William X. Walsh wrote:
> First of all, Roberto, before you make such a judgement, based on the
> extremely bias reporting of what was said by a government official who
> has been actively involved in promoting the censorship rules, you
> should find out exactly what he said.
I must admit y
FYI, our firewall problems were solved by some last-minute reconfiguration I
managed to complete this afternoon. All known firewall users were able to
connect just fine this afternoon to the RealServer after these configuration
changes were completed, and if anyone else is having firewall issues,
William and all,
William X. Walsh wrote:
> Tuesday, August 24, 1999, 11:46:17 AM, Jeff Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > John and all,
> > John, you are not and are not likely to ever be an INEGroup member!
> > Can you read that clearly? If not, I can make it larger!
> > You, Jo
Richard and all,
Richard, you are just full of ideas, arn't ya! ROFLMAO!
Good one here Richard...
Richard J. Sexton wrote:
> Impose a $1 per newsgroup name to coordinate the
> Usenet technical functions.
> Impose a $1 per mailing list to coordinate
> mailing list technical parameters.
JeffM and all,
Good idea! I would suggest Sup-hose for Esther or Thigh High sup-Hose
Planet Communications Computing Facility wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Aug 1999, A.M. Rutkowski wrote:
> > Some of us believe that it would be useful to
> > begin a dialogue about funding ICANN. The
> > f
Tony and all,
ROFLMAO! This is very funny, but appropriate. By the way,
I hope that COIN/MEDAL that Franklin Mint minting will be
sure that Esther has her Sup-Hose on with no knots in them... >;)
A.M. Rutkowski wrote:
> Some of us believe that it would be useful to
> begin a dialogue about
Tuesday, August 24, 1999, 11:46:17 AM, Jeff Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> John and all,
> John, you are not and are not likely to ever be an INEGroup member!
> Can you read that clearly? If not, I can make it larger!
> You, John Good speed have been personally and publicaly informed
FYI: Well well well... I see that my idea is spreading... >;)
Can't say I didn't tell you so!
Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman INEGroup (Over 95k members strong!)
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
E-Mail [
Kerry and all,
Interesting case. Thank you for providing the reference Kerry. It
shall go in my database for these kinds of cases. The article
didn't mention a filing number. Do you happen to know it?
At any rate it seems that this would be case would be in direct conflict
the WIPO
At 08:36 PM 8/24/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Some of us believe that it would be useful to
>begin a dialogue about funding ICANN. The
>following ideas have been anonymously contributed.
>A bake sale
>a cooking show featuring Esther
>selling tickets to their funeral
>get the Franklin Mint to do
>Court OKs some domains with trademarked names
> By Dan Goodin
> Staff Writer, CNET News.com
> August 24, 1999, 5:40 p.m. PT
The complete Opinion is posted at:
dont know if this has already been posted
Court OKs some domains with trademarked names
By Dan Goodin
Staff Writer, CNET News.com
August 24, 1999, 5:40 p.m. PT
Internet addresses that include trademarked names do not
necessarily constitute a violation, according to a ru
Tony, thats about as constructive as Ken's comments last week.
Are the two of you collaborating?
"A.M. Rutkowski" wrote:
> Some of us believe that it would be useful to
> begin a dialogue about funding ICANN. The
> following ideas have been anonymously contributed.
> A bake sale
> a coo
On Tue, 24 Aug 1999, A.M. Rutkowski wrote:
> Some of us believe that it would be useful to
> begin a dialogue about funding ICANN. The
> following ideas have been anonymously contributed.
> A bake sale
> a cooking show featuring Esther
PORN. The best way to do it is with porn. Let's pu
Some of us believe that it would be useful to
begin a dialogue about funding ICANN. The
following ideas have been anonymously contributed.
A bake sale
a cooking show featuring Esther
selling tickets to their funeral
get the Franklin Mint to do a
commemorative medallion of Esther as
Brian and all,
Yes, as I recall, but I will check my archives later, I received several
private posts from you while you were both in route, at Singapore and
on your way to back to Europe to meet with me and some other folks...
Brian C. Hollingsworth wrote:
> Mr. Walsh and Everyone,
> Cer
Mr. Walsh and Everyone,
Certainly if you wish, please do. I sent several messages as I recall while I
was in Singapore and to and from as well...
