[Python-ideas] Re: What about having a .get(index, default) method for arrays like we have for dicts?

2020-08-25 Thread Greg Ewing
As a point of interest, is get() considered an official part of the mapping protocol, or just nice-to-have? The docs don't seem to be very clear about that. There used to be some tables listing the methods making up the core sequence and mapping protocols, but I can't find them now. Have they

[Python-ideas] Re: Changing item dunder method signatures to utilize positional arguments (open thread)

2020-08-25 Thread Greg Ewing
On 26/08/20 10:03 am, Stefano Borini wrote: But you have a point that whatever the implementation might be, it has to play nice with the current dict() behavior. Yet, if we were to add an enhanced dunder, nothing for the current dict would change. Despite arguing against it earlier, I think

[Python-ideas] Re: Deferred, coalescing, and other very recent reference counting optimization

2020-08-24 Thread Greg Ewing
On 24/08/20 3:24 am, Raihan Rasheed Apurbo wrote: In CPython we have reference counting. My question is can we optimize current RC using strategies like Deferred RC and Coalescing? If no then where would I face problem if I try to implement these sorts of strategies? I gather there have been

[Python-ideas] Re: Improve error message for trying to import itself

2020-08-21 Thread Greg Ewing
On 22/08/20 6:43 am, Serhiy Storchaka wrote: It would have non-zero cost. There is a common idiom: try: from foo import bar except ImportError: def bar(): ... In this case you would need to try importing foo from other locations. I wouldn't suggest going that far.

[Python-ideas] Re: Improve error message for trying to import itself

2020-08-21 Thread Greg Ewing
Maybe check whether the module being imported from is shadowing another module further along the search path and warn about that? -- Greg ___ Python-ideas mailing list -- python-ideas@python.org To unsubscribe send an email to

[Python-ideas] Re: Custom keywords (from: Decorators for class non function properties)

2020-08-18 Thread Greg Ewing
On 18/08/20 5:39 pm, Marco Sulla wrote: The new `@const` will be added as a hook to the PEG parser. if the PEG parser finds a `@const`, it will invoke the miniparser of `mykeywords` module inherent to `@const`. I don't think this is likely to be accepted into the language. Guido has always

[Python-ideas] Re: Custom keywords (from: Decorators for class non function properties)

2020-08-17 Thread Greg Ewing
On 18/08/20 7:58 am, Marco Sulla wrote: My proposal is to add a way for third party modules to add custom keywords. Example: from mykeywords import @const @const a = 1 What would that mean? -- Greg ___ Python-ideas mailing list --

[Python-ideas] Re: PEP 472 - regarding d[x=1, y=2] and similar

2020-08-17 Thread Greg Ewing
On 18/08/20 6:37 am, Jonathan Fine wrote: if     >>> something[*argv] is allowed, then what was a syntax error becomes a run-time error. I don't think so. If argv is empty, this is more akin to x = () something(x) which we presumably still want to allow. Opponents of a[] aren't

[Python-ideas] Re: PEP 472 - regarding d[x=1, y=2] and similar

2020-08-17 Thread Greg Ewing
On 18/08/20 6:00 am, Christopher Barker wrote: But from a language design perspective, the [] operator is a way to "index" a container -- get part of the container's contents. And from this perspective, no index makes no sense. It can make sense if you have a zero-dimensional array. Or as

[Python-ideas] Re: PEP 472 - regarding d[x=1, y=2] and similar

2020-08-17 Thread Greg Ewing
On 17/08/20 9:58 pm, Antoine Pitrou wrote: Probably because exploiting Python abstraction facilities to build DSLs has/had long been frown upon in this community? That was the leitmotiv back when people were marvelling over Ruby's flexibility in the area. As far as I remember, what was

[Python-ideas] Re: PEP 472 - regarding d[x=1, y=2] and similar

2020-08-16 Thread Greg Ewing
On 17/08/20 8:19 am, Sebastian Berg wrote: [1] The difference is that `arr[()]` extracts a scalar, while `arr[...]` returns the array (container) unchanged. This difference only matters for zero dimensional arrays. There may be reasons to prefer one over the other, but I can't think of any

[Python-ideas] Re: PEP 472 - regarding d[x=1, y=2] and similar

2020-08-16 Thread Greg Ewing
On 16/08/20 11:49 am, Guido van Rossum wrote: SEMANTICS OF NO ARGUMENTS I can see two basic ways of allowing no arguments. One is for the interpreter to construct an object that is the argument passed to __getitem__ and so forth. The other is to not pass an argument at all. I

