Re: [newbie-it] Icone sul desktop

2003-10-14 Per discussione Andrea Celli
Alle 17:11, lunedì 13 ottobre 2003, Fabio Manunza ha scritto: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Alle 07:58, lunedì 13 ottobre 2003, Andrea Celli ha scritto: Dischetto montato su /mnt/floppy... e se io volessi fare in modo che si chiami semplicemente Floppy? tasto destro

Re: [newbie-it] Non riesco a sentire l' audio

2003-10-14 Per discussione Sandro
Alle 20:33, lunedì 13 ottobre 2003, tom ha scritto: On Monday 13 October 2003 11:15, Sandro wrote: Sulla destra ti compaiono una serie di icone, scegli: HardDrake elenca il tuo hardware e ti aiuta a configurarlo. Nell'elenco si trova anche la scheda audio. se è una scheda isa,non te la fa

Re: [newbie-it] Non riesco a sentire l' audio

2003-10-14 Per discussione Sandro
Alle 19:20, lunedì 13 ottobre 2003, paolo brusasco ha scritto: enrico.alletto wrote: Ho installato Mandrake 9.1 (sono un nuovo utente linux) su un PC un po datato e su uno di qualche anno fa. Entrambi funzionano correttamente, ma quando per esempio lancio Xmms e voglio sentire un mp3

[newbie-it] nfs root

2003-10-14 Per discussione Eraser Head
Ciao a tutti. Qualcuno ha mai avuto a che fare con macchine linux diskless con boot via rete e filesystem via nfs? Io ci sto provando da un po' di tempo, ma non riesco a superare init. Cioe', riesco a scaricare il kernel, a farne il boot e a passare il controllo ad init (presente sul server

Re: R: [newbie-it] mandrake 9.2 pre order

2003-10-14 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]
il bonifico internazionale costa almeno una dozzina di euro. guarda se puoi pagare con un assegno circolare. costa molto meno Leggi qui:|0|RAPIDlg=ITdisplay= Tra l'altro, c'è scritto che: «Prelievi di

R: R: [newbie-it] mandrake 9.2 pre order

2003-10-14 Per discussione Giorgio Carrara
-Messaggio originale- Da: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Per conto di [EMAIL PROTECTED] Inviato: martedì 14 ottobre 2003 11.08 A: newbie-it Oggetto: Re: R: [newbie-it] mandrake 9.2 pre order il bonifico internazionale costa almeno una dozzina di euro. guarda se puoi

[newbie-it] collegare nokia 5510

2003-10-14 Per discussione alfredo
Salve a tutti, posseggo un nokia 5510 e vorrei collegarlo al PC con linux, ho letto che con una distro recente non dovrebbe essere più necessario creare un unusual_device apposito, quindi passo a installare nokryptia, il software free per il collegamento al telefono: ./configure ad un certo

[newbie-it] Download Manager

2003-10-14 Per discussione Nevermind
Salve di nuovo a tutti. Sapete se esiste un qualche download manager per Mandrake che mi dia la possibilità di fare il resume dei download nel caso in cui cada la linea? Ebbene si, ho un misero 56k e qualche volta succede che mi cada la linea... Stavo scaricando prima il Netscape, e a dieci

Re: [newbie-it] Download Manager

2003-10-14 Per discussione tuxlander
Alle 13:48, martedì 14 ottobre 2003, Nevermind ha scritto: Salve di nuovo a tutti. Sapete se esiste un qualche download manager per Mandrake Usa wget da linea di comando...preleva file dagli url che iniziano con http o con ftp. Se cade la linea, ridigiti wget -c indirizzo da scaricare e

Re: [newbie-it] Download Manager

2003-10-14 Per discussione Eraser Head
On Tuesday 14 October 2003 13:48, Nevermind wrote: Salve di nuovo a tutti. Sapete se esiste un qualche download manager per Mandrake che mi dia la possibilità di fare il resume dei download nel caso in cui cada la linea? Ebbene si, ho un misero 56k e qualche volta succede che mi cada la

Re: [newbie-it] Download Manager

2003-10-14 Per discussione Nevermind
Alle 13:58, martedì 14 ottobre 2003, Eraser Head ha scritto: Da linea di comando c'e' wget, che funziona benissimo: wget -c url P.S.: A proposito di Nescape, hai mai provato MozillaFirebird? Lo trovi sul Ora provo il wget con mozilla Firebird :P Grazie Chiara! -- //

