Re: Windows - logging into MySQL

2005-11-30 Thread sean c peters
Clearly you don't read instructions as well as you'd like us to think. As has been pointed out by numerous people, the instructions that were suggested to are applicable to the version of MySQL that you are running (3.2.3) I followed the link suggested to you, and it took me a whole second to

Re: How to add a host so 'root' can connect to the server from it

2005-11-03 Thread sean c peters
Its been a while since i've dealt much with MySQL permissions, but do you need to explicitly state 'localhost' as the machine in some circumstances. The other thing i thought of is a guess, as i don't program Java, but have had an analogous problem using Perl. It it possible that Java is

UUID storage (again)

2005-09-20 Thread sean c peters
The other day i asked about the proper column to store UUID's in. After thinking about it some more, i still think that a BINARY(16) is a better way to store a UUID. I'd need to strip the dashes from the formatting, but the storage would only be half as much (slightly less actually) as the

UUIDs - first usage for me

2005-09-16 Thread sean c peters
Hi all, Im researching switching a production database system to use UUID's instead of AUTO_INCREMENT columns for various ids. I've looked at various MySQL documentation, and it seems to be what i want. This change will really affect 2 separate database servers. Both are using InnoDB tables.

Insert decimals with rounding

2005-07-20 Thread sean c peters
Hi all. I am trying to figure out if there is a way to configure MySQL so that when inserts occur on decimal fields where the value being inserted has more precision than the field specification, then the value inserted is rounded instead of truncated. For example, if i have a column: Acres

data migration question

2004-09-23 Thread sean c peters
I have a table that i am modifying the schema of, and am having a particular problem with my data migration program. The old format has a column defined as: Range char(3) not null default '', which is either'' or contains a number (1 or 2 digits), and is sometimes followed by a direction

mysql_config missing - already read much docs

2004-09-10 Thread sean c peters
I just upgraded Mysql to 4.1.4-0 on linux using the following: MySQL-server-4.1.4-0.i386.rpm MySQL-client-4.1.4-0.i386.rpm So when i went to upgrade my perl DBI DBD::mysql packages, it noticed that mysql_config was missing. My understanding is that mysql_config should be installed with the

Cascade on delete question.

2004-09-08 Thread sean c peters
I have two tables, call them Parent and Child, where the records in Child have a foreign key relation to Parent, with a Cascade on Delete. If i delete records from Parent, the corresponding records in Child will be deleted. Is there any way that i can get a count of the records in Child that

Simple DB design question

2004-09-03 Thread sean c peters
I have some data that is stored by the year it is related to. So I have one table that stores the Year the data is related to, among other things. At any given time, 1 year is considered the 'active year', and the rest are considered inactive. The table is something like: CREATE TABLE

Performance question with perl DBI

2004-08-18 Thread sean c peters
Hi all, i have a MySQL driven web system that searches a pretty big DB of property info. (10 data tables, about 50,000,000 total rows, average 300 concurrent users) There are actually 2 databases that feed this site, one is meta info, and isnt hit that heavily. Lets call those DB's 'data' and

Error: The table 'property' is full

2004-08-18 Thread sean c peters
When loading a new InnoDB database, I received the error: Error: The table 'property' is full I was quite surprised to get this error. When looking at the file sizes, i notieced that InnoDB tables on 4.1.3beta take up at least twice the space on the filesystem as MyISAM tables on 4.0.2 Is this

Perl DBD upgrade

2004-08-17 Thread sean c peters
Im having some difficulty with the perl DBI/DBD in conjunction with a MySQL upgrade. Here's the situation: On the DB server machine, i have MySQL 4.1.3beta running for testing upgrading, but MySQL 4.0.2 is also running (production). I can connect locally on the DB server through various

Upgrading Mysql and Perl DBD

2004-08-16 Thread sean c peters
I now have MySQL 4.0.2 and MySQL 4.1.3 beta both installed and running on one machine. I want to be able to use the Perl DBI / DBD to connect to both servers. I understand that there have been some changes between the MySQL 4.0.X and 4.1.X series that may require differently compiled DBD's. So

Documentation problem?