[Python-ideas] Re: basic matrix object

2020-08-15 Thread Greg Ewing
On 16/08/20 4:26 am, Ricky Teachey wrote: There are certainly instances where I've needed to used matrices to solve a system of equations in an automated way. But most of time it's simply not needed, If we're going to have a class that supports matrix multiplication, I think we should at

[Python-ideas] Re: Not-so-basic tensors [was: basic matrix object]

2020-08-14 Thread Greg Ewing
On 15/08/20 5:31 am, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote: It seems to me you could have a Tensor class whose constructor takes a bool argument 'contravariant' (default False), and then recommend that users adopt a naming convention to distinguish covariant Tensors from contravariant Tensors. You would

[Python-ideas] Re: basic matrix object

2020-08-14 Thread Greg Ewing
On 14/08/20 9:05 pm, Marco Sulla wrote: Another big problem with tensors is the covariance and contravariance. Usually in informatic you denote the covariance with the subscript operator, that on paper is written as subscript. Contravariant index on the contrary is a superscript. Not sure how a

[Python-ideas] Re: basic matrix object

2020-08-14 Thread Greg Ewing
Another class of folks who might find something like this useful is those playing around with computer graphics using pygame, pyglet, etc. where coordinate transformations are used a lot. Bringing in numpy for that can seem like massive overkill for a tiny game. -- Greg

[Python-ideas] Re: PEP 472 - regarding d[x=1, y=2] and similar

2020-08-14 Thread Greg Ewing
On 14/08/20 10:03 pm, Jonathan Fine wrote: NO POSITIONAL ARGUMENTS I'd like     >>> d[x=1, y=2] to be valid syntax. It's not clear to me that all agree with this. If keywords are to be allowed, it seems reasonable to me that this should be legal.     >>> d[x=1, y=2] = 42     >>> d[x=1,

[Python-ideas] Re: use type hints and slices to specify a valid numerical range, example: `Angle = int[0:361]`

2020-08-08 Thread Greg Ewing
On 9/08/20 10:43 am, Guido van Rossum wrote: But integer ranges? I guess they would be useful to catch array indexing mistakes, I'm not sure they would. For an index error to be caught at compile time, the thing being indexed has to have a size known to the compiler. This was always the case

[Python-ideas] Re: Inline Try-Except Clause

2020-08-07 Thread Greg Ewing
On 8/08/20 3:24 am, Paul Moore wrote: def is_valid_specifier(s): try: packaging.specifiers.SpecifierSet(s) return True except packahing.specifiers.InvalidSpecifier: return False This doesn't quite follow the pattern, because it doesn't return the result of

[Python-ideas] Re: Package kwkey and PEP 472 -- Support for indexing with keyword arguments

2020-08-07 Thread Greg Ewing
On 4/08/20 9:12 am, Guido van Rossum wrote: then presumably calling `c[1, index=2]` would just be an error (since it would be like attempting to call the method with two values for the `index` argument), Hmmm, does this mean that classes providing index notation would now need to document the

[Python-ideas] Re: Changing item dunder method signatures to utilize positional arguments (open thread)

2020-08-07 Thread Greg Ewing
On 8/08/20 4:09 am, Ricky Teachey wrote: If that incongruity were to be fixed, it seems to me it would become *obvious* that the semantic meaning of ` m[1, 2, a=3, b=2]` should definitely be: m.__get__(1, 2, a=3, b=4) It would certainly achieve that goal. The question is whether it would be

[Python-ideas] Re: Decorators for class non function properties

2020-08-06 Thread Greg Ewing
On 7/08/20 2:47 am, David Mertz wrote: The only difference is that in the usual existing style, 'a' doesn't know that it's called "a".  You and Steven have both, basically, said "Why would you possibly care about that?" I've only really been thinking about attributes, but I suppose it might

[Python-ideas] Re: Decorators for class non function properties

2020-08-06 Thread Greg Ewing
On 6/08/20 6:42 am, David Mertz wrote: @unit("meter") a = 3  # a = unit("meter")("a", 3) @unit("foot") b = 4   # b = unit("foot")("b", 4) This still doesn't explain why the decorator syntax would be significantly better than just calling the function directly. meters = unit("meter") feet =

[Python-ideas] Re: Decorators for class non function properties

2020-08-05 Thread Greg Ewing
On 6/08/20 1:35 am, Marco Sulla wrote: I suppose that what Greg Ewing suggests is a way to define a sort of custom simple statement. you could write @print "Hello" My suggestion was only for decorating assignments to a bare name, so that wouldn't have been legal. But that was l