Re: [newbie-it] Icone sul desktop

2003-10-14 Per discussione tom
On Tuesday 14 October 2003 01:12, Nevermind wrote: /dev/hdd: Input/output error mount: impossibile determinare il tipo di filesystem, e non è stato specificato nessuno /dev/hdd è quello che lui mi usa per identificare il lettore di DVD nel mounting. devi specificargli il dispositivo

Re: [newbie-it] Finalmente sono riuscito ad iscrivermi! Domanda su masterizzazione

2003-10-14 Per discussione tom
On Tuesday 14 October 2003 02:06, Corrado wrote: Il lun, 2003-10-13 alle 23:00, Moreno T ha scritto: Scusate, ma è normale che dopo aver abilitato l'emulazione scsi per il cdrom, non riesca più a sentire i cd audio con xmms? (ho il cdrom con il cavetto collegato all scheda audio, c'entra

[newbie-it] about mozilla firebird

2003-10-14 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ho provato mozilla firebird 1.6.1... è veramente velocissimo... ma... se voglio aprire due finestre di mozilla non lo posso fare, cioè... lancio la prima ed è ok. poi quando lancio la seconda mi compare il profile manager: se scelgo il profilo che sto usando con la prima finestra mi dice che il

Re: [newbie-it] Icone sul desktop

2003-10-14 Per discussione Nevermind
Alle 14:15, martedì 14 ottobre 2003, tom ha scritto: devi specificargli il dispositivo esatto dovredde essere /dev/scd0 punto di mount /mnt/cdrom Allora, se io in drakeconf vado a vedere come è montato il DVD mi dice: Punto di mount: /mnt/cdrom Dispositivo: scd1 Tipo: auto Opzioni:

[newbie-it] about gdm

2003-10-14 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ho dei problemi con il display manager di gnome: gdm. quando uso gdm ed entro con gnome, a volte succede che se provo a riavviare o a spegnere il computer, il controllo ritorna sulla finestra di login di gdm. poi quando clicco su sistema-shutdown o reboot, una volta iniziata la procedura di

Re: [newbie-it] about mozilla firebird

2003-10-14 Per discussione artasersec
On Tue, 14 Oct 2003 14:18:30 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ho provato mozilla firebird 1.6.1... veramente velocissimo... ma... se voglio aprire due finestre di mozilla non lo posso fare, cio... lancio la prima ed ok. poi quando lancio la seconda mi compare il profile

[newbie-it] kernel

2003-10-14 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]
sapete se esiste qualche tool che esamina l'hardware e genera automaticamente il file .config da usare per ricompilare il kernel? scusate se sono sfaticato :)) grazie gianluca

[newbie-it] avvio kde 3.1

2003-10-14 Per discussione scido
Ciao a tutti ho notato che all'avvio di Kde 3.1 si ferma molto su inizializzazione periferiche. sinceramente non capisco perchè. qualcuno può darmi qualche risposta. ho visto poi che è uscita la release 3.1.4 qualcuno l'ha provata? magari è un pò più veloce ciao scido

Re: [newbie-it] kernel

2003-10-14 Per discussione Mark Barda
grande domanda... :-| --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: sapete se esiste qualche tool che esamina l'hardware e genera automaticamente il file .config da usare per ricompilare il kernel? scusate se sono sfaticato :)) grazie gianluca

Re: [newbie-it] Icone sul desktop

2003-10-14 Per discussione tom
On Tuesday 14 October 2003 14:22, Nevermind wrote: Allora, se io in drakeconf vado a vedere come è montato il DVD mi dice: Punto di mount: /mnt/cdrom Dispositivo: scd1 ok,è sul secondo canale ide e non nel promo come supponevo :) Ora gli ho indicato nell'icona: dispositivo: /dev/scd1

Re: [newbie-it] about gdm

2003-10-14 Per discussione emmepielle
A me ne da degli altri tipo quando faccio il reboot non mi da l'elenco dei sistemi ecc... ed è per questo che lo sostituito con kdm. On Tue, 14 Oct 2003 14:23:12 +0200 [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ho dei problemi con il display manager di gnome: gdm. quando uso gdm ed entro con

Re: [newbie-it] Download Manager

2003-10-14 Per discussione francesco.melo
Alle 14:08, martedì 14 ottobre 2003, Nevermind ha scritto: Alle 13:58, martedì 14 ottobre 2003, Eraser Head ha scritto: Da linea di comando c'e' wget, che funziona benissimo: wget -c url P.S.: A proposito di Nescape, hai mai provato MozillaFirebird? Lo trovi sul Ora provo il wget con

