Just to double check Mark's (more sensible) suggestion:
In the cast, when you click on the behavior and you click on the
script tab in the property inspector does it say "behavior"?
>Thanks, Leif--but unfortunately that's not the case... I wish it were! S.
>At 10:34 PM 8/21/2001 -0400
make sure you have "on mouseDown me" or "on mouseUp me" -- without
the "me" it will catch all the clicks.
>All of a sudden one button on the stage (a standard button, made
>with the button tool) started catching all mouseclicks in the frame,
>including clicks on empty stage ar
Could it be the "Animate in Background" setting in your projector? I
think that it should be on for the script to continue after the
projector loses the focus.
>That should work; what kind of script are you in when you do this?
>Does the installer open?
>Try recompiling all scripts too, just
>For a consumer title...?
I have had good experiences with Direct Media Xtra. I have used it
without incident.
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email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Problems
BuddyAPI: http://www.mods.com.au/budapi/
If you do not have the Buddy API Xtra yet, seek it out -- or seek
other kinds of "professional help" .
>Good morning!
>Is there a way to open a PDF through a projector(runs acrobat and opens the
>file w/ the projector in the background), rather than o
> >I think that your problem is that externally linked casts are still loaded
>>at launch of the movie. Therefore, the Windows side is still loading the
>>cast with the QT members before you can swap for the cast with the mpg's.
>>Try having an empty cast as your linked cast, and on start-up, det
My Screen Xtra code for grabbing the *desktop* (not the stage)
doesn't seem to be working in D8.0
Any one had any luck with scrnxtra?
Is there a way to do it natively?
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Let Macromedia know how you feel about the lack of HTTPS support in projectors:
>Director doesn't do https:// from a projector.
> > is it possible from a projector??
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>Hello lingo-pals,
>There's something that is getting into my nerves. I have some videos
>in my project. They're compacted using Indeo 5.1. The codecs are
>installed in my machine. In authoring mode, they play just fine,
>with video AND audio. If I open them through window media player,
>That's the thing
>it only says "Director Player Error, Script Error. Continue?"
>that's all
>I use the standard director xtras like the net stuff and xml xtra's...
That is not enough information to help us.
Please follow the instructions at the following link to cr
>hi list;
>Now i testing to open the PDF file the code as like :
Use the Buddy API on both platforms!
You can't go wrong.
(and if you use less than two functions it's free! But buy it -- it
is worth every penny)
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I know I should already know this, but I can't seem to get it to work well.
Below is a behavior that lets you grab a sprite, move it, and release
it. Then it is supposed to slide back into place in a number of moves.
My problem is that the sprite moves too fast to see it slide back
into its or
>can anyone andvise me how to make a multiple choice quiz with 5
>questions and three possible answers? The quiz needs to be scored
>and the person would get two points for a correct answer and loose a
>point if they get it wrong?
Go get Gary's book:
>>accept my sincere best wishes
>Thanks. As Wilkins Mikawber would have said, something will turn up :-)
That's what I said six months ago... :-(
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>You should have the Zip Xtra that's built into D8. Can zip, rar and tar
>files I believe. One line of lingo.
Oh, geez! That is the first time I've heard of this. And it's on the
Mac side, too. Is there any documentation on this Xtra?
[To rem
>This is gonna sound a little strange, but with all this Lingo knowledge we
>all share, can anybody tell me exactly what you lot mean by a "Director stub
Basically, a stub projector is a projector that loads into memory and
then has a "go to movie" call to load a Director file that has
This thread interests me to no end!
Please keep this conversation on the list. Please do *not* take it private.
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>i was not able to make that work for some reason, i have flash 5 and am
>making a projector from director 7. would this cause the conflict?
>i had the swf use a ActionScript loadMovie("mySwf.swf", 2) and nothing
>occurred. any ideas.
Neither Director 7 or 8 support Flash 5 files.
> vList_Of_Titles=[]
> repeat with vIndex= 1 to the number of members of castLib "Tiles"
> vList_Of_Titles[vIndex] = (castLib ("Tiles")).member(vIndex).name
> end repeat
--totally untested from the cuff code:
global vList_Of_Titles
repeat with vIndex= 1 to th
>Has anyone had an trouble running a projector that would talk to a localhost
>on a pc? The web server is running and can be gotten to via browser, but
>sending postnettext to http://localhost/ returns script errors...
Have you tried I believe that amounts to the same thing.
er, repeating yourself is *really* rude.
You can either:
1) set your stage size to 1 x 1 pixels by setting the rect of the stage
2) place the stage off screen
3) make the stage window invisible
Then grab the desktop.
Then re-set your stage position.
>Hello everyone
>I build in director 7 on a mac but test and distribute from win98 (also
>dir7). I've embedded the font in both applications and everything looks
>kosher on the PC when I burn it. On some machines though the font
>spacing is off - lines break earlier. It is difficult to fix this
>problem since it
>snooping at amazon i've found a book named 'lingo for games", by
>Gary Rosenzweig. do you know it? what kind of games? does it include
>director 8 features?
Gary is great! His book is great! No Dir 8 specific stuff, just
fundamentally sound game programming for Director.
The games are "play-
> Does anyone knows a Flash5 ActionScript programming list
>equivalent to this one???
Some noise, lots of code Q&A at Flashcoders: http://chattyfig.figleaf.com/
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>on mouseUp--1st frame nav button
> sound playFile 1,"Macintosh HD:Desktop
>play frame 5
>it seems the above scripts work well in authoring and when I drag and
>drop dcr. on browser application(netscape) window, but the sound will
You need to review your Lingo dictionary for the words "Marker" and "Label".
Take a look at the electronic version of the dictionary by going to
Help>Lingo Dictionary.
>Does anyone know how to get the marker name in the curent frame? I'm
>trying to put the current marker name into the variable
>Any Suggestions to the 'reg of the film loop'
>Any suggestions to 'aligning a bitmap to my mans feet' ??
If I remember correctly...
There is no way to set the registration point of a film loop.
The registration point of a film loop is always the center of the
film loop -- that is the cen
1) Repeated posts only make people ignore you.
2) TYPING IN ALL CAPS is like screaming.
3) Try Insert>Media Element>Quicktime
4) If that doesn't work, then describe what exactly is not working,
what version of Director you are using, what platform you are
developing on, whether you are in aut
At 7:56 PM -0500 11/5/00, Bruce Epstein - Zeus Productions wrote:
>Below is an extensive routine I wrote based on hints from BuddyAPI's site
>and some other people.
Damn, Bruce. You the man.
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This is much better, and won't quit during authoriing:
on mouseUp me
>If you have attached the script to a sprite try this:
>on mouseUp
> quit
>rt1 wrote:
>> I am looking for a piece of lingo code that I can attac
At 12:21 PM -0400 10/19/00, Kevin Volo wrote:
> > >1: open the moviepath &"PDF\blizt.pdf" with the moviepath
> > >&"\CD\Reader\Acrord.exe"
since you have the starting "\" in the Reader app string, then try it
in the file string.
open the moviepath &"\PDF\blizt.pdf" with the moviepath
Just to confirm what Jon is saying here.
If you load the projector from the CD-ROM, change CD's then continue
running the projector, you will not be far from either a Windows
error box, a stall or a crash. The projector will be looking for
resources on the first CD-ROM.
Installation on the ha
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