Paul Benedict wrote:
Congrats, but I think this should be renamed to the
unix-package-maven-plugin. I told my coworkers about this release and
they instantly were confused and wondered what maven and unix had to
do together.
What did they expect it to do?
On Mon, Feb 23, 2009
OK, after extensive discussion in earlier thread about the best way to
go about Mavenizing Existing Project(s) in my, shall we say, unusual
environment (see that thread for details, don't want to recapitulate
them here) I have decided to try to move forward.
First I have to learn this tool. I
Would you mind posting this, along with some characteristics of your
build so we can see where the slowdown is?
On 20/02/2009, at 12:04 AM, PeterNilsson wrote:
No, it has neither been resolved nor reported. Our current
workaround is not
to use the assembly plugin in as many places to keep
ecca wrote:
What about if I just want the JAR file to be placed in the default "target"
directory as well as another additional directory? (Just the JAR file)
I used the Assembly plugin to do this. Don't know if that is the maven
way, but it worked for me.
Try Maven->Update Project Configuration after setting maven-compiler-plugin
configuration. And I think you want:
> I select to install everything from that update site except Maven
> Integration for AJDT and I get:
These kinds of questions should be sent to the m2eclipse users list:
On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 7:43 PM, ecca wrote:
> What about if I just want the JAR file to be placed in the default "target"
> directory as well as another additional directory? (Just the JAR file)
You can do it with the Antrun plugin and the copy task, but take care
that you don't make your build
What about if I just want the JAR file to be placed in the default "target"
directory as well as another additional directory? (Just the JAR file)
Wendy Smoak-3 wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 6:23 PM, ecca wrote:
>> I'm using the JAR plugin and I want to change the destination folder o
On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 6:23 PM, ecca wrote:
> I'm using the JAR plugin and I want to change the destination folder of the
> final JAR file created.
> How do I do that?
It depends on what you mean... where is it going now, and where do you
want it to go?
By default Maven creates a 'target' di
I'm using the JAR plugin and I want to change the destination folder of the
final JAR file created.
How do I do that?
View this message in context:
Sent from the Maven - Users mailing list archive a
Congrats, but I think this should be renamed to the
unix-package-maven-plugin. I told my coworkers about this release and
they instantly were confused and wondered what maven and unix had to
do together.
On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 4:54 PM, Trygve Laugstøl wrote:
> I'm happy to announce the sec
-Original Message-
From: PaulG []
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 6:04 PM
Subject: Repo release final
How do I ensure that a artifact v
How do I ensure that a artifact version release I deploy to our repository
(Nexus) is never overridden my another release of the same version?
Cheers Paul
View this message in context:
Sent from the maven users mailing list archi
I'm happy to announce the second alpha release of unix-maven-plugin.
This is still primarily a technology preview, but is fully functional.
= New in this release =
o Support for includes/excludes per assembly operation.
o Improved support for defaults
o The plugin now require Java 5. If you use
This use case is already met by Nexus (and, I assume, other repository
For example, go to and search for a
class name.
Now, the results could be better in that you should be able to drill
into a library and see the fully-qualified class names contained i
I want to search for classes from time to time.
The situation is usually something where I have some code and the build
mechanism is either non-existent or unreadable. Sometimes its some source
code I found on a web page somewhere.
But there is, in that code, a reference to some other cl
Hi Randal,
1. mvn verify -Pclover.optimize
2. mvn clean deploy -Dmaven.tests.skip=true
we managed to setup something similar using the invoker plugin. Our
problem was, that by running "test" and "deploy" together on our
multi-part-project the snapshot versions of the first parts got deploy
into Eclipse 3.3
update site:
I select to install everything from that update site except Maven
Integration for AJDT and I get:
Update operation has failed
Error retrieving
"plugins/org.eclipse.draw2d_3.4.1.v20080910-1351.jar". [Server returned
add 2 maven buildsteps or use | to separate invocations
Sent from my [rhymes with myPod] ;-)
On 23 Feb 2009, at 21:27, "Randall Fidler" > wrote:
Agreed... it's a bit wacked to say the least but I've got to
basically do that to get ride of the 'optimized' source cod
I think the only way you'd be able to do it was if you could have verify
use profile A (with clover setup in it) and deploy use profile B
(sans-Clover) but from I've seen that's not possible. My understanding
is you can use either a single or multiple profiles but they apply to
the entire executio
Agreed... it's a bit wacked to say the least but I've got to
basically do that to get ride of the 'optimized' source code, which has
the clover hooks in it - the compiled src / jar cannot be deployed to a
repository for production use as it has the clover 'hooks' in it.
