Stormy Weather?

2023-02-14 Thread Allan Siegel
Hello, Trying to get back to some of Brian's and others original concerns here is some useful background material; not from conspiracy theorists as far as I know. Thanks Alex for the information about the Milan event. And, Michael nice of you to bring a red herring to the discussion. https:/

Re: Stormy weather?

2023-02-12 Thread Allan Siegel
# Nettime 12/02/23 Dear Brian and other nettimers. It is not an understatement to say that we are at the doorstep of a potential apocalypse; tragically following on the lingering residue of COVID and all the social trauma that continues to follow in its wake. The neoliberal paradigm is a glob

Re: Moving Nettime to the Fediverse

2022-12-16 Thread Allan Siegel
ses and their settings, the mailman configuration files, the historical archive, and so on) and decide who should do what. Whether or not this makes some people uncomfortable, Nettime has become a de facto institution and requires an institutional approach. Best wishes -- Geoff On Thu, 15 Dec

Re: Moving Nettime to the Fediverse

2022-12-15 Thread Allan Siegel
Dear All, I think Mastodon has certain things going for it but the experience is very different from the Nettime LIST... The group who orchestrated the change in environments should have prepared users for the change and described a framework on how this change could work. To suddenly basica

Re: Moving Nettime to the Fediverse

2022-12-06 Thread Allan Siegel
Hello all, I think it is worth stating, again, that the folks who have initiated this move stated the following: "Nettime was founded at a time when, as quaint as it sounds, email was exciting. That's long since gone for those who experienced it, let alone for those who didn't. Discussion-orie

Moving Nettime to the Fediverse​

2022-12-01 Thread Allan Siegel
Hello, As the Mod Squad said: "This is a chance to move beyond nettime's shrinking in-group, so feel free to invite others. Our goal is to keep tldr to a size where the local timeline remains a useful tool for an actual, not rhetorical, community; how big that is remains to be seen." Communitie

Re: Moving Nettime to the Fediverse

2022-11-30 Thread Allan Siegel
Hello, This is a good move with exciting possibilities. The fediverse is in an expansive mood right now with a massive influx of people; an intensely evolving social space with strong anti-corporate sensibilities. A forest with trees, paths to be explored - a refreshing landscape with a diffe

The Propagandists' Playbook

2022-08-23 Thread Allan Siegel
Hello, This is an extremely informative podcast with lots of good research material.The Propagandists' Playbook. Thanks to Techpolicy Press 46 minutes When most people think about the problem of mis- and disinformation, they think first of social m

Re: nettime-l Digest, Vol 176, Issue 11

2022-05-04 Thread allan siegel A Train
Perhaps the author is keenly aware that the center left is, > >>>> if > >>>> anything, worse on that score. Global neoliberalism and the ardent belief > >>>> that borderless commerce would soothe the slumbering authoritarian beast > >>>>

Anne Applebaum

2022-05-03 Thread allan siegel
Dear Michael and Nettimers, I do not favour a pre-screening of articles or anything of the like. Rather I am concerned about pointing out and contextualizing certain political arguments. Although she may think otherwise Applebaum represents a strata of opinion makers that specialises in a speci

Re: Anne Applebaum

2022-05-01 Thread allan siegel A Train
Hello Nettimers I find it odd that Anne Applebaum's questionable commentary on the events - and historical references - in Ukraine are uncritically posted here. Anne Applebaum is a notorious right-wing ideologue of the unquestionable neoliberal persuasion who has been lauded for her attacks on l

Re: what does monetary value indicate?

2021-03-15 Thread Allan Siegel
Hello "the hacker fascination with crypto currencies is a symptomof the same disease. There's no use going further with it. In the end, noone will be liberated. Everyone will be stuck with worse conditions on theground. This is a dead-end avenue for culture. Crptocurrencies are theelectronic mi

Re: what does monetary value indicate?

2021-03-15 Thread Allan Siegel
Hello, "the hacker fascination with cryptocurrencies is a symptom of the same disease. There's no use going further with it. In the end, no one will be liberated. Everyone will be stuck with worse conditions on the ground. This is a dead-end avenue for culture. Crptocurrencies are the electronic

Re: A Question in Earnest

2020-10-06 Thread Allan Siegel
Dear Liz, Thanks for a timely condensed and basically spot-on history lesson. Herbert Marcuse was right: "repressive sublimation" has a long-afterlife deeply embedded in the America's delusional dreams... and the progressive left in the U.S. has yet to find its way of the tunnel vision of two-

The Embarrassment

2020-09-27 Thread Allan Siegel
Hello, Spot On Timothy! allan # distributed via : no commercial use without permission #is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: # archive: http://www.nettime.

