[PEN-L:418] Fund flows

1998-10-07 Thread boddhisatva
To whom..., Why is it that practically every month for the past couple years CNBC et al have been reporting net inflows into the stock market, both into equities and into mutual funds? How have I been missing all this net outflow? peace

[PEN-L:256] Nikkei aricle on aging Japanese capital

1998-09-27 Thread boddhisatva
To whom..., I inadvertently misled C. Perelman in his search for this article. The english-language web site for the Nihon Kezai Shimbun is "www.nikkei.co.jp/enews/". The article follows and it is yet another suggestion that the Japanese are in bad trouble. Ja

[PEN-L:255] Re: Bring back the buffalo

1998-09-26 Thread boddhisatva
To whom..., Now we're getting somewhere. If the Native Americans are really forming what amount to buffalo ranching collectives, then they are showing how social bonds can overcome the pull of private property. If it simply amounts to the ranching equivalent of a c

[PEN-L:214] Re: American Crony Capitalism Lives!!! -or-

1998-09-24 Thread boddhisatva
When is a Loss not a Loss? In-Reply-To: Your message of Thu, 24 Sep 1998 10:43:26 -0400 To whom..., A loss, it seems, even in this great bastion of market-rationality, risk-management and (gulp) transparency (except for hedge funds, playgrounds of the Gods) is not

[PEN-L:204] Re: Re: Re: NY Review article on the economy

1998-09-24 Thread boddhisatva
C. Perelman, Go to sattelite.nikkei.co.jp and look around. The story is a couple weeks old, I think, but they should still have it available. I was actually going to forward it to the list when I first read it, but it was at a time when my e-mail had gotten away from

[PEN-L:200] Re: NY Review article on the economy

1998-09-24 Thread boddhisatva
To whom..., My reaction to Levy's point about Japanese capital investment is that it was true some time ago but not, apparently, today. The Nikkei news service reported that U.S. industrial equipment is now newer than Japanese equipment for the first time in a great

[PEN-L:182] Re: Re: Re: In Response to Jim Devine's Question

1998-09-23 Thread boddhisatva
C. Schaap, I'm not sure how you mean to apply this quote to the present. Would you focus us a little? peace

[PEN-L:172] Re: In Response to Jim Devine's Question

1998-09-22 Thread boddhisatva
To whom..., I agree with everything C. Perelman said and I would add that a Keynesian system also fosters a high degree of cronyism among industrialists, banks and government. This further insulates businesses from economic reality. Moreover it undermines the devel

[PEN-L:1262] Re: Re: croney capitalism

1998-08-27 Thread boddhisatva
C. Lear, "Jekyll" just had too much power. peace

[PEN-L:1261] Re: Re: South Korea as model?

1998-08-27 Thread boddhisatva
C. Proyect, You surrender the field with typical grace. I would suggest to you that we should be concerned with the transition from industrial capitalism to industrial socialism more than "the transition from feudalism to capitalism in [newly] industrial England." If

[PEN-L:1256] Re: Re: Re: South Korea as model?

1998-08-27 Thread boddhisatva
C. Proyect, Capitalist cronyism deforms this economy as well. Cronyism is simply a word for putting too much economic power into too few hands. Go to the Nihon Kezai Shimbun website if you want to see an immense display of what cronyism has wrought. Nikkei down 450

[PEN-L:1254] Re: Re: random thoughts on russia

1998-08-27 Thread boddhisatva
To whom..., There is an intriguing dynamic in Russia. The Soviet state used the super-democratic *ideals* of socialism to completely undermine civil society. Instead, they should have been creating *socialist* civil society - a far more radical and super-democratic

[PEN-L:1249] Re: South Korea as model?

1998-08-27 Thread boddhisatva
C. Proyect, It still should be noted that South Korea has a larger economy than Russia. The "tiger" economies needed government money at first because, of course, cowardly capitalists want to see guaranteed returns before they put their money in. When these economi

[PEN-L:1218] Re: Labour and Aboriginals

1998-08-26 Thread boddhisatva
C. Phillips, This seems, finally, like something that begins to address the way in which aboriginal peoples' movements might forward the cause of economic justice. It seems to me that, in Canada, the aboriginal movement has begun to create a unifying thread among th

[PEN-L:1176] Re: Re: Real Islam or not, etc?

