Re: [sqlalchemy] prototyping a complex query?

2015-04-30 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I'll try the selectable. That's a good idea. This won't work as a view -- it'll run too slow. It could be a view of a function, but then it's not really prototyping. I'm trying to figure out an interim solution on the SqlAlchemy side. Right now I'm using some custom objects that

[sqlalchemy] prototyping a complex query?

2015-04-29 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I have a rather complex query that I've written in SQL • The result-set is 6 columns (1 = timestamp, 2-6 = fkeys on tables/objects) • The query involves 15 tables • The query is about 100 lines of raw SQL • The query is not fun, and apt to change • There are 2 placeholders/bind variables to be

Re: [sqlalchemy] How can i use LIKE with an association proxy?

2015-04-27 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
FWIW, another option is to pull in all the addresses and use a class method to filter. class User(): def all_emails_like(self, expression): return [e for e in self.all_emails if regex_match(expression, e)] I've found that depending on your app/db and the size of

[sqlalchemy] Re: H2 database

2015-04-24 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
SqlAlchemy needs 2 things for a database work: 1. A python database driver 2. A SqlAlchemy dialect (that tells SqlAlchemy how to write sql for the driver) So... 1. H2 doesn't seem to have any Python drivers or other support. I just came across an old forum post that talked about possibly

Re: [sqlalchemy] SQLAlchemy as plain-SQL generator

2015-04-22 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Just be warned of this method -- make sure you're using the most recent SqlAlchemy version in the .9x or 1.x branches. Earlier versions would not apply LIMIT or OFFSET into the bind. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups sqlalchemy group. To unsubscribe

[sqlalchemy] Re: pandas.DataFrame.to_sql method: how to speed up exporting to Microsoft SQL Server (6 minutes for 11 MB!)

2015-04-22 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I've ran into similar issues like this before -- but on different databases. I think it's bad to think of the problem as transmitting 31k/s -- which assumes a particular issue; and much better to think of it as processing 31k/s, which gives a lot more room for interpretation. Looking on

[sqlalchemy] Re: The use of SQLAlchemy for a long term project

2015-04-18 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
As a heavy user, an occasional contributor, and the person who recently mined PyPi for all the historical SqlAlchemy data to generate the new release history matrix... I don't think you have anything to really worry about for long term use. The majority of updates over the past 7 years that

Re: [sqlalchemy] Documentation for SQLAlchemy 0.4.5?

2015-04-16 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
PyPi doesn't always let you see old releases easily anymore. In order to get to older versions off PyPi, you need to use one of 2 tricks: 1. If you know the version number: visit{VERSION_NUMBER} e.g.

[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLAlchemy delay reconnecting

2015-04-04 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I've had issues like this in the past, and in the worst situations your services can end up giving your system a ddos. what i usually do to avoid this, is implement a delay on the connection pool itself, and have each service cycle through a set of delays with a different starting point in

[sqlalchemy] generating safe sqlalchemy.sql.text elements?

2015-04-03 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I have an include file that generates a handful of timestamp clauses: def sql_now(): return sqlalchemy.sql.text((CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'UTC')) def sql_now_minus_10_minutes(): return sqlalchemy.sql.text((CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' - INTERVAL '10 MINUTES')) One of them needs

Re: [sqlalchemy] generating safe sqlalchemy.sql.text elements?

2015-04-03 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
oh, a HUGE thanks! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups sqlalchemy group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To post to this group, send email to

Re: [sqlalchemy] PostgreSQL UNION with ORDER or LIMIT parenthesis patch

2015-04-02 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I wish I saw this earlier. This thread basically describes a situation I've had, and explains a few of the weird hacks I've had to use. If you need a workaround, I've been getting around this by using a union on 2 subqueries, querying the union columns, and using plaintext sql to order (the

Re: [sqlalchemy] is True vs ==True

2015-04-01 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Wednesday, April 1, 2015 at 2:56:31 AM UTC-4, jo wrote: *session.query(Rischio.c.codice).select_from(Rischio).filter(Rischio.c.peso_gruppo == '1') #**true* *session.query(Rischio.c.codice).select_from(Rischio).filter(Rischio.c.peso_gruppo == '0') #false* I don't think that

Re: [sqlalchemy] is it possible to turn off DELETE cascades globally for a session?

