[OSM-ja] Distributed Web and Big Data event in Tokyo

2018-11-18 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Hi all, If you are in Tokyo and if you're free on Thursday evening 11/22, there is an event about the "Dat Project" co-organized by Georepublic: https://georepublic.connpass.com/event/105079/participation/ This is some technology I'm working on now for about a year. It's about the Distributed Web

[OSM-ja] Tagging a Japanese address correctly

2015-12-16 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Hi, I tried to find a Wiki page about tagging Japanese addresses correctly. I only found the general "JA:Key:addr" page: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JA:Key:addr Is there already some other guideline how to do this? For example for a building I could add the following tags? addr:full=兵

[OSM-ja] Admin-Boundary-Layer in OpenMapSurfer

2014-04-08 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Hi all, Heidelberg University published an "Admin-Boundary-Layer" in OpenMapSurfer, which looks pretty nice in Europe: http://openmapsurfer.uni-hd.de/?zoom=8&lat=51.26104&lon=13.16722&layers=0BFTFF ... but somehow not so good in Japan: http://openmapsurfer.uni-hd.de/?zoom=8&lat=36.13453&lon=1

[OSM-ja] Fwd: [OSM-talk] Launching OpenAddresses

2014-03-25 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
In my opinion this is a nice idea to use Github issues to manage (address) data processing. Might be interesting for Japanese imports as well. Daniel -- Forwarded message -- From: Ian Dees Date: Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 6:27 AM Subject: [OSM-talk] Launching OpenAddresses To: t...@op

[OSM-ja] Updated Japanese version of OSM flyer

2013-06-27 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Hi all, Yesterday arrived a package with new Japanese OSM Flyers (and updated ODbL license information): https://plus.google.com/115362922678143387326/posts/JSkcRcuXbFu Just use the following "order" form, if you need some for a mapping party, event or to recruit new OSM mappers in your town: htt

Re: [OSM-ja] Yahoo/ALPSインポート 完了のお知らせ

2013-06-26 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
> なお、地図のエラー訂正を "楽しみながら" 行えそうな方法はいつでも大募集です。 > MapRouletteの日本版とか立てたら良いのかなー、とは考えているのですが。 > http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/MapRoulette > > This would be nice! Daniel -- Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan eMail: daniel.ka...@georepublic.de Web: http://georepublic.de

Re: [OSM-ja] SotM 2013の宿泊

2013-06-23 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Taro-san, Ibis Hotel chain is usually an affordable business hotel http://www.ibis.com/gb/hotel-1459-ibis-birmingham-city-centre/index.shtml I don't know it's convenient location, but the price seems to be good. Daniel 2013/6/24 Taro Matsuzawa > 松澤です。 > > FOSS4Gで発表をするのですが、 > SOTMから参加しようと考えていま

Re: [OSM-ja] プレゼンテーション提案締め切り for SotM 2013

2013-06-09 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Miura-san, This September I'm not going to UK, so I won't submit any presentation. Daniel On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Hiroshi Miura wrote: > 三浦です。 > > 英国時間のあす、SotM2013のプレゼン提案締め切りがきます。 > 夏時間中ですので、時差は8時間ですよ。 > > 5分や10分ならば、英語で活動を紹介するのに、十分勇気がでるとおもいます。 > Robが紹介してくれた、SWOT分析おもしろいですね。 > > ---

Re: [OSM-ja] OSMタイル配信サーバ名称変更

2013-05-24 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
2013/5/25 Hiroshi Miura(@osmf) > 三浦です。 > > OSMタイル配信サーバのプロジェクト名称を変えました。 > > TileMan > Great name! Daniel -- Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan eMail: daniel.ka...@georepublic.de Web: http://georepublic.de ___ Talk-ja mailing list Talk-ja@openstreetma

Re: [OSM-ja] (開発者募集)OSMタイル配信サーバの開発

2013-04-10 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
> > > 必要なパッケージをPPAで提供しています > https://launchpad.net/~miurahr/+archive/openstreetmap > This is great! My favorite way to install software ;-) Daniel > > > *ppa:miurahr/openstreetmap > > *libmapnik-dev パッケージに mapnik-configは含まれています。 > > このPPAにnginxも、osm2pgsqlもいれました。 > スクリプトの更新いただければと思います。 > > > 三浦

Re: [OSM-ja] (開発者募集)OSMタイル配信サーバの開発

2013-04-05 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
> Osmosisの使い方がまだまだ研究余地が有りそうです。 > > Osmosisをうまく使うと、たとえば、planetの毎分の更新ファイルから、 > 日本分だけ抽出してPostGISに適用する、とか、そういうことができるようです。 > Imposm is also an interesting tool to import OSM data: http://imposm.org/docs/imposm/latest/ Like Osmosis you can clip areas with .poly files. Imposm is nice to directly read fr

Re: [OSM-ja] OSM Tasking Manager

2013-04-02 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
; 私もOSM Tasking Managerのadmin権限いただけますでしょうか? > 地元のマッピングに使用してみようかと思います。 > 宜しくお願い致します。 > > > > --- On *Thu, 2013/3/28, Daniel Kastl * wrote: > > > > > 2013/3/28 Satoshi IIDA > http://mc/compose?to=nyamp...@gmail.com> > > > > > いいだです。 > > Ad