1998-08-24 Thread boddhisatva
C. Wojtek, I think you are on the right track although I would say that Islamic fundamentalism as such is not the problem. Clearly there are people who are wholly devoted to Islam who would not engage in fascistic behavior. I do think that Islam has become the total

[PEN-L:1146] Re: Re: Re: Speakers wanted III

1998-08-23 Thread boddhisatva
C. Valis, Yes, by all means, consult The Book and pay no attention to that argument behind the curtain. peace

[PEN-L:1145] Re: Fw: honesty in russia?

1998-08-23 Thread boddhisatva
C. Frank, A properly positioned currency trader would have hedged for the sudden downward spike and simply increased his short ruble position. It also happened with the Japanese yen earlier this year. Intervention was simply met by more buyers for the other side of t

[PEN-L:1144] Re: Speakers wanted II

1998-08-23 Thread boddhisatva
Valis, dammit, How could you be so incautious as to group C. Proyect and me together. You've forced him to reveal me as a "capitalist apologist" trying to worm my way into the pure, Red hearts of Marxists with my neo-anarcho-syndicalist, anti-primitivist/utopian rhe

[PEN-L:1143] Re: Global economic crisis

1998-08-23 Thread boddhisatva
To whom..., Russia down, Japan down, Wall Street Down, China under three feet of water. Collapse. Panic. The glory of it all! It reminds me of the line from that poem about a world war one gas attack where the narrator describes the soldiers going for t

[PEN-L:1142] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: This list has some great kidders

1998-08-23 Thread boddhisatva
C. Rob, Inflation is bad for bond-holders, but that does not necessarily mean it's good for bond-issuers, especially if they must, as governments must, continually re-finance their operations. It is a theoretical plus to be a bond issuer in an inflationary market, but

[PEN-L:1116] Re: Re: Re: This list has some great kidders

1998-08-22 Thread boddhisatva
C. Rob, You ask whether under Keynesianism "Is credit not always available, and is that credit not generally available at much more stable and realistic rates than 'free markets' can offer over time?" and I would say "No" to both. In terms of rationality, how often a

[PEN-L:1109] Re: request for a reposting of warning on virus

1998-08-21 Thread boddhisatva
C. Durgin, It wasn't me, comrade, but I will tell you this: I have heard from many people that Dell computers are becoming increasingly unreliable. I've heard now from several different places, stories of companies sending back entire shipments of both laptops and d

[PEN-L:1108] Re: d'arrigo strike (fwd)

1998-08-21 Thread boddhisatva
To whom..., If I could advise these lettuce workers I would suggest that the Monsanto corporation shows us a good model for them to forward negotiation with the growers. It's called "Roundup" peace

[PEN-L:1106] Re: Re: Re: My point is .... please

1998-08-21 Thread boddhisatva
C. Perelman, It has been many posts since I tried to convince anybody of anything. There has been no opportunity to even engage anybody. That's fine with me, except that *you* felt obliged to raise the stakes to the point that I felt I should defend myself. If you a

[PEN-L:1105] Re: This list has some great kidders

1998-08-21 Thread boddhisatva
C. Valis, As I said, we are seeing the groundwork laid for true despair when this bubble bursts. Again, isn't capitalism fun? I hope it's clear that I see *two* two questions here. First, is this monetarist transmogrification necessary *under capitalism*?

[PEN-L:1104] Re: Re: Re: My point is .... please

1998-08-21 Thread boddhisatva
C. Proyect, Thanks for the post. I am heartened that I can have a positive effect on you. If your politics are not changing for the smarter, at least your sense of humor is expanding and improving. It's really a privilege to participate in your development as a hu

[PEN-L:1058] Re: Economic rationalism by numbers

1998-08-21 Thread boddhisatva
C. Rob, Get with the program, comrade, debt is good. Don't you know that? No, seriously, I think this is just a necessary transformation from stagnant Keynesian capitalism to credit-rich finance capitalism (When I say "necessary", I mean necessary for capitalism, o

[PEN-L:1056] Re: My point is .... please

1998-08-21 Thread boddhisatva
To whom..., I have been on exactly the same track from the beginning and have found no answer to my questions or points. The track is here, I am on the track, and I have the only consistent argument on this particular line. What *is* off the track? - mischara

[PEN-L:1049] Re: Politics versus economics

1998-08-20 Thread boddhisatva
To whom..., Lou Proyect has finally tipped his hand. The idea is that a victory is a victory is a victory. I think that's clearly wrong. I have been shown nothing about this movement that suggests it undermines capitalism at all. Capitalists have disputes all the

[PEN-L:1048] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: sell-out Indians andwestern arrog...

