Re: [Trisquel-users] family privacy Again

2018-01-29 Thread Mason Hock
> You cannot remove anything from Facebook. It is never deleted, even after > the account is deactivated. It will stay on FB's servers and be used for all > kinds of things like facial recognition, machine learning etc. When I finally smartened up and deleted my account Facebook claimed that my

Re: [Trisquel-users] family privacy Again

2018-01-28 Thread Mason Hock
Excellent article. Thanks for sharing.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Web Browser

2018-01-28 Thread Mason Hock
On 01/28, wrote: > I see, masonmate, yeah, as I said in order to preserve my mental > health I skimmed through the thing, damn thread is yuge. Did you > test this last one thing I was talking about? Yes, it's quite the saga. Forunately it seems to be winding down as the

Re: [Trisquel-users] family privacy Again

2018-01-28 Thread Mason Hock
There's one positive shred in that article. "a growing number of coders and designers are quitting their jobs in disillusionment at what their work entails" It's nice to hear that some individuals in Silicon Valley have a conscience. Unfortunately, quitting now might be too little too late.

Re: [Trisquel-users] family privacy Again

2018-01-28 Thread Mason Hock
> Don't tell your family that using facebook is bad. > It is not bad to share picture with other persons. > > Just tell them that when a company like facebook is getting so bigger and > lets no place for other social medias like diaspora* or gnu social (you can > add the example of google), this

Re: [Trisquel-users] Web Browser

2018-01-28 Thread Mason Hock
In FF58: datareporting.healthreport.service.enabled does not exist in about:config and datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled is true by default. After going to Help->Health Report and turning off data sharing, datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled is set to false as expected. In FF52

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser not playing sound because it now requires Pulseaudio

2018-02-05 Thread Mason Hock
I've noticed the same thing lately. If I log in, start Abrowser, and try to play html5 audio or video I get "To play audio, you may need to install the required PulseAudio software." However, if I play something in mpv or vlc and then restart Abrowser, audio in Abrowser starts working.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Tor on amnesic Trisquel live usb

2018-02-05 Thread Mason Hock
What you're describing sounds more like what heads is intented for.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Web Browser

2018-02-05 Thread Mason Hock
> > heyjoe i have been following this thread for since it started > and i registered because of you > > Yeah...of course. What? Normal people don't randomly stumble across and become engrossed in a comically difficult-to-follow thread on a forum they have no connection to and follow it for an

Re: [Trisquel-users] Web Browser

2018-02-05 Thread Mason Hock
> we are not > really meeting each other, not communing as it were. Indeed not, and whether you lack self-awareness or just pretend to, it was a mistake for me to try again. Never mind.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Web Browser

2018-02-03 Thread Mason Hock
> I will never accept anything from anyone who > tells me "I can potentially help" and then imposes regulations on that > "help" (however 'ethical' anyone may consider that). I thought that if a program works as expected and is open and transparent we don't need additional freedoms. :) I've

Re: [Trisquel-users] Web Browser

2018-02-06 Thread Mason Hock
> For instance, it wouldn't call home > if the browser is not accessing a page with JS which makes outbound > connections. The JS (and its outbound connections) has nothing to > do with the spyware or its home address. Yes, that would be the smart way to do it. I'm glad you don't work for

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free email providers

2018-02-13 Thread Mason Hock
On 02/12, wrote: > Long time ago, I bought a raspberry pi for 35 dollars, and I > installed on it citadel. At the same time for 50 dollars I bought > my own domain name for 10 years and in a week I had my personal > email set up on the pi. The best way to respect your

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free email providers

2018-02-13 Thread Mason Hock
I've learned that the voting system is silly and up/down votes shouldn't be read into too much. The appropriate use of downvotes is to flag posts that are inappropriate. If you see a post that has been downvoted even though it does not violate community guidelines, you can do exactly as you did

Re: [Trisquel-users] ELI5 the advantages of updating the kernel

2018-02-14 Thread Mason Hock
The meltdown patch.