I have developed an empty plugin, that does nothing, just to learn how to do
it. It works well directly but is not executed in the default @phase?!
The mojo echos a message to the user, and it is annotated as "@phase
generate-resources" which seems to be done correctly as the resulting
you do know running verify followed by deploy is running the lifecycle
if you are using the freestyle project type (and _I_ do not recommend
the m2 project type as it fecks with your pons behind your back) just
run maven twice, problem solved
Sent from my [rhymes with myPo
Sent from my [rhymes with myPod] ;-)
On 23 Feb 2009, at 20:51, Steve Cohen wrote:
David Weintraub wrote:
Actually, if you don't have a strong build process, you need one --
Maven or no Maven. Builds should be automatic and repeatable.
Thanks. You are preaching to the choir, friend. I'm us
I'm looking into using a feature of Clover, test
optimization, and run into a tricky situation. I would like to use the
test optimization to speed up build times on Hudson and the issue comes
in that Clover, as part of it's test optimization, puts hooks inside
your code. Th
Deron Eriksson wrote:
> ...I wanted a web-based application that would let me search for classes
> in the maven repo and get their dependency information. I also wanted to
> have links to source code and javadocs (if available) and to be able to
> view these online.
This is all good, but
David Weintraub wrote:
Actually, if you don't have a strong build process, you need one --
Maven or no Maven. Builds should be automatic and repeatable.
Thanks. You are preaching to the choir, friend. I'm usually the one
preaching automated builds (and I'm in fact an Ant committer) but I've
Thank you Raphaël,
And... would it be possible to add an antrun task somewhere which deletes
the pom.xml file so that after generating the project from the archetype the
task gets executed and deletes it?
I've tried adding such task to the "generate-sources" phase of the
archetype's project pom.
Actually, if you don't have a strong build process, you need one --
Maven or no Maven. Builds should be automatic and repeatable. If I
gave you the same source code, you should produce the same build. It's
bad enough keeping track of actual coding errors, but when you might
introduce bugs simply be
Hi Daniel,
The short answer is: nope.
The long answer is: the archetype plugin generates maven a project. The
minmal maven project is just a pom.xml fle, Therefore, the archetype plugin
always generates a pom. As the plugin uses archetype archives, the
archetypes must have at least a pom.xml file
Yes, haveing something pushed down on the developers is not very agile.
The fact that you didnt know this tool, should have pushed the
estmations thru the roof.
Haveing one or two guys doing the research and poc, is better than
haveing the whole team craming in.
Look at what Maven has to o
On 18/02/2009, Jason van Zyl wrote:
> It is always better to import Maven projects as Maven projects, not normal
> projects and then enabling dependency management. We should probably just
> remove that option as it seems to confuse many people and can also corrupt
> your eclipse projects.
> Th
> The issue to us was fairly simple: We had a working build
> process. The developers knew the project. Everything was fine
> and dandy. We moved to Maven and lost three weeks of work.
> Developers don't understand the new process as well as the
> old process, we've fallen behind schedule.
I a
The issue to us was fairly simple: We had a working build process. The
developers knew the project. Everything was fine and dandy. We moved
to Maven and lost three weeks of work. Developers don't understand the
new process as well as the old process, we've fallen behind schedule.
We had a strong b
Haha :)
Where the h*** do you work?
Tell Mr. M. Hayden hello... ;)
-Original Message-
From: Steve Cohen []
Sent: 23. februar 2009 17:56
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Mavenizing existing project
Todd Thiessen wrote:
>> 1) abandon any thought of a lo
> You don't know my "security police". They are all-powerful
> and no one in management dares oppose them.
hehe true. I wasn't suggesting you go against them. Just that there are
Maven tools available to satisfy their security needs.
If you have any 3 party dep that resides in any global Maven repos.,
hook that up first.
I belive your workaround will not come in conflict with the repo idea,
given your restrictions.
It's what maven does anyway, except for the manual installation for
But keep pushing for a company repo
Todd Thiessen wrote:
1) abandon any thought of a local repository for now. Too
many political/bureaucratic issues.