1998-08-20 Thread boddhisatva
C. Proyect, Since you;ve totally distorted my point, I'll remind you of it. My point is that the indigenous people are well and truly in the sway of capitalist property relations whether they assimilate or not. My point is that they cannot insulate themselves from c

[PEN-L:1011] Re: Re: 3 Articles on Russia - Fred Weir, Reuters

1998-08-20 Thread boddhisatva
C. Schwartz, Do I understand the Buzgalin article to imply that the clan-corporates are, in some cases, using the social welfare system to solidify their power over the workers? He seemed to imply that the elites would not only withhold wages but also welfare service

[PEN-L:1005] Re: Re: 3 Articles on Russia - Fred Weir, Reuters

1998-08-20 Thread boddhisatva
C. Schwartz, Thanks for the info. You have to admit the old "He's not dead, he's just vacationing in the dacha" routine is a Russian classic, though. Who is thought to be running things if Yeltsin is actually as incapacitated as he appears? Is it Chubaiis?

[PEN-L:1000] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: sell-out Indians and westernarrogance

1998-08-19 Thread boddhisatva
To whom..., I largely abandoned the debate about indigenous political economy because the participants who take the opposing position simply ignored the main issue. Instead we have gotten a lot of stuff about the native political struggles which, while interesting, do

[PEN-L:998] Re: Re: korea/russia questions

1998-08-19 Thread boddhisatva
To whom..., I don't know what it means, but Henry Kissinger, that champion of democracy, has said that an authoritarian Yeltsin regime "may be necessary". peace

[PEN-L:997] Re: Re: Re: Re: 3 Articles on Russia

1998-08-19 Thread boddhisatva
To whom..., From what I hear the Russian Communist party is suffering a rift. I'm not sure I understand the cause but they say it has undermined Zuganov's effectiveness. Anybody have anything on this? peace

[PEN-L:992] Re: Re: sell-out Indians and western arrogance

1998-08-19 Thread boddhisatva
To whom.., I don't think it matters a damn that native Americans or any other indigenous people had or have democratic ideals. The economy they live in doesn't. peace

[PEN-L:991] Re: Re: Re: Re: 3 Articles on Russia - Fred Weir,Reuters

1998-08-19 Thread boddhisatva
C. Rob, Wall Street, I think, is loathe to crack the Golden Egg of investor confidence. If stock punters so much as looked out the window they would panic. Fortunately, all they see when they briefly open their eyes is the sand their heads are in. By t

[PEN-L:932] Re: and

1998-08-17 Thread boddhisatva
C. Forstater, THe issue is not worth discussing but it seems that occasionally it needs discussing. There are practices, other than *TYPICAL* modern agricultural practices that can be demonstrated more productive (usualy just in absolute calories) given, as you sai

[PEN-L:916] Re: land (was Reply to Ajit and Ricardo)

1998-08-16 Thread boddhisatva
C. Forstater, It's clearly nonsense that primitive economies are more producitve than modern ones. It's not even worth discussing. As for the justice of the indigenous land claims, I never questioned that. The question is what value the struggle for indigenous lan

[PEN-L:915] Re: A reply to boddhisatva

1998-08-16 Thread boddhisatva
C. Proyect, Ultimately your Friday response to my question puts forward a philosophy that "A victory is a victory." That may be true, but the question is what *kind* of victory. I think it's clear that it is a reformist victory. There is value in reformism but it

[PEN-L:860] Re: Re: Re: Naming names

1998-08-13 Thread boddhisatva
C. Dennis, The only real Buddhists I know are in books and on TV. As for my own taste in Buddhist thought, I always get the schools confused. I never remember what is Theravada and Mahayana and why and where Tantrism comes in and leaves. Would I be revealing too muc