Re: [Trisquel-users] ELI5 the advantages of updating the kernel

2018-02-14 Thread Mason Hock
Meltdown and Spectre are two recently discovered vulnerabilities that affect many computers. You have a Mac if I recall correctly, so you have an Intel chipset and are affect by both Meltdown and Spectre. Meltdown has been patched in recent versions of the Linux

Re: [Trisquel-users] Web Browser

2018-02-05 Thread Mason Hock
> I will be working to improve it further after more meticulous testing. Then > perhaps it would make sense to reopen the repo on GitHub. (not a promise > though, so don't hold your breath) You've already done a lot of work and certainly have no obligation to do more, but if you get around to it

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-16 Thread Mason Hock
> Though a better, more deterministic definition should be made, I > think. Including examples of attack vectors / defenses for each > level. I think that this would be valuable. Your framing of the issue is very logical and practical. I'm generally a fan of approaches like this that can solve

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-17 Thread Mason Hock
> That would be utterly stupid. One's face is not private data, especially in > the age of social networking with profiles full of pictures. Exactly. > BTW M$ has very strange understanding of security. Some time ago I read that > when you encrypt your disk with Win10 your encryption key is

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-16 Thread Mason Hock
> >I would again encrypt > it, but treat it as if it still is in >plain text, and take > additional precautions accordingly. > > How does encrypting something twice transform it from tactical to > strategic? It sounds like both of these are tactics/methods. I think by "again" he meant "in this

Re: [Trisquel-users] Antwort: Abrowser not playing sound because it now requires Pulseaudio

2018-02-17 Thread Mason Hock
I finally got around to submitting a bug report for this. Do you use Trisquel 7 or 8? I use T8, and I'd like to know whether it affects T7 as well.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free software foundations problems

2018-02-15 Thread Mason Hock
> It is free unless you explicitly add the non-OSS repos. If this page is accurate then the kernel also has binary blobs, which do not respect freedoms 1 and 3. Whether or not you consider that to be a problem is your decision. I

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't boot Trisquel 8 from USB

2018-02-17 Thread Mason Hock
> I used the latest one this February 2018. Drat. I was hoping the problem would be fixed with the new ISO. I'll try it this weekend and see if it persists for me as well. What machine are you using? I had this problem with the December ISO on a librebooted 64-bit ThinkPad X60. I had no

Re: [Trisquel-users] Re : Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-17 Thread Mason Hock
> If I was a > conspiracy theorist (I am not), I would suggest heyjoe and you > infiltrated the Trisquel community to demotivate those who want to > secure their communications. I don't think it is fair to say that Abdullah's posts here have had a demotivating influence. Abdullah has

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't boot Trisquel 8 from USB

2018-02-17 Thread Mason Hock
What is the date of the ISO? I had that problem with the one from last December. I saw that a new one was uploaded yesterday but I haven't tried it yet

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-17 Thread Mason Hock
> But then it is a delicate balance between lulling into false sense > of security and discouraging into abandoning security. I > acknowledge that new users might not be able to differentiate the > subtleties and can get over- or under-optimistic (both being > equally bad) rather easily. I think

Re: [Trisquel-users] CDE security issues

2018-02-19 Thread Mason Hock
Welcome, Jos. > I installed CDE from the cdedesktopenv git on my xubuntu system to > test it out. I really like it and would like to have a distro that > has CDE by default. Trisquel seems to have this. I do not see cde in the Trisquel 8 repo. You may know that Trisquel is downstream from

Re: [Trisquel-users] Pretty new..

2018-02-19 Thread Mason Hock
> I would say please give JuffEd a try. I just installed from the Trisquel 8 repo. Creating or opening a file causes a seg fault, so I wouldn't call myself an expert in JuffED at this point :) but it does indeed look similar to Kate, which I used before switching to vim. > Claws-mail is a

Re: [Trisquel-users] Gnu Linux and Printers

2018-02-18 Thread Mason Hock
Sorry, the package name is 'printer-driver-all', with no 's'.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-18 Thread Mason Hock
> If you were referring to me Quantum is probably referring to the individual who has made exactly two posts in this forum, the first after joining with the express purpose of cheering on heyjoe, and the second just now doing the same thing. > As for heyjoe's messages, I did upvote a few of

