[osint] SUNK: Israeli Stink Bomb

2008-10-09 Thread Michael Kerjman
Israel gently disperses the mortally-affecting stone-throwers by deploying a new, non-lethal but highly effective and highly-offensive weapon called SKUNK http://www.ireport.com/docs/DOC-105320 . [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[osint] Russia-Venezuela Navy Training

2008-09-06 Thread Michael Kerjman
According to the Venezuela Navy representative C.- Admiral Salvatore Bastidas, Venezuela and Russia's fleets will undertake the naval training on 10-14 November 2008 in Venezuela's Caribbean / Pacific Ocean waters.Simultaneously, president D. Medvedev had expressed disappointment at deployment

[osint] Bye-bye, UNMIK!?!

2008-08-20 Thread Michael Kerjman
As understood from informed sources, the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) will be closed down forever in a month http://www.ireport.com/docs/DOC-63508 . [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] -- Want to

[osint] Russia on alert over plan to kill Putin in Iran

2007-10-14 Thread Michael Kerjman
Russia on alert over plan to kill Putin in Iran Myanmar News.Net Sunday 14th October, 2007 Russian news reports say President Vladimir Putin has been told of a plot to assassinate him when he visits Iran this week. The Interfax news sgency said Sunday that suicide bombers have been training to

[osint] Israelis seized nuclear material in Syrian raid

2007-09-23 Thread Michael Kerjman
The Sunday Times September 23, 2007 Israelis seized nuclear material in Syrian raidUzi Mahnaimi and Sarah Baxter Israeli commandos seized nuclear material of North Korean origin during a daring raid on a secret military site in Syria before Israel bombed it this month, according to informed

[osint] Homegrown terror cell

2007-07-17 Thread Michael Kerjman
Homegrown terror cell Friday, July 13, 2007 Security forces are keeping tabs on 25 Australians ahead of the APEC summit. By Paul Daley. You've been inundated with stories about the terrorists in our midst, or the enemy within, as one headline injudiciously screamed in relation to the doctors,

[osint] Russia, Syria, Iran: Military Jet Supply

2007-06-19 Thread Michael Kerjman
According to Russian media, Russia is renewing arm supply to the Middle East partners, frozen since the last Hamas-Israel war in 2006. Different military air jets are ready for Syria, and journalists speculate of an Iran connection as this country, a Syrian sponsor, is in need for such

[osint] Russia, Australia: Nuke Cooperation

2007-06-18 Thread Michael Kerjman
[The Hon. Alexander Downer, MP] The Hon. Alexander Downer, MP MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS, AUSTRALIAMedia Release 27 April 2007 Negotiations to Expand the Australia-Russia Nuclear Safeguards Agreement I am pleased to announce that Australia and the Russian Federation have commenced

[osint] Russia’s US-Anti-Missile System Placement Offer

2007-03-30 Thread Michael Kerjman
Russia's US-Anti-Missile System Placement Offer According to Gazeta, a top Russia's Foreign Ministry official confidentially shared his suggestions that Bush-Putin telephone conversation on last Wednesday is to lead to creating a multi-national anti-missile system instead US-only-operated. If

[osint] Star Wars?

2007-03-25 Thread Michael Kerjman
According to a newspaper Zhizn, Russian scientists had discovered DNA of an alien. A secret of Uralian allien, a minnow being found near town of Kyshtyma is about disclosed during five stage test of his genetic data. Sensation was brought about with results gained at Moscow Institution of

[osint] Pakistan Nuke-Delivering Missile Tested

2007-03-03 Thread Michael Kerjman
Pakistan Nuke-Delivering Missile Tested According to AFP, Pakistan had successfully completed testing of the missile Abdali capable to carry a nuclear unit. It operates up till 200km, targeting the surface-located objects. On 23 February Shaheen II (Hatf VI), a ballistic missile targeting

[osint] India, Russia to Develop Hypersonic Cruise Missiles: BrahMos Chief

2007-02-27 Thread Michael Kerjman
India, Russia to Develop Hypersonic Cruise Missiles: BrahMos Chief Dated 1/2/2007 India and Russia are working jointly to explore possibilities of developing a more advanced weapon system than BrahMos -- probably a Hypersonic Cruise Missile, BrahMos Aerospace CEO and Managing Director A Sivathanu