[PEN-L:858] Re: Suggested Reading List

1998-08-13 Thread boddhisatva
C. Craven, "Stone-age" is an accurate description of a hunter-gatherer mode of production. It is not an insult. Nobody but you brought in the term "Luddite". That is not what the debate is about at all. peace

[PEN-L:855] Re: Re: Micro-credit

1998-08-13 Thread boddhisatva
C. Peoples, Micro-credit is just the practice of making very small, small business loans. The idea is that people can have access to credit to open shops and the like rather than relying on personal and family money as first-time shopkeepers and very small business pe

[PEN-L:854] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Reply to Ajit and Ricardo

1998-08-13 Thread boddhisatva
C. Proyect, You response is simply a dodge. All it does is beg the question. Again I ask what specific change in political *economy* does granting land to indigenous people accomplish and how *specifically* does that help the struggle of working people?

[PEN-L:827] Re: Naming names

1998-08-13 Thread boddhisatva
Ms. Dannin, I don't use my name because I don't think it's a good idea. I've had trouble when I used my name on the Internet. If I were you, I wouldn't do it, but there you are. I think that if , somehow, an enterprising lawyer such as you decided that I was slander

[PEN-L:826] Re: Re: Re: Reply to Ajit and Ricardo

1998-08-13 Thread boddhisatva
C. Proyect, The problem is that the indigenous struggles may be turning into a falseI hate to use the word, but "if the shoe fits"totem of the general struggle for liberation. The struggles bring people out of the woodwork on both sides of the spectru

[PEN-L:825] boddhisatva responds

1998-08-13 Thread boddhisatva
To whom, At the point I am accused of writing "virulent racism" I have to defend myself but I'll wait for a moment and first thank the people who wrote supporting me: Thanks, I'm pleased and a little surprised by the whole thing. I was pondering wh

[PEN-L:773] Re: Re: Re: Re: re Bhoddi vs Proyect

1998-08-11 Thread boddhisatva
C. Craven, So what you're trying to say is that you have no answer to my questions. Is that it? I might have missed something because I was too self-absorbed to read all of your hissy-fit. peace

[PEN-L:771] Re: Peasant Farming Sucks ???

1998-08-11 Thread boddhisatva
C. Perelman, Again I say, farmers with a thousand acres of prime winter wheat land and tractors and combines are having trouble making a go of it. Peasant farming not only sucks as work, the pay is worse than any of the jobs you mentioned. Peasants aren't working in

[PEN-L:769] Re: Re: Re: Shotguns and machetes

1998-08-11 Thread boddhisatva
C. Sinha, I don't think physics is cultural. Hydro-power just does more work - it has more physical capacity - than do river fish. I'm not saying that simply justifies throwing away river fish populations, not by a long shot, but the comparison C. Proyect made was

[PEN-L:766] Re: Re: re Bhoddi vs Proyect

1998-08-11 Thread boddhisatva
C. Craven, So the native Canadians get the land and do what? Are they going to open casinos? Are they going to log, farm or mine? All those are pretty depressed industries right now. Where are they going to get the money to develop the land? Do you think the pe

[PEN-L:765] Re: Re: re Bhoddi vs Proyect

1998-08-11 Thread boddhisatva
C. Proyect, I'm all for "wresting land from the ruling class" but to do what with? Land and 50 cents will get you a cup of coffee. peace

[PEN-L:764] Re: re Bhoddi vs Proyect

1998-08-11 Thread boddhisatva
To whom.., Look, I never said that indigenous people should give up their culture. The only thing I said about culture was that it is entirely appropriate for native people to be able to carry out rituals and entirely necessary that native people be respected. I q

[PEN-L:763] Re: Preference Formation

1998-08-11 Thread boddhisatva
C. Lear, As a former professional cook and chef I can tell you absolutely that people *want* sugar, salt, and buttery grease. All you have to do is balance the flavors a bit so they can really enjoy it and describe it on the menu in a way that allows them to happily

[PEN-L:759] Re: The Political Consequences of Bhoddi

1998-08-11 Thread boddhisatva
To whom..., The question is not one of capitulating to the multinationals, but of simply realizing that they are a fact of life, and so is the modern industrial economy. The question is not buying foreign floor wax for dirt floors but building, for example, factori

[PEN-L:697] Re: Warm Coke in China, was banning Coca Cola?