Re: [Trisquel-users] Gnu Linux and Printers

2018-02-18 Thread Mason Hock
Assuming that you are using Trisquel, try installing the metapackage printer-drivers-al, either in a terminal with sudo apt install printer-drivers-all or by searching for it in Synaptic Package Manager. Hopefully the required driver is in there and your printer will start working. If not,

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-18 Thread Mason Hock
Since I started using mailing lists, I've found them to be far preferable to forums, especially in Trisquel's case. I use procmail to filter incoming mail, and each mailing list is sent to its own mailbox. That alone is enough to make it more convenient than a forum. I can do everything in that

Re: [Trisquel-users] Printer drivers compatible with Trisquel 7 operating system

2018-02-22 Thread Mason Hock
sudo apt install printer-driver-all should install all of the printer drivers in the repo. If your printer still doesn't work then Trisquel doesn't have the necessary driver, possibly because no free driver exists. If you do end up buying a new printer, take a look at h-node

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free software foundations problems

2018-02-24 Thread Mason Hock
> If that means my latest two posts above, I don't think these are > not entirely off-topic. Do you really think those are off-topic? Any observations you have about gender are not related to the Free Software Foundation, or with Trisquel or even software in general. This is why they are

Re: [Trisquel-users] Google Play and childrens' privacy

2018-02-24 Thread Mason Hock
I dread the thought of trying to raise children for this reason. Proprietary software intended for children is especially predatory, and it must be hard to protect them from it when it is how they socialize with their friends. > She mainly uses games (e.g. tocoboco's and lego) and music (i.e. >

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free software foundations problems

2018-02-23 Thread Mason Hock
> And when you got some objections to me, please tell it to ME > straight, if you don't like back biting. I'm not sure what you're referring to. Perhaps someone reported or downvoted one of your posts? (I can't see votes from the mailing list.) However, I don't mind telling you directly that

Re: [Trisquel-users] Google Play and childrens' privacy

2018-02-24 Thread Mason Hock
> The > irony is striking. Indeed. Hopefully the developers know more about HCI than dietetics. signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libdvd-pkg Trisquel 8

2018-02-24 Thread Mason Hock
> 70 years + life of the author... That would already be absurd. Unfortunately it is even more complicated than that. Works published after 1923 are copyrighted in the US regardless of when the author died. For example, Kafka died in 1924, almost 100 years ago. With life + 70, all of his works

Re: [Trisquel-users] Google Play and childrens' privacy

2018-02-24 Thread Mason Hock
> Surely, they (or any reasonable person, for that matter) don't > think that sugar is beneficial for children I think that most people know that sugar is not particularly healthy and would not advise consuming it to excess. However, I think that most of them do not realize that it is more

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-16 Thread Mason Hock
Thanks for this excellent summary. Could you give an example of what you would consider strategical security? I'm a little unclear on what you mean by that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] More Testing Please

2018-02-21 Thread Mason Hock
As I reported with the December ISO, and as others have reported with 2/17 ISO, I have trouble running the newest ISO live. After selecting "Try Trisquel without installing" I see a splash screen, followed by a black screen with a cursor. From this screen I can use Ctrl+Alt+F* to get a terminal

Re: [Trisquel-users] More Testing Please

2018-02-21 Thread Mason Hock
I tested the latest ISO, downloaded this morning, with dd and SDC, but I'll try growisofs tonight. signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't boot Trisquel 8 from USB

2018-02-18 Thread Mason Hock
> sounds like the standard 'dd' approach doesn't work? With the December ISO neither dd nor Startup Disk Creator worked for me. With the previous ISO from last summer, SDC did not work but dd did. When I have a chance to back up by files I'll try installing with the new ISO.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser not playing sound because it now requires Pulseaudio

2018-02-19 Thread Mason Hock
I have submitted a bug report.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Pretty new..

2018-02-19 Thread Mason Hock
> With 1 GB (even 2GB) of RAM, I would *really strongly* suggest Xfce, LXDE, > or LXQt desktop environments instead of KDE or GNOME or a GNOME derivative. I have 2GB of RAM. I have tried GNOME 3 and indeed is a problem. However, I did not have any issues with GNOME Fallback when I was using

Re: [Trisquel-users] Pretty new..