Re:R: R: [newbie-it] mandrake 9.2 pre order

2003-10-14 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Vedasi per maggiore informazione LETTERE AL DIRETTORE del Corriere della Sera di oggi : dal Belgio all'Italia, ad esempio, il bonifico è gratuito, ma la Banca Italiana ha applicato una commissione di, mi pare, la bellezza di 10 euro o forse più ( l'ho letto stamattina presto ma ora non ho

Re: [newbie-it] Icone sul desktop

2003-10-14 Per discussione Fabio Manunza
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Alle 20:55, lunedì 13 ottobre 2003, Moreno T ha scritto: Ho un lettore cdrom, un lettore dvd e un masterizzatore. All'inizio tutte e tre le periferiche venivano montate come CDROM montato su /mnt/cdromX, il che mi creava un certa confusione. Ho

[newbie-it] Oggetto: Installazione Linux 'Mandrake 9.1'

2003-10-14 Per discussione Claudio Callocchia
sono un 'newbie' quindi non meravigliatevi delle mie richieste ho avuto un nuovo PC che consiste in un 'Athlon xp' da 2400 Mhz funzionante a 2000 Mhz un hard disk di 80 Giga Maxtor 6Y080L0 da 512 Mega di memoria DRam undrive CD R-W un DVD uno scanner una stampante una cam Radeon 9600SE

Re: [newbie-it] about mozilla firebird

2003-10-14 Per discussione freefred
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On Tuesday 14 October 2003 14:18, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ho provato mozilla firebird 1.6.1... è veramente velocissimo... ma... se voglio aprire due finestre di mozilla non lo posso fare, cioè... lancio la prima ed è ok. poi quando lancio la

Re: [newbie-it] Download Manager

2003-10-14 Per discussione paolo brusasco
ho provato il downloader dx della mandrake 9.1 power ma non funziona sul mio sistema. ho installato quello di 8.2 che si chiamava nt versione nt-130-1mdk e funziona anche sotto 9.1 francesco.melo wrote:

[newbie-it] versioni concorrenti di perl/pyton

2003-10-14 Per discussione AF
Ciao. Nel tentativo di installare versioni aggiornate di alcuni programmi (tipo gimp o dia) mi sono trovato di fronte un problema nuovo. Alcuni hanno bisogno di versioni più nuove (rispetto a quelle installate) di librerie o interi linguaggi di scripting come perl o python. E' possibile

Re: [newbie-it] Download Manager

2003-10-14 Per discussione Corrado
Il mar, 2003-10-14 alle 13:48, Nevermind ha scritto: Salve di nuovo a tutti. Sapete se esiste un qualche download manager per Mandrake che mi dia la possibilità di fare il resume dei download nel caso in cui cada la linea? Downloader for X 8noto prima come nt ora come D4X) è il migliore; ha

Re: [newbie-it] Oggetto: Installazione Linux 'Mandrake 9.1'

2003-10-14 Per discussione NIC
Alle 20:51, lunedì 13 ottobre 2003, Claudio Callocchia ha scritto: sono un 'newbie' quindi non meravigliatevi delle mie richieste ho avuto un nuovo PC che consiste in un 'Athlon xp' da 2400 Mhz funzionante a 2000 Mhz un hard disk di 80 Giga Maxtor 6Y080L0 da 512 Mega di memoria DRam un

Re: [newbie-it] nfs root

2003-10-14 Per discussione miKe
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Alle 10:37, martedì 14 ottobre 2003, Eraser Head ha scritto a MLdrake in merito a [newbie-it] nfs root : Ciao a tutti. Qualcuno ha mai avuto a che fare con macchine linux diskless con boot via rete e filesystem via nfs? Io ci sto provando da

[newbie-it] Primi passi in MySQL

2003-10-14 Per discussione kudega
finalmente sono riuscito ad installare MySQL! Partiamo subito, digito da shell mysql e riesco a connettermi come anonymous perchè il server mysql è in localhost. Ho provato a digitare i primi comandi seguendo la guida mysql tipo SELECT VERSION(), CURRENT_DATE; Ora però non riesco a creare una

Re: [newbie-it] Icone sul desktop

2003-10-14 Per discussione Nevermind
Alle 15:20, martedì 14 ottobre 2003, tom ha scritto: non so che gli abbia preso. prova a chiudere prima il file menager (konqueror suppongo) e poi a smopntarlo e ejctarlose tentavi di ejectare con konqueror aperto,non è la prima volta che sento di questi inconvenienti... Ora funziona

Re: [newbie-it] kernel

2003-10-14 Per discussione miKe
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Alle 14:25, martedì 14 ottobre 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto a newbie-it in merito a [newbie-it] kernel : sapete se esiste qualche tool che esamina l'hardware e genera automaticamente il file .config da usare per ricompilare il kernel?

