ugnet_: Uganda Money transfered to London

2004-06-23 Thread d b Khaminwa: Sorry to ask you this question Mr Khan, but did it strike you as strange that here you were working so hard in Busia and Malindi to bring in foreign exchange for the country from Malindi, Uganda and

ugnet_: Full rebuttal: budgeting misplanning

2004-06-22 Thread d b
relief from world bank, imf and individual countries today Uganda debt is reaching 5 billion dollars! b) liberalised the economy so that everyone can make money are people making money or not c). There is over production of food products and non- cash crops yet there is no corresponding

ugnet_: for DFWA-U members

2004-06-20 Thread d b After a thorough initial and second study of the social and political environment in Uganda – the democratic farmers workers alliance-U wish to inform its members to come up with suggestions on what has been discussed before intruders interventions

ugnet_: PMA, the army and hybrid seeds- confusion

2004-06-20 Thread d b
NO LONGER AT EASE Army to supply hybrid seeds The UPDF is to carry out the multiplication of hybrid seedlings which are to be supplied to farmers to fight poverty and ensure food security. Army MP Lt. Gen. Elly Tumwine recently said each barracks would have a demonstration farm where the

ugnet_: Not fully grasped-

2004-06-18 Thread d b
- It is horrifying to note that our people only can imagine themselves free, for their own survival on a day-to-day basis. - More shocking yet still is the terrible misunderstanding and interpretation of the situation in our country by the people virtually on all levels of our

ugnet_: It was Malice since 11 years ago the court forgot to deposit!!!

2004-06-18 Thread d b
Kadaga cleared debt - Judiciary KAMPALA - The Chief Justice, Mr Benjamin Odoki, has confirmed the Judiciary received Shs1.2 million which the Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Ms Rebecca Kadaga , owed a client. A businessman, Mr Matiya Bulago, took Kadaga to the Law Council Disciplinary

ugnet_: budgeting a dead state

2004-06-18 Thread d b
Mr. Ojambo I browesing through the budget - note the following: Uganda has only two expansive sectors - the transport and telecommunication sectors. These two industries given our proximity to the sea and

ugnet_: The Rise and Fall of Decentralisation- More power to NRM

2004-06-16 Thread d b
are not vital but rather to show that entire organisational basis and governmental planning is misdirected and thus not implemetable. a. Three broad objectives: 1. Increased incomes for the poor 2. Improved quality of life 3. Strengthened governance b. Priority Poverty Areas: 1. Primary health

ugnet_: what is the meaning -

2004-06-15 Thread d b Institutional collapse? Failure of a nation? A people doomed? A directionless society? What is it? - If we look at the pictures what exactly do those pictures inform us about Uganda, the leaders, about Uganda taxpayer, ideologies, parliament and

ugnet_: Uganda Railways Corporation (Pictures)- NRM revlution

2004-06-14 Thread d b click above to witness Uganda Railways in real time. Obote , Amin to Museveni and Uganda Railways in Pictures Uganda is growing , developing, industrialising, NO CHANGE modernising, from backwardness, fools, idiots, ignorant, fundamental change,

ugnet_: Luwero People - Unit Luwero dying Away

2004-06-12 Thread d b
- Luwero – the so-called Luwero Triangle is under the devilish grip of catastrophic proportions - you can reverse this situation if you come-in and get involved. - What should be done according to you? Or simply what can you do to stop the total demise of our relatives, kin,

ugnet_: NRM will never Develop Uganda

2004-06-10 Thread d b
is exclusively a preserve of the rare race. if you don't believe it what I say- (a) read a speech by Museveni on his become a general (b). get the facts about what exactly was going on in Teso during the so called Kony rebel incursion. In one week the rebels were in Teso in one week they have been

ugnet_: protest when- MPs or ‘big’ men die for lack of treatment

2004-06-08 Thread d b
Bwanika: First of all, in no way was I ordering you about the party you founded. I was simply reminding you that DFAU is meant to be a farmer’s party. I still maintain that Ugandans have no culture of paying taxes. If you need the proof, see the saga swelling around boda boda in Kampala.

ugnet_: BodaBoda Taxes The Inverse Exponential Growth Opportunity

2004-06-08 Thread d b
Mr. Ojambo 1. It is a pity, you want me, to praise things, I know and you know, are not true. I come from Luweero a remote region with many poor people. Naad was in Luwero sometime back to grow bogoya, pineapples, mangoes whatever. today – farmers are seated with these items ( see 14

ugnet_: Ugandans do not have a culture of paying taxes!

2004-06-07 Thread d b
Mr. Ojambo I have read your article thoroughly well- I could believe what I read coming from you!! Now you wrote this ; Let us face it Bwanika; Ugandans do not have a culture of paying taxes. They expect good services for nothing. GOOD HEAVENS!! Now you have even forgotten what you studied

ugnet_: RE: ugnet : Muhwezi- sell AIDS medication

2004-06-07 Thread d b
Mr. Bwanika: The issue is not whether you agree with me or not, but rather what to do with poll tax and how the local authorities will make up for the shortfall. You want the state to start cleaning streets. Well, why not use the useless men who can't afford to pay Uganda. Shillings 3, 000 as

ugnet_: Drama; Israel firm consulting Engineering shows - Kampala City congested !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-06-07 Thread d b
City in public transport June 8 - 14, 2004 KAMPALA- A recent study has revealed that Kampala does not have the capacity to handle the growing number traffic in the City. The study by an Israel firm Tahal consulting Engineering shows that Kampala City is congested with omnibuses, the mode of

ugnet_: more on taxation

2004-06-06 Thread d b
Mr. Ojambo I do not agree with you. Unless the state start cleaning the streets of distitutes, the lame and disabled, street children, offer medicare to mothers and their children, shelter to the weak and old, pensions in time, enmities to the citizens, shelter to workers and farmers, food to

ugnet_: Scrap the Graduated Tax - NRM Agents must work

2004-06-02 Thread d b
Scrap Graduate Tax – the Government agents must work! 1- I have read in astonishment, the arguments put forward especially by NRM functionaries, government stooges and said researchers, not least from MP Nyombi Tembo in the monitor and the most recent one by David Kaiza in the East

ugnet_: Muhwezi- sell AIDS medication

2004-06-02 Thread d b
- In their article “When did you last de-worm yourself?” June 1, 2004 - Now not being a medical doctor, questions must be asked exactly about this issue? - The masses where advised to de-worm Uganda children a very great idea in itself. But WHAT IS ALMINTH? - Just

ugnet_: BBC E-mail: In pictures: Uganda massacre

2004-02-25 Thread b
b saw this story on BBC News Online and thought you should see it. ** Message ** Now that the Langi have started kiling each other - the ulimate goal of the Acoli has been archived ** In pictures: Uganda massacre ** Images from northern Uganda after a massacre carried out against refugees

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