil rights pioneer James Forman dies

2005-01-12 Thread Ed Pearl
Here's my James Foreman story. In 1963 Pete Seeger brought SNCC's Freedom Singers to the Ash Grove in their first trip out of the struggle. He knew they were the perfect vehicle to engage the burgeoning mobs of 60's folkmusic revivalist/political-comers in the north and they needed political and

[LAAMN] Trapped Like Mice, Pacifica Board Meeting this Weekend.

2005-01-12 Thread Ed Pearl
Out of the thousands of domestic radio and tv stations, Pacifica is the sole network to carry serious coverage and discussions of subjects like what's in today's article. Imperfect as it is, it's what we got and in the hands of us who choose to participate in the constant struggle of this dynami

[LAAMN] Somewhere, the Sun is Shining, Calendar

2005-01-13 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. I wish I could attribute the priorities and accomplishments of the three news items to our own country, the richest, most technically advanced and potentially remedial entity in history, instead of the opposite. All of which make the achievement of beleaguered, impverished Cuba all the more

[LAAMN] Fisk & Newsday: Failure in Iraq, plus Pacifica & MLK

2005-01-14 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. I no longer know how to describe the proud, deliberate ignorance of the the world's newest bully and predator. Let's just work to survive it, him and them, hoping that overreaching and a unifying humankind bring them down. The beginnings are present in these written reports on Iraq, and the

[LAAMN] Monbiot: America's war with itself, Desolate Falloujah

2005-01-14 Thread Ed Pearl
Here's an early afternoon mailing. We're taking delegates to Leimert Park, et al, this afternoon, then back for the 6pm official opening on the PNB. See ya, -Ed http://www.monbiot.com/archives/2004/12/21/americas-war-with-itself-/ Guardian 21 December 2004 America's war with itself Bush

[LAAMN] Fear and voting in Baghdad, Our own Devil's Island, Saturday Schedule

2005-01-15 Thread Ed Pearl
Fear and voting in Baghdad SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER http://tinyurl.com/3putz Fear and voting in Baghdad Friday, January 14, 2005 By ROBERT FISK BRITISH COLUMNIST Journalism yields a world of clichés but here, for once, the first cliché that comes to mind is true. Baghdad is a city of fear. Fe

[LAAMN] Beyond Vietnam - Martin Luther King, April, 1967

2005-01-16 Thread Ed Pearl
Good morning. Here's the Sunday sermon of my generation - maybe yours. But whether you read it with a heart full of remembrance, a look into the thinking-in-process of great person or just for concepts to guide in our own time of turmoil, you will be startled, then amazed at the breadth and dept

[LAAMN] A Drum Major for Justice, by The Black Commentator and Cornell West

2005-01-17 Thread Ed Pearl
Today's essays contemporize and commemorate the real Dr. King >From Joe Maizlish: James Lawson said in a talk Wednesday morning that this is the "inconvenient" King, not the one in whose name parades with JROTC contingents are being held! (But if a parade has such a contingent, and I believe th

[LAAMN] Baghdad's girl blogger

2005-01-18 Thread Ed Pearl
Another from the woman in Baghdad. Let's hope she survives Bush's "free election". David Subject: Baghdad's girl blogger Baghdad Burning http://riverbendblog.blogspot.com/ ... I'll meet you 'round the bend my friend, where hearts can heal and souls can mend... - posted by river @

[LAAMN] Sy Hersh: The Coming Wars

2005-01-18 Thread Ed Pearl
THE COMING WARS by SEYMOUR M. HERSH What the Pentagon can now do in secret. The New Yorker - Issue of 2005-01-24 and 31 Posted 2005-01-17 http://www.newyorker.com/fact/content/?050124fa_fact George W. Bush's reelection was not his only victory last fall. The President and his national-securi

[LAAMN] Outposts of Tyrrany, Allawi Jumps the Gun, Neighbors & Peace, and Movies

2005-01-19 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Continuing sharing my storehouse of interesting miscellania. If you somehow missed it, there's a counter-inaugrural Thursday 6-8pm at the Westside Federal Bldg., at Veteran & Wilshire. -Ed Via NY Transfer News Collective * All the News that Doesn't Fit sent by mart Radio Netherlands - J

[LAAMN] Civil War in Iraq, and at Harvard, Our Strained Military

2005-01-19 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. I'll be away for a few days after tomorrow morning's mailing. Until then I'll send you little packets of interesting articles like these. Ed Live from the Presidential Inauguration and the Counter-Inaugural Protests in Washington DC and Around the Country Pacifica Radio's "The Fight for D