Re: [OSM-ja] OSM Tasking Manager

2013-03-27 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
2013/3/28 Satoshi IIDA > > いいだです。 > > Admin権限ほしいです!ヽ(=´▽`=)ノ > Done. > > > 2013年3月27日 18:23 ikiya : > > ikiyaです。 >> >> ダニエルさん、関さん、説明ありがとうございます。 >> >> OSM Tasking Managerの取扱いについて内容理解できました。 >> ぜひ活用していきたいと思います。 >> 活用できるようなシーンも作れればと思います。 >> >> >> >> >> --- On *Wed, 2013/3/27, Hal Seki * wrote:

Re: [OSM-ja] OSM Tasking Manager

2013-03-26 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
2013/3/27 Hal Seki > 飯田さん > 補足ありがとうございます。 > ikiya さん、飯田さんの言うとおりアプリケーション自体は特に災害にしか利用しては行けないとは書かれていませんでした。 > OSM Tasking Managerは、 > ズームレベルが選べるとはいえタイルごとに区切ることになるので、ある程度規模の大きい所で、多くの参加者がいるところの方が向いていると思います。 > 飯田さんの言う通り、マッピングパーティとかの狭い範囲、少人数のタスク割であれば、MapCraftの方が便利だと思います。 > I tried both: OSM TM and MapC

Re: [OSM-ja] OSM Tasking Manager

2013-03-26 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
2013/3/27 ikiya > ikiyaです。 > > 関さん、OSM Tasking Managerの紹介ありがとうございます。 > > 一点、教えてください。 > OSM Tasking Managerは Humanitarian OSM Teamチームのプロジェクト用なのかと > 思っていました。 > (災害支援、人道的救済でのマッピングに使うもの?と思い込みしてました。) > OSM Task Manager was originally developed for HOT, mainly by Camptocamp, with initial funding and t

Re: [OSM-ja] 住所

2013-02-08 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Hi all, That's a topic I like. Thanks! And sorry for writing in English, but then I can better explain, I think. First of all I think tagging an address with "addr:street" is not a good idea in Japan. In Europe and US an address is defined by City + Street + House Nr., but in Japan the address sy

Re: [OSM-ja] Fwd: [OSM-talk] Bug fixes multilingual map

2012-12-02 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
e an exact copy > of name:ja), may well lead to a large number of errors. > > 残念ですが、name:ja だけと知っても、name:ja_kana も name:ja_rm も name:en が分からない可能性があります。 > 漢字の読み方がそんなに簡単なことではないですし。 > ローマ字のスタイルはいろいろがありますし。 > そうすれば、**一つ一つ考えないとエラーが多くなるかもしれません。 > > > On 2012-12-03 10:41, Daniel Kast

[OSM-ja] Fwd: [OSM-talk] Bug fixes multilingual map

2012-12-02 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Probably some of you also follow the "multilingual map" development of Jochen Topf and the discussion on the talk list. I just want to forward this, as Korea also puts "two languages" in the name tag as Japan, ie. 東京 (Tokyo). As you can see, it should be the job of the map renderer to do this, bec

Re: [OSM-ja] 位置参照情報 Import?

2012-11-09 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
位置参照情報は出典表記すれば利用が可能です。 > http://nlftp.mlit.go.jp/isj/ > > 国土数値情報(KSJ2)と同様に位置参照情報も国交省国土政策局が管理しています。 > 以下のwikiにあるようにインポート利用については国土政策局に2012年7月確認されています。 > http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import/Catalogue/Japan_KSJ2_Import > http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import/Catalog

[OSM-ja] 位置参照情報 Import?

2012-11-09 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Hi list, Looking at this wiki page, it seems that 位置参照情報 address data has been already imported: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import/Catalogue/Japan_ISJ_Import Is this also still OK with ODBL? Daniel -- Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan eMail: daniel.ka...@georepublic.de Web: http://

Re: [OSM-ja] [OSM-talk] Translating the world

2012-10-25 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
A better link directly to Japanese interface: http://toolserver.org/~kolossos/openlayers/kml-on-ol-json3.php?lang=ja&zoom=3&lat=50.51632&lon=5.85569&layers=0BTFFF On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 10:41 AM, Daniel Kastl wrote: > Just wanted to forward this email, because I thi

[OSM-ja] Fwd: [OSM-talk] Translating the world

2012-10-25 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Just wanted to forward this email, because I think it affects Japan. I'm very glad to see multi-lingual maps, but again I'm worried about many "name" tags in Japan, which are like "name=東京 (Tokyo)". In my opinion this is not so good idea, because it's tagged for the OSM renderer. But I know there

Re: [OSM-ja] Article in NYT about Mapion and OSM

2012-09-28 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
gt; http://www.osmf.jp/news/protestagainstnyt > > 記事の英訳は検討中です。 > > 2012/9/26, ikiya : > > ikiyaです。 > > > > 古橋さん、コメントありがとうございます。 > > > > > https://www.facebook.com/mapconcierge/posts/473744215993332?notif_t=share_comment > > > > http://openstreetmap.jp/node/14