[Python-ideas] Re: Decorators for class non function properties

2020-08-05 Thread Greg Ewing
On 5/08/20 9:13 pm, Serhiy Storchaka wrote: the code can be written as class Neuron: activation = linear_activation(activation) I do not see reasons to introduce special syntax for this very specific code. A considerable number of moons ago, I suggested that @my_property

[Python-ideas] Re: Package kwkey and PEP 472 -- Support for indexing with keyword arguments

2020-08-04 Thread Greg Ewing
On 4/08/20 1:16 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote: Why would we want to even consider a new approach to handling keyword arguments which applies only to three dunder methods, `__getitem__`, `__setitem__` and `__delitem__`, instead of handling keyword arguments in the same way that every other method

[Python-ideas] Re: Package kwkey and PEP 472 -- Support for indexing with keyword arguments

2020-08-04 Thread Greg Ewing
On 4/08/20 6:35 pm, Greg Ewing wrote: Has anyone suggested attaching the keyword args as attributes on the slice object? Realised after sending that this idea is rubbish, because there can be more than one slice object. -- Greg ___ Python-ideas

[Python-ideas] Re: Package kwkey and PEP 472 -- Support for indexing with keyword arguments

2020-08-04 Thread Greg Ewing
On 4/08/20 9:20 am, Todd wrote: Another approach could be too simply pass the labelled indices in a dict as a third/fourth positional argument. Has anyone suggested attaching the keyword args as attributes on the slice object? This would avoid changing the signature of __getitem__, and

[Python-ideas] Re: Access (ordered) dict by index; insert slice

2020-07-30 Thread Greg Ewing
On 31/07/20 4:04 am, Christopher Barker wrote: (Side note: why ARE the views provided by methods, rather than properties? Probably because they construct objects, and are therefore somewhat more expensive than is usually expected for an attribute access. -- Greg

[Python-ideas] Re: New clause in FOR and WHILE instead of ELSE

2020-07-25 Thread Greg Ewing
How about we just document the whole feature as deprecated and never speak of it again? -- Greg ___ Python-ideas mailing list -- python-ideas@python.org To unsubscribe send an email to python-ideas-le...@python.org

[Python-ideas] Re: Faster object representation for UIs

2020-07-25 Thread Greg Ewing
On 26/07/20 1:34 am, Elizabeth Shashkova wrote: 1. We need this lazy `__repr__` calculation inside our debugger, where we work with different user's objects. Usually it isn't some specific type, for which you know that it'll be big and its `__repr__` calculation will be slow Seems to me it

[Python-ideas] Re: Pickle security improvements

2020-07-11 Thread Greg Ewing
On 12/07/20 1:01 pm, Edwin Zimmerman wrote: As I see it, the unsafe callables (eval, exec, os.system, etc) are generally functions, and safe ones(int, list, dict) are generally classes, though there certainly would be exceptions. Where security is concerned, "there certainly would be

[Python-ideas] Re: Pickle security improvements

2020-07-11 Thread Greg Ewing
On 12/07/20 8:54 am, Wes Turner wrote: Would it be feasible to just NOP callables when safe=True? This would break pickle, because calling constructors is the way many objects are unpickled. And it's not easy to tell which callables are safe to use as constructors and which aren't. -- Greg

[Python-ideas] Re: Pickle security improvements

2020-07-11 Thread Greg Ewing
On 12/07/20 5:31 am, Wes Turner wrote: Is there already a way to load data and not code *with pickle*? As far as I know, pickle has never been able to load code objects. The security problems come from the fact that by default a pickle is able to *call* any module-level callable object that

[Python-ideas] Re: Add builtin function for min(max())

2020-07-09 Thread Greg Ewing
On 10/07/20 8:05 am, Christopher Barker wrote: if not (withrdrawal_amount > balance):     give_cash_to_customer(withdrawal_amount) Unfortunately, with my luck they will have coded it as if withdrawal_amount <= balance: give_cash_to_customer(withdrawal_amount) But my bigger concern is

[Python-ideas] Re: Add builtin function for min(max())

2020-07-09 Thread Greg Ewing
On 9/07/20 10:25 pm, Jonathan Fine wrote: I particularly liked the Tideford Butterscotch Rice Pudding, at NaNp per 100g. I'd be a bit worried that if I bought one of those, I'd end up with a balance of NaN in my bank account. I hate to think what sort of havoc that would cause... -- Greg

[Python-ideas] Re: Add builtin function for min(max())

2020-07-05 Thread Greg Ewing
On 6/07/20 3:55 am, Steven D'Aprano wrote: With that interpretation, a NAN passed as the lower or upper bounds can be seen as another way of saying "no lower bounds" (i.e. negative infinity) or "no upper bounds" (i.e. positive infinity), not "some unknown bounds". Python already has a value

