Re: Multiproject:site OutOfMemory

2004-06-17 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Matt Read wrote: Could anyone comment on the above defect or suggest resolutions or work-arounds? I'm having the same problem as many seem to have reported (currently with RC3) and it's driving me mad. I'm

Re: Multiproject:site OutOfMemory

2004-06-17 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Dion Gillard wrote: Generally looking for patterns about where it's failing. e.g. always during xdoc or always during XXX. In my case, I was getting failed to allocate memory when launching javadoc. This problem was strictly related to the amout of xdocs transformed to html

Re: Multiproject:site OutOfMemory

2004-06-17 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Carlos Sanchez wrote: Hi, I've experienced the same problem when compiling with aspectJ compiler (maven-aspectj-plugin) and solved it with plugin properties: enabling fork and setting maxmemory to 128MB. AFAIK other plugins like maven-test-plugin have also fork options. Dion, if you manage to add

Re: [ANN] Mevenide releases

2004-06-02 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Maczka Michal wrote: Yeap! You right. I am almost sure that I read somewhere taht m9 = rc1. Almost right. M9 == RC0 Rafal - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Jars without version

2004-06-02 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Ian Neruda wrote: Hi. Can I install jar to repository without version part in it. When I leave version empty I get something like JarName-.jar Artifacts in the respository should *always* have version numbers in them. This mandated by Maven internal contracts. If you need your jar with version

Re: Reactor infinite loop

2004-05-28 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Ian Neruda wrote: -Maven -projects -maven.xml -Project1 -Project2 Maven.xml looks like this: goal name=java:compile maven:reactor basedir=${basedir} includes=*/project.xml banner=Building ignoreFailures=false / /goal Am I doing something wrong?

Re: Maven - Confluence integration

2004-05-25 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Jason van Zyl wrote: So I started yanking out confluence docs and converting them to apt: After realizing the internal format of confluence is crap I just started using apt itself which I think is a better format anyway (I was convinced by Pete Kazmier) but I

Re: javadoc on generated source directories - valid point!

2004-05-25 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Denis McLaughlin wrote: I don't think using a maven.compile.src.set property value (as it is in your patch) provides the same benefits as the maven.compile.src.set path refid. Users are bound to miss something if we make them add all the appropriate paths to the file: it may

Re: Réf. : in href in xdoc

2004-05-25 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Heritier Arnaud wrote: yes I think that your problem is the one defined in MPXDOC-92. Has there been any progres on this bug? It has large impact, because all the viewcvs links generated by the changes statcvs plugins turn to garbage. Linkcheck gives me some 1mB error report :-) R.

Re: Maven - Confluence integration

2004-05-25 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Jason van Zyl wrote: It is clipping along at a rapid pace, if you want to try and build with it we can arrange something. Before the alpha is released I'll probably ask various folks to do some pre-alpha testing. There are about 14 plugins so far that are being used for testing, but the core will

Re: SNAPSHOT and multiproject

2004-05-25 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Gilles Dodinet wrote: it is possible to modify it through a direct call to the currentVersion setter : ant:echo${pom.currentVersion}/ant:echo ${pom.setCurrentVersion(SNAPSHOT)} ant:echo${pom.currentVersion}/ant:echo Eeek! It may be possible, which does not mean that it is right. Seems

Maven - Confluence integration

2004-05-24 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Hello world, I'm wondering how much of the Maven community uses Confluence as well. I do and I certainly like that. Some time ago someone Nick Minutello wrote in his blog (can't find the link ATM, sorry) that he is working on a maven plugin that would tranform xdocs into Confuence compatible

Re: Using Maven on a very large integration project - how far can Maven go?

2004-04-08 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Tomasz Pik wrote: if war plugin finds 'war' dependency then un-war it and merge content of dependency war into created war. At least web.xml files should be merged together, probably more descriptor files too - but this may be done as postGoals. I don't think that merging web.xml or other files

Re: suggestion for using multiproject and cruisecontrol

2004-03-25 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Emmanuel Venisse wrote: How to set CruiseControl to checkout the 5 CVS modules and run multiproject:install and multiproject:site ? Would it be easier if I had only one CVS module with subdirectories ? Yes, it's the better option if it's really subprojects and not external projects.

Re: suggestion for using multiproject and cruisecontrol

2004-03-25 Thread Rafal Krzewski
nicolas De Loof wrote: You can solve this by creating a virtual CVS module that has all of your 5 modules mounted as subdirectories. Just out of couriosity I checked cvs manuals, and did a little test. This is what you should put in the CVSROOT/modules file, provided that you have modules

Re: Réf. : Re: new idea on maven usage?

