[Biofuel] Using E10 in the new car

2005-09-22 Thread mkmiller
Patrick. I live in Wisconsin and have been using E10 for almost two decades in all of my gasoline powered vehicles. I worked at a Ford and Chrysler dealership in the service department during the '80's and earliy '90's. Both vehicle manufacturers modified their products' fuel systems to

[Biofuel] H2 fireplace image

2005-04-27 Thread mkmiller
Here is the link to the image of the Hydrogen fireplace. http://www.heatnglo.com/news/index.asp# As you can see, it is not a typical fireplace. I do not see this device being used by anyone interested in actually heating a room. It is just another vain product to be sold to wealthy people.

[Biofuel] taking out Saddam

2005-04-04 Thread mkmiller
Darryl wrote: Clearly, taking out Saddam had nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction (the U.N. inspectors had all but proven he had none before the U.S. found the courage to invade), or 9/11 (the plans were in play in the U.S. Administration *before* the planes hit the towers). It

[Biofuel] Using E85 in a standard 1996 E150

2005-04-04 Thread mkmiller
I was in Duluth, MN this weekend and decided to experiment. I have been using E10 for years in all of my gasoline engines, large and small, without any problems, so Saturday when I saw E85 offered at one location at $0.55 per gallon less than gasoline I put in 10 gallons on top of the 10

[Biofuel] (no subject)

2005-04-04 Thread mkmiller
What do you mean specifically? Why only reference Christianity? What is the secret that nobody seems to be able to spell out? If the truth is so incomprehensible and unobtainable how can anyone be expected to know it when they find it? Michael M Better start thinking neocons and giving

[Biofuel] No problems man

2005-03-26 Thread mkmiller
I monitor this list daily, and I have not noticed any problem that would have prevented me from participating in a discussion. Remember, the Internet is based on a conectionless protocol technology that has absolutely zero assurance of performance. Packets get lost, messages get scrambled,

[Biofuel] Re: factory farms vs. big cities

2005-03-08 Thread mkmiller
Phillip. I would like to know about this. I have no experience with municiple waste handling, but I have lived in the farm belt all of my life and know how hard small family farmers work to manage their waste streams. The problem I see with urban sprawl is the attempt to utilize the same

[Biofuel] factory farms vs. large cities

2005-03-07 Thread mkmiller
Sure factory farms are different than large cities, but not when it comes to waste. If you think the waste from 125,000 animals is a problem, try dealing with the waste from 10,000,000 humans in one metro area. No soil type is capable of handling that much waste, in any form. If the

[Biofuel] End of Suburbia and Ruralization

2005-02-27 Thread mkmiller
Pannir, I feel the same as you. The big cities ruin the ecology. The whole premis that millions of people should live jam packed in a city is wrong. Cities artificially compensate for the massive overtaxing of the ecology by building waste water treatment plants, storm water run off systems,

[Biofuel] subersive nature of knowledge

2005-02-27 Thread mkmiller
Keith wrote: That is one of the most important aspects of biofuels, IMO: the sheer impact on your outlook of making your own fuel for the first time and running your motor on it, knowing that it's BETTER than the stuff the big guys make, and that ANYBODY can do it, is more empowering than

[Biofuel] SS drums

2005-01-12 Thread mkmiller
Here is a link to a Wisconsin suppler of SS drums. http://www.labsafety.com/store/product_group.asp?dept_id=10963parent_id=907 Mikem ___ Biofuel mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://wwia.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/biofuel Biofuel at Journey to

[Biofuel] trimming replies

2005-01-11 Thread mkmiller
I thought this list required participants to include the entire original post when replying. Mikem Martin wrote: **Please trim your replies! ** To make the messages easier to read, and to make the list digest readable at all. If you reply, please leave only the relevant information in

[Biofuel] Killing peasants to drill for oil

2004-12-30 Thread mkmiller
Can someone explain why it seems to be common practice to drive off the peasants in order to drill for oil? The farmers are working the surface of the land and the oil is miles below. So, why doesn't the governments/oil companies simply build a road out to where the derrick needs to be and

[Biofuel] to church or to garage

2004-12-27 Thread mkmiller
If going to church makes a person a Christian, does going to a garage make a person a car? No, going to church makes one part of a fellowship of believers, and going to a garage makes one part of a fellowship of mechanics. Mikem Date: Sat, 25 Dec 2004 21:14:02 -0500 From: Appal Energy [EMAIL

[Biofuel] alcohol by freezing the mash

2004-12-23 Thread mkmiller
COOL!! It is -10F below outside right now. I could be making hooch, I mean fuel, with zero energy input; sweet. Mike Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2004 09:39:36 -0500 From: Legal Eagle [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [Biofuel] Producing ethanol for fuel use To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Message-ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Biofuel] Food waste and Leaping for $1.50

2004-12-16 Thread mkmiller
This has been on my mind since my mother first scolded me for not finishing my vegetables. But how, in a global economy, does my improved efficiency of food use get one extra meal to someone outside of my local market? By the time the products are available for me to consume they are already

[Biofuel] food waste in perspective

2004-12-15 Thread mkmiller
Jones estimates an average family of four currently tosses out $590 per year, just in meat, fruits, vegetables and grain products. To put $590 per year in perspective, it is roughly half of what we spend on telecommunication services(cable, telephone cell phone) each year, or about $1.50

[Biofuel] transporting 500gal of flammable material

2004-12-03 Thread mkmiller
Doug. I think transporting 500gal (3,000lbs) of flammable material would also require a commercial drivers license with Haz-Mat and liquid material endorsements. Personal use would not exempt you. However, I think farm use is still exempt. Mikem Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2004 16:27:29 -0600 From:

[Biofuel] reply to Gregory

2004-12-01 Thread mkmiller
Do not put two barrels of B100 on the roof of your car. The weight would exceed the limits of the roof before the additional stress of pot-holes would send the barrels crashing down on you. Have a class I hitch installed on your car and rent/purchase a light duty utility trailer to haul the

[Biofuel] waste petroleum oil as biodiesel

2004-10-30 Thread mkmiller
My appologies to the group if this is not in the correct format; this is my first post. Todd. In my previous life (11 years ago) I worked in the heavy vehicle maintenance field. At that time there were products available that would allow a diesel engine to burn a portion of the crankcase oil