Re: [OSM-ja] Article in NYT about Mapion and OSM

2012-09-25 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
ータです。 > > https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=505426332819676&set=a.313949581967353.87430.10569420263&type=1 > > 他に、OSMのデータが使われている場所を発見した方がいれば共有よろしくお願いします。 > > > 2012/9/26 Daniel Kastl > >> >> 変な言いがかりはつけられたくないですね。 >>> ただ、このMapアプリのAcknowledg

Re: [OSM-ja] Article in NYT about Mapion and OSM

2012-09-25 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
> 変な言いがかりはつけられたくないですね。 > ただ、このMapアプリのAcknowledgements > http://gspa21.ls.apple.com/html/attribution.html > には OSM が記載されているので、全く未使用ということはないのかなぁ。 > どちらにしろ、OSM だから間違ってるとかデータが古いとか言ってるのは > 正さなければ。 > > Well, the list of map data sources is very long. And it's not correct to guess the data that is wrong

Re: [OSM-ja] Article in NYT about Mapion and OSM

2012-09-25 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Hi Japanese mappers, Anyone knows Mr. Yamagishi, so we can ask him? Would be interesting to ask him how he knows that OSM data is used by Apple. I mean, he's claiming this in an international newspaper, so he should be able to proof what he says. Otherwise he will probably tell this wrong informat

Re: [OSM-ja] SotM 2012 Tokyo 開催報告

2012-09-13 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
I think we can also link reports and articles in the conference Wiki: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/State_Of_The_Map_2012#Reports.2Farticles_on_SotM12 It has been done the years before as well. There is another one: http://blog.geofabrik.de/?p=163 Daniel 2012/9/14 Taichi Furuhashi > OS

Re: [OSM-ja] Design Document for the Multilingual maps Wikipedia project(日本語)

2012-08-30 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
> > > たとえば、来年のGSOC (Google Summer of Code)に参加してみるという方法は > いかがでしょうか? > > Yes, that's a good idea! Or someone does it for glory ;-) Daniel -- Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan eMail: daniel.ka...@georepublic.de Web: http://georepublic.de ___ Talk-ja ma

Re: [OSM-ja] Design Document for the Multilingual maps Wikipedia project(日本語)

2012-08-30 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
> > > > With support for multilingual maps it's important that mappers know about > > this feature and use "name:" tags correctly, I think. > > Then we can create much better maps. > > うーん、 > 上記の事柄は、マッパにーに正しく行ってもらうのは難しいと思います。 > > name: タグは、そのタグが位置する国の言語で書くのが一番素直だと思います。 > 特に日本のような、(ほぼ)単一言語が使われている国では

Re: [OSM-ja] Design Document for the Multilingual maps Wikipedia project(日本語)

2012-08-30 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
2012/8/30 ribbon > On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 01:14:03PM +0900, Daniel Kastl wrote: > > Hi Japanese list, > > > > I just wanted to forward this information to the Japanese community: > > > > There is the "Multilingual maps Wikipedia project&qu

[OSM-ja] Design Document for the Multilingual maps Wikipedia project

2012-08-29 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Hi Japanese list, I just wanted to forward this information to the Japanese community: There is the "Multilingual maps Wikipedia project": http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Multilingual_maps_Wikipedia_project And Jochen Topf, who is working on this, has published a "Design Document": http://wik

[OSM-ja] The bot arrived in Japan

2012-07-20 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Hi all, I think the redaction bot reached Japan: http://harrywood.dev.openstreetmap.org/license-change/botprocessing.php?zoom=5&lat=35.15585&lon=134.25293&layers=B00FFTFF Daniel -- Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan eMail: daniel.ka...@georepublic.de Web: http://georepublic.de

Re: [OSM-ja] First glaciers in Japan recognized

2012-04-05 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Show-ichiさん、 Thanks a lot! Very nice PDF's. Daniel 2012/4/6 内田祥一 > Show-ichi です。 > > Daniel Kastl さんは書きました: > >Hi all, > > > >Does someone know where these "new glaciers" are? > >http://www.japantimes.co.jp/text/nn20120405x3.html > > >

[OSM-ja] First glaciers in Japan recognized

2012-04-05 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Hi all, Does someone know where these "new glaciers" are? http://www.japantimes.co.jp/text/nn20120405x3.html I just read this article in Japanese. Probably there is more information in Japanese. Would be cool to add them to OSM Daniel -- Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan eMail: daniel.ka...@

Re: [OSM-ja] osm.jp落ちてませんか?

2011-11-12 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
11/11/12 Daniel Kastl > I will take a look. > > > 2011/11/12 Takashige Nakagawa > >> 中川と申します。 >> >> 確かにつながりませんね。 >> >> iPhoneから送信 >> >> On 2011/11/12, at 16:30, Yoichi Seino wrote: >> >> > 清野です。 >> > >> > 現在関

Re: [OSM-ja] osm.jp落ちてませんか?

2011-11-12 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
I will take a look. 2011/11/12 Takashige Nakagawa > 中川と申します。 > > 確かにつながりませんね。 > > iPhoneから送信 > > On 2011/11/12, at 16:30, Yoichi Seino wrote: > > > 清野です。 > > > > 現在関西オープンソース2011でセミナー中です。 > > > > そこでhttp://www.openstreetmap.jp/ を紹介しようと思ったのですが、 > > なんか落ちているようで、皆様にお見せできませんでした。 > > > > もし何かご存じの方がいら

[OSM-ja] Tile Renderer with 5 commands

2011-10-07 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Hi everyone, Just reading s post on the German mailing list, that I think is worth to spread: http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-de/2011-October/089415.html So for everyone interested in running an own tile renderer and couldn't so far manage to set it up, Kai is trying to make this as

Re: [OSM-ja] CT/ODbL拒否ユーザデータの書き換えについて(was: [OSM-talk] Data reconciliation. Removing CT/ODbL declined users.)