[osint] India to Install Supersonic Missiles on Anti-Submarine Jets

2007-02-15 Thread Michael Kerjman
India to Install Supersonic Missiles on Anti-Submarine Jets According to Russian and Indian sources, Russian-Indian missiles Brahmos to be installed on Russian-made military-transport and anti-missiles air jets, Illyushin-76 (Il-76), Tupolev-142 (TU-142) and Illyushin-38 (Il-38). At

[osint] Jordan goes nuclear

2007-01-23 Thread Michael Kerjman
In a recent (18 January-07) interview to HAARETZ Jordanian king Abdullah has said: It is our intention to develop own peaceful nuclear program and we already negotiate this issue with the West. Nuclear programs by Egypt and Persian Gulf states very much stipulated Jordan to change opinion

[osint] India brings back orbiting satellite to earth for first time

2007-01-22 Thread Michael Kerjman
India brings back orbiting satellite to earth for first time Bangalore, Jan. 22 (PTI): In a pathbreaking event heralding its arrival as a space power with capability to recover an orbiting satellite, India today successfully brought back a spacecraft to earth, giving a new impetus to the

[osint] India: Superpower in Making?

2006-12-13 Thread Michael Kerjman
INDIA A Superpower in the Making? The rise of this growing nation will change the balance of power in Asia—and potentially the world. BY JEFFREY R. AMBROSE With nearly 1.1 billion inhabitants, India is the second largest country on earth in population, and seventh largest in geographical area,

[osint] Re: MI5 Chief Explains How Britons Can Fight Terrorism

2006-11-17 Thread Michael Kerjman
Al-Quaeda: War on Hizballah According to MIGnews, Al-Quaeda Iraqi branch website published call on Lebanese Sunni to resist Hizballah. MIGnews informs Al-Quaeda accuses Hizbollah in anti-Sunnit politics by supporting Iran and Syria interests in Lebanon and plotting the annihilating of

[osint] Re: MEED: MEED Comment: Going nuclear

2006-11-11 Thread Michael Kerjman
Some relaxation on domestic (read: kitchen) level perhaps: Most Efficient Clean Energy Source Revealed 12.11.2006 00:17 A Star Battery created at the Nuclear Research Institution in Dubna, Moscow Region, is a sensational advance in a power supply, according to the Russia's researchers.

[osint] Re: Tehran Times: Six Arab countries look to nuclear power: report

2006-11-04 Thread Michael Kerjman
FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS: [Ñòðîèòåëüñòâî ÀÝÑ â Áóøåðå. Ôîòî Reuters] Busher nuke station building site. Reuters [http://images.thetimes.co.uk/images/trans.gif] The Times November 04, 2006 Six Arab states join rush to go nuclearBy Richard Beeston,

[osint] London: Israeli-HAMAS Secret Talks

2006-10-30 Thread Michael Kerjman
London: Israeli-HAMAS Secret Talks According to AFP and Israeli TV, Israel had held secret talks with HAMAS in London on Sunday. Meeting was arranged by the British Intelligence Service. Israelis, Messrs Yair Hirschfeld, Oslo-93 accord negotiation participant, and former Br.-Gen. Shlomo Brom

[osint] Indonesia to Buy Israeli-Made Air Jets

2006-10-25 Thread Michael Kerjman
According to Haaretz, Indonesia intends purchasing the Israeli-made auto-pilot jets (drones). Israeli officials declined to verify this information. Indonesian National Information Agency Antara, with reference to top military source, had quoted defense minister, Mr. Yuwono Sudarsono, who has

[osint] Tehran Offers Paris Consortium to Enrich Uranium

2006-10-03 Thread Michael Kerjman
Tehran Offers Paris Consortium to Enrich Uranium Paris, 3 October, INTERFAX According to Iranian Nuclear Power Agency deputy director, Mr. Mohammad Saidi, Iran has offered France to establish a consortium to enrich uranium. On Tuesday, in a radio interview at France-Info he has

[osint] Missing link: Iran, Hizballah, Al-Qaida

2006-08-02 Thread Michael Kerjman
Die Welt: A son of Osama bin Laden, Saad bin Laden, was released by Iranian authorities from home arrest on 27 July 2006 to establish an anti-Israel Hizballah-supportive insurgency web at a Lebanon-Syrian boarder. Factually, Teheran continues to hire Lebanese refugees in Syria to fight Israel

[osint] Hezbollah's Command Center Destroyed

2006-07-28 Thread Michael Kerjman
A few hours ago Israel had destroyed a Hezballah's centre coordinating its rocket launching on Haifa and targets in North Israel. A command centre was placed on the 12th floor of an ordinary inhabited building in Tire, Lebanon. As Haifa was recently abandoned by many, some residents could