Re: Lev on the embarressment of digital art

2020-09-21 Thread Allan Siegel
Hello, Thanks Molly for your Sunday post... allan # distributed via : no commercial use without permission #is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: # archive:

there is nothing embarrassing about digital art

2020-09-19 Thread Allan Siegel
Hello, what is embarrassing is the assumptions that inherent to this discussion digital vs. analog; does somebody now the borderline where the good analog begins and the bad digital starts? are digital phone conversations embarrassing  or the fact that some gov agency is listening in? maybe Lev

The Communist Manifesto 2015 WTF

2020-03-28 Thread Allan Siegel
Hello, OH MY, looks like the Morlock Ellis is taking its cues from Donald Trump or on a lazy day Boris Johnson. The knucklehead analysis still perseveres. stay well all allan # distributed via : no commercial use without permission #is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # c

forget about Agamben

2020-03-22 Thread Allan Siegel
Hello all, In response to the alarmingly strident tone of Agamben's rant I went to the source (which Brian thankfully provided - see below) to the much broader discourse which is far more illuminating than Agamben's alarmism (not at all surprising these days) so here is a response to Agamben fro

Managing complexity

2019-03-31 Thread Allan Siegel
Hello, As I recall ‘complexity’ as discussed extensively by Henri Lefebvre is related more to urbanism (as Joe mentioned) than management. Complexity is more about the politics and social realities relating to the ‘right to the city’ than managing systems. Managerial complexity invariably leads

The smog covering Facebook transparency

2019-03-09 Thread Allan Siegel
Hello, All roads lead to Rome, or the the CIA, NSA, MI6, etc. etc. What happens when you try to follow the money and reach a seemingly dead end? "Obscure no-deal Brexit group is UK's biggest political spender on Facebook / Britain’s Future has spent £340,000 promoting hard exit – but no one know

No evidence of digital wrong-doing...

2019-01-29 Thread Allan Siegel
On 28 January 2019 at 22:02:50, ( wrote: Brian asked the following question? So the question is: What kinds of social forms can be used to re-mediate  the formation of public opinion? In the recent past we tried forums, not  jus

taking sides

2018-11-06 Thread allan siegel
Dear Nettime/rs I have also been lurking throughout this infuriating conversation that became increasingly self-indulgent and irrelevant and down the rabbit hole of leftist jargon, name dropping and other forma of grandstanding. To put it another way the discussion devolved rapidly and densely

DECODE project redux

2018-04-08 Thread Allan Siegel
Hello, Any project on the scale of DECODE is bound to be problematic and not cater to all the interest, tastes or preferred flavours of those that subscribe to this list but one would think, or hope, that the discussion around this project would not devolve so rapidly into the free form banaliti

Collective responses to digital neofeudalism | Eurozine

2018-03-28 Thread Allan Siegel
Hello, Some rather prescient observations here considering recent events. Allan Collective responses to digital neofeudalism | Eurozine # distributed via : no commercial use without permission #is a moderated

he New Military-Industrial Complex of Big Data Psy-Ops link

2018-03-23 Thread Allan Siegel
Sorry: here is the missing link The New Military-Industrial Complex of Big Data Psy-Ops  It was there before but seemed to have disappeared Allan

The New Military-Industrial Complex of Big Data Psy-Ops

2018-03-23 Thread Allan Siegel
Hello The New Military-Industrial Complex of Big Data Psy-Ops,  from  Apparently, the age of the old-fashioned spook is in decline. What is emerging instead is an obscure world of mysterious boutique companies specializing in data analysis and online influence that contract with government a

Troll factories + Endgame

2018-03-18 Thread Allan Siegel
Hello, Certainly all indicators point to some kind of turning point - an historical moment where a wide range of political indicators and contradictions are searching for solutions AND where a wide range of hegemonic political forces seem ready to impose their vision of yet another new world