2015-03-31 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Thanks! The workaround is best for my purposes. I need to keep the relationships for the app, but they were benching to triple the migration script's timing.Using the engine directly to get around this, everything migrated overnight. _delete = dbSession.execute(

Re: [sqlalchemy] is True vs ==True

2015-03-30 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
If you're just worried about warnings in Flake8, you can turn them off line-by-line: filter( Rischio.c.peso_gruppo == True # noqa )\ -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups sqlalchemy group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop

[sqlalchemy] is it possible to turn off DELETE cascades globally for a session?

2015-03-30 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I'm running a migration script, and the deletes via the ORM were creating a performance issue. (trying to load 4 relationships 9million times adds up) I couldn't find any docs for this (just some references on update cascades) so i sidestepped the issue by just running the Engine's delete on

[sqlalchemy] Re: Is there any potential problem to store datetime as strings in one column?

2015-03-30 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Monday, March 30, 2015 at 9:06:48 PM UTC-4, Bao Niu wrote: To make sure that I understand it right, did you mean hybrid attribute methods when you mentioned property methods here? Thanks No, just simple property methods. A super-simple first Minimum Viable Product/iteration might be:

[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLAlchemy 1.0.0b4 released

2015-03-29 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
If you're not ready for 1.x you should also make sure that you don't upgrade with easy_install or pip = 1.4; both of which will pull the 1.x branch. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups sqlalchemy group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving

[sqlalchemy] Windowed Range Example was out-of-date

2015-03-28 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Just a quick warning to others: I noticed this warning when running a maintenance script that used the Windowed Range Query example: /sqlalchemy/sql/ SAWarning: Textual SQL expression 'rownum % 100=1' should be explicitly declared as text('rownum % 100=1') (this warning

[sqlalchemy] Re: creating a table that shadows (clone of) another table

2015-03-27 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
The easiest way is to use a mixin: -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups sqlalchemy group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

Re: [sqlalchemy] Table Views

2015-03-27 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
SqlAlchemy doesn't natively support traditional database views. They're often handled by reflecting an existing database view as a database table ( There are also some API functions that deal with getting view

[sqlalchemy] Re: Dynamically constructing joins

2015-03-25 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Yeah, there's no reason to touch eval -- and a lot of reasons not to. Security issues aside, when you make a mistake the error will be completely unintelligible. You can create joins dynamically very easily by just iteratively building up on it, and using getattr() if needed. If you're doing

[sqlalchemy] Re: Dynamically constructing joins

2015-03-24 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
any reason why you're not building a query like this? query = db.session.query(label('sid', distinct(a[1].c.patient_sid))) if n = 2 query = query.\ join(a[2],a[2].c.patient_sid==a[1].c.patient_sid) if n = 3 query = query.\

[sqlalchemy] Re: Is there any potential problem to store datetime as strings in one column?

2015-03-23 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Sunday, March 22, 2015 at 7:01:35 PM UTC-4, Bao Niu wrote: Also because sql datetime datatype doesn't persist timezone information. Therefore, I tried to store all the time information as strings. If your database doesn't support timezones, I think it would be easiest to convert

[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLAlchemy 1.0.0b2 released

2015-03-20 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Wow. This is noticeably faster. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups sqlalchemy group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To post to this group, send email to

Re: [sqlalchemy] Sqlalchemy, Flask-User scoped_session

2015-03-16 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Monday, March 16, 2015 at 10:22:27 AM UTC-4, Simon King wrote: It sounds like flask-user assumes that you are using Flask-SQLAlchemy's special declarative_base class. I think that as long as you use Flask-SQLAlchemy's session (which is a scoped_session) and declarative_base

Re: [sqlalchemy] duplicate an object

2015-03-14 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Thats a mixin class that can be added onto any object inheriting from declared_base. You only need one of the `columns_as_dict` options. I showed 3 variations: one that gives all columns, one that lets you specify which columns to include, and another that shows which columns to exclude.

