[openhealth] Yet more UK health IT programme woes

2006-06-07 Thread Tim.Churches
Noticed on the UK RadStats (radical statisticians) mailing list. An object lesson in what not to do. Tim C NHS trusts pay millions in fines to suppliers of delayed IT system John Carvel, social affairs editor Tuesday June 6, 2006 The Guardian NHS trusts are being made to pay

Re: [openhealth] Sustainable technology?

2006-06-02 Thread Tim.Churches
Wayne WIlson wrote: Molly sent us this data., which is important enough to restate: To support our focus on developing countries, the biggest challenge is equity and the data found in this presentation says it all. High-income countries: 16% population 7% burden of disease 89% health

Re: [openhealth] Re: OSHCA

2006-05-31 Thread Tim.Churches
in the normal business of OSHCA. Tim C Tim.Churches a écrit : David Forslund wrote: I apologize for bringing this up, but it does affect my relationship with OSHCA since it is being incorporated in Malaysia. I will be unable to support OSHCA in Malaysia because of the politics/human rights

Re: [openhealth] Re: OSHCA

2006-05-30 Thread Tim.Churches
David Forslund wrote: What is happening with the setting up of OSHCA in Malaysia? It has been quiet for some time now. My understanding is that the papers have been filed with the relevant authority and presumably they are being or will soon be assessed and processed. Meanwhile arrangements

Re: [openhealth] Re: OSHCA

2006-05-30 Thread Tim.Churches
David Forslund wrote: Tim.Churches wrote: David Forslund wrote: What is happening with the setting up of OSHCA in Malaysia? It has been quiet for some time now. My understanding is that the papers have been filed with the relevant authority and presumably they are being

Re: [openhealth] Re: OSHCA

2006-05-30 Thread Tim.Churches
David Forslund wrote: I apologize for bringing this up, but it does affect my relationship with OSHCA since it is being incorporated in Malaysia. I will be unable to support OSHCA in Malaysia because of the politics/human rights issues I see happening in that country. I am sorry that you

Re: [openhealth] Beyond standards.

2006-05-22 Thread Tim.Churches
K.S. Bhaskar wrote: Thomas Beale wrote: [KSB] ...snip... contracts (as a software vendor) where the software is FOSS (my company, Ocean Informatics is offering a GPL or commercial licence choice to buyers). Anyway, recently we had a conversation during the negotiation [KSB] I have a minor

Re: [openhealth] Standards -- more questions

2006-05-20 Thread Tim.Churches
Tim.Churches wrote: Thomas Beale wrote: Alvin B. Marcelo wrote: I agree with Heitzso. ICD-10 suffers from 'usability' issues. Yet unlike the better systems (ie, SNOMED) it is freely accessible. Perhaps OSHCA can make a statement making ICD-10 the 'least common denominator

Re: [openhealth] Re: article re IBM and others contributing open source epi and other

2006-05-19 Thread Tim.Churches
ivhalpc wrote: I wonder how this is all going to end and I fear it will end badly as in Nationalized medicine in the US when costs continue to climb out of control because of this kind of insanity. A bit off-topic, but huh? Why would Nationalised medicine be a bad ending? No system is perfect,

Re: [openhealth] Re: Nationalized Medicine was: article re IBM and others contributing open source epi and other

2006-05-19 Thread Tim.Churches
David Forslund wrote: Tim Churches wrote: Despite having one of the highest per-capita spends on healthcare in the world, the US ranks in the bottom half (and often right at the bottom) of all OECD countries on just about every health and health outcome measure, on a population basis.

Re: [openhealth] Standards

2006-05-12 Thread Tim.Churches
Molly Cheah wrote: There doesn't seem to be control of its use. Information (unofficial) of its copy rights by WONCA is here http://www.ulb.ac.be/esp/wicc/copyright-en.html You can download the electronic version of ICPC2 from here. http://www.ulb.ac.be/esp/wicc/ceo.html When we

Re: [openhealth] Code Breakers on BBC World TV

2006-05-12 Thread Tim.Churches
Molly Cheah wrote: http://www.apdip.net/news/fossdoc A two-part documentary, “Code Breakers” will be aired on BBC World TV starting on 10 May 2006. Code Breakers investigates how poor countries are using FOSS applications for development, and includes stories and interviews from around the

Re: [openhealth] request for advice re electronic medical record

2006-05-06 Thread Tim.Churches
Tim Cook wrote: As soon as you start embedding complex data into relational structours you start losing the ability to recover information. In the SPECIFIC instance of OSCAR, the act of creating PDF's as data stores means there is no way to report back out of them so that data quality/