[LAAMN] The Hawks Circle

2005-01-20 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Here are several short-ish items that make a dent in my 'important to send' file and I can leave. See you next Tuesday. Ed Live from the Presidential Inauguration and the Counter-Inaugural Protests in Washington DC and Around the Country Pacifica Radio's "The Fight for Democracy" Thu

[LAAMN] This Election: Robert Fisk, others

2005-01-30 Thread Ed Pearl
This Election Will Change the World. But Not in the Way the Americans Imagined By Robert Fisk The Independent U.K. Saturday 29 January 2005 Shias are about to inherit Iraq, but the election tomorrow that will bring them to power is creating deep fears among the Arab kings

[LAAMN] Fw: End of the Empire, and It's Cost

2005-01-30 Thread Ed Pearl
Here are two prescient statements about the future. About the game at the bottom, I reconsidered saying 'for your amusement,' and now just promise serious occupation. Ed Via NY Transfer News Collective * All the News that Doesn't Fit [We can all see it coming, but not our elected representat

[LAAMN] CPD Sign-On Statement, Calendar

2005-01-31 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Here are a few interesting and important campaigns and events deserving of your attention. I signed the CPD statement this morning, intend listening to Air America on Thursday and attending one of the two excellent events that night. Iraq will likely be mystified for a bit before all Iraqi

[LAAMN] The last Palestinian - NY Review of Books, Hamas Wins Big

2005-01-31 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Today, Jan 31 starting at 1 p.m there will be a live broadcast from Iraq with a team of journalists assembled by Dennis Bernstein including Robert Fisk. I got this from KPFA, but it may well be on KPFK. It will offer discussion and insight not otherwise available on the airwaves; a unique

[LAAMN] Ken Burns' Jack Johnson

2005-02-01 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Today indeed begins Black History Month and I've saved the article on Jack Johnson for the occasion. Just before writing this intro I checked my emails and opened the one right below, sent from a Pacifica discussion list. It poses important questions which should be considered by our networ

[LAAMN] Triumph and Tragedy, by Fisk, Margolis, Porto Alegre

2005-02-01 Thread Ed Pearl
Low level of Sunni participation tarnishes success of large poll turnout By Robert Fisk 01/31/05 "The Star" -- Baghdad - Even as the explosions thundered over Baghdad, they came in their hundreds, and then in their thousands. Entire families, crippled old

[LAAMN] Jesse Jackson/Greg Palast on Jim Crow in the Voting Booth

2005-02-02 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Here's an essay particularly appropriate not only for Black History Month but without question relevent to the election in Iraq. The betrayal goes beyond race when it comes to keeping power. Ed "This racial bend in vote spoilage is not unique to Ohio. A U.S. Civil Rights Commission i

[LAAMN] So, Exactly What's Changed, by Ariana Huffington

2005-02-02 Thread Ed Pearl
Los Angeles Times 2/02/05 Op Ed, by Arianna Huffungton Quick, before the conventional wisdom hardens, it needs to be said: The Iraqi election was not the second coming of the Constitutional Convention. The media have made it sound as if last Sunday was 1776, the fall of the Berlin Wall, Pragu

[LAAMN] 'The Invention of the White Race,' Memphis and Dr. King

2005-02-03 Thread Ed Pearl
Ted Allen, author of 'The Invention of the White Race,' dies at 85 [Ted Allen was an important teacher in my life. I learned things from him that I never learned anywhere else, and that changed the way I looked at history and society fundamentally. Our only solace is that he was able to accompli

[LAAMN] Eyes on the Prize

2005-02-04 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Eyes on the Prize really is as described below. The first thing I'd do is click-on to (more about the film) to get a sense of what it is and whether it's important enough to see or get involved in showing it to others. I apologize for not sending it out on February 1st. I'm redirecting

[LAAMN] Ossie Davis - R.I.P., CSPG in Echo Pk., F911 in Glendale

2005-02-04 Thread Ed Pearl
Associated Press February 4, 2005 Ossie Davis found dead in Miami hotel room New York - Ossie Davis, the actor distinguished for roles dealing with racial injustice on stage, screen and in real life, has died, an aide said Friday. He was 87. Davis, the husband and partner of actress Ruby Dee,

[LAAMN] Our Winter of Discontent - Ossie and Malcolm

2005-02-05 Thread Ed Pearl
Malcolm X's Eulogy Eulogy delivered by Ossie Davis at the funeral of Malcolm X Faith Temple Church Of God February 27,1965 "Here - at this final hour, in this quiet place - Harlem has come to bid farewell to one of its brightest hopes - extinguished now, and gone from us forever. For Harlem is