I am not sure if you are aware, but even the OSS version of Nexus (Maven
repo manager) has an abundance of security options. You can configure it
so that only very specific de
Jon Georg Berentsen wrote:
-Original Message-
From: Steve Cohen []
Sent: 23. februar 2009 17:12
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Mavenizing existing project
Unfortunately, you guys may be talking me out of mavenizing rather than
into it. :-(
My situation
> 1) abandon any thought of a local repository for now. Too
> many political/bureaucratic issues.
I am not sure if you are aware, but even the OSS version of Nexus (Maven
repo manager) has an abundance of security options. You can configure it
so that only very specific developers have access to
-Original Message-
From: Steve Cohen []
Sent: 23. februar 2009 17:12
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Mavenizing existing project
Unfortunately, you guys may be talking me out of mavenizing rather than
into it. :-(
My situation is a bit different than what
-Original Message-
From: David Weintraub []
Sent: 23. februar 2009 16:58
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Mavenizing existing project
"I am fairly new to Maven, so maybe there are things that I simply
don't know the correct way of doing things. However, we did "
Unfortunately, you guys may be talking me out of mavenizing rather than
into it. :-(
My situation is a bit different than what is described.
There are only two or three real "developers" in my project and they
work on separate applications with very little sharing between them -
and I am one o
> Some projects are pretty straight forward, but if you have an
> older project with a complex build process, and a build
> process that fairly rigorous, moving to Maven simply doesn't
> buy you all that much.
I completely disagree here. I have looked at very complex projects (70+
modules) with
I am fairly new to Maven, so maybe there are things that I simply
don't know the correct way of doing things. However, we did "Mavenize"
one project, and we simply found that it wasn't worth the effort.
We had a strong Ant build process and things were working very well
there. The idea to Mavenize
Votre esprit et votre meilleur éditeur.
Your brain and your favourite IDE.
Yes, it will take time, but it's no clean path around it.
-Original Message-
From: Martin Gainty []
Sent: 23. februar 2009 16:41
Subject: RE: Mavenizing
-Original Message-
From: Samuel Langlois []
Sent: 23. februar 2009 16:11
Subject: Re: Mavenizing existing project
>> 2. Would I be better served by renaming directories at the start to
>> "Convention over Configuration" st
> Answers
-Original Message-
From: Steve Cohen []
Sent: 23. februar 2009 16:09
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Mavenizing existing project
"Thanks. I now grok your meaning - use svn externals as a proof of
concept (when I saw "POC" I imagined some variatio
Bonjour Sam
Which tool do you recommend to convert an build.xml to maven?
I was thinking of using eclipse-maven plugin but havent found one that works
with Eclipse 4.0?
it doesnt seem that tough to handcraft settings.xml and pom.xml but I would
assume there has to
be a build.xml->pom.xml or .pr
We've gotten a bit further with this, however, we are still finding that we
are having some problems when using aggregator poms.
The original situation has been fixed after discovering a problem with how
the source directory was in one of the parent pom files.
Now we've found that if we have a m
Hello Eugene,
Thank you for the question about Jarvana's purpose.
Jarvana's raison d’être (Jarvana was conceived one August evening in Nice,
France) is that I wanted a web-based application that would let me search
for classes in the maven repo and get their dependency information. I also
Enjoy :)
-Original Message-
From: Steve Cohen []
Sent: 23. februar 2009 15:45
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Mavenizing existing project
I realize now that I have an additional problem in
I used the assembly plugin; the final artifact was a zip file and in it are the
various jars, and a shell script to run the jar containing the class with main.
The user is instructed to unzip the zip file and run the shell script
(actually it's run by cron).
Rolf Schumacher wrote:
Thank you
>> 2. Would I be better served by renaming directories at the start to Maven
>> "Convention over Configuration" standards or by overrriding the defaults
>> all
>> the way down the line?
> Yes.
> This is the way I recommend myself.
> There are two ways you can do this...
> 1. Ma
But he wasn't getting a compiler error.
If make was generating a segmentation fault, (core dumped), I would be
definitely be inclined to go to the people who maintain make.
In his case maven is throwing a java.lang.IllegalStateException, so it doesn't
seem unreasonable to me for him to ask her
Thanks. I now grok your meaning - use svn externals as a proof of
concept (when I saw "POC" I imagined some variation on "POM") way
station between what we are doing now and setting up a true maven
repository. That may be the only way to do it in my situation. I am in
the worst of both worlds,
I realize now that I have an additional problem in doing this - an
internal sales job within the development team appears to be necessary.
Maven is not SELF-EVIDENTLY a GOOD THING. I know this because I too have
been a Maven skeptic.