[osint] Russia-US Nuclear Pact

2006-07-09 Thread Michael Kerjman
U.S. and Russia to Enter Civilian Nuclear Pact Bush Reverses Long-Standing Policy, Allows Agreement That May Provide Leverage on Iran By Peter Baker http://projects.washingtonpost.com/staff/email/peter+baker/ Washington Post Staff Writer Saturday, July 8, 2006; Page A01 President Bush has

[osint] Gazprom Surrounds Europe

2006-06-09 Thread Michael Kerjman
GAZPROM Surrounds Europe: Latin America / Africa Power Resources Struggle Russian state-controlled energy company is to invest 2Bld dollars in a recently nationalised gas industry in Bolivia, announced by a head of Bolivian state power concern Petroliferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB) after

[osint] Re: Australia - Counter-terrorism plan to be reviewed

2006-05-11 Thread Michael Kerjman
Australia: Changes urged for terror laws By Tom Allard May 8, 2006 A HIGH-POWERED committee appointed by the Federal Government has recommended that Attorney-General Philip Ruddock be stripped of his power to determine which groups constitute a terrorist organisation. In a setback for the

[osint] Russian Scientists Breaking down Physics

2006-04-02 Thread Michael Kerjman
Russian Scientists Breaking down Physics According to the Space Systems Science Search Institution (I - ÍÈÈ Êîñìè÷åñêèõ ñèñòåì), a recently invented engine nicknamed gravitsapa is capable to work near indefinitely in vacuum - open space. Made of porous masses, this unit is acting

[osint] U.S. intelligence blocks sale of defense contractor to Israeli firm

2006-03-28 Thread Michael Kerjman
U.S. intelligence blocks sale of defense contractor to Israeli firm SPECIAL TO WORLD TRIBUNE.COM Monday, March 27, 2006 WASHINGTON — A leading Israeli firm has abandoned its bid to acquire a U.S. defense contractor in the wake of the major controversy over U.S. approval of United Arab

[osint] US prepares military blitz against Iran's nuclear sites

2006-02-12 Thread Michael Kerjman
US prepares military blitz against Iran's nuclear sites By Philip Sherwell in Washington (Filed: 12/02/2006) Strategists at the Pentagon are drawing up plans for devastating bombing raids backed by submarine-launched ballistic missile attacks against Iran's nuclear sites as a last resort to

[osint] china radar at south pole

2006-02-03 Thread Michael Kerjman
China radar at South Pole could sabotage U.S. spy satellites Special to World Tribune.com EAST-ASIA-INTEL.COM http://www.east-asia-intel.com/ Thursday, February 2, 2006 Beijing announced plans last week to build a high-frequency radar on the South Pole. Analysts say the radar could be used to

[osint] UN-Saddam-Australia: Coleman request

2006-02-01 Thread Michael Kerjman
Some news might not so commonly be found in world media: We want the real story, US tells Australia http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/we-want-the-real-story- us/2006/02/01/1138590569506.html AWB exec held goverment job http://theage.com.au/news/national/awb-exec-held-goverment-

[osint] Moon Nukes

2006-01-26 Thread Michael Kerjman
Moon Nukes Russia Flights 26.01.2006 20:27 | Известия.RU A Head of a Russian Rocket-Space Corporation Energia (Energy), Mr. Nikolai Sevast'yanov has announced that till 2015 Russia will establish a permanent station on Moon to start an industrial exploration of Helious-3 seen as an

[osint] Al-Qaeda calls Queen an ‘enemy of Islam’

2005-11-12 Thread Michael Kerjman
The Sunday Times November 13, 2005 Al-Qaeda calls Queen an `enemy of Islam' ABUL TAHER AL-QAEDA has threatened the Queen by naming her as one of the severest enemies of Islam in a video message to justify the July bombings in London. The warning has been passed by MI5 to the Queen's

[osint] Former Russian Servicemen Iran Missiles Help

2005-10-16 Thread Michael Kerjman
Former Russian servicemen helped Iran in developing missiles capable to reach Europe and were dealing between North Korea and nuclear technology possessing countries. Shahab-3 might reach both Israel and Europe, and a new modification Shahab-5 is even of a larger operating distance. With