1998-08-10 Thread boddhisatva

[PEN-L:696] Re: Inuit and the Internet

1998-08-10 Thread boddhisatva
C. Proyect, This is about as socialist as a Microsoft commercial. Why don't you go and try to make your living hunting Caribou. peace

[PEN-L:695] Re: Re: banning coca cola ????

1998-08-10 Thread boddhisatva
To whom.., Now we can laugh at farmers who use hoes because they don't use discers, integrated pest management, and no-till farming. We can laugh at them because they are wasting their time and breaking their backs for nothing. We can laugh at them because they are

[PEN-L:694] Re: 2 items of interest

1998-08-10 Thread boddhisatva
To whom..., So let me get this straight: Makak whaling good, Norwegian whaling bad? Isn't this obviously absurd? Isn't the issue how many whales - our common property - are killed? There are a few dozen saw mill operators in the Pacific Northwest whose

[PEN-L:693] Re: Re: banning coca cola ????

1998-08-10 Thread boddhisatva
C. Proyect, This post is interesting but it contains the same flaw all your posts do on this subject. You are confusing industrialization with capitalist property relations. Furthermore, your conclusions always imply the same solution: that the only way to preserve

[PEN-L:692] Re: banning coca cola ????

1998-08-10 Thread boddhisatva
To whom, At $50,000 per adult Yanomami, what kind of price tag are we talking? How about $100,000? How about a point or two of the net? the gross? What do the Yanomami, themselves, expect to gain from their land rights? Do they really want to live in the stone

[PEN-L:691] Re: Microsoft, intellectual property and piracy

1998-08-10 Thread boddhisatva
To whom..., And it doesn't matter a damn to the Microsoft market capitalization that this software is being pirated because their fotune lies in the fact that when they come out with their *next* program, people will have to buy it and their competitors won't be able

[PEN-L:690] Re: Guarani Indians

1998-08-10 Thread boddhisatva
To whom..., The struggle to liberate people from economic oppression is not a John Ford movie. The primary problem facing the proletariat is not ranchers, for god's sake. Sure ranchers and their cousins the "family farmer" are petit bourgeoisie (and often evil-mind

[PEN-L:689] Re: Democracy and indigenous peoples

1998-08-10 Thread boddhisatva
To whom..., The issue is that multi-nationals are not following the illuminating wisdom of the great capitalist philosopher Meyer Lansky who said "A problem that can be solved with money is not a problem." There are some Inuit who live north of the Arctic National W

[PEN-L:688] Re: Shotguns and machetes

1998-08-10 Thread boddhisatva
C. Proyect, Your problem is that you live in a fantasy world. When power companies dam waterways to create hydropower they are creating something that is quite simply more valuable than the fish. It's an ugly reality, but there it is. As for the drinking water, tha

[PEN-L:665] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Nature bites back

1998-08-08 Thread boddhisatva
C. Perelman, My point was that we - in our *modern* economy - could learn the lesson that commerce need not be synonymous with hostility. I wasn't talking about relations *between* modes of production, but *within* the modern (or future) mode of production. It was a

[PEN-L:664] Re: The skivvy on the neem

1998-08-08 Thread boddhisatva
To whom..., I guarantee you that the main danger to the Neem tree is if Western new-agers decide that it is latest answer to their physical and psychic torments. There won't be a Neem tree left standing if moneyed, hippie half-wits decide that this is the latest hoc

[PEN-L:663] Re: Past sins

1998-08-08 Thread boddhisatva
To whom..., Comrade Proyect's post on cattle and bison will prove conclusively that bison farming is far more viable than cattle farming. It costs less. It's more sustainable. It's healthier and, well, dammit, it is just more aesthetically pleasing. I

[PEN-L:661] Re: Japan's economic situation

1998-08-08 Thread boddhisatva
C. Rosenberg, I can heartily recommend the web site of the Neihon Kaizai Shinbun (better known as "Nikkei") website at www.nikkei.co.jp/enews/. They have many articles pertaining to the Big Bang, the yen's tailspin, and the failures of banks and brokerages. There ar

[PEN-L:660] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Nature bites back