William X. Walsh wrote:
> Tuesday, August 24, 1999, 8:22:48 AM, Mark Jeftovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 24-Aug-99 Jeff Williams wrote:
Mr. Goodspeed and Everyone,
Mr. Goodspeed, I believe that the post from Jeff Williams (See below),
and my subject line of this post is self explanatory
Further correspondence on this matter shall be disregarded if publicly
posted. You, Mr. Goodspeed may still apply for membership, but g
A.M. Rutkowski wrote:
> One wonders how long it will take GAC to recommend that all DNS
> registrants be subject to a requirement to honor a law such
> as the Aussie's have adopted as condition of registering a
> domain name.
SS! The walls have ears.
I wonder whey I find William's last statement so familier?
"What was most telling about this report was how this official twisted
what was said, and turned it for his own purpose." Could it be that
he is guilty of doing this himself? Hu???
William X. Walsh wrote:
> Tuesday, August
Tuesday, August 24, 1999, 5:14:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Michael Sondow wrote:
>> Yes, they don't seem to realize the respect accorded the ACLU and
>> that, by attempting to demean it, they are just hurting themselves.
>> I thought "global village idiot" was a
Tuesday, August 24, 1999, 8:22:48 AM, Mark Jeftovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 24-Aug-99 Jeff Williams wrote:
>> Alex and all,
>> Robust what??? Get a grip there alex. Sheeesh! I see that your
>> propensity for Fantasy is fairly strong judging from this and many other
>> posts to thi
Mr. Rutkowski and Everyone,
I find myself in agreement with Mr. Rutkowski.
A.M. Rutkowski wrote:
Hi Mark,
If NSI can use its business model to build the
same value for others as
it has done for itself, why the necessary opposition to GAC? They'd
While I agree that the NSI business model
Jeff and Everyone,
I find myself in complete agreement with Jeff's statements here...
Jeff Williams wrote:
Kent and all,
I would strongly disagree with Kent and Jonathan's tally as presented
by Jonathan in his post, http://www.dnso.org/wgroups/wg-c/Archives/msg01037.html
to which Kent refers
Mr. Walsh and Everyone,
I don't believe nor can I find any specific restriction with respect to
proxie. Can you provide documentation to this effect, Mr. Walsh?
William X. Walsh wrote:
> Sunday, August 22, 1999, 8:38:23 AM, Jeff Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Kent and all,
> >
Mr. Walsh and Everyone,
Mr. Walsh, your comments are only partly relevant to Mr. Masons suggestion.
The level or amount of experience that anyone has in these sort of matters
is relevant only to a point from a realistic perspective There are indeed
several concerns that Mr. Mason has broug
Mr. Walsh and Everyone,
It is evident to me, and I suspect most reasonable people, that if a criticism
is levied that is a reasonable, that it would be best to address it directly
so as to correct the problem concerned.
William X. Walsh wrote:
> Sunday, August 22, 1999, 3:50:48 AM, Planet Com
Mr. Walsh and Everyone,
I had no problem with finding them give a little time and effort.
William X. Walsh wrote:
> Saturday, August 21, 1999, 8:13:14 PM, Jeff Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > William and all,
> > William X. Walsh wrote:
> >> Saturday, August 21, 1999, 7:47:32 PM
Mr. Walsh and Everyone,
How many times do you need to see the same emails, Mr. Walsh?
William X. Walsh wrote:
> Saturday, August 21, 1999, 7:47:32 PM, Jeff Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > William and all,
> > I am afraid I don't agree with William's evaluation of the Berkman
> >
Hi Mark,
If NSI can use its business model to build the
same value for others as
it has done for itself, why the necessary opposition to GAC? They'd do
While I agree that the NSI business model can be cloned and
bring the same the same value to others, it's unclear how this
is facilitated by GA
> I may need to take you up on that offer of the dial-in. I'm trying to
> listen to the archive of the ccTLD meeting from yesterday, and getting
> the same firewall issues I usually have (not available via http).
Real can serve over http if configured
If NSI can use its business model to build the same value for others as
it has done for itself, why the necessary opposition to GAC? They'd do
better to cooperate when the admission policy is sorted out. However,
your point that the laisser-faire governments who by their absence
Jay and all,
After the Singapore, I had posted several remarks and comments
with respect to where we [INEGroup] believe that the ICANN is headed.
In the "Open Letter" that James Love and Ralph Nader submitted to the
ICANN (Initial?) Interim Board on June 11th, and Esther Dysons response
made it
Kerry and all,
It is our [INEGroup's} opinion as we have already voted upon and in
respect to the current ICANN (Initial?) Interim boards self determined
"Extension", as invalid. This decision should be made by the membership
in accordance with the terms of the White Paper. The compliance
Ben -
I may need to take you up on that offer of the dial-in. I'm trying to
listen to the archive of the ccTLD meeting from yesterday, and getting
the same firewall issues I usually have (not available via http).