Re: [newbie-it] kernel

2003-10-14 Per discussione Corrado
Il mer, 2003-10-15 alle 01:14, miKe ha scritto: /dev/brain Io per comodità a volte uso il link simbolico /dev/comodino dove oltre al cervello lascio anche molte altre cose... :-D -- Corrado

Re: [newbie] sensitive materials

2003-10-14 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich
On Tuesday 14 October 2003 05:21 am, Eric Huff wrote: I'm wondering too : why all the hassle ? - Linux is safe in itself. You have your own /home/anarky directory, and you are the only one with permission to go there (aside from root, who will be yourself, right ?). On the other hand,

Re: [newbie] Good news .. and a question

2003-10-14 Per discussione Sharrea Day
On Tue, 14 Oct 2003 16:59, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Anyhow, a couple of issues I'm having. First and foremost the user account I'm running under is having some permission issues. For one, the FAT32 partitions I created (/mp3s) gives me access denied errors every time I drag and drop mp3

Re: [newbie] [OT]The mad Russian's new response...

2003-10-14 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Tuesday 14 October 2003 03:29, ed tharp wrote: I will write him right now and let him know it has not stopped. You mean we should redirect the sms@ messages to all those 4 I count 5 @ Yahh, it was 2.30 AM for tired:) boxes till they clog up, or just 1?

Re: [newbie] gaim-0.71

2003-10-14 Per discussione Heather/Femme
On Tue, 14 Oct 2003 01:32:02 +0200 H.J.Bathoorn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Monday 13 October 2003 23:02, Heather/Femme wrote: Harm: someone would need to run an IRC server to do that OR you might pick an irc server that exists already...and just create a room for ppl like us to hang out

Re: [newbie] sensitive materials

2003-10-14 Per discussione ed tharp
On Tue, 2003-10-14 at 01:21, Eric Huff wrote: I'm wondering too : why all the hassle ? - Linux is safe in itself. You have your own /home/anarky directory, and you are the only one with permission to go there (aside from root, who will be yourself, right ?). On the other hand, if

Re: [newbie] sensitive materials

2003-10-14 Per discussione ed tharp
On Tue, 2003-10-14 at 04:05, Kaj Haulrich wrote: On Tuesday 14 October 2003 05:21 am, Eric Huff wrote: I'm wondering too : why all the hassle ? - Linux is safe in itself. You have your own /home/anarky directory, and you are the only one with permission to go there (aside from root,

Re: [newbie] Urgent help !!!!Installation of mandrake in compaq server

2003-10-14 Per discussione ed tharp
On Tue, 2003-10-14 at 02:01, John Wilson wrote: On October 13, 2003 08:59 pm, Rohit_Sundriyal wrote: Dear Group Is anybudy having experince in installing mandrake on compaq server .please provide me setp by setp installation notes if anybudy has done this befor on compaq servers.

Re: [newbie] gaim-0.71

2003-10-14 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Tuesday 14 October 2003 10:09, Heather/Femme wrote: well someone named - fransje_2 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) was in my irc channel. did not ID when i asked so i kicked them. Attaway. Wasn't me! Not my kind of thing, I'm into Linux;) I'm on the #mandrake channel at freenode as..HarM. Good

Re: [newbie] (2nd post)exporting directories via Samba or NFS?

2003-10-14 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Monday 13 Oct 2003 10:24 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote: On Monday 13 October 2003 05:14 pm, Derek Jennings wrote: I could tell you how to get NFS working, but I would have to stretch my memory to do it and NFS sucks so bad I will tell you a better way. Derek, I know you have a lot more exp.

Re: [newbie] Good news .. and a question

2003-10-14 Per discussione Russ
I can understand why Aaron would want this. If he has other users on his computer then they would also have access to that wallpaper if it was placed in /usr/share/wallpapers. I ran into the same problem when I started but ended up just creating a folder for them in my home directory as you

Re: [newbie] Procmail mangling my email headers, rendering Netscape Mail/Kmail useless.