[Python-ideas] Re: Add builtin function for min(max())

2020-07-05 Thread Greg Ewing
On 5/07/20 4:39 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote: Complex numbers represent points on a plane; it is very common in graphical toolkits to need to clamp an object to within some window or other region of the plane, But graphical toolkits don't treat points as complex numbers. The question is whether

[Python-ideas] Re: Add builtin function for min(max())

2020-07-04 Thread Greg Ewing
On 5/07/20 7:33 am, Henk-Jaap Wagenaar wrote: min(0, float('nan')) == 0 and same for max. I would hence expect clamp to behave similarly. But min(float('nan'), 0) == nan. I don't think you can conclude anything from either of these about how clamp() *should* behave in the presence of nans,

[Python-ideas] Re: An alternative way of defining properties (warning: contains creative abuse of the class statement)

2020-07-03 Thread Greg Ewing
On 3/07/20 6:33 pm, Serhiy Storchaka wrote: it is possible to implement pickling support for property objects which will fail with your example (and I think third-party libraries do it). The difference is that full qualified names of getter and setter differ from the full qualified name of the

[Python-ideas] Re: An alternative way of defining properties (warning: contains creative abuse of the class statement)

2020-07-03 Thread Greg Ewing
On 3/07/20 5:42 am, Matthew Einhorn wrote: Similarly, if you wanted to overwrite a property by using this property approach in the sub-class, but also call super for the parent's class property getter from within the get/set this wouldn't work!? Realised after sending that you were talking

[Python-ideas] Re: An alternative way of defining properties (warning: contains creative abuse of the class statement)

2020-07-03 Thread Greg Ewing
On 3/07/20 5:42 am, Matthew Einhorn wrote: I think what he may have meant is that if you tried accessing a double-underscore property of the outer class from the get/set methods, it won't properly de-mangle. Ah, I see what you mean. I don't think that's a fatal problem; double-underscore

[Python-ideas] Re: An alternative way of defining properties (warning: contains creative abuse of the class statement)

2020-07-02 Thread Greg Ewing
On 2/07/20 10:49 pm, Stestagg wrote: Coincidentally, cython has a custom, deprecated syntax for properties that is actually pretty similar Not entirely a coincidence -- I invented that syntax for Pyrex, and Cython inherited it. I'm a little disappointed to hear it's been deprecated. :-( --

[Python-ideas] Re: An alternative way of defining properties (warning: contains creative abuse of the class statement)

2020-07-02 Thread Greg Ewing
On 2/07/20 9:00 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote: Perhaps Greg meant to say *up to* rather than "no less". What I said is true for sufficiently small values of 5. :-) You're right that it depends on how many operations you want. For reading and writing it's 3; if you want deleting as well it's 5.

[Python-ideas] Re: An alternative way of defining properties (warning: contains creative abuse of the class statement)

2020-07-02 Thread Greg Ewing
On 2/07/20 9:45 pm, Chris Angelico wrote: On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 7:41 PM Alex Hall wrote: On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 11:33 AM Chris Angelico wrote: What's the idea being discussed? AIUI there's no need or request to change the language/stdlib, but maybe I'm misreading. Ah, now I understand.

[Python-ideas] Re: An alternative way of defining properties (warning: contains creative abuse of the class statement)

2020-07-02 Thread Greg Ewing
On 2/07/20 8:04 pm, Serhiy Storchaka wrote: It has a problem with pickling (it is solvable). Can you elaborate? The end result is a property object just the same as you would get from using @property or calling property directly. I don't see how it can have any pickling problems beyond what

[Python-ideas] An alternative way of defining properties (warning: contains creative abuse of the class statement)

2020-07-02 Thread Greg Ewing
The @property.getter and @property.setter decorators are clever, but they have the disadvantage that you end up writing the name of the property no less than 5 times, all of which have to match. Thinking there must be a better way, I came up with this: def Property(name, bases, dict):

[Python-ideas] Re: Amend PEP-8 to require clear, understandable comments instead of Strunk & White Standard English comments

2020-06-27 Thread Greg Ewing
On 27/06/20 5:30 pm, David Mertz wrote: My point is that _Elements of Style_ is not a set of rules. It's a nice book with generally good advice; it's not a style guide in a formal sense. Also, does it actually say anything that would forbid or discourage use of terms such as "chocker" and

[Python-ideas] Re: giving set.add a return value

2020-06-27 Thread Greg Ewing
On 27/06/20 4:25 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote: Seriously, I genuinely thought that the existing behaviour was the opposite and that `add` unconditionally added the element. "Last seen wins". The fact that you haven't noticed until now suggests that you've never written any code that depends on