2004-08-12 Thread sean c peters
hi all. In my struggles to buildl MySQL 4.1.3deta, i read a lot of online documentation, and in the process i found a lot of info about various configure flags in writeups all over the web. One problem i encountered, that i finally figured out was that some documentation names the flag

multiple server versions on 1 box startup error#

2004-08-12 Thread sean c peters
I am trying to run two different MySQL server versions on the same solaris machine. I already have a 4.0.2 running, and i have successfully installed 4.1.3 beta. I ran mysql_install_db successfully (after setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH), but when i try to run mysqld_safe --user=mysql I get the

datadir specification, etc

2004-08-12 Thread sean c peters
I am 100% convinced that mysql 4.1.3 beta is not properly reading the my.cnf configuration files. If i remove the /etc/my.cnf file and try to start mysql 4.1.3 with (im working from /usr/local/mysql-4.1.3/bin) ./mysqld_safe i get the following output: (mccoy is the name of the machine im on)

InnoDB file per table directive

2004-08-10 Thread sean c peters
I've been reading (and reading...) the innodb documentation about using the innodb_file_per_table directive, and one thing still confuses me. If i use this directive, then is it correct that the setting innodb_data_file_path will specify the shared innodb information? Also, when i create

trouble building mysql 4.1.3

2004-08-10 Thread sean c peters
I am getting an error from make test when trying to build MySQL 4.1.3 beta The error is as follows: ERROR: .../mysql-4.1.3-beta/mysql-test/var/run/ was not created in 30 seconds; Aborting make: *** [test] Error 1 I read online about using the --with-extra-charset=complex with

make test grant_cache test failing

2004-08-10 Thread sean c peters
Hi all, still building 4.1.3 I am now getting an error in make test like this: ERROR: ... At line 136: Result length mismatch (the last lines may be the most important ones) Below are the diffs between actual and expected results: --- ***

Re: make test grant_cache test failing

2004-08-10 Thread sean c peters
UPDATE: I modified the grant_cache.result file to the expected output and got past the test. It looked like the incorrect query was being issued, or in any case that make test was doing something different than what the grant_Cache.result file expected On Tuesday 10 August 2004 15:59, sean c

Running multiple versions of MySQL on 1 machine

2004-08-09 Thread sean c peters
Hi all, I am looking to upgrade to MySQL 4.0.13 on a Solaris production server, and would like to install and test 4.0.13 without disturbing the existing 4.0.2 server, so that there will be minimal downtime when actually upgrading the production system. So, i should be able to compile 4.0.13

Re: Running multiple versions of MySQL on 1 machine

2004-08-09 Thread sean c peters
:// Unless you have a specific reason not to, I'd recommend upgrading to 4.0.20. Michael sean c peters wrote: Hi all, I am looking to upgrade to MySQL 4.0.13 on a Solaris production server, and would like to install and test 4.0.13 without disturbing

mysqld_multi different server versions

2004-08-09 Thread sean c peters
In my ongoing quest to get upgraded to 4.1.3 beta (yes the version I'm upgrading to keeps changing), i have been reading about mysqld_multi to manage multiple server instances on the same machine. But, from what i've read, it appears that this is for running multiple instances of the same

Mixing Innodb MyISAM tables

2004-08-06 Thread sean c peters
Im considering a design that mixes InnoDB and MyISAM tables. I want Innodb for speed, etc, but i have one table where i want a column to have a FULLTEXT index on. Thus the need for MyISAM. Im not worried about the performance in using the MyISAM tables, as we speak, the production version of

InnoDB slowness

2004-08-05 Thread sean c peters
Hi all, I am in the process of upgrading one of my systems to use InnoDB tables, along with some other tweaks to my code. In any case, i just tried to delete around 7000 records from a table, where there are 9 other tables that will cascade delete when rows from the other table are deleted.

load data infile question

2004-08-04 Thread sean c peters
I haven't used load data infile much, mainly because of issues like this question. I want to load a bunch of data for our data warehouse into about 10 different tables. But when I load a parent table, an auto_increment column autogenerates a value that will be a foreign key in a child table. So

NULL values

2004-08-03 Thread sean c peters
HI all, i am tweaking some tables for an upgrade to MySQL 4.0.13 using InnoDB tables. I have a bunch of columns defaulted to NULL, and have been reading about using NULL's vs defined defaults, such as 0 or ''. I dont really have any need to differentiate between a blank and a null, so i am

update statistics question.

2004-04-16 Thread sean c peters
IF i run update statistics on MyISAM tables, will those tables lock while the statistics are being updated. This is the first time i think i need to update statistics on a production server, and i dont want to lock out my users for any time. There are about ten tables i'll need to run