[mou-net] Black Crowned Night Heron in Duluth.

2013-05-15 Thread scmzd
Observed a night heron on the backside of Hearding Island last night. There is a marina next to Hearding Island. Walk around the backside of the marina, (still public property here I believe). The bird was foraging across the boat channel on the shoreline of Hearding Island. I would have

[mou-net] Wilson's Snipe

2013-02-07 Thread scmzd
Observed a wilson's snipe two days ago, (2/5/13), in Duluth. The snipe did not leave the area when I approached, though it did fly around a bit, and nearly landed right next to a river otter that was watching it. Anyway, that was cool, and a decent sighting for February. Regards, Shawn

[mou-net] Harlequin Duck in Duluth.

2012-11-21 Thread scmzd
Completed the death march from the airport at Minnesota Point to the first breakwater on the Minnesota side. Was rewarded with a Harlequin Duck foraging along the breakwater. If anyone wants to take a quack at sexing the bird for me, I'd appreciate it.No prize though...sorry. Also

[mou-net] Pine Grosbeaks descend on Duluth, and other stuff...

2012-11-12 Thread scmzd
Tooled around Duluth a bit for today and easily found over 100+ Pine Grosbeaks. The world is apparently their oyster and many bellied up to the ornamental crab apple buffet. Others dined on the plentiful ash and maple seeds. I found several scattered groups of Pine Grosbeaks including one

[mou-net] Hoary/Common Redpoll

2012-03-14 Thread scmzd
To those interested in such things. I just posted an image of a side by side Hoary and Common Redpoll on the showcase section of MOU. Just interesting to compare the two when they are in the same frame. Regards, Shawn Zierman. Join or Leave mou-net:

[mou-net] Snowy Owl West Duluth....

2012-01-07 Thread scmzd
Had some really nice viewing of a snowy owl hunting at 8PM tonight, right by StoraEnso, (Ramsey Street) in Duluth. The owl was using the billboards on the highway to perch on. It was pretty active and fairly easy to view thanks to all the street/highway lights in the area. Sadly, this was one

[mou-net] Posting locations of owls...

2011-11-03 Thread scmzd
To any who cares to respondI'm wondering why it's acceptable and praised to post locations of an out of range bird that may or may not be stressed due to being in a possibly challenging climate, (Tropical Kingbird in Duluth for example), but worriesome to post locations of owls? Is it

[mou-net] Posting locations of owls...

2011-11-03 Thread scmzd
I do feed mice to owls, and for me, in regards to the way that I go about it, I have no ethical dillemas. I started doing this last year and will continue to do it in the future. I also feed seeds to chickadees, suet to woodpeckers, potica to crows, and trail mix to gray jays. I will continue

[mou-net] Regarding Whooping Crane Ethics...

2011-09-18 Thread scmzd
First let me state that I'm not trying to start an argument, just looking to gain insight into this compelling scenario. I appreciate people that put forth the time and effort to be in the field and then share sightings of the birds that they see. I did not go look for the cranes. I've never

[mou-net] Random thoughts regarding the showcase section of MOU.

2011-09-12 Thread scmzd
Hello all, As a frequent contributor to the showcase section of MOU, I wanted to share a few thoughts regarding recent activity/inactivity in that part of the MOU website. 1: I don't believe the rules/guidelines for that section have changed. A contribution of 1 image every 24 hour time

[mou-net] White Winged Scoter, Gray Jay...Park Point, Duluth.

2011-06-02 Thread scmzd
6/1/11: Nice mix of shorebirds at Minnesota Point on this evening, including: Ruddy Turnstone, Sanderling, Semi Palmated Sandpiper, Spotted Sandpiper, and one White Rumped Sandpiper. The shorebirds were mostly present on the lakeside of Minnesota Point, from the airport to the Wisconsin

[mou-net] Red Throated Loon, Duluth.

2011-05-29 Thread scmzd
Found a red throated loon twenty feet from shore off Minnesota Point, halfway between the breakwater and the airport. If you would like to see a picture, check the showcase section of MOU. Regards, Shawn Zierman. Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net

[mou-net] Marbled Godwit at Park Point, (Duluth).

2011-05-25 Thread scmzd
This evening there was a marbled godwit at the park point recreation area and adjacent beach areas on the bay side. This is the third marbled godwit that I've observed at park point this spring. Shorebirds are beginning to show up in the Duluth area. This morning a large flock, 50+, of

[mou-net] Stickney Road, another perspective...