2003-10-14 Per discussione robin
Kaminsky Moshe wrote: AFAIK, Netscape (and maybe also Kmail) do not work with procmail. Netscape is not, strictly speaking, a MUA, but a whole mail system in one program: It delivers the mail to the local machine, and does all the redistribution and filtering by itself (I think), basically

Re: [newbie] Good news .. and a question

2003-10-14 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Monday 13 Oct 2003 11:54 pm, Russ wrote: John Wilson wrote: As a second example, I downloaded a really nice wallpaper and when attempting to copy the wallpaper to the /usr/share/wallpapers directory I get another access denied message. As someone else has pointed out it's bad form to

[newbie] MCC is missing from my Menus

2003-10-14 Per discussione Yoel P. Krigsman
hello... What URPMI do i need to get my MCC programs back? I can't get to run RPM's via GUI. Any advise would help! YPK Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

Re: [newbie] MCC is missing from my Menus

2003-10-14 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Tuesday 14 October 2003 13:26, Yoel P. Krigsman wrote: hello... What URPMI do i need to get my MCC programs back? I can't get to run RPM's via GUI. Any advise would help! YPK It will not run from CML either? you know: as root mcc in an xterm. Good luck, HarM -- Mandrake HowTo's more:

Re: [newbie] MCC is missing from my Menus

2003-10-14 Per discussione Yoel P. Krigsman
I get Command not found, I know I did a texstar upgrade and it aborted in the middle i m left with half working programs YPK On Tue, 2003-10-14 at 07:29, H.J.Bathoorn wrote: On Tuesday 14 October 2003 13:26, Yoel P. Krigsman wrote: hello... What URPMI do i need to get my MCC

Re: [newbie] MCC is missing from my Menus

2003-10-14 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Tuesday 14 October 2003 13:48, Yoel P. Krigsman wrote: I get Command not found, I know I did a texstar upgrade and it aborted in the middle i m left with half working programs Gahh, sounds bad:( Easiest way out: shove in your install cd's and choose the upgrade option. Good luck,

Re: [newbie] Lightwave 3D / 3d artwork / Blender

2003-10-14 Per discussione Tango Echo
--- John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: robin wrote: John Richard Smith wrote: I installed blender on M9.0 and took a close look at it , and frankly , to a complete beginner it seemed a bit too much to understand. They assume you already know a lot of the terms, but if

Re: [newbie] MCC is missing from my Menus

2003-10-14 Per discussione Yoel P. Krigsman
If I choose this method, do i have to install the whole packages over again? like Opera, Vmware etc.. YPK On Tue, 2003-10-14 at 08:00, H.J.Bathoorn wrote: On Tuesday 14 October 2003 13:48, Yoel P. Krigsman wrote: I get Command not found, I know I did a texstar upgrade and it aborted in

Re: [newbie] MCC is missing from my Menus

2003-10-14 Per discussione HaywireMac
On Tue, 14 Oct 2003 07:26:27 -0400 Yoel P. Krigsman [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered: hello... What URPMI do i need to get my MCC programs back? I can't get to run RPM's via GUI. Any advise would help! what about running drakconf from the command line? -- HaywireMac ++ ICQ # 279518458

Re: [newbie] MCC is missing from my Menus

2003-10-14 Per discussione Yoel P. Krigsman
Drats: it says, Command not found.. YPK On Tue, 2003-10-14 at 08:03, HaywireMac wrote: On Tue, 14 Oct 2003 07:26:27 -0400 Yoel P. Krigsman [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered: hello... What URPMI do i need to get my MCC programs back? I can't get to run RPM's via GUI. Any advise

Re: [newbie] Good Article on Linux Filesystems

2003-10-14 Per discussione HaywireMac
On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 22:06:35 -0700 Eric Huff [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered: If you thikn it's a good article, then sure, put it on the wiki! The only problem with that is Newsforge could at some point move or *re*move the article, then you have a dead link mon. Better to do a rewrite, in your own

Re: [newbie] Blender - ing

2003-10-14 Per discussione Tango Echo
--- Anarky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: John Richard Smith wrote: I installed blender on M9.0 and took a close look ... and there is a long list on the elysiun forums in the tutorials sticky topic in blender general category, I think ... and anyway, in case you're interested, here are