[LAAMN] Avnery: Dunam After Dunam

2005-02-06 Thread Ed Pearl
GUSH SHALOM - pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033 www.gush-shalom.org/ [Uri Avnery this week - on the practice of discrimination and the need to abolish the JNF ] Dunam after dunam by Uri Avnery For Hebrew http://www.geoci

[LAAMN] Fidel's master stroke, Ossie remembered, No War in Iran Petition

2005-02-06 Thread Ed Pearl
Globe and MailFebruary 5, 2005 Fidel's master stroke An oil-for-aid deal that really works As the UN struggled with the fallout from its tainted Iraqi venture this week, Eliecer Hernandez and 15,000 other Cuban doctors were busy improving the health of Venezuela's poor and in return sendin

[LAAMN] The Woman in the Balcony, The Axis of Oil

2005-02-07 Thread Ed Pearl
Daily Kos blog: Who Was the Iraqi Woman in the Balcony? Thu Feb 3rd, 2005 at 09:43:01 PST (From the diaries -- kos. This cursory investigation demands a deeper look into Ms. Sofia Taleb Al Souhail. Held up as a shining example of why we've spent $200 billion and wasted 1,500 lives and counting,

[LAAMN] Phyllis Bennis & Tarik Ali on Iraq and The U.S. P & J Movement Facing 2005

2005-02-08 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Cutting back to one message per day is harder than I thought. I have to think everybody has much of the information I might have sent and is interested in essays which assume the same thing, and that people will do something about it all. I have three such, including this one. But UPJ does

[LAAMN] Moyers and Pappe - There is no tomorrow

2005-02-09 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi, and sorry for this early wake-up. I'm on the early shift (the double Amy, I calls it) - at the KPFK fund drive. Give us a call, we'll all feel better. I've sent you several outstanding articles from Israeli historian Ilan Pappe, now threatened by expulsion from Haifa U for preparing to tea

[LAAMN] State of the Union Advance Read, Cutbacks

2005-02-10 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Yesterday's letter from Ilan Pappe was sent to me the day before from a quite reliable source, but turns out to have been written in 2002. Pappe's note is below. The general thrust of the mailing remains, though, for us and for him. The articles below extend the theme. They read better

[LAAMN] No Peace without Justice, Calendar by KPFK

2005-02-11 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. This is one to be saved, not only for its historical prescience as another pernicious masquerade unravels, but for the lesson that nothing good for humanity there will happen until the Israeli occupation is ended. Thanks to KPFK putting out a calendar that reflects my own sensibilities a

[LAAMN] Money Matters, Arthur Miller

2005-02-12 Thread Ed Pearl
From: Jan Rainwater Sent: Friday, February 11, 2005 6:29 PM Subject: Krugman and Reich on Money Matters (and some clues for the hapless Democrats) http://www.nytimes.com/2005/02/11/opinion/11krugman.html?th=&pagewanted=print&position= Bush's Class-War Budget By PAUL KRUGMAN t may s

[LAAMN] Class Consciousness, an Alliance and Optimistic Skepticism

2005-02-13 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Here are a couple of articles which merit serious thought, the first from the regular 'tidbit' or reader-response email of Portside. If you want to join in this important discussion, email your ideas to [EMAIL PROTECTED] The other article is actually a news-flash from a Professor in Uta

[LAAMN] Contrarian Views: Dresden, Ward Churchill

2005-02-14 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. I personally support the perspectives of both articles and have been aghast at the spate of support of such a dreadful statement and then Churchill's dissembling. But this says it better and from a better source. I doubt there's much disagreement about Dresden but it is a hidden atrocity an

[LAAMN] Holiday Calendar

2005-02-16 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. There are an amazing number of engaging events happening over the long holiday weekend. I've had to choose the ones I might attend, no offense intended by omission. Editor's necessity. Ed . * See the Real Costs of the Iraq War Please take a moment to watch a moving, short film about th

[LAAMN] Dilap Hiro on Iraq, Robert Fisk on Syria

2005-02-18 Thread Ed Pearl
www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=15&ItemID=7263 ZNet | Iraq An election that sharpened Iraq's fault lines by Dilip Hiro; TomDispatch; February 17, 2005 An apt headline, summarizing the results of the elections to Iraq's 275-representative-strong National Assembly on January 30,

[LAAMN] US Intervention in the Middle East--A Chronology

2005-02-19 Thread Ed Pearl
Many thanks are due to the compilers of this invaluable reference list. It offers an outline for understanding event after event of US involvement in the area as well as the feelings and actions of the people affected. Their contacting information is at the bottom. Ed U.S. Intervention in the Mi

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