Re: Openhealth Archives? (was) Re: RES: [openhealth] OSHCA - Notion of founding members

2006-04-28 Thread Tim.Churches
Bhaskar, KS wrote: The archive is in the Openhealth group Files area at Yahoogroups: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/openhealth/files/openhealth-list.tar.gz You will need a Yahoo id attached to the e-mail address with which you are subscribed to the openhealth list in order to access the

Re: [openhealth] Re: oshca inaugural meeting - constitution

2006-04-25 Thread Tim.Churches
Will Ross wrote: nandalal, from the perspective of a simple discussion at a face to face meeting, this is what is happening: we have a motion and a second to approve the 1.0 draft of the constitution. is there any further discussion? Although there was at least a two week

Re: [openhealth] OSHCA inaugural meeting - important announcement

2006-04-22 Thread Tim.Churches
Thomas Beale wrote: doesn't the fact of paying the same number but in your own currency fix this? E.g. 50AUD, 50M$, 50Euro, 50rupiah, 50USD, 50yuan etc? Not really, because the granularity of currency units varies greatly between countries - consider, for example: 50 Japanese Yen is only

Re: [openhealth] OSHCA inaugural meeting - important announcement

2006-04-22 Thread Tim.Churches
recall - I wouldn't trust Yahoo with any real personal details). Anyway, we can discuss the level of the fees further at the inaugural meeting - I think Molly's proposed fees are a bit too low. Tim C Tim.Churches wrote: Thomas Beale wrote: doesn't the fact of paying the same number

Re: [openhealth] OSHCA inaugural meeting - important announcement

2006-04-22 Thread Tim.Churches
Tim.Churches wrote: OK. Sorry for suggesting membership fees rather higher than those which Molly proposes. I have forgotten the password for the Yahoo username which I used to subscribe to this list, so I have been unable to examine the draft constitution documents as yet - I have re-applied

Re: [openhealth] OSHCA inaugural meeting - important announcement

2006-04-22 Thread Tim.Churches
Will Ross wrote: Some last minute suggestions. ARTICLE 1 - NAME The Organisation shall be known as Open Source Health Care Alliance, hereafter referred to as OSCHA, and shall be registered in Malaysia. That is better wording but not really a substantial change - not an essential

Re: [openhealth] Re: Community Health Information Tracking System www.chits.info

2006-04-18 Thread Tim.Churches
David Forslund wrote: Alvin, We had exactly this approach with the OMG HDTF (aka corbamed) in the late 90's. There are standards there which do exactly this (long before people thought about doing web services). In addition, this is now being revisited with the HSSP joint effort of HL7

Re: [openhealth] MirrorMed Highlights FOSS in Action

2006-04-16 Thread Tim.Churches
Tim.Churches wrote: Nandalal Gunaratne wrote: It is indeed most encouraging to see such developments. When I clicked the screenshots i was taken to the Microsoft web site!!! Your link should be http://www.mirrormed.org/fb/ Not http://http//www.mirrormed.org/fb/ This seems

Re: [openhealth] MirrorMed Highlights FOSS in Action

2006-04-16 Thread Tim.Churches
Tim.Churches wrote: Nandalal Gunaratne wrote: Tim.Churches [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Tim, All the following work with Firefox - in that i am taken to the correct URL! What were you trying to point out here? I was pointing out that all of the following work in Firefox

Re: [openhealth] Digest Number 176

2006-03-30 Thread Tim.Churches
Irving Buchbinder wrote: A thought about storage for Minoru or upcomming back storage needs: I can't speak for each project, however, the FreeMED Software Foundation would be willing to MIRROR such archives, indeed host that sort of activity. I'm sure we can find groups/Open Source works who

Re: [openhealth] Openhealth mailing list

2006-03-29 Thread Tim.Churches
Brian Bray wrote: Thanks for the welcome, Bhaskar, and also the warm welcome (in every sense of the word) I've received from many others. Also, thank you for creating this list. The list software at minoru-development.com was and is broken- you took the right step to keep this incredible

Re: [openhealth] Important announcement and oshca update

2006-03-29 Thread Tim.Churches
Dr Molly Cheah wrote: Is OSCHA a religious organization or an independent world-wide technological organization accessible to everyone regardless of religious conviction? (Tim, you're not making any sense with your star and crescent comment). I think Tim was just being cheeky