2011-07-21 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
I saw that mapper "171838 argrath" is on this list of rejecting users: http://fred.dev.openstreetmap.org/license/ Has anyone talked to him? I think this would cause a lot of imported data to be deleted, if I don't mistake. Daniel 2011/7/21 Shu Higashi > 東です。 > > ライセンスワーキンググループから > 新しい投稿規約/OD

[OSM-ja] Tsunami map styles

2011-05-08 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Hi list, Not sure this has been already posted on this list, but better twice than never: In the OSM Wiki has been added a map style page to show POI's for the Tsunami affected regions: http://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/Styles/JP-Tsunami Maybe

[OSM-ja] 原発マップ

2011-04-16 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Today in the German weekly OSM news I read about a nuclear power-plant map (in French): http://www.leretourdelautruche.com/map/nuke/?zoom=5&lat=38.05361&lon=136.50756&layers=B00TT There are a few issues with Japanese fonts, I think. Here are informations about how to tag a nuclear power-plant: htt

[OSM-ja] Fwd: [OSM-talk] Google Maps changes their ToU

2011-04-11 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Good to have OSM ;-) -- Forwarded message -- From: Martijn van Exel Date: 2011/4/11 Subject: [OSM-talk] Google Maps changes their ToU To: Talk Openstreetmap Hi all, The Google Maps API's ToU has been 'reviewed' by Google[1]. New applications using the GM API will no longer be

Re: [OSM-ja] OSC 2011 Kansai@KOBE 出展、セミナー発表します

2011-04-02 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
> > > 展示、OpenStreetMap 説明のお手伝いをしてくれる方の参加も歓迎します。 > > 準備予定品 > ・OSM パンフレット(OSMFJ 作成) > ・パソコン > ・電源タップ > ・GPS ロガー > > > ※パソコンは展示用にノートを持参しますがどなたかディスプレイを用意いた > だけると大変ありがたいです。 > I will bring the display. Do we have one table or two tables? Daniel > > ※他に展示品などありましたら私までご連絡頂くか当日持参頂けますでしょう > か。 > > >

Re: [OSM-ja] ミーティング開催のお知らせ

2011-03-19 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Higashi-san, Same chat room as usual? Daniel 2011/3/19 S.Higashi > 東です。 > > 国内外でマッピングに参加してくださっている方への呼びかけです。 > > 本日、3/19(土)17時頃から、集まれる方だけでも集まって > 日本のマッピングを進めるに当たって > 現在の状況把握や、問題があるならどうしたら良いか > 意見交換しませんか。 > 作業でお忙しい方は、そちらに専念してください。 > > skypeにOSMJapanというチャットルームを作りましたので > 参加頂ける方は私までskypeIDを直メールでお知

[OSM-ja] Fwd: [OSM-talk] Please help contacting a Newbee in Japan

2011-03-17 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Does someone know about this? -- Forwarded message -- From: colliar Date: 2011/3/17 Subject: [OSM-talk] Please help contacting a Newbee in Japan To: OpenStreetMap I do not speak Japan and I do not know if yoyoou knows english. Anyway the user started mapping just two days ago

[OSM-ja] Japan quake radioactive material monitoring

2011-03-17 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Not sure this was posted here already or not, so just ignore if it's duplicate. I just received an email from a Japanese friend (thank you Hajime!) with a link to this map: http://maps.google.co.jp/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&brcurrent=3,0x34674e0fd77f192f:0xf54275d47c665244,0&msa=0&msid=208563616382231

[OSM-ja] Fwd: [OSM-talk] Japanese - help by students

2011-03-16 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Question on OSM "talk" list. There are probably not many supermarkets yet. Daniel -- Forwarded message -- From: Jan Tappenbeck Date: 2011/3/17 Subject: [OSM-talk] Japanese - help by students To: t...@openstreetmap.org hi! i analyse the area of japanese and found only 20 su

[OSM-ja] New imagery source available: SpotImage

2011-03-16 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
The German OSM blog ( http://blog.openstreetmap.de/2011/03/erdbeben-und-tsunami-in-japan/) was updated and explained about a newly available WMS source from SpotImage. The OSM Wiki in English was already updated, and I added it to the Japanese Wiki page, too: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JA:

Re: [OSM-ja] [OSM-talk] Crisis mapping - assistance requested for infrastructure mapping in Tohoku/Japan

2011-03-16 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
use Japanese, there will be someone to answer your questions or help with translations. Daniel 2011/3/16 Daniel Kastl > If you want to help mapping Japan and don't know where, take a look at this > map: > > http://www.arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html?webmap=667dc8e453

Re: [OSM-ja] [OSM-talk] Crisis mapping - assistance requested for infrastructure mapping in Tohoku/Japan