[Python-ideas] Re: Amend PEP-8 to require clear, understandable comments instead of Strunk & White Standard English comments

2020-06-27 Thread Greg Ewing
On 27/06/20 4:33 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote: Take the word out of the sentence, and does the sentence still mean the same thing? Then the word was needless. That's an objective test. But in something a fuzzy as natural language, "the same thing" is not a boolean value. How close in meaning does

[Python-ideas] Re: giving set.add a return value

2020-06-25 Thread Greg Ewing
On 26/06/20 4:01 am, Steele Farnsworth wrote: My point was only that, as far as I know, all the methods for built in container types that serve only to change what is contained return None, and that this was an intentional design choice, so changing it in one case would have to evoke a larger

[Python-ideas] Re: giving set.add a return value

2020-06-25 Thread Greg Ewing
On 26/06/20 2:45 am, Steele Farnsworth wrote: Personally, I'd want to see mutator methods return `self` so you can do more than one mutation in a statement, but the convention is that all the mutator methods return `None`. I would say the convention is that mutator methods don't return

[Python-ideas] Re: Please consider adding numbers.Boolean

2020-06-23 Thread Greg Ewing
On 23/06/20 3:23 am, Jonathan Crall wrote: Indicator variables which take a value of either zero are one are extremely common. Yes, but they're explicitly defined as numbers, not truth values. -- Greg ___ Python-ideas mailing list --

[Python-ideas] Re: Please consider adding numbers.Boolean

2020-06-22 Thread Greg Ewing
On 22/06/20 12:19 pm, Neil Girdhar wrote: I'm just curious if there was a reason why Boolean was omitted from the numeric tower in the numbers library? Python's bool type is a subclass of int for historical reasons, not because it's conceptually a numeric type. Doing arithmetic on it doesn't

[Python-ideas] Re: Permanent code objects (less memory, quicker load, less Unix Copy On Write)

2020-06-19 Thread Greg Ewing
On 20/06/20 1:15 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote: Here is some evidence that cache misses makes a real difference for performance. A 70% slow down on calling functions, due to an increase in L1 cache misses: https://bugs.python.org/issue28618 There's no doubt that cache misses are a big issue for

[Python-ideas] Re: Permanent code objects (less memory, quicker load, less Unix Copy On Write)

2020-06-19 Thread Greg Ewing
On 19/06/20 9:28 am, Steven D'Aprano wrote: I know very little about how this works except a vague rule of thumb that in the 21st century memory locality is king. If you want code to be fast, keep it close together, not spread out. Python objects are already scattered all over memory, and a

[Python-ideas] Re: Support infinite temporal types

2020-06-17 Thread Greg Ewing
On 18/06/20 3:00 am, Christopher Barker wrote: 3. String representations and parsing for infinity data (positive and negative). yup -- let the bike shedding begin! My bikeshed suggestions: DISTANT_FUTURE and DISTANT_PAST for datetimes MUCH_LATER and MUCH_EARLIER for timedeltas --

[Python-ideas] Re: json library: non-standards-compliant by default, and what to do about it.

2020-06-17 Thread Greg Ewing
On 17/06/20 5:42 pm, David Mertz wrote: I think the argument 'allow_nan' is poorly spelled. Spelling it 'strict' would have been much better. Maybe 'conformant'. It should be called 'json_me_harder'. -- Greg ___ Python-ideas mailing list --

[Python-ideas] Re: For quicker execution, don't refcount objects that can't be deleted

2020-06-16 Thread Greg Ewing
On 16/06/20 4:16 am, Barry Scott wrote: even unchanging objects get modified by a ref count inc/dec cycle and then the page that the object is in is copy-on-write'ed. End result is that a children share no pages with the parent. I wonder if it's worth trying to do anything about that? Like

[Python-ideas] Re: For quicker execution, don't refcount objects that can't be deleted

2020-06-15 Thread Greg Ewing
On 15/06/20 5:11 pm, Steve Barnes wrote: Of course if we had a NaN value for integers, int('NaN'), then we could just set the initial count to it and since NaN - anything = NaN all would be golden. Or we could use floating-point reference counts... -- Greg

[Python-ideas] Re: approximate equality operator ("PEP 485 follow-up")

2020-06-14 Thread Greg Ewing
On 15/06/20 3:52 am, David Mertz wrote: I've had occasion to use math.isclose(), np.isclose(), and np.allclose() quite often. Can you elaborate a bit on the kinds of things you use them for? -- Greg ___ Python-ideas mailing list --