Regulate Social Media

2018-03-17 Thread Allan Siegel
Hello Although small scale social media initiatives are important and useful their existence and development does not negate the necessity for dealing economically and politically with Facebook, Google et al... Here is one example - I am sure others are out

Nationalising big data

2018-03-14 Thread Allan Siegel
Big data for the people: it's time to take it back from our tech overlords Ben Tarnoff in the Guardian "A small number of companies have become extraordinarily rich by harvesting our data. But that wealth belongs to the many” This is not as far-fetched as it sounds; a very basic idea with some

Digital leftism in a globalised world? (Trumpism vs. neoliberalism)

2017-01-28 Thread allan siegel
Hello, Trying to catch up with all the various points of view being thrown around here; but Alexander Bard makes an important point about the “sloppy” use of terms and the inevitable consequences’, i.e. loss of meaning and discursive traction… So, I hope this adds some clarity: "Neoliberalism loo

Re: Trump Rising - "the post office has been stolen and the

2016-12-04 Thread allan siegel
Thanks for writing Molly, A quick response to two of your items here before I get lost in something else… > On 2 Dec 2016, at 01:23, Molly Hankwitz wrote: > > hello allan, > thank you for writing this long summary of your perceptions anyway even if it > is not a completely thought out analysis

Trump Rising - "the post office has been stolen and the mailbox

2016-12-01 Thread allan siegel
Hello, Starting from Javier's recent post: he makes a very basic point regarding the racism intrinsic to US political reality. It is not simply about how it enervates Trump supporters but about how it defines the narrow parameters of political discourse buttressed by a two party system controlled

Trumps redux

2016-11-10 Thread allan siegel
Hello, (couldn’t hold myself back from this discussion) Trump represents and is the embodiment of the neo-fascist architype all too common in American culture: well defined in Sinclair Lewis' "In Can't Happen Here" or in Penn Warren's "All the King's Men" - the proverbial snake oil salesman r

web networks and the assault on our critical capacities

2016-06-01 Thread allan siegel
Hello, web networks and the assault on our critical capacities The incessant, ravenous, hoovering of data by the likes of Facebook are well-known; the insidious nature of this corporate practice continues to be well described on this forum; if we were to relate this kind of behaviour to some bein

Monbiot - neoliberalism redux

2016-04-24 Thread allan siegel
Hello again, Some fragmentary remarks. Brian is spot on with the following: "For Foucault, capitalism is not a single, essentially unified system bearing essential contradictions, as the classical Marxists still think. Rather, it is a thoroughly political process and therefore

neoliberalism, etc.

2016-04-18 Thread allan siegel
dear Nettime: Alexander Bard states that, "a new class with a new ideology is the only possibility of genuine revolution. And such ideologies are derived from the potentialties of new technologies.” What utter nonsense. It is this kind of reductionist rubbish that keeps the wheels of neoliberal

Feed my Feed: Radical publishing in Facebook Groups

2015-07-23 Thread allan siegel
ed into sites like Airbnb), even while the display of the body within the profile is regulated in punitive, sexist fashion.” full text: best Allan Siegel # distributed via : no commercial use without permission #is a moder

Claire Bishop?s Game: Subversive Compliance

2015-06-27 Thread allan siegel
Hello, Claire Bishop has made some invaluable contributions to the discursive territories of the contemporary ‘art world’ (whatever we might consider to be). Does she make omissions? Certainly. But, when it comes to contemporary critical art practices: interventions, Tactical Media, etc. etc. t

point of information (before the end)

2015-04-06 Thread allan siegel
Hello, Sorry, but I came late to the Nettime party, I think my colleague Janos probably had something to do with this, and was wondering whether there are any founding documents that still exist? For me it would be useful to see what people were thinking back then when Nettime was launched and w

the end? or another beginning?