2018-02-25 Thread Mason Hock
> can't GA still spy on you even > if javascript is disabled? I don't think so. GA consists of JS code that the site owner adds to each web page on which they want to track you. When exectuted it can get information about you and load additional JS, but without JS enabled in your browser the

Re: [Trisquel-users] Any plans to dump systemd ?

2018-02-24 Thread Mason Hock
It seems that Trisquel does not generally remove or replace anything from Ubuntu unless it is proprietary or facilitates installing proprietary software. Since systemd is free software, it will probably be present in Trisquel as long as it is present in Ubuntu, starting with Trisquel 8. If

Re: [Trisquel-users] More Testing Please

2018-02-24 Thread Mason Hock
I still have this problem when running the 2/20 ISO on my X60 from a USB drive. No DE or DM, whether I use dd or Startup Disk Creator. I just tried it on an X230, and could not even boot into it. Will there be a new set of ISOs soon that might fix the first issue, or should I buy myself some

Re: [Trisquel-users] Xiphos won't install and question about IceCat

2018-08-02 Thread Mason Hock
> I've messed around with a number of > distros and am now giving Trisquel a try after reading about the free > software movement. Welcome! > when I try to install Xiphos, I get a "broken package error". See if any of the information in this thread[1] helps. > Just thought I'd ask what is the

Re: [Trisquel-users] Xiphos won't install and question about IceCat

2018-08-02 Thread Mason Hock
> I've even installed Pale Moon to test and it functions fine. Palemoon is not free software, by the way. I recommend sticking with a freedom-respecting browser like Abrowser or Icecat. signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] The "install extension" link on the wiki-page for the Abrowser addon "Random Agent Spoofer" not working for me

2018-07-30 Thread Mason Hock
> It is a legacy addon so probably it will say it is not compatible. Nope, I was prompted to install the addon as expected using Abrowser 60. signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wobbly Windows

2018-07-30 Thread Mason Hock
Do you have compiz-plugins installed? signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] JS: Can't create account?

2018-07-28 Thread Mason Hock
> Which scripts are free/libre > and which are proprietary?  Doing this research is hard. In general I'd start by viewing the page in Icecat (or another browser with LibreJS) installed. Unless you're on a free-software focused website it will detect all JS as non-free because no one else uses

Re: [Trisquel-users] The "install extension" link on the wiki-page for the Abrowser addon "Random Agent Spoofer" not working for me

2018-07-26 Thread Mason Hock
> So that whole wiki page is best removed then? Can you link to the page in question? signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thank you Trisquel.

2018-07-26 Thread Mason Hock
> Time to flash coreboot on that beast Even better, the T400 can be librebooted. signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thank you Trisquel.

2018-07-26 Thread Mason Hock
> coreboot is in much better shape though, libreboot is > almost dead at this point As long as libreboot works, it should be recommended over coreboot. coreboot contains proprietary software. Any practical advantages it might have aren't a good enough reason to recommend it when there is a free

Re: [Trisquel-users] Antwort: Proposal: Update "Enable DVD Playback"

2018-07-31 Thread Mason Hock
> The required package > libdvd-pkg belongs to contrib/non-free repositories. Because trisquel being > a free os these are disabled by default. Disabling non-free repositories by default is not enough to be a freedom-respecting distro. Trisquel also does not guide users toward proprietary

Re: [Trisquel-users] VS Code is free software?

2018-07-31 Thread Mason Hock
> I believe that everyone should be very accurate when using anything > 'open-source'. See this bug.[1] Micro$oft doesn't just distribute a proprietary binary; they falsely tell users that it is free and open source on the download page[2] for the binary. The fix is simple: either (a) remove

Re: [Trisquel-users] Xiphos won't install and question about IceCat

2018-08-03 Thread Mason Hock
Since you have to change the name in order to distribute it as free software, whatever the OP installed, if it was called "Palemoon," was probably non-free. You're right that one could install a free fork like New Moon or build it themselves and change the name/logo. signature.asc

Re: [Trisquel-users] Weird output when trying to update

2018-08-03 Thread Mason Hock
> E: The repository ' > flidas-security Release' does not have a Release file. Yeah, that mirror has been down for a while. See:[1][2] Edit /etc/apt/sources.list (with sudo) and change the url to a different mirror.[3] I'm using

Re: [Trisquel-users] Xiphos won't install and question about IceCat

2018-08-05 Thread Mason Hock
It looks like running bleachbit with "URL history" selected in the "Icecat" section deletes "~/.mozilla/icecat/.default/places.sqlite" which is the file containing your bookmarks. To avoid this, deselect "URL history" before running. signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] "Documents" folder lost its icon and does not appear any more in the shortcut list in Caja after name change.