[Python-ideas] Re: Operator ">" for functions

2020-06-14 Thread Greg Ewing
On 15/06/20 3:36 am, Paul Moore wrote: def foo() -> {1, 2, 3}: return 2 That is, of course, valid syntax right now. I wonder what a type checker could do with it? Even if it understood your intent, it probably couldn't do much, because enforcing that constraint would require a run-time

[Python-ideas] Re: approximate equality operator ("PEP 485 follow-up")

2020-06-14 Thread Greg Ewing
On 15/06/20 12:39 am, Sebastian M. Ernst wrote: It's such a common problem when dealing with floating point numbers Is it really? I've done quite a lot of work with floating point numbers, and I've very rarely needed to compare two of them for almost-equality. When I do, I always want to be in

[Python-ideas] Re: await by default

2020-06-13 Thread Greg Ewing
On 14/06/20 1:42 pm, Chris Angelico wrote: Hmm, I think I see what you mean. So awaiting it would be "spam(123)" No, it would still be "await spam(123)". It's just that you wouldn't be able to separate the await from the call, so this wouldn't be allowed: a = spam(123) await a

[Python-ideas] Re: await by default

2020-06-13 Thread Greg Ewing
On 14/06/20 12:05 pm, Chris Angelico wrote: On Sun, Jun 14, 2020 at 9:54 AM Greg Ewing wrote: Likewise, it's legitimate to create an awaitable object and then await it later. (Personally I think it *shouldn't* be legitimate to do that in the case of await, but Guido thinks otherwise, so

[Python-ideas] Re: await by default

2020-06-13 Thread Greg Ewing
Allowing the 'await' keyword to be omitted would also present some semantic and implementation difficulties. The mechanism behind 'await' is essentially the same as 'yield from', so you're more or less asking for 'yield from' to be automagically applied to the result of an expression. But this

[Python-ideas] Re: await outside async function could map to asyncio.run ?

2020-06-13 Thread Greg Ewing
On 13/06/20 8:47 am, J. Pic wrote: Why not make using await do asyncio.run "behind the scenes" when called outside async function ? That would directly tie the await syntax to the asyncio module. This would not be a good idea. Currently there is nothing special about asyncio -- it's just one

[Python-ideas] Re: await by default

2020-06-13 Thread Greg Ewing
On 13/06/20 3:02 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote: Coroutines are lighter weight than threads because they don't need all the machinary to pre-emptively run threads in parallel; threads are lighter weight than processes because they don't need to be in separate memory spaces enforced by the OS. Well,

[Python-ideas] Re: await by default

2020-06-12 Thread Greg Ewing
On 13/06/20 9:37 am, Chris Angelico wrote: If you don't care where the context switches happen and just want everything to behave sanely by default, use threads, not coroutines. There are other reasons for using coroutines, such as the fact that they're very lightweight compared to threads.

[Python-ideas] Re: Bringing the print statement back

2020-06-11 Thread Greg Ewing
On 11/06/20 2:08 pm, Jonathan Goble wrote: +1 for the limited idea of bringing back the print statement with positional arguments only, as syntactic sugar (and not a replacement) for the print function Would that apply only to the actual built-in print function, or would it work for any

[Python-ideas] Re: Bringing the print statement back

2020-06-11 Thread Greg Ewing
I seem to remember reading somewhere that some very early Lisp systems had a REPL that allowed you to omit the parentheses around a top-level call. But that feature seems to have sunk without trace in the swamps of history. I can't see a good reason for Python to refloat it. -- Greg

[Python-ideas] Re: Bringing the print statement back

2020-06-09 Thread Greg Ewing
On 10/06/20 1:56 pm, Ricky Teachey wrote: I have a question. Is there a very good reason that the language allows spaces between function names and the parentheses? >>> print           (1,2,3) Python, in common with many other languages, allows whitespace between any pair of lexical tokens.

[Python-ideas] Re: Bringing the print statement back

2020-06-09 Thread Greg Ewing
Why is this being proposed? I think we would need a very strong reason to consider this, and so far I haven't seen any justification other than "because we can". -- Greg ___ Python-ideas mailing list -- python-ideas@python.org To unsubscribe send an

[Python-ideas] Re: Optional keyword arguments

2020-05-30 Thread Greg Ewing
On 31/05/20 1:31 am, Steven D'Aprano wrote: On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 10:27:47PM +1200, Greg Ewing wrote: On 28/05/20 7:31 pm, Chris Angelico wrote: Is it an implementation detail that 4 will be used for eggs if it isn't passed? The default value of eggs being 4 is a static fact, but creating

[Python-ideas] Re: Optional keyword arguments

2020-05-30 Thread Greg Ewing
On 30/05/20 8:03 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote: Is this `?=` idea for a general purpose operator we can use anywhere we like? I introduced it as part of a two-part idea for allowing optional parameters without a default. But there would be nothing to stop you from using it elsewhere. The syntax