Re: [newbie] MCC is missing from my Menus

2003-10-14 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Tuesday 14 October 2003 14:02, Yoel P. Krigsman wrote: If I choose this method, do i have to install the whole packages over again? like Opera, Vmware etc.. No -- Mandrake HowTo's more: Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

Re: [newbie] Blender - ing

2003-10-14 Per discussione Anarky
Tango Echo wrote: --- Anarky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: John Richard Smith wrote: I installed blender on M9.0 and took a close look ... and there is a long list on the elysiun forums in the tutorials sticky topic in blender general category, I think ... and anyway, in case

Re: [newbie] Good news .. and a question

2003-10-14 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thank you all for replying and suggesting changes to my line of thinking. That is exactly what I was looking for since at this point it's hard to trust anything I think up on my own. I've taken everyone's advice (which thinking about it now, makes perfect sense) and have created a directory

Re: [newbie] Good Article on Linux Filesystems

2003-10-14 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I checked out the article, and I can definitely add to the newbie perspective and say that it would have been a lot of help had I read it before installation. I've cleared up a lot of file system questions I had just by reading that article. -A On Tue, 2003-10-14 at 00:06, Eric Huff wrote:

Re: [newbie] MCC is missing from my Menus

2003-10-14 Per discussione Bryan Phinney
On Tuesday 14 October 2003 08:02 am, Yoel P. Krigsman wrote: If I choose this method, do i have to install the whole packages over again? like Opera, Vmware etc.. Probably not, it doesn't overwrite the directories, IIRC, it just updates the packages that are there. However, you may not

Re: [newbie] (2nd post)exporting directories via Samba or NFS?

2003-10-14 Per discussione Thinker
On Mon, 2003-10-13 at 17:14, Derek Jennings wrote: On Monday 13 Oct 2003 6:10 pm, Thinker wrote: Could someone please point me in the right direction on how to accomplish this? As I said, I finally got my old hard drive with mandrake 9.0 in a new machine and back on the network. Now, I

[newbie] linux complient notebooks

2003-10-14 Per discussione L.V.Gandhi
I would like to get opinions from those possesing linux compatible notebooks without any driver problem. Further I would like to ask those possessing intel centrino based notebooks their usability in linux for wireless connection. Mine will be general purpose using productivity apps and also

Re: [newbie] (2nd post)exporting directories via Samba or NFS?

2003-10-14 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 14 Oct 2003 2:13 pm, you wrote: On Mon, 2003-10-13 at 17:14, Derek Jennings wrote: On Monday 13 Oct 2003 6:10 pm, Thinker wrote: Could someone please point me in the right direction on how to accomplish this? As I said, I finally got my old hard drive with mandrake 9.0

Re: [newbie] XWC - Undelete?

2003-10-14 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday October 14 2003 10:39 am, Jason Greenwood wrote: Anyone know how to undelete in XWC? I accidentally deleted some files I'd dearly like to have back =( Cheers All, Jason File manager you use isn't the question, what file system you use is. Anyhow, undelete is not doable,

[newbie] 9.2 is out!

2003-10-14 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
9.2 is out for club members Good luck, HarM -- Mandrake HowTo's more: Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

Re: [newbie] Good Article on Linux Filesystems

2003-10-14 Per discussione Eric Huff
Excellent article! Do you think a link should be put on Twiki for it? If you think it's a good article, then sure, put it on the wiki! I would suggest going to and adding the link. Or, add a page if you

Re: [newbie] sensitive materials

2003-10-14 Per discussione Eric Huff
I have wanted the same thing because i am a little paranoid: what if my computer gets stolen? Then anyone who wants to be will be root... Yes, but there is no such thing as 100% security. But I doubt the ordinary burglar has access to a linux boot disk - and the skill to use it.

Re: [newbie] linux complient notebooks

2003-10-14 Per discussione Franki
L.V.Gandhi wrote: I would like to get opinions from those possesing linux compatible notebooks without any driver problem. Further I would like to ask those possessing intel centrino based notebooks their usability in linux for wireless connection. Mine will be general purpose using

Re: [newbie] sensitive materials

2003-10-14 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Tuesday 14 October 2003 17:11, Eric Huff wrote: I am also about to build a new computer desk here, and was planning on making the computer fastened heavily to the table (is enclosed except for ventilation). At least this way a burgler would have to work hard to get it, which they're not