Of course, I'll only need the dial-in for certain if the other webcasts are
For those who are interested -- the IRC server is back online and fully
I discourage using it before the GA session starts at 2:00 Eastern time --
comments made there before the meeting officially begins won't be read by
me, other Berkman staff, or the ICANN board, and neither will t
Nick Lordi wrote,
> A new new resolution should be drafted, posted, given a reasonable
> comment period, and clearly address why it is necessary.
> Such a new resolution could be drafted along the lines of what
> Michael Froomkin suggested in his previously posted comments [...]
> ICANN needs t
The other side of the news from a progressive point of view.
TRNP is a portal-guide to a few good links related to media (plural) and to
stories the media under-report.
Edited by Jane Wardlow Prettyman, formerly at (the old) Esquire Magazine
To give citizens a choi
Tony and all,
Very good point or observation Tony. And one that is likely missed
by many in these discussions. Though I believe that Michael Sondow
has a good handle on it.
It might also be a consideration that the ICANN's GAC intent to use
influence to promulgate their policies and t
Roberto and all,
Oh Roeberto? And what words did the president of the ACLU
use that were not proper english language words pray tell??
Who appointed you their or anyone's censor czar? When did you
become a judge of proper use of language?
> Michael,
> >
> > I f
Actually - here is data on Twomey's boss.
Jeff Mason
Planet Communication & Computing Facility [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Public Access Internet Research Publisher 1 (212) 894-3704 ext. 1033
Ben and all,
Shades of Singapore and Berlin all over again, eh Ben? When are you folks
going to learn that you need to do a dry run before one of these concerences??
Ben Edelman wrote:
> The IRC server has suffered some minor difficulties in the last 24 hours --
> nothing I couldn't resolve
William and all,
Good point William. Sort of gives one a hint of what to expect
from the GAC, doesn't it???
William X. Walsh wrote:
> Tuesday, August 24, 1999, 3:35:05 AM, Michael Sondow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The following Ministerial Media Release is available at:
> > http://ww
FYI: Interesting...
Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman INEGroup (Over 95k members strong!)
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
Contact Number: 972-447-1894
Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevin
Hi Michael,
The more interesting issue and question is whether Twomey
will act as a global cats paw for the sponsoring minister
behind all this - who is also Twomey's mentor and sponsor.
The GAC's purpose is to make findings on the legal obligations
of ICANN - which is effectively obligated to h
> Please read the messages you receive before answering them ;>).
I tend to read messages carefully before replying. I also reflect
before doing so. You might want to try doing the same.
> I did not say anything in favour of Australian censorship.
> (hint: I am agains
> I find it surprising that you would try to defend the Australian
> censorship by attacking the ACLU this way. But then, I suppose you
> feel the necessity for defending your man Paul Twomey.
Please read the messages you receive before answering them ;>).
I did not say anything
> Michael Sondow wrote:
> >
> > Yes, they don't seem to realize the respect accorded the ACLU and
> > that, by attempting to demean it, they are just hurting themselves.
> >
> > I thought "global village idiot" was a particularly apt phrase,
> > didn't you?
> >
> I f
Michael Sondow wrote:
> Yes, they don't seem to realize the respect accorded the ACLU and
> that, by attempting to demean it, they are just hurting themselves.
> I thought "global village idiot" was a particularly apt phrase,
> didn't you?
I find it always amazing how some people that ho
William X. Walsh wrote:
> Tuesday, August 24, 1999, 3:35:05 AM, Michael Sondow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The following Ministerial Media Release is available at:
> > http://www.dcita.gov.au/cgi-bin/trap.pl?path=4226
> > ACLU president insults Australia
> > The President of the Ame
Tuesday, August 24, 1999, 3:35:05 AM, Michael Sondow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The following Ministerial Media Release is available at:
> http://www.dcita.gov.au/cgi-bin/trap.pl?path=4226
> ACLU president insults Australia
> The President of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Nadin
The following Ministerial Media Release is available at:
ACLU president insults Australia
The President of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Nadine
yesterday described Australia as a "global village idiot" because it
A quick reminder of upcoming webcasts of the Santiago, Chile meetings of the
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers:
* The Domain Name Supporting Organization's General Assembly will hold a
meeting this afternoon starting at 2:00PM Chilean and US Eastern time,
7:00PM GMT. (**) The G
The IRC server has suffered some minor difficulties in the last 24 hours --
nothing I couldn't resolve if I were at the server console in Cambridge...
but I'm not, and indeed the entire Berkman "primary technical staff" is
either here in Santiago or on vacation away from Cambridge. That said, I
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