[Python-ideas] Re: Optional keyword arguments

2020-05-30 Thread Greg Ewing
On 30/05/20 7:15 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote: Out of curiosity, which languages are you thinking of? I know Lua does that, I can't think of any others. You've probably never seen the one I'm thinking of. It's a proprietary, vaguely VB-like language used for scripting a particular application. It

[Python-ideas] Re: Optional keyword arguments

2020-05-30 Thread Greg Ewing
On 30/05/20 4:28 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote: py> len() TypeError: len() takes exactly one argument (0 given) to be replaced with something like this: UnboundLocalError: local variable referenced before assignment Not in my version of the idea, because a parameter would only be

[Python-ideas] Re: Optional keyword arguments

2020-05-29 Thread Greg Ewing
On 30/05/20 2:52 am, Dominik Vilsmeier wrote: Indeed locals are special, but why was it designed this way? Why not resolve such an unbound local name in the enclosing scopes? From experience with other languages I can attest that "sometimes local, sometimes global depending on what gets

[Python-ideas] Re: Optional keyword arguments

2020-05-29 Thread Greg Ewing
On 30/05/20 12:11 am, Steven D'Aprano wrote: I said that the storage mechanism of *how* local variables are stored, and hence whether or not writes to `locals()` are reflected in the local variables, is an implementation detail. That's true, but just to be clear, my ?= idea doesn't rely on

[Python-ideas] Re: Optional keyword arguments

2020-05-29 Thread Greg Ewing
On 29/05/20 11:49 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote: Where else would you put the parameter defaults, if not in the parameter list? In some part of the function that's not the parameter list. :-) There are many ways it could be done. I've suggested one already (a special assignment statement).

[Python-ideas] Re: Python __main__ function

2020-05-28 Thread Greg Ewing
On 29/05/20 8:05 am, tritium-l...@sdamon.com wrote: People write main entry points that are not exactly this? If __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:])) It's not clear that exiting with the return value of main() is the most Pythonic thing to do -- it's more of a C idiom

[Python-ideas] Re: Optional keyword arguments

2020-05-28 Thread Greg Ewing
On 29/05/20 12:17 am, Richard Damon wrote: But default values for arguments are really part of the responsibility for the caller, not the called function. The classic implementation would be that the caller passes all of the explicitly, I would say that's really a less-than-ideal

[Python-ideas] Re: Optional keyword arguments

2020-05-28 Thread Greg Ewing
On 28/05/20 8:57 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote: The default value used by a parameter is certainly important, and one of the most common reasons I call `help(func)` is to see what the default values are. They should be in the signature, and it is an annoyance when all the signature shows is that it

[Python-ideas] Re: Optional keyword arguments

2020-05-28 Thread Greg Ewing
On 28/05/20 7:31 pm, Chris Angelico wrote: Is it an implementation detail that 4 will be used for eggs if it isn't passed? That feels different to me somehow. I think it has something to do with declarative vs. procedural stuff. The default value of eggs being 4 is a static fact, but creating

[Python-ideas] Re: Optional keyword arguments

2020-05-28 Thread Greg Ewing
On 28/05/20 12:38 pm, Rob Cliffe wrote: why not go further (as the OP suggested as far as I recall) and allow the more concise     def order(eggs = 4, spam ?= Spam()):         etc. That clutters up the header with things that are not part of the function's signature. All the caller needs

[Python-ideas] Re: Optional keyword arguments

2020-05-26 Thread Greg Ewing
On 27/05/20 7:36 am, Alex Hall wrote: the only benefit I'm seeing is being able to avoid typing `if obj is sentinel`. In fact it saves even less typing than other proposals since you still have to write `obj ?= value`. "Did the user supply a value for this optional argument?" is a simple and

[Python-ideas] Re: Optional keyword arguments

2020-05-26 Thread Greg Ewing
Wild idea: Instead of sentinels, have a way of declaring optional arguments with no default, and a way of conditionally assigning a value to them if they are not bound. E.g. def order(eggs = 4, spam =): spam ?= Spam() Here the '?=' means "if spam is not bound, then evaluate the rhs

[Python-ideas] Re: Function composition

2020-05-24 Thread Greg Ewing
On 25/05/20 3:27 am, Ram Rachum wrote: Speaking of evil, another evil idea would be to write code that modifies the ast and changes @ between functions to call a compose function instead. How do you tell just from the ast whether a particular @ is between functions? -- Greg