2018-08-24 Thread Mason Hock
I just saw loldier's answer. Try that before trying 'apt purge'. signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] "Documents" folder lost its icon and does not appear any more in the shortcut list in Caja after name change.

2018-08-24 Thread Mason Hock
Partially fixing manually: > When the name was changed back to the original ("Documents") the folder > remained without its specific icon In Caja, right click on your Documents folder and select "Properties". In the dialog window that opens, click on the icon at the top right. A file manager

Re: [Trisquel-users] Flidas without installing

2018-08-24 Thread Mason Hock
> ! Username or password invalid Assuming that you are indeed typing your username and password correctly, it's possible that the problem is that yahoo won't let you sign in with cookies disabled in Icedove. A friend of mine ran into that with Gmail. Try temporarily enabling cookies in

Re: [Trisquel-users] Flidas without installing

2018-08-24 Thread Mason Hock
I don't see why not. Have you tried and run into any particular problems? signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] E: The repository ' flidas Release' does not have a Release file.

2018-08-25 Thread Mason Hock
> E: The repository ' flidas Release' Ubuntu doesn't have a version called Flidas. If you added the repository in /etc/apt/sources.list, change "flidas" to "xenial" there. If you used apt-add-repository, go to Software & Updates -> Other Software and

Re: [Trisquel-users] Flidas without installing

2018-08-25 Thread Mason Hock
I did a web search. This is the solution. See here for why. Note that Icedove is a modified version of Thunderbird, so any documentation or forum posts about Thunderbird will usually apply to

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser: MIME type not found

2018-08-26 Thread Mason Hock
What privacy plugins are you using? signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Add new printer: "could not add new printer" error message

2018-08-26 Thread Mason Hock
First I would install the package "printer-driver-all" and try again. It likely won't fix your problem, but it is worth trying because it takes so little time. > Then it > says "could not add new printer", without telling me more. Sometimes the error messages printed to a terminal are more

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser: MIME type not found

2018-08-26 Thread Mason Hock
> LibreJS breaks sites by not preferring noscript. Ah. I had run into LibreJS breaking sites before, but didn't know what the cause was. > uMatrix I use NoScript + uBlock Origin. I'm not too familiar with uMatrix, but if that's your only privacy addon then that's probably what's blocking the

Re: [Trisquel-users] update git trisquel 7

2018-08-28 Thread Mason Hock
> can you recommend the > best way to install it on Trisquel 7? Is there a particular reason you don't want to upgrade to Trisquel 8? Trisquel 8 has git version 2.7.4. signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why MATE instead of KDE?

2018-08-27 Thread Mason Hock
> KDE is more feature rich and customizable than MATE. Why MATE as default > desktop environment instead of KDE? I can't speak for the developers, but my opinion is that if someone knows how to install different desktop environments, then it shouldn't matter to them what the default is.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Add new printer: "could not add new printer" error message

2018-08-27 Thread Mason Hock
> system-config-printer does not do anything in the terminal: it says bash: > unknown command. Hm. Assuming you typed it correctly, perhaps the package 'system-config-printer-gnome' is not installed? It should be installed by default though. It sounds like you made progress with cups, though,

Re: [Trisquel-users] Triquel 8 - How to Move Windows Between Multiple Monitors

2018-08-27 Thread Mason Hock
> I'd like to be able to move windows between multiple monitors by using > shortcut keys. Are you using MATE? If so, go to Control Center -> Keyboard Shortcuts. Look for the actions called "Move to workspace left" and "Move to workspace right" or something similar and map them to your preferred