Re: [sqlalchemy] duplicate an object

2015-03-13 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Use a mixin on the classes to create a dict of the column values. Then create a new object with that dict. You can customize the mixin to include or exclude columns as you wish. I use this approach for revision tracking. Class Duplicable(object) @property def columns_as_dict(self):

[sqlalchemy] Re: Having a proxy attribute along a relationship path

2015-03-09 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
What version of SqlAlchemy are you using, and what error are you seeing? I use the association_proxy for M2M, M2O, O2O all the time. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups sqlalchemy group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from

[sqlalchemy] Re: DetachedInstanceError

2015-02-23 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Sunday, February 22, 2015 at 10:09:18 PM UTC-5, Ed Rahn wrote: Let mw know if you need anything else! What version of SqlAlchemy are you using? That may affect someone's answer. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups sqlalchemy group. To

Re: [sqlalchemy] SQL Alchemy on Insert to DB

2015-02-17 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
The simplest way using your code would be: for _candidate_data in candidates: _existing = session.query(CompassCandidate).filter( == if not _existing: # add the new item session.add(_candidate_data) else: # translate the attributes from the new item

Re: [sqlalchemy] SQL Alchemy on Insert to DB

2015-02-17 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
This looks to be your problem: id = Column(String(64), primary_key=True) `id` is a primary key, which means it must be unique. But you're not setting it to a unique value. Most people will use a Serial column for this. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the

Re: [sqlalchemy] SQL Alchemy on Insert to DB

2015-02-17 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
A serial would usually be an integer that is tied to a sequence (postgres, oracle) or auto_increment (mysql). I see in your example that you have a unicode string -- `ORaE9+aCdP0` If that is coming from another db, then you've already migrated that candidate. you'll should do a search for

Re: [sqlalchemy] idle in transaction

2015-02-15 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Saturday, February 14, 2015 at 9:58:26 PM UTC-5, Ed Rahn wrote: This seems like a fairly common use case, do people just not care about it or how do they handle it? This isn't common, and looks like an anti-pattern. Consider these lines from your emails - they're not really compatible

[sqlalchemy] Re: idle in transaction

2015-02-14 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Just to add to Michael's reply -- keep in mind that how you handle the session (commit/rollback/close) will impact the state of any objects the session loaded if you're using the ORM and that can have implications in your app. The default behavior of sessions is to have `expire_on_commit=True`

[sqlalchemy] Re: Is there a tool/library that visually renders SQLAlchemy classes as UMLs or something similar?

2015-02-12 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
If there is a graphical sql designer you prefer -- just use that to create your sql/database. Once you create the SQL, you can use `sqlalcodegen` to convert it to sqlalchemy models. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups sqlalchemy group. To unsubscribe

Re: [sqlalchemy] Seamlessly combining data from multiple tables into a single SQLalchemy object

2015-02-11 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Simon, why not use the association_proxy? You just described this: from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy class Foo(Base): _bar = relationship(Bar, uselist=False, lazy='joined') qux = association_proxy('_bar', 'qux') -- You received this message because you are

Re: [sqlalchemy] Seamlessly combining data from multiple tables into a single SQLalchemy object

2015-02-11 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Yeah, I use this use-case a lot. I never actually search with it -- just usually map the scalar for display needs. But it appear to recognize the join and automaps if needed: s.query(Foo).filter(Foo.qux == 'abc').first() generates SELECT AS foo_id, foo.id_bar AS foo_id_bar,

[sqlalchemy] Re: Seamlessly combining data from multiple tables into a single SQLalchemy object

2015-02-10 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
That's what the association proxy does: On Tuesday, February 10, 2015 at 8:47:29 PM UTC-5, Dun Peal wrote: I have a declarative base called Foo, instances of which get most of their attributes from a Foo SQL

[sqlalchemy] Re: Old event listeners firing on the wrong session?

2015-02-09 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I just wanted to suggest another approach that may work, at least as a fallback. When I upload files to Amazon S3 I track the activity in a logging table (via sqlalchemy) that looks a bit like this: id | filename | timestamp_upload_start | upload_status (bool) | timestamp_deleted Before

[sqlalchemy] Re: How to load sql file during unit test

2015-02-04 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I use the same stack quite often. For something like that, I usually just have the testing script create the database: os.system(psql -Utestuser testdatabase path/to/script.sql) you can store the db credentials in your shell's env variables. you could do everything through sqlalchemy,

[sqlalchemy] One to many lazy load generates incorrect query when the parent attribute appears more than once in the join expression

2015-02-02 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
This is a longshot, but does applying .label('another_name') on one of your columns work? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups sqlalchemy group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

[sqlalchemy] Re: How to log all SQL executed during database introspection?