[newbie] printing to pdf w/o using kprinter

2003-10-14 Per discussione Eric Huff
Anyone know how to print to pdf (from all programs, well specifically mozilla) w/o using kprinter? kprinter (which is also where qtcups links to) is s slow to start up... I know i can print to ps, then ps2pdf. Hmmm i wonder if i could get a bash script to do it... thanks, eric --

Re: [newbie] sensitive materials

2003-10-14 Per discussione Eric Huff
Just because i am paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me. How about spraying the keyboard and mouse with some kind of killer spray you yourself are immune to? Hmmm..., that might work... Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

[newbie] OT: Mad Russians (sms) and list issues

2003-10-14 Per discussione Eric Huff
Return-path: sms @ Hi folks. I was going to wait until the owner or request email was getting forwarded properly, but since this came up: There were no owners for newbie, so Charles put me on the owner list so that someone (besides him) could deal with list issues. There is

Re: [newbie] printing to pdf w/o using kprinter

2003-10-14 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 14 Oct 2003 4:24 pm, Eric Huff wrote: Anyone know how to print to pdf (from all programs, well specifically mozilla) w/o using kprinter? kprinter (which is also where qtcups links to) is s slow to start up... I know i can print to ps, then ps2pdf. Hmmm i wonder if i

Re: [newbie] 9.2 is out!

2003-10-14 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Tuesday 14 October 2003 09:26 am, H.J.Bathoorn wrote: 9.2 is out for club members Good luck, HarM Saw that, but I am not able to connect to a tracker, how bout anyone else? -- Dennis M. linux user #180842 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

Re: [newbie] printing to pdf w/o using kprinter

2003-10-14 Per discussione Eric Huff
I know i can print to ps, then ps2pdf. Hmmm i wonder if i could get a bash script to do it... Of course. That is all kprinter does. Open KDE ControlCentrePeripheralsPrinters Right click on the pdf pseudo printerselect configure click on the spanner icon next to PostScript to

Re: [newbie] Adding files to CD-RW with k3b

2003-10-14 Per discussione Charlie M.
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 October 13, 2003 08:25 pm, Trey Sizemore wrote: I have burned some data (.mp3 files) on a CD-RW using k3b. It only used about half of the disk. Now I want to add some additional files to it (new session?) but can't seem to find a way to take more

RE: [newbie] Good Article on Linux Filesystems

2003-10-14 Per discussione linux
I think that article would serve well to be in Twiki. Just be sure to get the author's permission before pushing it to a PDF. I would recommend putting it up in it's original form if the author will allow it. Rewritting it will surely take away from it's original clarity and easy read. Just my

[newbie] Re: Spamassassin Configuration

2003-10-14 Per discussione Björn Lundin
Erylon Hines wrote: Anyone have some tips on this? I followed it, rpm:ed spammassassin and running it as a daemon, Quick to set up, and runs well. [EMAIL PROTECTED] bnl]# rpm -qa | grep -i spam spamassassin-tools-2.55-2mdk

Re: [newbie] XWC - Undelete?

2003-10-14 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday October 14 2003 08:59 am, Tom Brinkman wrote: On Tuesday October 14 2003 10:39 am, Jason Greenwood wrote: Anyone know how to undelete in XWC? I accidentally deleted some files I'd dearly like to have back =( Cheers All, Jason File manager you use isn't the question,

Re: [newbie] 9.2 is out!

2003-10-14 Per discussione Avi Schwartz
Tom Brinkman wrote: I'm really disappointed 9.2 is available to Club members thru torrent and not iso's by ftp. Torrent sux! As does any p2p scheme for big files when getters far outnumber givers. And given the nature of asyncronous BB connections, givers upload speeds will be much

RE: [newbie] 9.2 is out!

2003-10-14 Per discussione Duron . Davis
Um, I'm currently downloading it via FTP: -Original Message- From: Tom Brinkman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 1:00 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [newbie] 9.2 is out! On Tuesday October 14 2003 11:49 am, Yoel P. Krigsman wrote: Ditto

Re: [newbie] OT: Mad Russians (sms) and list issues

2003-10-14 Per discussione Eric Huff
There is someone sub'd as [EMAIL PROTECTED] which looks like it might be the cel phone number. (actual numbers witheld to protect the guilty) I deleted that address. I guess this email will be my first test to see if that was the culprit... (ie, will i get an sms response? :) eric --

[newbie] P.S. Good Luck Ya'll

2003-10-14 Per discussione Duron . Davis
Mandrake Linux 9.2 for i586 and higher Mandrake 9.2 Packs CDs are available for order at Austria (Graz) Czech Republic

Re: [newbie] 9.2 is out!