2015-04-03 Thread allan siegel
Hello, As T say, "Nettime really is turning twenty, so this is a good time to think about what it wants to be when it grows up. Often, describing what we have done is a better way to start than asking what we should do." What WE should do and what WE can do. Very pertinent questions given the con

Re: Reframing the Creative Question

2015-03-17 Thread allan siegel
Hello, Thank you Brian for your latest post. The issues you raise are certainly relevant these days; as they were in the past. An unfortunate problem is that the ‘organised Left’, or its half-organised versions, have used ‘culture’ and the voices of the ‘creative class’ in mostly opportunistic

Re: Ubiquitous Commons and Stakhanov at transmediale in (mp)

2015-01-24 Thread allan siegel
Hello MP, Here is a link provided by Daniel Verhoeven which provides some good initial background; David Harvey in Rebel Cities has some more extensive materials. allan # distributed via : no commerci

Re: Ubiquitous Commons and Stakhanov at transmediale in Berlin

2015-01-23 Thread allan siegel
Dear Salvatore, I understand that this was a manifesto - or a draft manifesto - but, aside from the "fuzziness" surrounding the use of the concept of the commons (a critical issue), what remains problematical to me is the manner in which the digital commons, as you envision it, is connected or me

Re: Ubiquitous Commons and Stakhanov at transmediale in Berlin

2015-01-21 Thread allan siegel
Hello, Since this announcement has been cross-posted I???ll add Daniel Verhoeven response to this as well as my own. FROM DV: Dear All, A good start would be to define ?commons?. The fuziness about the commons is ubiquitous, not the commons. See for a proposal: https://niep

Crisis 2.0 - the political turn (some comments) P.S.

2015-01-18 Thread allan siegel
Hello Brian, Just a few comments: By postmodern delirium I was referring to that moment when people seemed to abandon history and succumbed to ???capitalism's ability to deliver the goods??? and Reagan and Thatcher were the shining stars starring down the Soviet bear and celebrating neoliberalism

Crisis 2.0 - the political turn (some comments)

2015-01-13 Thread allan siegel
Hello, Yes, there is a crisis, that shouldn’t be a big surprise but what precisely is the crisis? A number of contemporary philosophers have been wading into this question for some time now; is it the crisis that marks a break with modernity? Quite possibly. Is it simply the economic crisis of 2

Controlling the future

2015-01-08 Thread allan siegel
Elmar Altvater Controlling the future Edward Snowdon and the new era on Earth In June 2013, Edward Snowden began to uncover the machinations of the US National Security Agency (NSA) and the British Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), prompting a worldwide debate about the alarming pow

Facebook as social space of play

2014-12-21 Thread allan siegel
Allan Resposted from Berfrois Laurent Berlant performs as clicking by Lauren Berlant Today I introduced Facebook to someone older than me and had a long conversation about what the point of networking amongst "friends" is. The person was so skeptical because to her stranger an

New York's dark clouds?

2014-12-14 Thread allan siegel
Hello, Roger Cohen seems to be just waking up from a deep sleep or maybe the full ramifications of the 21st century has finally caught up with him; how someone can write about the dark clouds hanging over the Big Apple without mentioning the Eric Garner killing just illustrates the

democracy and decentralization

2014-11-29 Thread allan siegel
Hello, Well, there is a difference between actual physical control and the propogated illusion of control (thanks Brian for bringing Foucault back into the discussion - I have the feeling he never left). If we accept or passively follow the various socialising paradigms where meg

social media & political activism redux

2014-11-02 Thread allan siegel
Hello Mike I think you are missing the point; or, rather have little sense of the context within which these demonstrations are taking place. Your comment sounds oddly Luddite and with a twinge of universalising generalities that do not help in understanding the particularities of the Budapest e

social media & political activism redux

2014-11-01 Thread allan siegel
Hello, The recent massive public demonstrations in Budapest against a repressive internet tax, amongst other issues, raises once again questions of the role of social media (and Facebook in particular) as mobilising vehicles for social protest and political activism. As Alice Neerson writes in O

Is anyone immune to the social media echo chamber?

2014-08-14 Thread allan siegel
FYI "It's becoming increasingly obvious that as we spend more time communicating via social media, we are disappearing into bubbles. We receive information from the same sources and witness the views of the same people in our personalised newsfeeds every day. But it also seems like living in ou

tensions? elites? governance?