2015-02-01 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Saturday, January 31, 2015 at 7:41:15 PM UTC-5, Fabio Caritas Barrionuevo da Luz wrote: Hello, how to log all SQL executed during database introspection? I would like to understand how exactly SQLAlchemy does on introspection the database. The easiest way is to turn on ALL sql

[sqlalchemy] Re: Join SQL not optimal with inheritance

2015-01-30 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
This should generate your second query: q = s.query(Foo)\ .join( Boo, == )\ .join( Bar, == )\ .first() -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups sqlalchemy group. To

[sqlalchemy] Re: Mapping Similar yet different table structures automatically

2015-01-30 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
You could use sqlacodegen ( to generate your model: • generate both models • generate one model, then regex the other if you make a lookup table/function to map one column name to another, you could also loop over the columns. something sort of like

[sqlalchemy] Re: as_dictionary between classes

2015-01-27 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Unless I understand you wrong, this should be all you need: def as_dictionary(self): song = { id:, info: } return song FWIW, I just use a base class / mixin that has this method: class UtilityObject(object): def

Re: [sqlalchemy] Difficulties with parallel data insertion into the same table

2015-01-23 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Friday, January 23, 2015 at 12:39:02 PM UTC-5, SF Markus Elfring wrote: Is the reason good enough to avoid the repeated specification of corresponding meta-data? Is it safer to maintain and manage column attributes for some tables only at a single place? How are you currently

Re: [sqlalchemy] Difficulties with parallel data insertion into the same table

2015-01-23 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Friday, January 23, 2015 at 1:10:37 PM UTC-5, SF Markus Elfring wrote: How often do you need to fill these data structures in a concurrent way? Does parallel table creation become more interesting then? Often and Not at All. -- You received this message because you are subscribed

Re: [sqlalchemy] Difficulties with parallel data insertion into the same table

2015-01-23 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Friday, January 23, 2015 at 11:30:33 AM UTC-5, SF Markus Elfring wrote: Are there any chances that this database software implementation will become robust and safe against the discussed race condition? I would not count on this happening in the near future as it doesn't seem to be

Re: [sqlalchemy] Difficulties with parallel data insertion into the same table

2015-01-23 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Friday, January 23, 2015 at 12:48:46 PM UTC-5, SF Markus Elfring wrote: Should the Python class be sufficient for the definition of a table structure? If you're using the declarative syntax, yes. It's common to have a `` file that simply defines the classes in one place;

Re: [sqlalchemy] Difficulties with parallel data insertion into the same table

2015-01-23 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Using IF NOT EXISTS would not solve this problem in a high concurrency scenario. There would still be a race condition within the Postgres internal functions. This is because of how Postgres checks for existing tables and creates new ones with its internal bookkeeping. It's explained in

[sqlalchemy] Re: Handling unique key violations with bulk inserts of large number of rows

2015-01-23 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
+1 to mike's suggestion of batches to weed out potential dupes. that will save a lot. you'd also have to do some pre-processing within your 1000, to make sure one member of that set won't violate a constraint created by another. if your DB supports savepoints, you can also add in a

Re: [sqlalchemy] Difficulties with parallel data insertion into the same table

2015-01-22 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 2:40:19 PM UTC-5, SF Markus Elfring wrote: I am surprised that this database software show such (unexpected) behaviour. Aside from what Michael wrote... The reason why you're seeing an IntegrityError like that, is because Postgres is raising an integrity

Re: [sqlalchemy] SQL join between two tables from two databases

2015-01-20 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 5:34:27 PM UTC-5, Brian Glogower wrote: Thanks for the idea. Do you have an example? I don't have a personal example handle, but from the docs...

Re: [sqlalchemy] SQL join between two tables from two databases

2015-01-20 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 7:12:18 PM UTC-5, Michael Bayer wrote: why is text() needed here?these could be the Table objects set up with “schema=‘schema name’” to start with, then you’d just do the join with query.join(). It's not, I just didn't think of it. But I also saw

Re: [sqlalchemy] SQL join between two tables from two databases

2015-01-19 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I haven't seen anyone bring this up before. If you get stuck and no better answer shows up here... I'd try just having a single session with tables from both DBs in it, and using raw SQL to populate the ORM objects -- using the MySQL native cross-database query format. It's not elegant, but I

[sqlalchemy] Re: ORM code example for a query of a single table

2015-01-15 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Take a look at sqlacodegen It can build the Python classes (sqlalchemy declarative) from your existing database. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups sqlalchemy group. To unsubscribe from this group and