2011-03-15 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
If you want to help mapping Japan and don't know where, take a look at this map: http://www.arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html?webmap=667dc8e453c347cfb89a846d6dffb61d Orange: Tsunami affected area Purple: areas with many people at the moment Thank you to Ikiya for this information! Daniel

Re: [OSM-ja] [OSM-talk] Crisis mapping - assistance requested for infrastructure mapping in Tohoku/Japan

2011-03-15 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
I received an email from Marc (German OSM community) and we want to write another article on the German OSM blog to tell mappers where they can help: http://blog.openstreetmap.de/ So my questions: - Is this page up-to-date? http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/2011_Sendai_earthquake_and_tsuna

Re: [OSM-ja] [osmfj] Re: World Support for Japan Crisis Response

2011-03-14 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
are probably people who have some experience or advice. Daniel > > > を活用してください。 > だれでもアカウントを作れるようになっていますし、 > 権限が必要であれば付与することが可能です。 > > よろしくお願いします。 > > > 2011/3/15 Daniel Kastl : > > Imaki-san, > > Thank you! I think it's difficult to oversee all

Re: [OSM-ja] World Support for Japan Crisis Response

2011-03-14 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
bout current OSM > priorities? > > I am little bit confused about which remote sensing data I can use for > OSM mapping. Can we use air photo's Chiriin took after the disaster? > > Thank you so much for communicating with rest of the world!! > > Hiroo > > 2011/3/1

Re: [OSM-ja] World Support for Japan Crisis Response

2011-03-14 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
ffort the more I saw the > random GIS posts on Skype. Thank you for your work! If you don't mind, I > will add you to our subgroup email list to help consolidate the efforts. I > will look into joining the lists you mention. > > Best regards, > > Peter > > > O

Re: [OSM-ja] DLR satellite images

2011-03-14 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
And one more link to print maps: http://www.zki.dlr.de/article/1893 <http://www.zki.dlr.de/article/1893>Daniel 2011/3/14 Daniel Kastl > Hi, > > I just found this link of the German Aerospace Center (DLR), that > processed satellite images of the tsunami area. > Here some

[OSM-ja] DLR satellite images

2011-03-14 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Hi, I just found this link of the German Aerospace Center (DLR), that processed satellite images of the tsunami area. Here some interactive map: http://www.zki.dlr.de/japan/intmap The satellite image provider is Rapideye. I will try to contact them and ask for

[OSM-ja] Fwd: [CrisisMappers] Japan post-earthquake & tsunami imagery for Google Earth

2011-03-12 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
-- Forwarded message -- From: Christiaan Adams Date: 2011/3/13 Subject: [CrisisMappers] Japan post-earthquake & tsunami imagery for Google Earth To: crisismappers Hi CrisisMappers, We have a bunch of post-event imagery from GeoEye available for Japan. You can get the KML for Goo

[OSM-ja] Fwd: [CrisisMappers] Fletcher/MIT/Harvard Japanese crisis mapping effort

2011-03-12 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
: Daniel Kastl , Imad Ahmed < iah...@alumni.ls.berkeley.edu>, Ka-Ping Yee , Ryan Falor < rfa...@google.com>, Christiaan Adams Hey Daniel this is what I get if I try to open the page: フレームワークエラー Please check the Kohana documentation for information about the following error. system/librari

Re: [OSM-ja] Ushahidiサイト→支援求む

2011-03-12 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Do we need to prepare some Apache settings for example? Daniel 2011/3/12 TANAKA Toshihisa > 関さん: > > としです. > > > とりあえず、Georepublic サーバにてUshahidi のインストールが完了しました。 > > 日本語化もできているようです。 > > すばらしいです.ありがとうございます. > > IRC を見ていると,現在の sinsai.info は検索できなかったり twitter 拾えなかったり > レポート投稿が反映されて無さそうなので,早めに新サーバに移

Re: [OSM-ja] Ushahidiサイト

2011-03-11 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
. > Planning to serve WMS. > Hi Emilie, Being able to host on OpenAerial Map would be most convenient, I think. When we get data, how to proceed? Who needs to be contacted then? Daniel > > Shu Higaahi > > > Emilie Laffray > > > > 2011/3/11 Daniel Kastl &g

Re: [OSM-ja] Ushahidiサイト

2011-03-11 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Today I received two or three notifications about problems in the Hetzner network. Maybe this was the reason. If necessary I can increase the memory of the Virtual Machine. Daniel 2011/3/11 Hiroshi Miura (momokuri) > サーバ遅すぎないか。 > どういう環境ですか。 > > ダニエルさん、増強できたりしませんか。 > > 三浦 > > 2011-03-11 (金) の 2

Re: [OSM-ja] Ushahidiサイト

2011-03-11 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
If there is a need for a WMS server, let me know! Daniel 2011/3/11 Daniel Kastl > Good idea! > > 2011/3/11 古橋大地 > > 古橋です。 >> >> >> 以下の緊急観測画像のパブリックドメインでの公開を >> JAXAに申請しませんか! >> >> ALOS衛星の決定済みの観測情報 3月12日(土)AVNIR-2/PRISM同時観測:10時56分頃 (JST) >