Re: [openhealth] Important announcement and oshca update

2006-03-29 Thread Tim.Churches
David Forslund wrote: Molly, Incorporating OSHCA in the US doesn't necessarily imply US domination. No, but US citizens need to be sensitive to the negative feelings towards the US which are present and growing in many countries around the world. Whether this antipathy towards the US is

Re: [openhealth] sumultaneous registrations and registration form

2006-03-29 Thread Tim.Churches
Richard Schilling wrote: The protem committee taking four years to get this far is a pretty clear indication that they've undermined themselves. No, Richard. There have been two, quite distinct pro tempore OSHCA committees. The first one, of which I was a member, was working towards

Re: [openhealth] Important announcement and oshca update

2006-03-29 Thread Tim.Churches
Thomas Beale wrote: Tim.Churches wrote: David Forslund wrote: Molly, Incorporating OSHCA in the US doesn't necessarily imply US domination. No, but US citizens need to be sensitive to the negative feelings towards the US which are present and growing in many countries

Re: [openhealth] Important announcement and oshca update

2006-03-28 Thread Tim.Churches
Richard Schilling wrote: If I were involved in the incorporation (which I can do, by the way in a day) I would object to doing it in Malaysia. I would do it in the U.S. first. The protections offered a U.S. corporation might be much greater than in Malaysia. Glad that you have compared US

Re: [openhealth] Important announcement and oshca update

2006-03-28 Thread Tim.Churches
David Forslund wrote: There may be legal protection, etc in Malaysia. Not may be, there definitely is. As Molly said, Malaysian law was originally based on British law - it is now distinct from it, but rest assured that there is rule of civil law in Malaysia. There is also corruption and

Re: [openhealth] Re: CCHIT biased towards proprietary software?

2006-03-27 Thread Tim.Churches
, or that current flows to the electric lights, but they're not going to tell you whether or not a building is structurally sound. Hence your reference to the tents of eXtreme Programming? Tim C --- Tim.Churches [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: - Wayne Wilson wrote

Re: [openhealth] CCHIT biased towards proprietary software??

2006-03-25 Thread Tim.Churches
Thomas Beale wrote: Rod Roark wrote: The point is, open source (as in Free Software) is NOT a business model. It's a method and end result of collaboration among users. I make good money at it only because some of those users are willing to pay me to do the techie work for

Re: [openhealth] CCHIT biased towards proprietary software??

2006-03-25 Thread Tim.Churches
Gregory Woodhouse wrote: On Mar 25, 2006, at 5:01 PM, Joseph Dal Molin wrote: and...at the risk of stating the obvious there should be some mechanism for evaluating the certification authority and the criteria... Sadly, I don't know how many people are even thinking in those

Re: [openhealth] Of potential interest: Amazon S3

2006-03-25 Thread Tim.Churches
Tim.Churches wrote: Amazon S3 is not strictly open source software but may be of interest to open source software developers and end-users. ... So what could S3 be used for? ... 2) As a store-and-forward facility for the exchange of lab results or other health messages (in encrypted form

Re: [openhealth] [Fwd: Re: [n-gaa] Is Open Source Good for Innovation?]

2006-03-24 Thread Tim.Churches
Thomas Beale wrote: Tim.Churches wrote: Why Wikipedia doesn't have one is a mystery to me. Why it is as good as it is (however good you think it is) is also a mystery. It is wrong to think of wikipedia as an open source/open content project. In fact, it is about 1 million

Re: [openhealth] CCHIT biased towards proprietary software??

2006-03-24 Thread Tim.Churches
Fred Trotter wrote: The current CCHIT pricing module seems biased against any GPL based system. Fred, you don't think that the CCHIT pricing is biased against software released under other types of free, open source licenses? Joseph has already written about this, but I would like for us to

Re: [openhealth] Demonstrations Standards.

2006-03-23 Thread Tim.Churches
that interoperability is important in our case either, but will search for a counter-case to that position before embarking on it in the next few weeks. Cheers, Tim C Tim.Churches wrote: Thomas Beale wrote: David Forslund wrote: We have been using workflow engines for a while

Re: [openhealth] Demonstrations Standards.