2014-05-21 Thread allan siegel
Hello, This discussion seems to have moved from one end of a shallow pool to another. As Felix has said, "What astounds and dismays me now is that all we -- lefty artist/intellectuals on this list -- manage to produce is a cynicism and bickering." And, that the discussion is 'stale.' Yes, to say

democracy and decentralization

2014-05-14 Thread allan siegel
Hello, Well, there is a difference between actual physical control and the propogated illusion of control (thanks Brian for bringing Foucault back into the discussion - I have the feeling he never left). If we accept or passively follow the various socialising paradigms where mega-companies su

a political economy of new media

2014-05-04 Thread allan siegel
Hello, Excerpt from: Astra Taylor’s book "The People’s Platform: Taking Back Power and Culture in the Digital Age.” "I definitely thought there was something missing, a critique or an analysis that really emphasized the economic underpinnings of this technological transformation; what I thought

HME's 10 rules (yet again)

2014-03-11 Thread allan siegel
Hi there, What a great flow of emotions Herr Enzensberger has generated over these days; seems like his 10 points for survival in the overlapping realms of the analog and digital worlds (as opposed to the post-digital mash-up which probably lies somewhere gestating in psychedelic glory in a basem

Hungary in focus

2014-02-16 Thread allan siegel Hungary in focus In recent years, Hungary has been a constant concern for anyone interested in European politics and Eurozine has published extensively on different aspects of the Hungarian situation. Ahead of the Hungarian elections

How Silicon Valley's CEOs

2014-02-03 Thread allan siegel
Hello, Trying to keep up out here in the hinterland… What exactly was the Renaissance moment? What’s up with the sudden fetishisation of California Ideology (? - forget about it; Breaking Bad - is that part of the California ideology?) Is Silicon Valley capitalism that much different from Wall

The Californian Reality (from: New Geography)

2014-01-23 Thread allan siegel
Hello, Two points here from Brian worth extending a bit further in this discussion because they seem to me critical if we are ever going to move beyond the social, governmental and corporate paradigms assembled by what he calls the "full-fledged transnational capitalist class.” And it is a clas

The Californian Reality (from: New Geography)

2014-01-22 Thread allan siegel
Hello, Thanks Brian for the snapshot history lesson; what seems to be glossed over in your letter is this salient point: "Not only in California, but across the world there are new oligarchies who dispose (of us) more or less as they please. Unlike the student movements of 2009, I don't think

net neutrality scandal redux

2014-01-16 Thread allan siegel
Hello, from Media Matters [16.01.14]: "The Wall Street Journal applauded a court decision invalidating the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) net neutrality regulations, spinning the rules as hampering innovation and benefitting only "the giants of Silicon Valley," despite experts who

public indifference

2013-10-26 Thread allan siegel
Excuse me but is public indifference considered to be a new phenomenon is that really what it is? Remember Daniel Ellsberg, the Pentagon Papers? Levels of domestic and international surveillance have intensified logarithmically in the post-war period; just imagine what J. Edgar would have done

Re: rules of the digital panopticon

2013-10-13 Thread allan siegel
Hello, People seem to be missing one critical aspect of the panopiticon and if you have ever been inside of a prison based on these principles, which I have, the missing element is quite apparent. The central location of the observation tower created a type of one way mirror in which prisoners c

the secret financial market, p.s.

2013-10-01 Thread allan siegel
Hello, Armin started to zero in on an aspect of this discussion that has been largely invisible or at least off to the sidelines: "there is a philosophical aspect to that discourse on [h]umans/non-humans that has someting to to with Virilio, Latour and Barad which I would love to elaborate on

Bosnia and Syria: Intervention

2013-08-18 Thread allan siegel
Hello there, Was this post meant to be ironic? If not then it is a stunning example of the Thomas Friedman school of journalism masquerading as serious analysis. This kind of self-righteous commentary is so off the mark that what one can only wonder about the type of research process that foste

Bezos, the Post and American media

2013-08-08 Thread allan siegel
Greetings, Amazon/Bezos buying the Post is part of a media garage sale; the Boston Globe was sold recently by the New York Times for a pittance. It has more to do with the acquisition of a brand more than anything else. For Amazon it provides yet another digital platform in its multifarious stab

whole earth or planet america catalogue

2013-07-28 Thread allan siegel
Dear Nettime listers… Like so much of 60s counter culture initiatives the Whole Earth Catalogue was soaked up by the various forms of consumer fetishism symptomatic of a highly developed consumerist society; a phenomenon that Herbert Marcuse understood only too well. As a consequence it is easi

spying, surveillance and the everyday

2013-07-04 Thread allan siegel
Greetings All, Of course one can expect boiling outrage at the copious amounts of hoovering of data, eavesdropping and classical snooping that characterises the numerous Snowden/NSA revelations. What a good part of the discussions focus on is the notion of the 'invasion of privacy' either on an

will be there be jobs?