Re: [OSM-ja] Ushahidiサイト

2011-03-11 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Good idea! 2011/3/11 古橋大地 > 古橋です。 > > > 以下の緊急観測画像のパブリックドメインでの公開を > JAXAに申請しませんか! > > ALOS衛星の決定済みの観測情報 3月12日(土)AVNIR-2/PRISM同時観測:10時56分頃 (JST) > > >臼田さん他、防災科研の方ご協力頂ければ幸いです!! > > > 2011年3月11日18:38 Toshikazu SETO : > > 瀬戸です. > > > > まず,大きく被害が出ている地域のマッパーさんを > > 含め皆さんの無事を祈っています. > > > > 東さんのUshahidi,

Re: [OSM-ja] Yahoo! データ インポートについて

2011-03-08 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Hi Emilie, Thank you for your offer! To bad you couldn't be in Japan last weekend. If possible I would like to try some "new" way to import data and maybe you have some good idea or advice how to do this. Usually large data imports have two big problems: 1. The local community didn't grow to

Re: [OSM-ja] 地理情報の提供

2011-03-06 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Hello Mori-san, Your comment is very true, I think. And we should learn from previous data imports and don't do same mistakes again. If there is nobody to maintain imported data, the data will not improve on the long term. In my opinion it's much easier to find new mappers if there is still a lot

Re: [OSM-ja] [osmfj] Re: osm.jp and openstreetmap.jp

2011-03-05 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
011 in Yahoo! Japan. > Just updated DNS records of > > osm.jp > openstreetmap.jp > オープンストリートマップ.net <http://xn--kck4a4ata1ge8c5fydvef.net> > オープンストリートマップ.com <http://xn--kck4a4ata1ge8c5fydvef.com> > to point > > Hiroshi > > > 2011-03-05

Re: [OSM-ja] Coast夫妻来日(Was:Re: Hurricane Coast さん3月来日)

2011-03-05 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
's rather compact but usually sufficient. Daniel > > > 2011年2月20日9:49 Daniel Kastl : > > > > > > 2011/2/20 大和田 健一 > >> > >> あの〜。 > >> 長谷観音は最初から予定に入っていて。 > >> 長谷寺のことなんですが。 > >> > >> > >> > http://j

[OSM-ja] osm.jp and openstreetmap.jp

2011-03-04 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Hi list, I think currently there are some problems again (or still) with osm.jp and openstreetmap.jp I would like to help, but I think this requires - changes in the DNS record for openstreetmap.jp (something wrong there?) - fixes at the server hosting osm.jp (why not pointing to 78.47.235.

Re: [OSM-ja] http://www.openstreetmap.jp/

2011-02-23 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Shibata-san, I quickly checked before and ping goes to the right server IP address. But there it somehow doesn't show document root. I removed the virtual host settings and it should go to default Apache root directory: /var/www/ But it still tells me in Google Chrome "Redirecting to http://opens

Re: [OSM-ja] Coast夫妻来日(Was:Re: Hurricane Coast さん3月来日)

2011-02-19 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
長谷寺 as a foreigner you will receive small but nice guide in English. Daniel > > --- > 大和田 健一 > > > > Danielさん、ありがとございます。 > > 長谷寺ですね。了解しました。ぜひ行ってみたいと思います。 > > ルートを少し訂正しました。 > > http://osm-syj.crans.org/idx/917 > > > > 東 > > > > 11/

Re: [OSM-ja] Coast夫妻来日(Was:Re: Hurricane Coast さん3月来日)

2011-02-18 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Higashi-san, I would recommend to add "Hasedera" to the tour. When I went with tourists to Kamakura, it was one of the temples everyone liked a lot. Daniel 2011/2/19 S.Higashi > 東です。 > > 参加者のみなさん、平日にも関わらずお申込み頂きありがとうございます。 > ものすごく楽しみになってきました! > > 大和田さんにご協力頂き、おおまかに以下のようなコースで考えています。 > 懇親会の場所はご夫妻

[OSM-ja] Fwd: [OSM-talk] OSM user groups

2011-02-11 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
For local OSM groups: -- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -- Von: Matthias Meißer Datum: 11. Februar 2011 22:13 Betreff: [OSM-talk] OSM user groups An: t...@openstreetmap.org Hi, as some might know, the German division has a nice map of all local groups at www.openstreetmap.de. Inspi

Re: [OSM-ja] Bing 航空写真の道路ベクタライズ(半自動トレース)

2011-02-03 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
... and if you want to see a demo and your OS doesn't know what to do with Silverlight, then you can try this: http://maps.qualitystreetmap.org/bingtracing/ Daniel 2011/2/4 Tomomichi Hayakawa > Tomです。 > > この記事、今朝、電車の中で見て、思わずぶっ飛びました^^;;; > > http:/

Re: [OSM-ja] Bing の高解像度なエリア

2011-01-29 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
the "Japan Mapper of the Month" according to the contribution statistics ;-) Daniel 2011/1/29 Daniel Kastl > Cool! > Thank you! > > 2011/1/29 K.Shirakata > > 白方です。 >> >> 最近(?)Bingの高解像度エリアが増えていたようなので、 >> >> http

Re: [OSM-ja] Bing の高解像度なエリア

2011-01-29 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Cool! Thank you! 2011/1/29 K.Shirakata > 白方です。 > > 最近(?)Bingの高解像度エリアが増えていたようなので、 > > http://osm-ja.sourceforge.jp/bing-hires-japan.osm > > を更新しておきました。 > > ___ > Talk-ja mailing list > Talk-ja@openstreetmap.org > http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/