Re: [sqlalchemy] Always Render Binds Inline

2015-01-14 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at 8:12:49 PM UTC-5, Michael Bayer wrote: If you really want to disable bound parameters there’s a flag “literal_binds” that’s on Compiler, but it isn’t going to work for things like dates unless you implement renderers for them. IIRC, `literal_binds`

[sqlalchemy] Re: Slow commit after large select

2015-01-10 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
It's hard to tell what could cause the issue: How many horses are there? What is going on in that other function? Are there foreign key checks involved with the commit? If you want to break a huge batch into smaller commits, there is the `Windowed Range Query` strategy --

[sqlalchemy] Re: Distribute Source for Debugging?

2015-01-10 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Would this work for you: - download the source from github - in your environment, `python develop` the reason why i suggest using the github source, is that you can insert whatever breakpoints/traces you need in a new branch, and quickly see what is modified with a git command or

Re: [sqlalchemy] Difficulty pre-populating session without using .get

2015-01-10 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
yeah, holding onto the all() result is pretty key :) A hacky trick I use on web projects is to have a sqlalchemy_persistance array on the `request` object. i just append everything I load that might be needed again onto that. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to

Re: [sqlalchemy] loop over two large tables to join them

2015-01-05 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I just want to point out something in Simon's first response that might have been missed: Simon batched the query, then used a `commit()` at the end of each batch. That `commit` is pretty important, because it limits his code to only keeping SqlAlchemy objects for the batch -- not every item

[sqlalchemy] Re: When to use .cte(), .alias(), or .subquery() in a UNION of CTEs

2014-12-19 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
It's really confusing. I ran into this a few months ago and wanted to stab things. I can't answer your question, but I can push you in the right direction: The trick is in looking at the actual objects that are returned/expected by each item. Some operations will return objects that require

[sqlalchemy] Re: aggregate data by date-window over multiple import files

2014-12-18 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Based on your specs, I think it would be simplest to store the rows in the DB then just run reports on them. You'd have a solution in minutes. You should be doing a transaction per Excel file, not per row. You could probably create a function or view that generates the record you want. --

[sqlalchemy] Re: aggregate data by date-window over multiple import files

2014-12-18 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Thursday, December 18, 2014 12:42:03 PM UTC-5, dewey wrote: Per file?? Even if it's a really large file?? Is the only limit on transaction size available client memory or are their constraints on the server side as well? Usually, yes. If you fail partway through the file, you'll

[sqlalchemy] Re: Unclear on a few things about the transactional rollback-style of unit testing

2014-12-16 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Take a look at the unit tests for the ORM itself, that might set you straight: -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups sqlalchemy

Re: [sqlalchemy] AmbiguousForeignKeysError or CircularDependencyError

2014-12-11 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Just a quick warning on this pattern (which I use as well)... When dealing with Edits/Updates and Database Migrations, you might run into issues where any mix of SqlAlchemy commands simply will not make the mapper happy. A workaround is to ignore the session and do these operations using the

[sqlalchemy] Re: ORM Instance field validation

2014-12-09 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Have you looked at using the `inspect` tool? It could solve all your issues within an event 1. You can check to see if an object is `.transient` or not. if it is, then it's not bound to a session and you don't have to validate. 2.

[sqlalchemy] Re: ORM Instance field validation

2014-12-09 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
delete everything I said and listen to Mike! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups sqlalchemy group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To post to this group, send

[sqlalchemy] Re: create a relationship to the latest item (i.e. many-to-one, where the 'one' is ordered)

2014-12-05 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Ok this works great! Thanks! The approach is not optimized for speed at all, but it's acceptable for now. A given query might take 112ms with this, and 14ms with my optimized select -- however this lets me use the ORMs eagerloading and I do extensive caching, so the speed issues are offset

[sqlalchemy] create a relationship to the latest item (i.e. many-to-one, where the 'one' is ordered)

2014-12-04 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
This is a simplified example of my issue. I wrote a detailed example, but it might be too confusing. There are three classes: Entity only has one of user_id or username id user_id username profile = relationship( EntityProfile based on user_id )

Re: [sqlalchemy] Handling big Python objects

2014-12-03 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Wednesday, December 3, 2014 4:23:31 PM UTC-5, Ams Fwd wrote: I would recommend just storing them on disk and let the OS VMM deal with caching for speed. If you are not constrained for space I would recommend not zlib-ing it either. I'll second storing them to disk. Large object