2003-10-14 Per discussione Charlie M.
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 October 14, 2003 12:44 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Um, I'm currently downloading it via FTP: whack That's RC2; NOT 9.2. Those ISOs are more than a month old and there are so many updates between that and current cooker that you

Re: [newbie] 9.2 is out!

2003-10-14 Per discussione Thorsten von Plotho-Kettner
Um, I'm currently downloading it via FTP: whack That's RC2; NOT 9.2. Those ISOs are more than a month old and there are so many updates between that and current cooker that you may as well just do as Tom suggests and go for a full cooker upgrade. That would actually

Re: [newbie] 9.2 is out!

2003-10-14 Per discussione Yoel P. Krigsman
On Tue, 2003-10-14 at 15:07, Charlie M. wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 October 14, 2003 12:44 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Um, I'm currently downloading it via FTP: whack That's RC2; NOT 9.2. Those ISOs are more than a month old and there are so

Re: [newbie] 9.2 is out!

2003-10-14 Per discussione Charlie M.
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 October 14, 2003 01:26 pm, Yoel P. Krigsman wrote: Can someone tell me HOW i can do this? I already have the ISO for RC2 of 9.2 thanks! YPK See the Community Wiki. I believe it's been added there,

[newbie] And the beat goes on...

2003-10-14 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
Poor, poor, Microsloth... ;-) -- /\ DarkLord

Re: [newbie] 9.2 is out!

2003-10-14 Per discussione Sharrea Day
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 05:49, Yoel P. Krigsman wrote: Ditto on that Error 404!!! On Tue, 2003-10-14 at 12:47, Poogle wrote: On Tuesday 14 Oct 2003 H:41 pm, Dennis Myers wrote: On Tuesday 14 October 2003 09:26 am, H.J.Bathoorn wrote: 9.2 is out for club members Good luck, HarM

Re: [newbie] And the beat goes on...

2003-10-14 Per discussione Walt Frampus
Ronald J. Hall wrote: Poor, poor, Microsloth... ;-) Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to As a

Re: [newbie] 9.2 is out!

2003-10-14 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Tuesday 14 October 2003 21:26, Yoel P. Krigsman wrote: Can someone tell me HOW i can do this? I already have the ISO for RC2 of 9.2 thanks! YPK tells all:) Good luck, HarM -- Mandrake HowTo's more: Want

Re: [newbie] 9.2 is out!

2003-10-14 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Tuesday 14 October 2003 19:59, Tom Brinkman wrote: If you don't want to update to 9.2 from cooker mirrors, then about the only viable way to get the iso's is to wait till the end of this month when the iso's should be available by ftp, after the boxed sets are shipping. I agree and

Re: [newbie] 9.2 is out!

2003-10-14 Per discussione Charlie M.
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 October 14, 2003 01:22 pm, Thorsten von Plotho-Kettner wrote: Um, I'm currently downloading it via FTP: whack That's RC2; NOT 9.2. Those ISOs are more than a month old and there are so many updates between that and

Re: [newbie] 9.2 is out!

2003-10-14 Per discussione Thorsten von Plotho-Kettner
Charlie wrote: [...] But you're still better off doing it Tom's way. Remember that at the moment there's very little difference between cooker and 9.2 Canicule anyway. Thank you in advance. Thorsten Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

Re: [newbie] 9.2 is out!

2003-10-14 Per discussione Charlie M.
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 October 14, 2003 02:17 pm, H.J.Bathoorn wrote: On Tuesday 14 October 2003 19:59, Tom Brinkman wrote: If you don't want to update to 9.2 from cooker mirrors, then about the only viable way to get the iso's is to wait till the end of this

Re: [newbie] 9.2 is out!

2003-10-14 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Tuesday 14 October 2003 22:32, Charlie M. wrote: I'll still re-up the membership, but it's only a method to support my favourite distribution. I've never logged into the Club site. I've still got 700 and so much days to go before my membership expiresI'm not sure 'cause I can't login,

Re: [newbie] Good Article on Linux Filesystems

2003-10-14 Per discussione John Wilson
On October 14, 2003 09:23 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I think that article would serve well to be in Twiki. Just be sure to get the author's permission before pushing it to a PDF. I would recommend putting it up in it's original form if the author will allow it. Rewritting it will surely

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