Re: [OSM-ja] Hurricane and Steve Coast in Japan

2011-01-25 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Hi Hurricane, Thank you for the updates! I will also attend the conference as the topics are also quite interesting for me. I recommend you a so called "Japan Rail Pass" (http://www.japanrailpass.net/), which you only can buy with a tourist visa. It makes travelling very easy, and the price of a

Re: [OSM-ja] Free elevation data Japan

2011-01-23 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
ting/se463799.html > > このデータを使ってなんか公開する場合は国土地理院への届け出が必要です。 > > 2011年1月24日9:57 Daniel Kastl : > > Shibata-san, > > Thank you! I will take a look. > > I was not particularly looking for data to import to OSM. I wanted to use > > for routing with bicycl

Re: [OSM-ja] Free elevation data Japan

2011-01-23 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
っていたように思います。 > > それとは別に Open Street Map にてインポートが可能か > どうかは当方はしらないです。 > > > > > の、 > "[OSM-ja] Free elevation data Japan" において、 > "Sun, 23 Jan 2011 15:41:01 +0900" 発信のメイルで > "Daniel Kastl"さんは書きました: > > > &g

[OSM-ja] Free elevation data Japan

2011-01-22 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Hi list, Does anyone know about freely available elevation data in Japan? Thanks, Daniel -- Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan eMail: daniel.ka...@georepublic.de Web: http://georepublic.de ___ Talk-ja mailing list Talk-ja@openstreetmap.org http://lis

Re: [OSM-ja] Hurricane Coast さん3月 来日

2011-01-11 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
ダニエルは京都にいると思います。(90%) 2011/1/11 ikiya > ikiyaです。 > > スティーブさんたちのスケジュールにもよりますが > 京都、関西地区の皆さん、 > なかなかお会いできる機会も無いのでぜひ交流を > 深めてみてはいかがでしょうか。 > > SETOさん、清野さん、無理ない範囲で > ご協力いただければありがたいです。 > >Tomさん > > > 因みに、3月4-5日 と、東京で、OSC東京 がありますね。 > はい、OSC東京が早稲田大学で開催されます。 > 改めて告知しますがOSM出展します。 > 私は5日(土)参加します。 > > スケジュー

Re: [OSM-ja] Visiting Japan in March

2011-01-10 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Hi Hurricane, Thanks for asking on the Japanese list. I'm pretty sure there will be a couple of mappers, who will join. If it would be on a weekend, it would be probably easier for people to join a mapping party. Have you been to Kyoto already? If it's your first time a combination of mapping sigh

Re: [OSM-ja] Japanese Translation of "OpenStreetMap Gets Noticed by Microsoft, AOL" possible?

2010-12-07 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
This is actually the original source: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703296604576005443474685736.html?mod=googlenews_wsj# 2010/12/8 Daniel Kastl > Hi list, > > Probably some of you already have read this blog post: > http://opengeodata.org/openstreetmap-gets-noticed-

[OSM-ja] Japanese Translation of "OpenStreetMap Gets Noticed by Microsoft, AOL" possible?

2010-12-07 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Hi list, Probably some of you already have read this blog post: http://opengeodata.org/openstreetmap-gets-noticed-by-microsoft-aol I'm not sure it would be OK to make an official translation of this article to Japanese (we could ask the author), but I think it would be a valuable document to prom

Re: [OSM-ja] OpenStreetMap で Bing 航空写真の利用が始まりました。

2010-12-04 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Very good idea! By the way, does anyone know if there is a way to automatically add a tag like "source=bing" when using JOSM with aerial photo of Bing as a background. Because if you use an aerial photo as a background, then you will always take this as a source, right? I feel it a bit annoying t

Re: [OSM-ja] OpenStreetMap で Bing 航空写真の利用が始まりました。

2010-12-01 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Other people also experienced some offset of aerial photos here and there as described here: http://blog.samat.org/p/Bing-Imagery-Misaligned-at-Lower-Zooms This seems to be mostly the case on lower zoom levels as I understand. Probably because photos are often taken from airplane and not from sate

[OSM-ja] Fwd: [OSM-talk] Steve Coast Joins Microsoft as Principle Architect of Bing Mobile

2010-11-23 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Hi Mappers, This is really big news! http://opengeodata.org/openstreetmap-founder-steve-coast-joins-bing http://blog.stevecoast.com/im-working-at-microsoft-and-were-donating-ima Does this mean we can use Bing Aerial Photo in Japan? That would speedup OSM in Japan by years! Daniel -- Georep

Re: [OSM-ja] Android用のGPSロガ ーでいいものありますか

2010-11-22 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
2010/11/23 大和田 健一 > > お勧めのAndroid用GPSロガーはあるでしょうか。 > > My Tracks > http://mytracks.appspot.com/ I'm using MyTracks and it works fine. But MyTracks shows Google Maps as a background map, so you shouldn't look at it while mapping ;-) (my phone has no SIM card -> no internet -> no Google Maps -> n

[OSM-ja] OSM - ATKIS comparison, was Fwd: [fossgis-verein] OSM-Vergleich mit amtlichen Daten