[osint] Farm attack — the forgotten terrorism

2005-10-02 Thread Michael Kerjman
Farm attack — the forgotten terrorism By Richard Baker October 1, 2005 AUSTRALIA is not prepared for the growing threat of a terrorist attack on its agricultural sector, a former senior intelligence analyst has warned. Carl Ungerer, a former senior analyst with the Office of National

[osint] US Marines in Space

2005-09-22 Thread Michael Kerjman
Marines in Spaace! After three years of being laughed out of meetings, the U.S. Marine Corps' futuristic plans to deploy through space may finally be getting some traction, notes Aviation Week. Although the chuckle factor hasn't altogether disappeared, the Air Force Research Laboratory

[osint] Russia and America on Empire's Ruines

2005-09-21 Thread Michael Kerjman
Russia and America on Empire's Ruines: Russian Diplomacy Head Accepted the Obvious Pattern A Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. S.Lavrov, had unexpectedly made a peaceful announcement regarding the US politics in a post-Soviet space. He had accepted the obvious pattern, which is the US

[osint] diplomatic breakthrough in middle east

2005-09-02 Thread Michael Kerjman
From: Eretz Israel [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Thu Sep 1, 2005 5:49 pm Subject: MUSLIM PAKISTAN READY TO 'ENGAGE' ISRAEL MUSLIM PAKISTAN READY TO 'ENGAGE' ISRAEL Diplomatic breakthrough a result of Gaza withdrawal The world's second most populous Muslim nation, Pakistan, has decided to engage

[osint] ukraine-us nuke cooperation for the EU membership

2005-08-10 Thread Michael Kerjman
Ukraine-US nuke cooperation to ease a country bid for the EU membership To minimize dependency from Russian power supply and to ease her possibility to become the EU member the Ukraine is to built own in- reached uranium and cesium plant, deepens cooperation with the USA in related fields of

[osint] Urgent Rescue Co-operation

2005-08-05 Thread Michael Kerjman
Upon routine naval training near Kamchatka Peninsula seven Russian service men were trapped two hundreds meter beneath a sea level. The US Super Scorpio special rescue equipment capable to cut inch- diameter metal poles is being aired from a base in San Diego. Involvement of the US marines into

[osint] Russian Army Modernization Execution: Fall 2005

2005-07-05 Thread Michael Kerjman
Ekaterinburg, 5 July RIA NOVOSTI According to a First Deputy Chief Russian Army Ammunition Department, Gen. Vladimir Miheev, a program of modernization of the Russian Armed Forces is to be executed fall 2005. Defence and Protection-2005 is the Third International Military Exhibition held in

[osint] Russian Army Modernization Execution: Fall 2005

2005-07-05 Thread Michael Kerjman
Ekaterinburg, 5 July RIA NOVOSTI According to a First Deputy Chief Russian Army Ammunition Department, Gen. Vladimir Miheev, a program of modernization of the Russian Armed Forces is to be executed fall 2005. Defence and Protection-2005 is the Third International Military Exhibition held in

[osint] EU in Lebanon

2005-07-03 Thread Michael Kerjman
And a new puzzle is prepared by the EU: The European Union proposal: Hizbollah units might become a part of a Lebanon Army if Lebanon's government not to sign a peace treaty with Israel. (Non-official translation) Source: http://lenta.ru/news/2005/07/03/hizballah/ --

[osint] MOSSAD, HAMAS: practical approach?

2005-06-17 Thread Michael Kerjman
'I saved Khaled Mashaal' Ex-Mossad officer took part in failed 1996 assassination attempt on Hamas leader, gave antidote that saved his life By Ronen Bergman A former senior mossad official has told the Yedioth Ahronoth weekend magazine 7 Days he was instructed to save the life of Hamas

[osint] israelis pressure Straw over UK contacts with Hamas

2005-06-09 Thread Michael Kerjman
Israelis pressure Straw over UK contacts with Hamas Chris McGreal in Jerusalem Wednesday June 8, 2005 The Guardian Israel yesterday pressed the foreign secretary, Jack Straw, to maintain an EU bar on negotiations with Hamas after Britain admitted there had been low-level contacts with the

[osint] new fuel cell runs on blood

2005-05-14 Thread Michael Kerjman
May 14, 2005 New fuel cell runs on blood 07:49 AM body A team of scientists led by Matsuhiko Nishizawa, at Tohoku University, have developed a fuel cell that runs on blood without using toxic substances, opening the way for use in artificial hearts and other organs. The biological fuel cell