I suppose somewhere there must be an introductory article th
Anyone? :-)
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Lewis, Eric []
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 18. Februar 2009 17:25
> An: Maven Users List
> Betreff: Confused about selecting a profile from profiles.xml
> Hi
> I'm confused about how profiles.xml files
I have a Mojo that requires the execution of a goal before its own
execution (this is similar to checkstyle:check, which requires the
previous execution of checkstyle:checkstyle).
I could accomplish this by using @execute goal="my-goal"
Now I need to change this Mojo, because it requires
As I begin, I've made a copy of the Chapter 3 code package for
proficio. I've started to slowly move my eclipse code into these
packages, but have some questions.
1) The group id is actually the base of all of the package names. Is
that right. So if I'm com.areteq, then my groupId shoul
Hm. Google it..
But, here y' go!
Subversion externals -
-Original Message-
From: Steve Cohen []
Sent: 23. februar 2009 14:22
To: Maven Users L
Thanks, Jon and Stephen
Can you please define some terms in what you wrote that are unfamiliar
to me?
"subversion externals"
Steve Cohen
Jon Georg Berentsen wrote:
-Original Message-
From: Stephen Connolly []
Sent: 23. februar 2
According to,
you can specify a profile to be enabled during releasing. What does this
exactly do when there is no such profile defined in the user's settings.xml?
Will the release:prepare and/or release:perform
Hello everyone,
I would like to create a Maven archetype which creates a directory structure
for some new projects, but as these projects will be documentation-only and
no artifact will have to be generated from them, I don't want a pom.xml file
to appear in the generated project at all (in fact
Thank you Jon and Roland.
The Shade plugin opened the door for me.
I had to learn to browse through the maven-xxx-plugin's.
Like with the Eclipse plugins its seems to be a bit hard for a newcomer
to find your way through this massive amount of information.
Finally I adopted for the maven-assembl
Hi Rolf,
I think you might be looking for the Shade plugin.
If you add this to your POM the dependecies will be added when you package
your project. If I'm not mistaken they are unpacked and then included in the
final JAR, but I'm not sure.
> ...
> org.apache.mave
Interested in this thread as I am in the same situation with large set
of projects in Eclipse that I mung into a final application with a
combination of Ant tasks and shell scripts. Also need to handle two
sets of developers, one set uses Mac OS X, the other Vista. Want to
be able to chec
-Original Message-
From: Florian Rampp []
Sent: 23. februar 2009 11:58
Subject: project internal dependencies in a multi-module project
"Hello everybody,
I'm working on a quite big project using a maven multimodule project
layout. I
Hello everybody,
I'm working on a quite big project using a maven multimodule project layout. I
learned quite a lot about Maven the last month and I'm happy to use this tool.
Currently, I'm wondering about a issue, I couldn't find a guide or a hint for
best practice for.
I'm using a dependency
-Original Message-
From: Stephen Connolly []
Sent: 23. februar 2009 10:21
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Mavenizing existing project
2009/2/23 Jon Georg Berentsen
> "I am considering"Mavenizing" a pre-existing project.
> This project consis
Could you elaborate a bit more?
Are these three artifact dependencies to your project or something you
"I'd like to distribute a desktop utility
where the MANIFEST.MF contains the line
classpath = lib/lib1.jar lib/lib2.jar ...
2009/2/23 Jon Georg Berentsen
> "I am considering"Mavenizing" a pre-existing project.
> This project consists of a Web Application (WAR file) and a server side
> JAR module, built from several Eclipse projects, some of which are
> dependencies of both modules, as well as many third party jars
I would like to configure Grails via its Maven plugin to use the proxy
information defined in the user's settings.xml. Is there any way for the
plugin to access that info?
View this message in context:
"I am considering"Mavenizing" a pre-existing project.
This project consists of a Web Application (WAR file) and a server side
JAR module, built from several Eclipse projects, some of which are
dependencies of both modules, as well as many third party jars, both
open source (many of which thems
I'd like to distribute a desktop utility
where the MANIFEST.MF contains the line
classpath = lib/lib1.jar lib/lib2.jar ...
included libs are listed as dependencies or transient dependencies as
specified in pom.xml.
Is such a thing possible?
With or
I'd like to distribute a desktop utility
where the MANIFEST.MF contains the line
classpath = lib/lib1.jar lib/lib2.jar ...
included libs are listed as dependencies or transient dependencies as
specified in pom.xml.
Is such a thing possible?
With or
76 matches
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