1998-08-08 Thread boddhisatva
C. Perelman, I don't think that the destruction of peoples' societies is *justified* at all, but I do think that societies change. Clearly a small number of people are going to be left behind when society changes but that need not cause hardship or terrible conflict

[PEN-L:659] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Nature bites back

1998-08-08 Thread boddhisatva
C. Proyect, First, it is both entirely Marxist and entirely *true* to say that feudal societies were more capable than hunter-gatherer societies and that capitalism is more capable than feudalism. It is by no means Social Darwinism since *I* do not associate certain

[PEN-L:634] Re: Copyrights and the new world order

1998-08-07 Thread boddhisatva
To whom..., I've always thought that the focus on copyrights by leftists is misguided. Microsoft's code is not so valuable. After all, there is code out there that will do most of the things Microsoft's will do as well or better. What is valuable is Microsoft's acc

[PEN-L:628] Re: Re: Re: Nature bites back

1998-08-07 Thread boddhisatva
C. Kruse, I should make the disticntion here between the actual fight of actual people against oppressive laws and practices that are unjust by any standard and the intellectual *flight* to this kind of movement away from the struggle of the industrial proletariat am

[PEN-L:627] Re: Re: Re: Nature bites back

1998-08-07 Thread boddhisatva
To whom..., I anticipated attacks of "heartless" and "genocidal" when I questioned the value, if not the integrity, of the current trend of fascination with indigenous people. I hadn't anticipated "racist". Possibly Lou Proyect can explain how, for example, the worki

[PEN-L:516] Re: Nature bites back

1998-08-04 Thread boddhisatva
To whom..., There are dumber passages in dumber books, certainly, but this little gem from Mike Davis is safely on the big list of the dumb. The combination of high rainfall, more suburban encroachment with less damaging land practices and a *better* environment a

[PEN-L:512] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Communications for a SustainableFuture

1998-08-04 Thread boddhisatva
C. Perelman, I was going to respond to you off-list, but I think it's more appropriate and useful for me to do it publically. I am warning you, as moderator of a very succesful list, that C. Proyect has done this kind of thing before. I am over-reacting, certainly,

[PEN-L:511] Re: Re: Re: Re: Communications for a Sustainable Future

1998-08-04 Thread boddhisatva
C. Craven, Oh, I see, Proyect can as much as label his enemies right wing conspirators but my scant, absolutely qualified, even self-contradicted intimation is "slander"? Bullshit. I say again and I will repeat it because it is the main theme, the

[PEN-L:481] Re: Re: Communications for a Sustainable Future

1998-08-04 Thread boddhisatva
To whom, Yet again, Louis Proyect is deliberately trying to undermine and ruin *another* discussion list. I have been on four lists that he has done this too and the pattern is always identical. He finds some scapegoat and then makes wilder and wilder charge

[PEN-L:453] Re: Re: Re: sociobiology and right-wing politics

1998-08-03 Thread boddhisatva
To whom, Real Darwinism, by which I mean actual evolutionary science - a forgotten art in these days of anthropomorpizing - indicates that the "fittest" is simply that creature who, by *accident* of genetic recombination, find itself able to reproduce successf

[PEN-L:276] Corrected Scientific American article

1998-07-26 Thread boddhisatva
To whom..., Sorry, technology fever got they best of me and I forwarded an article to the list that was rife with computer-driven errors. Here is the cleaned-up version: -

[PEN-L:270] Union productivity - Sci. Am.

1998-07-25 Thread boddhisatva
I thought you might be interested in this small article from the August Issue of Scientific American. --- "Look for the Union Label: new analysis of econom

[PEN-L:256] Re: What does the stock market mean

1998-07-19 Thread boddhisatva
About the Microsoft market capitilization: I think it's good to remmeber that Microsoft represents the passing of the golden torch of monopoly from IBM. Even Microsoft's conflict with thte FTC about "bundling" reminds one of IBM's conflict with the government. Intel

[PEN-L:146] Re: Re: Why Do Markets Crash?