[osint] shite juhids of Orehovats, Kosovo

2005-03-29 Thread Michael Kerjman
German intelligence has discovered a group of white juhids that is Kosovo-Albanians of Orehovats, recruited for terro activities in Europe, Israel and the USA. A group is led by mullah Bugari.….. (Non-official translation) Source: http://lenta.ru/news/2005/03/29/white/

[osint] kosovo-99

2005-03-28 Thread Michael Kerjman
Kosovo-99: Introduction http://publish.nyc.indymedia.org/newswire/rate/142423/index.php#142423 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~-- Give underprivileged students the materials they need to learn. Bring education to life by funding a specific classroom

[osint] soyuz from equator

2005-03-22 Thread Michael Kerjman
Russian Rockets Made It to French Guyana. Russian-made space rockets Soyuz to be launched from a Kuru spaceport in French Guyana. On Monday, an agreement was signed allowing Airariespace to start erecting the launch complex for Soyuz on equator, according to ITAR-TASS ... Source:

[osint] project aids mine clearance

2005-03-03 Thread Michael Kerjman
The Age Project aids mine clearance By Rob O'Neill March 1, 2005 The Australian Defence Force will spend $600,000 to add mine- clearance abilities to its sonar modelling systems, increasing the effectiveness and speed of its mine-clearance activities. The project, by Sydney-based Thales

[osint] nuke sale murder trail

2005-02-20 Thread Michael Kerjman
AP Exclusive: Ukrainian Probe Into Illicit Weapons Sales to Iran and China Led to Secret Indictments, Arrests By Aleksandar Vasovic Associated Press Writer Published: Feb 4, 2005 KIEV, Ukraine (AP) - A government probe into lucrative illicit weapons sales by officials loyal to former

[osint] Russia: 2005 newest ammunitions

2005-02-12 Thread Michael Kerjman
Newest Russian Ammunitions Ivanov Briefing 12.02.2005 20:26MSK | lenta.ru Russian Defense Minister, Mr Sergei Ivanov, had informed that 300 new and modernized types of arms are to be deployed by the Russian Army. His briefing was held at the 41st International Conference on a Policy of

[osint] micro nuke stations

2005-02-07 Thread Michael Kerjman
Alaska Village Moves from Diesel to 'Micro-Nuke' The small town of Galena, Alaska, is tired to pay 28 cents/kwh for its electricity, three times the national average. Today, Galena is powered by generators burning diesel that is barged in during the Yukon River's ice-free months, according

[osint] no celebration for Latvia

2005-01-31 Thread Michael Kerjman
The Latvian President does not accept invitation to visit the 60th Anniversary Victory over Nazi Germany Parade in Moscow on 9 May, states, that WWII finished for Latvia in 1990 as independence was declared. (non-official translation)

[osint] small radiation dozes positive impact

2005-01-31 Thread Michael Kerjman
Source: Thomas Jefferson University Date Posted: 2003-11-25 JEFFERSON SCIENTISTS FIND RADIATION AND BLOOD VESSEL INHIBITOR MORE EFFECTIVE AGAINST BRAIN TUMORS Combining radiation with an agent that blocks VEGF, a protein that promotes the development of blood vessels and the growth of

[osint] Strategic Support Branch

2005-01-24 Thread Michael Kerjman
Secret Unit Expands Rumsfeld's Domain New Espionage Branch Delving Into CIA Territory By Barton GellmanWashington Post Staff Writer Sunday, January 23, 2005; Page A01 The Pentagon, expanding into the CIA's historic bailiwick, has created a new espionage arm and is reinterpreting U.S. law to

[osint] Europe: nuke terro links

2005-01-23 Thread Michael Kerjman
On Sunday morning two Al-Queda suspects were arrested by German police in Meintz, monitored long time prior to. According to a Federal Attorney, Mr. Kay Nehm, they are Ibrahim Mohamed K., 29 y.o. Iraqi, and Yasser Abu S., 31 y.o. Palestinian having arrived from Libya. In Luxembourg, they

[osint] iran will be able to enrich uranium in 6 months

2005-01-11 Thread Michael Kerjman
Last Update: 11/01/2005 21:21 Ze'evi: Iran will be able to enrich uranium in 6 months By David Ratner, Haaretz Correspondent, and News Agencies Iran could become capable of enriching uranium in six months and develop atomic weapons in two years if it is not stopped by the West,

[osint] Re: Safety fears for aid workers (Indonesia)