Re: [Trisquel-users] Triquel 8 - How to Move Windows Between Multiple Monitors

2018-08-27 Thread Mason Hock
> I'm not trying to move the window to a new workspace. I want to move the > window to another monitor. I thought that Marco (MATE's default window manager) assigns different workspaces to different monitors unless you have "Same image in all monitors" selected in Control Center -> Displays,

Re: [Trisquel-users] Add new printer: "could not add new printer" error message

2018-08-27 Thread Mason Hock
> true the driver which works under > debian is more recent than what can be made to work on Trisquel. So it is > likely the problem is here, indeed... To find out, grab the .deb file for the driver and install it with $ sudo dpkg -i [package].deb or by

Re: [Trisquel-users] My T400 laptop restarts each 5 seconds

2018-08-27 Thread Mason Hock
> I plugged the > adapter and I tried to turn the laptop on Have you tried taking the battery out, plugging the laptop in, and powering the laptop on *without* putting the battery back in? signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Triquel 8 - How to Move Windows Between Multiple Monitors

2018-08-27 Thread Mason Hock
Okay, I was wrong. Maybe this will work for you? signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 kernel

2018-08-27 Thread Mason Hock
Maybe there are reasons I'm unaware of for which a non-musician might want a lowlatency kernel, but any musician who really needs one also needs to use JACK instead of pulseaudio. If they are capable of installing and configuring JACK themselves, they are also capable of installing a different

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why MATE?

2018-08-28 Thread Mason Hock
All software included in Trisquel, including desktop environments, is free. If you want to use KDE Plasma, install the package 'plasma-desktop'. Log out, and at the login screen click the icon next to your username and select Plasma. Then log in. signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wobbly Windows

2018-08-27 Thread Mason Hock
If you're still trying to get Compiz to work, I've started looking into it for a friend who wants wobbly windows. > Now, the only remaining problem is that Compiz removes all window > shadows, window borders/decorations/title bars In compizconfig-settings-manager, under Window Decoration, the

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to Add a Key to GPG Keyring?

2018-08-26 Thread Mason Hock
> How do I add a key to my GPG keyring? $ gpg --recv-keys [the key ID] Assuming that you are installing Replicant 6.0, the command would be $ gpg recv-keys 5816A24C10757FC4 I got that key ID from here: signature.asc

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot install GNOME Software

2018-07-20 Thread Mason Hock
It looks like Debian testing introduces a plugin[1] for Snap integration, which Ubuntu has included[2] since 17.10. If this means that Ubuntu has removed Snap integration from gnome-software itself, then p erhaps this will not be an issue in Ubuntu 18.04/Trisquel 9. In the meantime, I was

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot install GNOME Software

2018-07-20 Thread Mason Hock
> Modifying Software to fix this problem would be a very nice thing indeed. > Until then, it's probably easiest to just stick to other tools. Do > contribute to a solution, though, preferably as far upstream as possible. Unfortunately, upstream probably sees it as a feature rather than a problem.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Realtek RTL8188EE

2018-07-14 Thread Mason Hock
Never mind. He says WiFi is working now, from a new location. Maybe it was a problem with the access points he was trying. Sorry for the noise. When I have a chance to look at his computer I'll look into whether or not the working WiFi is a freedom issue. signature.asc Description: PGP

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot install GNOME Software

2018-07-14 Thread Mason Hock
> Patch the software so it doesn't do the offensive thing.  Don't just > rip it out. In general I agree that this is preferable, but this takes time. Ruben only has so much, and it's probably better spent on other things than snap and gnome-software. It looks like most of the software

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installation on old laptop with limited RAM (HP Pavilion ze4600)

2018-07-14 Thread Mason Hock
> However the graphical installation is so agonizingly slow > that I threw in the towel (10-30 or so minutes per step, then seemingly > indefinitely at step 3 or 4, with the CD whirring and the whole thing > starting to overheat). I often ran into that with the Trisquel 7 graphical installer. The

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot install GNOME Software

2018-07-14 Thread Mason Hock
> The following packages have unmet dependencies. >  gnome-software : Depends: libsnapd-glib1 (>= 0.9) but it is not > installable libsnapd-glib1 was removed due to a freedom issue[1] whereby snap was recommending non-free software. gnome-software had also been recommending non-free software[2]

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot - are there any simple guides?