2011-02-14 Thread scmzd
First, my deepest sympathy to the original poster, Chris Edwardson and to the subsequent others who have had negative experiences with the gentleman from Stickney Road. Your experiences must have been unnerving to say the least and that is very unfortunate. Thank you to Ben Yokel for the

[mou-net] Sax Zim Bog.

2011-02-10 Thread scmzd
Today within a thirty mile radius in the bog: 3 black billed magpies 2 northern hawk owls 1 great gray owl 4 black backed woodpeckers 2 gray jays 1 rough legged hawk numerous pine grosbeaks fly over redpolls. Regards, Shawn Zierman. Join or Leave mou-net:

[mou-net] Bohemian Waxwings, Pine Grosbeaks in Hibbing.

2010-12-25 Thread scmzd
To anyone in the Hibbing area that is interested, today I observed approximately 70+ Bohemian Waxwings, and 25 Pine Grosbeaks in Hibbing in the vacinity the courthouse. A more exact location to look for the birds would be 16th street and 15th avenue east. There are many crabapple trees in

[mou-net] Black Scoter, Bohemian Waxwings, in Duluth.

2010-11-18 Thread scmzd
The male black scoter,(originally found by Kim Eckert I believe), is still out at Minnesota Point on the bay side by the soccer field, as of 08:00 this morning. Also, at the corner of Arlington Avenue, and Central Avenue Entrance, there was a flock of approximately 15 bohemian waxwings present

[mou-net] Male Black Scoter in Duluth.

2010-11-17 Thread scmzd
This morning there was a male black scoter in Duluth. The bird was seen on the bayside of Minnesota Point near the soccer fields adjacent to the airport. This was a lifer for me and a rather beautiful one at that :) Bird present from 08:00 to at least 09:30, I tried to show a most gracious

[mou-net] Black Scoter in Duluth...ooops!

2010-11-17 Thread scmzd
Part of my excitement in regards to the black scoter was that I thought it was previously unfound. After I posted my image in the showcase section of MOU, I saw that Mr. Eckert was all over this birdyesterday. Anyway, still cool, and perhaps it will stick around a bit :) Regards, Shawn

[mou-net] Cattle Egret on North Shore.

2010-10-29 Thread scmzd
Spent the morning birding from Duluth to Two Harbors. Counted at least 300+ snow buntings between the two cities. That is a conservative estimate. One flock had close to that many birds in it, plus several smaller flocks of 10 to 15 birds. Also encountered two gray jays right outside of Two

[mou-net] Scaup id experts...

2010-10-15 Thread scmzd
I just posted an image of a very cooperative (female/juvenile?) scaup in the showcase section of MOU. If anyone has ideas about the scaup being a greater or a lesser, I'd love for you to backchannel me. Thanks in advance. I'm currently labeling it a greater because that seems to be the

[mou-net] 50 Stilt Sandpipers in Duluth.

2010-08-28 Thread scmzd
A lovely evening on the St. Louis River tonight with 50 stilt sandpipers putting on a show. Other migrants included: 1 shortbilled dowitcher, 3 pectoral sandpipers, several least sandpipers, 3+ semipalmated sandpipers, 10+ semipalmated plovers, 3 lesser yellowlegs, 20+ blue wing teal, and the

[mou-net] Common Grackle in Duluth.

2010-02-22 Thread scmzd
There is a warming pond by the St. Louis River on the outskirts of the Riverside Community (Duluth), that had a Common Grackle in it today. From reviewing recent LOON accounts, I know that this is a fairly early date for this species to be found in a northern county. This pond has been open

[mou-net] Black backed woodpeckers in Hedbom Bog.

2010-02-12 Thread scmzd
This evening I had the pleasure of running into two cool dudes from Iowa while birding in the Hedbom Bog by Floodwood. I had already observed and photographed a male black backed woodpecker before meeting the gentlemen from Iowa. They asked if I'd seen any woodpeckers so we gave it another go

[mou-net] Bohemians in Duluth!!

2009-12-20 Thread scmzd
After going through much personal torment from reading postings about bohemian waxwings sightings here or there, and seeing little evidence, this weekend they decended upon my neck of the Duluth woods (Riverside). What cheer these birds bring. What boisterous banter and feasting they exhibit.