2005-01-07 Thread Michael Kerjman
Comment: Although a relief and reviving by the fellow citizens have been a vital path for fixing problems in situ, Aceh for instance, committing so many foreign resources to only create the same conditions of local environments as existed previously, is seen being a tragic waste for the

[osint] Russia: no EU membership

2005-01-03 Thread Michael Kerjman
Moscow, 03 January-2005 S. Lavrov: Russia aims no EU Russia does not consider membership in the EU even in theories, stated the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. S.Lavrov, in interview to a German newspaper Handelsblatt. [….] Road maps dealing with four areas are a priority recently, and

[osint] preventive strikes by Russia

2004-12-30 Thread Michael Kerjman
Moscow, 30 December-RIANovosti Russia's Defense Ministry will keep overseas prevention anti-terro operations in secret. Preparing such offences will not be announced as airing this info it is nonsense, stated a Defense Minister, Mr. Sergey Ivanov, on media briefing on Thursday. According

[osint] prosecuting the converted Christians abroad

2004-12-20 Thread Michael Kerjman
Charles fights death penalty for converts By Jonathan Petre, Religion Correspondent (Filed: 18/12/2004) The Prince of Wales is brokering efforts to end the Muslim death penalty on converts to other faiths, The Telegraph has learned.….. Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?

[osint] changing the iran regime us plan

2004-12-12 Thread Michael Kerjman
Changing the Iran Regime US Plan: No Israel Involvement The US National Security Council started preparation of a military assault against Iran in order to annihilate nuke potential and change anti-American clerical regime, London-based Arab-language newspaper ¡§A-Shark al-Ausat¡¨ has

[osint] Israel's Experience in Counter-Terrorism

2004-10-30 Thread Michael Kerjman
October 26, 2004 Links in One Chain Ratmir Orestov Special to Russia Profile Can Russia Learn From Israel's Experience In Counter-Terrorism? Israel has been counteracting the threat of terrorism for about 40 years. Over the past decade, the country has developed what many people consider the

[osint] glowing insect bug harms humans

2004-10-26 Thread Michael Kerjman
Glowing insect bug 'harms humans' Insects and human immune systems are similar A new disease has been identified caused by a luminous bug that has evolved in insects, scientists say. Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/3951889.stm There have been about a dozen cases of the bug -

[osint] NATO-East: bridging the differences

2004-10-24 Thread Michael Kerjman
NTV News, 24 October-2004: In a short of trying the SPETSNAZ (The Russian Special Forces) has been aired that some of the current trainers in Soviet time graduated from the synonymous NATO special training for which had applied and were enrolled in under assumed names.

[osint] israeli-jordanian boarder moved

2004-10-24 Thread Michael Kerjman
Last Update: 24/10/2004 21:07Israel: Ties with Jordan are vital, key to ending conflict By Yoav Stern, Haaretz Correspondent, Haaretz Service and AP Israel's relations with Jordan remain vital and the neighboring state is a cornerstone in the bid to end the lingering Arab-Israeli conflict, the

[osint] Russian-Israeli Shared Terrorism Suspects Database

2004-09-27 Thread Michael Kerjman
Russia and Israel to Establish Shared Terrorism Suspects Database According to RIA Novosti, Russia and Israel have agreed to establish shared Terrorism Suspects Database. ___ Source: http://lenta.ru/terror/2004/09/27/base/ An agreement was

[osint] microwave gun

2004-09-20 Thread Michael Kerjman
Microwave gun to be used by US troops on Iraq rioters By Tony Freinberg and Sean Rayment, Defence Correspondent (Filed: 19/09/2004) Microwave weapons that cause pain without lasting injury are to be issued to American troops in Iraq for the first time as concern mounts over the growing number

[osint] F.Ghadey: Syria possesses WMD

2004-09-14 Thread Michael Kerjman
A Jewish new year present from Syria that is a disclosure Israel tried to convince world ages ago: Syria possesses weapons of mass destruction (WMD). During the first Gulf War, Saddam Hussein had sent them his planes. Before March 2003, he had sent them his WMD , declared in Paris Farid

[osint] Israel-Russia anti-terror cooperation

2004-09-14 Thread Michael Kerjman
As provided in Israeli sources, Israel and Russia had arranged high- rank intelligent services delegations exchange. Russia's professionals had visited Israel to gain hand-on info on anti-terror prevention while their Israeli colleagues were visiting Moscow after Baslan tragedy.