2013-05-27 Thread allan siegel
Hello, Well Brian is spot-on when he says, "We live under the grip of *that* professional universe, whose expansion and accumulation of power has marked the entire neoliberal era. If there is no counter-project, their power will only grow in the course of this crisis." The fact is that too man

the disappearing middle class and snake oil salesmen

2013-05-17 Thread allan siegel
hi there, well, to tell the truth, after reading just the infamous (so it seems) Jaron Lanier interview it is not his shabby analysis that is shocking, i.e. "Of course jobs become obsolete. But the only reason that new jobs were created was because there was a social contract in which a more ple

the middle class doesn't exist

2013-05-15 Thread allan siegel
"Twenty years ago, class was not in the vocabulary of Swedish pundits and mavens. Class was something that belonged to the past. Today, however, it is back with a vengeance. Recently the Swedish Occupy movement "Allt åt alla" (Everything for Everyone) organized a bus "safari" through exclusive

e-flux's vision for the .art domain

2012-08-17 Thread allan siegel
Hello, Strange enough, since first commenting here on nettime on the e-flux issue some months ago, I no longer receive any announcements from e-flux and their affiliates nor have they responded to any of my emails. Probably they are very busy!! allan # distributed via : no commercial use w

global financial fraud

2012-07-17 Thread allan siegel
"we live in a society where capitalism itself has become rampantly feral. Feral politicians cheat on their expenses; feral bankers plunder the public purse for all it's worth; CEOs, hedge fund operators, and private equity geniuses loot the world of wealth; telephone and credit card compan ies load

The .art TLD again: E-Flux are soliciting support for their bid

2012-06-23 Thread allan siegel
Hello, well since I first received this request of support from E-Flux I have been wondering about the implications; not good - not good at all. This seems to me to be a rather blatant power grab on the part of the E-Flux crew. The E-Flux service (which may or may not be non-profit) has more than

Re: Nightmare or Opening

2012-06-14 Thread allan siegel
nd Braudel understood quite well because he understood (or tried to fathom) the inter-relationships between politics and market forces something that Soros - with all his financial insights - has failed to come to terms with. allan siegel # distributed via : no commercial use without permissi

The $100bn Facebook question: Will capitalism survive

2012-03-10 Thread allan siegel
hello, well I've been trying to get at the core of this discussion which frankly I find bloated with excess verbiage and driven by a subtext that seems to fetishize Facebook as if this were one of the most pressing questions we are now facing. Really folks, one has to simply watch The Social Ne

capitalism; will socialism survive?

2012-03-07 Thread allan siegel
Hello In regards to will capitalism survive question I am posting this interview will Alain Badiou where he shifts the discourse in a worthwhile direction. cheers Allan Van Houdt >From Kant to Husserl, and now to your work, the move to transcendental philosophy has, for the most part, taken pla

political-economy and desire

2012-03-03 Thread allan siegel
Greetings On this question it might be worth it for those interested to take a look at The Passions and the Interests by Albert O. Hirschman at Princeton Univ Press. He illustrates the historical roots of what we can call the 'avaricious' side of capitalism; an issue that has been debated for ma

no more bubble gum?

2011-10-28 Thread allan siegel
Mike Davis' excitement is warranted but his argument strays wide of the mark and is finally contradictory. Which Occupy the World Movement is he referring to? And, whose "anger remains on Gandhian low heat." If movements in Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Rome etc... are part of this OWM they have n

a call to the army of love etc. etc.

2011-10-17 Thread allan siegel
apolitical posturing that is hermetic and not at all constructive. allan siegel # distributed via : no commercial use without permission #is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info:

PR.ocess or PR.opaganda

2011-08-24 Thread allan siegel
PR.ocess or PR.opaganda: a battle for the truth The relationship between truth and lies is one we must negotiate every day. Generally, it comes down to who tells us what. The profession of Public Relations deals in truth and lies as commodities, less a set of objective parameters, more lik

Protest in Spain

2011-05-22 Thread allan siegel
Analysis of the May 15 movement in Spain by Michel Bauwens the 15thMay Movement reveals that far from being the passive agents that so many analysts take them to be, citizens have been able to organise themselves in the midst of a profound crisis of political representation and institutional