2018-07-17 Thread Mason Hock
> I've finally ordered an Atheros AR5B95 WiFi card, with which I'll replace the > Intel WiFi I received and installed the Atheros card yesterday. After using it for a day, I absolutely recommend doing the same if you buy an X60. It connects much faster and maintains connections much more

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot install GNOME Software

2018-07-18 Thread Mason Hock
The package name in Trisquel is plasma-discover. I just installed and tried running it and got an error: "Error: Invalid item (item was 'null'). This might indicate that the item was deleted outside StackView!" but that might be because I was running it from MATE and don't have the full

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot install GNOME Software

2018-07-18 Thread Mason Hock
> It kept recommending Spotify and Skype and > so forth, no matter what settings I tried. In Trisquel? If so it should be reported as a freedom issue. signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] JMP-compatible Gajim

2018-07-15 Thread Mason Hock
> And this new version of Gajim still won't send image files to SMS > contacts. Are you referring to the Flatpak version, or the version I explain how to build in my other comment? If you mean the latter, the version of Gajim is not the problem, as I am now able to send pictures from Gajim

Re: [Trisquel-users] JMP-compatible Gajim

2018-07-15 Thread Mason Hock
> /home/cal/Downloads/#trisquel/JMP-compatible Gajim/gajim-0.16.9 > error: unsafe > absolute working directory name The script doesn't like the "#" in the file path. Your choices are to (a) rename #trisquel, (b) build somewhere else, or (c) modify line 2462 of the script. I advise (a) or (b).

Re: [Trisquel-users] JMP-compatible Gajim

2018-07-15 Thread Mason Hock
From the changelog[1] for 1.0.0: "Ported to GTK3 / Python3" I suspect that the move to gtk3 is what added the gir1.2-gtk-3.0 >=3.22 dependency, so I set out to build the previous version of Gajim (0.16.9). There is still one outdated runtime dependency (python-nbxmpp) but since this package

Re: [Trisquel-users] JMP-compatible Gajim

2018-07-15 Thread Mason Hock
> The following packages have unmet dependencies. >  gajim : Depends: gir1.2-gtk-3.0 (>= 3.22) but 3.18.9-1ubuntu3.3 is My expectation is that if you try to install 3.22 you'll lack dependencies for that, and if you try to install those dependencies you'll lack dependencies for them,

Re: [Trisquel-users] Freedom Decrypted Show Zero: Plus interview with Ruben on Trisquel 8

2018-07-15 Thread Mason Hock
To clarify, I'm only suggesting this as a workaround, not defending proprietary formats. I agree with J.B. Nicholson's suggestions above. signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trying to create a libre version of openSUSE Tumbleweed, suggestions welcome

2018-07-16 Thread Mason Hock
> I would imagine that some of > openSUSE's "OSS" packages aren't going to meet the strict FSF definition of > libre. This will take some time to audit their packages and see what's truly > free and what's not. Yes, I had suspected that this would be the case. If you are interested in auditing

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trying to create a libre version of openSUSE Tumbleweed, suggestions welcome

2018-07-16 Thread Mason Hock
> I'd be interested to hear any > suggestions in trying to find and strip out the non-libre parts from > openSUSE. Possibly it's just an impossible task, but I think it would be fun > to try. Plasma shouldn't be a problem. It's LGPL and included in Trisquel. Since you've already taken care of

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot install GNOME Software

2018-07-23 Thread Mason Hock
> After installing the Snap package plugin, I restarted the system and then > browsed each category. I didn't see any non-free software immediately. The > listed packages were largely the same, with or without Snap package plugin > installed. Sounds like the situation is better than it is in

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot install GNOME Software

2018-07-24 Thread Mason Hock
> Sorry. I already deleted Gnome after testing the snap plugin (and > subsequently re-installed MATE). No worries. Thanks for testing as much as you did. I'd have done it myself, but sadly virtualizion is the one thing I've run into where my 2GB RAM is not enough. > Again, I agree that we

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