[Python-ideas] Re: Towards better type annotations enabled by PEP-0563, was: Re: Re: type hints : I'd like to suggest allowing unicode → as an alternative to ->

2020-05-23 Thread Greg Ewing
On 24/05/20 10:26 am, Paul Sokolovsky wrote: On Mon, 18 May 2020 13:25:50 +1200 Greg Ewing wrote: Or maybe we could leverage the new walrus operator and write str := (int) With the idea that someone may confuse ":=" for "<-", so we can swap result and a

[Python-ideas] Re: type hints : I'd like to suggest allowing unicode → as an alternative to ->

2020-05-17 Thread Greg Ewing
On 18/05/20 1:59 am, Paul Sokolovsky wrote: But even {(int): str} is a better type annotation for a function than Callable[[int], str]. I don't agree -- it looks more like some kind of dict type, and would be better reserved for that purpose. And if we e.g. talk about making "->" a special

[Python-ideas] Re: Documenting iterators vs. iterables [was: Adding slice Iterator ...]

2020-05-15 Thread Greg Ewing
On 16/05/20 12:26 am, Steven D'Aprano wrote: Arguments over the precise definition of states of matter are, to some degree, futile. I've seen amorphous solids described as "liquids that don't flow" and non-Newtonian liquids described as "solids that flow". I think this just shows that nature

[Python-ideas] Re: Making asserts non-recoverable.

2020-05-13 Thread Greg Ewing
On 14/05/20 8:55 am, Richard Damon wrote: On 5/13/20 2:03 PM, Rhodri James wrote: I'm sorry, but I think the correct response is to give them a spanking in code review.  I certainly wouldn't pass any code that actually relied on assert doing anything. My thought was he just needs to add that

[Python-ideas] Re: Equality between some of the indexed collections

2020-05-07 Thread Greg Ewing
On 7/05/20 9:11 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote: I'm initially going to use the ancient 1960s Fortran syntax and spell it `.EQ.`. I know that syntax will not work in Python because it will be ambiguous. I'm sure the new parser will handle it just fine! -- Greg

[Python-ideas] Re: Equality between some of the indexed collections

2020-05-07 Thread Greg Ewing
On 7/05/20 1:07 pm, David Mertz wrote: For *most* functions, the substitution principle is fine in Python.  A whole lot of the time, numeric functions can take either an int or a float that are equal to each other and produce results that are equal to each other. It's not much use for

[Python-ideas] Re: Equality between some of the indexed collections

2020-05-06 Thread Greg Ewing
On 6/05/20 7:45 pm, Henk-Jaap Wagenaar wrote: So... say you are solving a problem in 1d, you do that on a real number x, right? Now you solve it in 2d, so you do your work on a pair (x, y), then you might solve it in 3d and do your work on a triplet (x, y, z). A few days later you generalize

[Python-ideas] Re: Equality between some of the indexed collections

2020-05-06 Thread Greg Ewing
On 6/05/20 6:12 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote: https://mathworld.wolfram.com/n-Tuple.html https://mathworld.wolfram.com/List.html https://mathworld.wolfram.com/Sequence.html I get the feeling those definitions are a result of seeing things through Mathematica-tinted glasses. -- Greg

[Python-ideas] Re: Equality between some of the indexed collections

2020-05-06 Thread Greg Ewing
On 6/05/20 1:58 pm, Henk-Jaap Wagenaar wrote: I'd say the difference is just one of semantics and as a mathematician I would consider tuples and sequences as "isomorphic", in fact, the set-theoretical construction of tuples as functions is *identical* to the usual definition of sequences: i.e.

[Python-ideas] Re: Equality between some of the indexed collections

2020-05-05 Thread Greg Ewing
On 6/05/20 2:22 am, jdve...@gmail.com wrote: However, if sets and frozensets are "are considered to be fundamentally the same kind of thing differentiated by mutability", as you said, why not tuples and lists? I think that can be answered by looking at the mathematical heritage of the types

[Python-ideas] Re: zip(x, y, z, strict=True)

2020-04-30 Thread Greg Ewing
On 1/05/20 2:58 am, Christopher Barker wrote: Imagine someone that uses zip() in code that works for a while, and then discovers a bug triggered by unequal length inputs. If it’s a flag, they look at the zip docstring, and find the flag, and their problem is solved. Why would they look at

[Python-ideas] Re: deque: Allow efficient operations

2020-04-29 Thread Greg Ewing
On 30/04/20 3:32 am, Christopher Barker wrote: I've wondered about Linked Lists for a while, but while there are many versions on PyPi, I can't find one that seems to be mature and maintained. Which seems to indicate that there isn't much demand for them. I think this is probably because a

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