Re: [sqlalchemy] Handling big Python objects

2014-12-03 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
If you need to handle large objects, you should look into DBAPI drivers that can stream results. The only drivers i know that can handle a stream are psycopg2 (postgres) and oursql (mysql). There have been a handful of recipes/threads of people using streams for blobs in the archives. I

[sqlalchemy] Re: create_table tries to issue CREATE statements when a table already exists

2014-11-21 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
You need to share your code, in a form that can repeat the error, for anyone to help. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups sqlalchemy group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

[sqlalchemy] Re: can't adapt type 'KeyedTuple'

2014-11-20 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
SqlAlchemy returns column results as a `KeyedTuple`. It's similar to `collections.namedtuple` in the standard library Looking at your code, my guess is that you had something like this: ids = session.query( and are then passing those ids into a query like this:

[sqlalchemy] Re: Compound unique constraint with a nullable column

2014-11-18 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
These might be backend specific and not supported in other databases... but there are some popular postgres tricks to deal with this: * in the constraint, coalesce NULL into an empty string (or other value). * use multiple indexes both are actually discussed in the comments to this question:

[sqlalchemy] Re: Foreign key references a subset of rows in the referenced table

2014-11-16 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Read up on the `uselist=False` option for relationships -- It would look something like this: class Parent(Base): children = relationship(Child, eldest_child = relationship(Child,

[sqlalchemy] Re: Invalid Parameter Type Error on SQL Server Insert

2014-11-13 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Notice the error: 'Invalid parameter type. param-index=2 param-type=list And then the values you're putting in on index 2: (u'url', None, [2L] You're submitting a list, instead of single value. Your problem is this line: ins_id = result.inserted_primary_key according to the docs

[sqlalchemy] Re: Mysql issue with big composite primary keys

2014-11-10 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
This is a well known mysql-ism I remember reading that a short-term fix to this... is to change VARCHAR(256) to VARCHAR(255) It's fixed in some versions of the db ( It looks like 5.6.3 is the earliest :

[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLAlchemy redis mysql, max_user_connection

2014-11-07 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
In addition to what Mike said... My guess is that you probably have an issue with rq. I had run into issues with celery (similar) where I spawned too many background processes. Any given web request required 2 database connections -- one for the web request, and a second one in the celery

[sqlalchemy] Re: can't delete object (AssertionError: Dependency rule tried to blank-out primary key column)

2014-11-06 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
After spending the morning, I realized this is actually a larger problem with SqlAlchemy mapping this existing database. Depending on how I structure the deletes, I get either an AssertionError or a sqlalchemy.exc.CircularDependencyError. I should have mentioned the model: class

[sqlalchemy] Re: can't delete object (AssertionError: Dependency rule tried to blank-out primary key column)

2014-11-06 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
For the next person: I was able to get around this by doing the following: * do not eagerload any of the relations, probably best to keep them out of the identity map altogether * use the sql expressions api to handle any migrations/work dbSession.execute( model.core.Foo.__table__\

[sqlalchemy] Re: iterate through table object

2014-11-06 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
the columns are stored in a `c` attribute of the table. # available on both Class and Instance [ i for i in p.__table__.c ] [ i for i in Person.__table__.c ] # also available using sqlalchemy.orm.class_mapper # p = Person() instance dict((, getattr(p, for col in

[sqlalchemy] Re: iterate through table object

2014-11-06 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
forgot to mention: 1) i think there is a `.columns` property too, but `.c` is a shortcut. 2) there are a few more detailed explanations in the archives here and on stackoverflow 3) this is only the columns. relationships, fkeys, etc are stored differently -- You received this message because

Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: can't delete object (AssertionError: Dependency rule tried to blank-out primary key column)

2014-11-06 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I may try and work this out with my test case later -- I tried just about every permutation, but should have logged them. Thankfully the other half of SqlAlchemy could handle this. The ORM relationships are only used on a Web Display (and some db migration work). Everything is added as

[sqlalchemy] can't delete object (AssertionError: Dependency rule tried to blank-out primary key column)

2014-11-05 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
This error doesn't make sense to me: foo = dbSession.query(Foo).options(joinedload('bar')) dbSession.delete( dbSession.flush() dbSession.delete(foo) dbSession.flush() I'm getting the AssertionError on the `.delete(foo)`, but I've already deleted/flushed --

[sqlalchemy] objects not necessarily pulled from session's identity map when they should (?)