2010-11-18 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
For all German speaking mappers on this list ;-) On the German FOSSGIS mailing list the following email was posted just before. Some German student wrote a Bachelor thesis comparing OSM data in Germany with the official data provided by German government (called ATKIS). I already heard about this

Re: [OSM-ja] 活動用ステッカー

2010-11-14 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Very cool! Daniel 2010/11/14 LOGLOG > 皆様、ご無沙汰したいます。そして始めまして、 > 先日ikiyaさんとの会合で思いついた。イメージを 形にしてみました。 > 色は染めていませんので、Hackしてください。 > はがきサイズでちょうどになっています。 > 車ではない方は適当にもじってください。 > > イメージ > http://yfrog.com/f/izwmnvj/ > > とりあえず完成系 > http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/File:Mapper_In_Car.GIF > > 亜種は大いに結構や

[OSM-ja] Fwd: [OSM-talk] OSM book

2010-10-28 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Hi OSM-Japan mappers, I think the following answer of Frederic on OSM-talk list could be interesting for you, so I forward to the Japanese list as well. It says, that the English OSM book has an appendix with country-specific OSM information. The appendix is under CC-BY-SA and available here:

[OSM-ja] Fwd: [OSM-talk] map tool to visualize river "topology" (Fwd: River system analysis tool for Haiti)

2010-10-26 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Hi list, I want to forward this email from osm-discuss mailing list, because I came across this issue with rivers and lakes also in Japan. When you open the lakes from the link in an editor like JOSM you will see, that there are rivers inside the lakes. http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=35.492&lo

Re: [OSM-ja] Mapquest using OSM for Japan

2010-08-25 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Cool ... still a little bit unfinished though ;-) Thank you for the notice, Emilie! Would be nice to get some sponsorship like US does. Daniel 2010/8/25 Emilie Laffray > http://new.mapquest.com/?le=t&hk=8-GbqryThq > > Mapquest is now using OSM for Japan! > > Emilie Laffray > > __

Re: [OSM-ja] http://www.openstreetmap.jp/ について

2010-07-20 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Miura-san, Probably I have missed most of the conversation, but regarding root servers I believe that this German company has currently best offers: http://www.hetzner.de/en/hosting/produktmatrix/rootserver-produktmatrix-eq/

Re: [OSM-ja] new coastline offset

2010-07-10 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Sorry for answering in English, but maybe it's a geodetic problem as Seino-san says. I remember a case in my previous work, where all address points had a drift .. I don't remember it was 200m more or less, but the reason then was indeed the projection. I think there is a problem with EPSG 4612, wh

[OSM-ja] new coastline offset

2010-07-09 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Hi Japan mappers, It seems to me that the new imported cost line has an offset (checked in JOSM). Anyone else made the same observation? You can take a look around Yokohama Minato Mirai, where the coast line differs from the mapped features (mapped a lot by me, so I'm pretty sure that it's not so

Re: [OSM-ja] State of the Map 2010 in Spain

2010-05-14 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Hi Emilie, I'm pretty sure a lot of people from Japan would like to attend. Me of course, too. But Spain is quite far away and flights during summer time are a lot more expensive than during off season. It's difficult to get a discount ticket when Japanese students travel to Europe. ;-) Furthermor

Re: [OSM-ja] 9 月開催 G 空間 EX PO

2010-04-06 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
Hi List, I think I have been to G空間EXPO twice already, because my office was just the other side of the road, so I went there for lunch time a couple of times to discuss with people and grab some ball pens ;-) Well, I would like to give a few comments about this event from my point of view: 1) I

Re: [OSM-ja] FW: [OSM-talk] www.openaddresses.org BETA launched

2010-04-01 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
le city "points". OK, for rendering it's nice to have a point with a label, but that's not really GIS. Japanese addresses (especially district and block level) should be polygons in my opinion as well as administrative boundaries and postal code areas are. Daniel 2010/3/31 Em

Re: [OSM-ja] 位置ゲー

2010-04-01 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
## Taichi FURUHASHI(MAPconcierge Inc. President) > > ## ZIP359-1142, Kamiarai 4-4-1,Tokorozawa,Saitama > > ## 〒359-1142 埼玉県所沢市上新井4-4-1 > > ## TEL/FAX/Skype&Twitter: 070-6401-5963 / 04-2924-8907 / mapconcierge > > ## URL/Mail: http://www.mapconcierge.j

Re: [OSM-ja] FW: [OSM-talk] www.openaddresses.org BETA launched

2010-03-30 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
ja > > -- Georepublic UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Salzmannstraße 44, 81739 München, Germany eMail: daniel.ka...@georepublic.de Web: http://georepublic.de Tel: +49 (089) 4161 7698-1 Fax: +49 (089) 4161 7698-9 Commercial register: Amtsgericht München, HRB 181428 CEO: Daniel Kastl ___ Talk-ja mailing list Talk-ja@openstreetmap.org http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ja

Re: [OSM-ja] 提案:花見マッピングパー ティ(HMP)

2010-03-22 スレッド表示 Daniel Kastl
itle=Tag:natural%3Dtree_row&action=edit&redlink=1> > > もう一つのアイディアは > > http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:natural%3Dtree > > natural=tree<http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/w/index.php?title=Key:species:en&action=edit&redlink=1> > species=cherry > >

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