Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Methodeutic for resolving quotation wars (was Continuity...

2019-05-20 Thread Edwina Taborsky
BODY { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px; }JAS, list 1] I think you are missing my point, which is that the triad, which I refer to as a Sign, is a functional whole; it is irreducible in this functionality. To intellectually reduce it to its parts totally

Re: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Trinity, Continuity, and the Cosmotheandric

2019-05-20 Thread Edwina Taborsky
BODY { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px; }JAS, list The problem I have with this claim is that it is invalid. JAS: As with any logical or mathematical "proof"--i.e., any deductive argumentation--the conclusion is only as strong as the premisses.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Methodeutic for resolving quotation wars (was Continuity...

2019-05-20 Thread Jon Alan Schmidt
Edwina, List: 1. I am not the one "reducing the Sign to its parts," since I consistently maintain that the Object and Interpretant are external to the Sign, not parts of the Sign. 2. "Necessitant" is a technical term in Peirce's semeiotic, and hence we are ethically bound to use it only as he d

Re: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Trinity, Continuity, and the Cosmotheandric

2019-05-20 Thread Jon Alan Schmidt
Edwina, List: ET: All dogs are animals/All cats are animals. BOTH these premises are true. Can I logically then state that All dogs are cats? No, and why not? Because the conclusion *does not* follow necessarily from the premisses; the *form *of the argumentation is *invalid*. The same is tr

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Methodeutic for resolving quotation wars (was Continuity...

2019-05-20 Thread John F Sowa
Jon, Anyone is welcome to claim that Satan (or anything else) is that Object [of the semeiotic proof], but thereby accepts the burden of making a case for it based on the attributes that such an Object must have. I suspect that it would amount to nothing more than equating the proper names "Sat

[PEIRCE-L] Methodeutic for resolving quotation wars (was Continuity...

2019-05-20 Thread Edwina Taborsky
BODY { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px; }JAS, list You are misunderstanding what I mean by reducing the Sign to its parts. You are ignoring that the sign/representamen and the DO and IO AND the II and DI are all integrated components of a semiosic proces

Re: Trinity, Continuity, and the Cosmotheandric, was, [PEIRCE-L] Re: Continuity of Semeiosis Revisited

2019-05-20 Thread Jon Alan Schmidt
Gary F., List: Thank you for further clarifying your objection. Initially it was that God is completely separated from His creation, and thus absent from the Universes of Experience. When I disputed this, it was that our acquaintance with God must be entirely mediated by Signs. Since I pointed

Re: Re: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Trinity, Continuity, and the Cosmotheandric

2019-05-20 Thread Edwina Taborsky
BODY { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px; }JAS, list 1] I disagree with your assertion that Peirce never said that the triad is a sign. See.. "by 'semiosis' I mean, on the contrary, an action or influence, which is, or involves, a cooperation of three subj

Aw: Re: Tolerance of others in the forum, was, [PEIRCE-L] Trinity, Continuity, and the Cosmotheandric

2019-05-20 Thread Helmut Raulien
Stephen, list,   I did not find your post offensive. I think it is a valuable thesis, that the concept of God is sometimes too much complexified. The same, I sometimes guess, applies to the concepts of money and sexuality: What "God", "money", and "sex" have in common is ontologically, that it i

Re: Re: Tolerance of others in the forum, was, [PEIRCE-L] Trinity, Continuity, and the Cosmotheandric

2019-05-20 Thread Stephen Curtiss Rose
Thanks. For me love is more what you reject and affirm. Reject hurt harm and fear and you are poised to live decently. Affirm DIY -- recognizing the necessary difference among spirits-material persons as they engage in their playing out of freedom. I see everyone this way. Everything anyone does is

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Methodeutic for resolving quotation wars (was Continuity...

2019-05-20 Thread Jon Alan Schmidt
John, List: JFS: But nothing in that argument that depends on the nature of the creator as benign or malevolent, perfect or imperfect, necessary or contingent. I have not claimed otherwise, except to quote Peirce himself as stating explicitly that God is *Ens necessarium* ("A Neglected Argument

Re: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Methodeutic for resolving quotation wars (was Continuity...

2019-05-20 Thread Edwina Taborsky
BODY { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px; }JAS, list Just a brief comment. You wrote: "He never claimed to have worked out all of the ramifications of his own thought during his lifetime; on the contrary, he said more than once that he was coun

Re: Re: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Trinity, Continuity, and the Cosmotheandric

2019-05-20 Thread Jon Alan Schmidt
Edwina, List: 1. Please reread what you quoted from CP 5.484 very carefully. It states that *semeiosis *is "an action or influence" that involves *three *subjects, one of which is a *Sign*. Hence the word "Sign" does not denote the *action*, but one of the three *subjects *involved in that acti

Re: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Methodeutic for resolving quotation wars (was Continuity...

2019-05-20 Thread Jon Alan Schmidt
Edwina, List: While I understand what you are asking and why, I think that it is an inaccurate and unfair characterization of my List participation over the years. I have stated repeatedly that the issue for me is one of *terminological ethics*--in accordance with Peirce's own well-documented sta

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Trinity, Continuity, and the Cosmotheandric

2019-05-20 Thread John F Sowa
On 5/20/2019 4:27 PM, Jon Alan Schmidt wrote: If each of my premisses is true, and the form of my argumentation is valid --which it unquestionably is, as demonstrated below -- then the conclusion must also be true; i.e., my argumentation is sound. That is the most anti-Peircean dogma imaginable

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Continuity of Semeiosis Revisited

2019-05-20 Thread Jeffrey Brian Downard
Jon S, Gary F, John S, Edwina, Gary R, List I'd like to raise some questions about the assertion that every sign has an object that is separate, in some sense, from that sign. The basis of the claim that the object must be separate from the sign, I am supposing, is that the object determines t

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Trinity, Continuity, and the Cosmotheandric

2019-05-20 Thread Gary Richmond
John, Jon, List John quoted Jon, then wrote: Jon Alan Schmidt wrote: > If each of my premisses is true, and the form of my argumentation > is valid --which it unquestionably is, as demonstrated below -- > then the conclusion must also be true; i.e., my argumentation > is sound. JS: That is the m