[mou-net] Waxwings in Two Harbors leads to unexpected find.

2009-11-30 Thread scmzd
Every once in a while, during the search, something unexpected turns up. While following up on a recent post by Mr. Lind regarding waxwings in Two Harbors, (and thanks Jim, I found the waxwings,) I came upon a most unexpected animal. While walking a path at Lighthouse Point, I spied a pine

[mou-net] More observations of a Hawk Owl.

2009-11-27 Thread scmzd
Spent some more time with the hawk owl from Hedbom Bog this afternoon. Once again, the owl proved intolerant of gray jays. This must be related to the cached voles that this owl has in the area and it's concern with gray jays stealing from it. The owl was mobbed by seven white winged

[mou-net] Observations of a Hawk Owl...

2009-11-17 Thread SCmzd
The Northern Hawk Owl that I happened upon today provided some interesting moments. Most notably was the way in which it interacted with the local gray jay family. By interaction, I actually mean complete lack of tolerance. The owl was working a recently logged area in the middle of a

[mou-net] Motherly Love and the northern flicker....

2009-06-26 Thread SCmzd
If the title interested you, check out the showcase section of MOU, and good birding to ya. Regards, Shawn Zierman. **Make your summer sizzle with fast and easy recipes for the grill. (http://food.aol.com/grilling?ncid=emlcntusfood0006) Join or Leave

[mou-net] Blackburnian Warbler in Duluth....

2009-05-14 Thread SCmzd
Weird day, was out agate hunting and first it was snowing, then it was raining, then it got sunny :) Anyway, if you like Blackburnian warblers checkout the showcase section for one from today in Duluth. Regards, Shawn Zierman. **Dell Mini Netbooks: Great deals starting at $299

[mou-net] An evening with the Bonapartes, (Duluth).

2009-05-11 Thread SCmzd
5/10/09, Headed to a potential shorebird site in Duluth and was pleasantly welcomed by the toy like sound of the Bonapartes Gull. I usually hear this species before I see it, there call is unmistakable. During spring migration I typically get one or two opportunities to observe this

[mou-net] Smith's Longspur in Duluth...

2009-04-01 Thread SCmzd
See the showcase section of MOU. **Worried about job security? Check out the 5 safest jobs in a recession. (http://jobs.aol.com/gallery/growing-job-industries?ncid=emlcntuscare0003) Join or Leave mou-net:http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net

[mou-net] Meadowlark in Duluth.....

2009-03-26 Thread SCmzd
Did a snippet of birding today and discovered a meadowlark at the soccer fields at the Park Point Recreational Area in Duluth today. Pretty good bird to turn up in March in Duluth. The bird was walking all over the field while constantly flicking it's outer white tail feathers in and

[mou-net] Communing with the Redpolls...

2009-03-10 Thread SCmzd
After a few days of thinning out in my area of Duluth, the redpolls were back in my yard this afternoon in good numbers. This evening I decided to go out and spend some time with them. With the onset of the rough weather, these birds only had minds for feeding so I decided to try some hand

[mou-net] Sax/Zim, and to celebrate redpolls.

2009-03-03 Thread SCmzd
Yesterday 2/2/09, Sax/Zim Bog: 2 Bald Eagles 1 Rough Legged Hawk, Cranberry Ln. 1 Northern Hawk Owl, 1/2 mile south of West Melrude Rd. off the West side of Hwy 53 at 4:00 PM. 2 Rough Grouse 1 Black Billed Magpie Several Ravens Several Crows 3 Black Backed Woodpeckers, all female, all on

[mou-net] Hoary Redpoll at the Admiral Rd. feeder...

2009-01-20 Thread SCmzd
I had the pleasure of meeting some birding legends in the Sax/Zim Bog today. I learned new words, gained insight into subspecies, and had an all round good time getting very cold from the waist down :) There was a Hoary Redpoll that would occasionally come into the Admiral Rd. feeder and

[mou-net] Birding and bird photography....

2009-01-19 Thread SCmzd
Normally I shy away from these type of threads because of the emotions that are involved, but like someone I know says You gotta stand for something in life, otherwise you're gonna stand for nothing. :) Let's face it, there are reasonable and sound opinions on both side of the (baiting)