2006-03-22 Thread Tim.Churches
Wayne Wilson wrote: Boy, is this discussion bringing back old memories, Dave Forslund reminds me exactly how old later on and I have some inline comments. Just below, Tom Beale suggests interoperability built on engineering principles. Some discussion follows about the difficulty of

Re: [openhealth] Post from Brian Bray of MInoru Development regarding the openhealth list name

2006-03-12 Thread Tim.Churches
Bhaskar, KS wrote: I am forwarding an e-mail from Brian Bray of Minoru Development, where he evidently expects this list to change its name. I am not a lawyer - I do not know whether the name of a mailing list can conflict with a trademark, but I would like to bring his message to the

Re: [openhealth] [Fwd: [GPCG_TALK] Open Source Software: A Primer for Health Care Leaders]

2006-03-11 Thread Tim.Churches
executive decision makers to read it because the net effect is more legitimacy for open source solutions in the enterprise. [wr] - - - - - - - - On Mar 11, 2006, at 12:44 AM, Tim.Churches wrote: Maury Pepper wrote: Tim, I'd be interested to hear why you feel that way about

Re: [openhealth] Open Source Software: A Primer for Health Care Leaders

2006-03-11 Thread Tim.Churches
Tim.Churches wrote: Nandalal Gunaratne wrote: Will Ross [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Tim has done a good job of analysing this report. I only covered 5 paragraphs in one small section of the report - that's all I have read. There are another 30 pages of it... I skimmed through some more

Re: [openhealth] OSS collections

2006-01-13 Thread Tim.Churches
Benjamin Jung wrote: Hello, I was trying to find a website that lists Open Source Applications used in Healthcare and their status, e.g. obsolete, beta, stable,... A quick Google search returned some pages that list applications, but they do not go into more details. Additionally, most of

Re: [openhealth] Takin' it serious...

2006-01-08 Thread Tim.Churches
Koray Atalag wrote: but what bothers me with your recent post though is how this challenge/criticism is made: I am perfectly happy with criticism in a constructive/respectful and not neccesarily professional way...This was unfortunately not what happened with that message :-( Sorry if I

Dangerous Idea 2 (was Re: [openhealth] The Question)

2006-01-07 Thread Tim.Churches
Tim Cook wrote: If any of you read The Edge ( http://www.edge.org/ ) you'll be familiar with John Brockman's annual big question to a chosen group of leading thinkers. Many on this mailing list have been working together since 1999 or before in some cases. I am wondering..in the context

Re: [openhealth] Dangerous idea -- quality

2006-01-07 Thread Tim.Churches
Gregory Woodhouse wrote: Relying on process and testing as a means of achieving software quality is an admission of defeat Um, are you suggesting that the undefeated write software which is always completely defect-free, without the need for any form of process and testing? I agree that

Re: [openhealth] Dangerous idea -- quality

2006-01-07 Thread Tim.Churches
Gregory Woodhouse wrote: On Jan 7, 2006, at 3:41 PM, Tim.Churches wrote: Gregory Woodhouse wrote: Relying on process and testing as a means of achieving software quality is an admission of defeat Um, are you suggesting that the undefeated write software which is always

Re: [openhealth] The Question

2006-01-06 Thread Tim.Churches
Koray Atalag wrote: I was crazy enough to put my personal funds and run after an RD project to realize this approach; but as you might guess I failed! Now I do not have a car:( The World is not ready yetIf you are interested it is also at SourceForge.Net:

Re: [openhealth] Reflexions on Knowledge Modelling

2006-01-04 Thread Tim.Churches
Tim Cook wrote: On Wed, 2006-01-04 at 10:33 +0100, Christian Heller wrote: However, I think it is time to accept a citation of Wikipedia, for example. Many profs claim that it were not scientific enough. Wikipedia is not peer-reviewed in any formal process. All professors should claim

[openhealth] WHO Bulletin: August special theme: Health Information Systems

2005-08-04 Thread Tim.Churches
Thanks to Ken Harvey for the following information. A pity that WHO does not recognise the role of open source software in establishing suitable and sustainable health information systems in low and middle income countries. Tim C Ken Harvey wrote: The latest issue of the Bulletin of the World

Re: [openhealth] New file uploaded to openhealth

2005-07-19 Thread Tim.Churches
openhealth@yahoogroups.com wrote: Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the openhealth group. File: /openhealth-list.tar.gz Uploaded by : tw_cook [EMAIL PROTECTED] Description : Openhealth List

Re: [openhealth] REMITT GPL violation

2005-07-06 Thread Tim.Churches
Fred Trotter wrote: I know that there is a patent application because the FreeMED project has disclosed this... http://www.linuxmednews.com/1098376300/index_html They may have received a patent already or had it rejected. They have not recently indicated what the status of the

Re: [openhealth] REMITT GPL violation

2005-07-06 Thread Tim.Churches
Fred Trotter wrote: Tim, Personally I am opposed to software algorithms and business methods being patentable at all. But in those unfortunate countries in which such patents are issued (eg US, Australia, Japan, India), what you propose is probably OK, provided that universal