2014-11-04 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I've been going batty on this all morning. I have a permissions check routine that repeatedly queries for a certain Foo2Bar table class Foo2Bar(Base): __tablename__ = 'foo_2_bar' id_foo = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, primary_key=True) id_bar = Column(Integer,

Re: [sqlalchemy] objects not necessarily pulled from session's identity map when they should (?)

2014-11-04 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Thanks! I didn't realize that objects are cleaned up with scope like normal python objects. I thought they were in the session for the lifetime of the session. This was driving me crazy. This is just a web request, so I'm now appending the result into `request.persistanceArray`. instantly

Re: [sqlalchemy] [Q] Semantic difference in not equal operator

2014-10-31 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I agree with what Simon said, and want to point out that he is assuming that that is a relationship of Foo to Bar based on Foo.bar_id = But you should understand that these are two completely different queries AND you haven't described your model at all.

Re: [sqlalchemy] expressing an inferred relationship

2014-10-29 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
No worries. I wanted to avoid those two patterns. I had played around with them, and wasn't too excited by the SQL and the work I'd probably need to optimize the query plan. Was hoping someone may have figured out a simpler way to achieve the same effect. It made more sense to just do a

Re: [sqlalchemy] Print Query (literal_binds)

2014-10-28 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I didn't realize this was an Insert. This doesn't work in 0.9 or in master... Base = declarative_base() class Foo(Base): __tablename__ = 'foo' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) aaa = Column(Integer, ) bbb = Column(Integer, ) q =

[sqlalchemy] expressing an inferred relationship

2014-10-27 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I've been staring at this a few hours, and can't figure out how to adapt a join/query into a relationship. The archives and docs don't seem to help much. It seems reminiscent to an earlier question by Simon King ( ) and some

[sqlalchemy] Re: eager loading the presence of a relationship ?

2014-10-25 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
what DOESNT sqlalchemy do? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups sqlalchemy group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To post to this group, send email to

Re: [sqlalchemy] Serializing sqlalchemy declarative instances with yaml

2014-10-24 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Usually for this sort of stuff, I serialize the object's data into a JSON dict ( object columns to JSON dict, object relations to a dict, list of dicts, or reference to another object). ( Custom dump/load is needed to handle Timestamp, Floats, etc). You might be able to iterate over the data

Re: [sqlalchemy] Serializing sqlalchemy declarative instances with yaml

2014-10-24 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Friday, October 24, 2014 10:39:43 AM UTC-4, Peter Waller wrote: I was also hoping to just use yaml to avoid writing custom dumping code, since it seems in general like a useful capability. So I may yet try and find the underlying bug and fix it. It might not be a bug, and the effect of

[sqlalchemy] Re: Print Query (literal_binds)

2014-10-24 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I believe you have to specify a dialect in order to get the binds presented in the right format. This is the utility function i use for debugging. you could easily adapt it to return a sqlite statement. that being said -- I don't think

[sqlalchemy] eager loading the presence of a relationship ?

2014-10-24 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
does anyone know if its possible to implement some form of eagerloading or class attribute where only the presence (or first record, or count) of relations are emitted? I have a few queries where i'm loading 100+ rows, but I only need to know whether or not any entries for the relationship

[sqlalchemy] Re: Subquery giving single values in the SELECT part of a query

2014-10-22 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
To get the first form, you'd create separate queries and turn them into a subquery. (I'm not sure if this would work on a relationship, but this would be the form for columns) sq_t_queued = db.session.query(Task.tasks_queued).count().subquery('t_queued') sq_t_running =

[sqlalchemy] joinedloads under a subqueryload

2014-10-21 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I've been staring at this for a while, and can't figure out a way to make the mapper happy: i have 3 Classes (tables): * List (list) * ListItem (list_item) * ItemType1 (item_type_1) * ItemType2 (item_type_2) * ItemType3 (item_type_3) until now i've been using a joinedload

Re: [sqlalchemy] joinedloads under a subqueryload

2014-10-21 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
subqueryload(‘list_item’), joinedload('list_item.item_type_1'), joinedload('list_item.item_type_2'), joinedload('list_item.item_type_3'), ah! so sqlalchemy is smart enough to magically map the joinedloads onto the subqueryload! I never would have guessed that! -- You received this

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