1998-07-07 Thread boddhisatva
C. Coyle, Japan's situation is more like that of the US in the 20's. They are the ones refusing to raise interest rates despite a highly artificial price structure and diminishing productivity. The BOJ is artificially stimulating a bias for capital to move to Americ

[PEN-L:537] Re: Stephen Jay Gould

1998-06-12 Thread boddhisatva
Test response

[PEN-L:502] Asian hot-pot

1998-06-10 Thread boddhisatva
[Please tell me if this message already got to the list, I think I've had trouble with my e-mail) To whom.., Several days ago it was remarked that Taiwan, China, Hong Kong and Singapore seemed not to suffer as much from the East Asian economic flu

[PEN-L:501] Test

1998-06-10 Thread boddhisatva

[PEN-L:500] Re: realist postulate

1998-06-10 Thread boddhisatva

Re: Econ. 101 revisited

1998-05-09 Thread boddhisatva
C. Devine, I would also add to this the fact that companies are keeping a lot less cash on their balance sheets. They use it to buy back stock or to buy other companies. This means that they cannot finance new inventories out of cash and simply raise prices to tr

Re: Tentacles of the Eurostate

1998-05-08 Thread boddhisatva
C. Redmond, You wrote "Asia will mark time until Japan discovers the magic bullet of multinational Keynesianism." That seems remarkable to me. What would you call the government-inspired credit boom that got East Asia to where it is now? The Tiger expansion seem

Re: Media myopia II

1998-05-08 Thread boddhisatva
C. Eisenscher, What you describe is the mechanism that plants use in generating energy and oxygen during photosynthesis. Obviously there is tremendous interest in replicating this process industrially. However, I think that the hydrogen/oxygen fuel cells referred to

Re: Gates Leads Rally Against Government (fwd)

1998-05-08 Thread boddhisatva
Valis, The answer is: Short-term self-interest. Why would Compaq, et al, not want Windows '98 to come out? After all, they *sell* Windows '98. Besides capitalists hate competition and love monopolies, especially in the short-term. peace

Re: Social movement against Indian dam (endorse, please!)

1998-05-07 Thread boddhisatva
P.S.- What is the deal with "indigenous" cultures in India? Is there a culture in India *less* than a couple thousand years old? peace

Re: Social movement against Indian dam (endorse, please!)

1998-05-07 Thread boddhisatva
To whom..., These "answers" about dam projects are totally inadequate. Natural-gas-fired power plants still produce greenhouse gases and natural gas is not available in all areas or as cheap as coal. It is also a non-renewable resource. Riverine environments ar

Yen Blues

1998-05-06 Thread boddhisatva
To whom, Results of a Bridge news poll are interesting: BRIDGE JAPAN POLL: Firms' most desired dollar/yen rate at 115-120 By Rika Yamamoto, BridgeNews Copyright BridgeNews Tokyo--May 1--The most desirable dlr/yen exchange rate cited in a BridgeNews survey of majo

Re: The Karl Marx Question

1998-05-06 Thread boddhisatva
C. Proyect, Tai-chi is actually just for exercise. What Jackie Chan and the other Gung-fu movie fighters do is called Wu shu. Gung fu, in its many forms, is for actual fighting while Wu shu, which has been around for centuries as well, is a corollary discipline pe

Re: The Karl Marx Question

1998-05-06 Thread boddhisatva
To whom..., I think that the first thing a budding socialist should do is learn about the strengths of capitalism. Specifically I think a socialist should understand the processes that create credit and the legal structures that create contracts and corporations.

Re: I need help with a study

1998-05-06 Thread boddhisatva
C. Perelman, So what is the downstream land used for? peace

Re: Social movement against Indian dam (endorse, please!)

1998-05-06 Thread boddhisatva
C. Bond, In lieu of the proposed dam, what would you propose to supply power/water/flood control? I am no fan of big dams because of the way they effect the riverine environment, at the same time my understanding is that smaller dam/flood-control-reservoir projects

Re: I need help with a study

1998-05-06 Thread boddhisatva
C. Perelman, Make sure you include flood abatement effects in your study, but then I'm sure you will. Downstream property values will rise when they are less subject to flood. Any study done in advance of a flood control system for a like drainage will give you f

Re: Ganja

1998-05-04 Thread boddhisatva
C. Coleman, Pot growing seems to have replaced moonshining in many rural counties in the south. Friends who do rock-climbing have told me that in some areas of West Virginia and Kentucky, locals admonish them to stay on the trails so they don't stray into someboby'

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