2004-02-06 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Dalibor Topic wrote: I'm not arguing that it doesn't make sense in *all* contexts, I'm arguing that it's not a *silver bullet* in all contexts. Who told you that Maven is a silver bullet in all contexts? My impression is that there is a lot of (rightful! it's a cool piece of software)

Re: / /OREF:CPT95AB9 ProjectDependecies Newbie question

2004-02-04 Thread Rafal Krzewski
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Is the following snippet a valid dependency? dependency groupIdsailing-schedules/groupId jarSailingSchedulesUtils/jar /dependency For this dependency, I will not be providing an artifact version. So I wish to define the jar file name that

Re: / /OREF:CPT95AB9 ProjectDependecies Newbie question

2004-02-04 Thread Rafal Krzewski
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I actually consider this an unnecessary restriction. You should be able to specify dependencies without forcing a naming convention where version numbers are applied. You can use the .properties files to get round this but you lose the inheritance benefits , I believe

Re: User input for Continuum

2004-01-19 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Jason van Zyl wrote: Howdy, I have Continuum up and running using the new maven-scm stuff and the new maven components so I wanted to get some input on how people would like to use it. All the information required for checking out and building are contained within the POM so how would you

Re: Style of generated site

2004-01-14 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Jörg Schaible wrote: with the current version of 1.0-rc2 (from CVS) and all plugins built fom CVS, I had to notice that the style of new generated sites differ a lot. I had previsouly used properties mensioned in the xdoc-plugin-docs to adjust colors to our companies' CI, but they are not

Re: Dependency issues for junit tests [brain dump]

2004-01-12 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Lester Ward wrote: I totally disagree. There are two flavors of type and they mix. One (which I'll call type) answers the question what is this thing?. Possible values are .jar, .war, etc. This already exists in Maven. The other (which I call scope) answers the question how is this used?.

Re: Maven - AntHill

2003-11-13 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Euan Guttridge wrote: Hi, On the 28/8 Rafal Krzewski replied to the thread Getting Source from CVS. Rafal mentioned there are plans to create CI features similar to AntHill for Maven. If this has progressed please let me know. Otherwise I will happily setup an AntHill/Maven system.. Your

Re: plugin:uninstall

2003-10-08 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Brett Porter wrote: The manual process is rm $MAVEN_HOME/plugins/groupId-pluginId-version.jar The uninstall would be maven -DpluginId=pluginId -DgroupId=maven -Dversion=version plugin:uninstall The first one is shorter :) Plus, you can run the first one when your maven runtime is

Re: Jelly: ${empty(pom.repository.url)} doesn't work

2003-10-02 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Alexey Krasnoriadtsev wrote: Yes for my own scripting I won't use dot in the var names. But, maven uses dots extensibly, i.e. And here is the line in xdoc-plugin/site.jsl: 195 j:if test=${!empty(pom.repository.url)} that doesn't work, and it always adds a link in the navigation,

Re: Jelly: ${empty(pom.repository.url)} doesn't work

2003-10-02 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Rafal Krzewski wrote: The other thing is why empty() returns false even if the actual value of the expression is null? I don't know why. I wasn't able to find any reference of the jexl syntax... OK, I've found the ultimate jexl syntax reference, at least for those who can read JavaCC grammars

Re: Multiple Source Paths

2003-09-24 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Steve Garcia wrote: Yup, I feared that almost all of Maven's plugins rely on a single source directory. It is a conscious design decision, not an unintended mis-feature. I guess another solution is to move all of the source to a single temp directory before any plugins are executed. Yet

Re: Controlling snapshot or not in POM or properties?

2003-09-19 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Craig S. Cottingham wrote: Is there something I can add to project.xml or that will control whether or not a snapshot is generated? Does it help that I've adopted the convention of ending the value of the currentVersion tag in project.xml with -dev for those jars in flux,

Re: errors in webpage

2003-09-19 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Christian Andersson wrote: in the page in the section about pomVersion it referes to an updating page which does not exist.. should these simple errors be reported to jira? or is it

Re: rmi generation

2003-09-18 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Christian Andersson wrote: Hi there, just wnated to tell you that I now have managed to create a first generation alpha version of an rmicomiler for maven. the rmicompiler searches the compiled classes in the project and search for files classes that extends the java.rmi.Remote interface.

Re: Usability issues general ranting

2003-09-11 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Howard M. Lewis Ship wrote: Windows XP prof, Sun Jdk 1.4, 512MB ram, Pentium 4 I'm on Linux, the rest basicly the same, so the OS is probably the main difference. This is still strange though, because some of the core developers are using windwos IIRC. What specific problems you are having,

Re: ear assembly

2003-09-10 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Nathan Coast wrote: 1) use reactor to build all of the constituent jars, wars, ejb-jars. Copy these files to the ear assembly directory and then use the ear plugin. 2) use reactor to build all of the constituent jars, wars, ejb-jars etc. Install these components into the local repo using

Re: Usability issues general ranting

2003-09-10 Thread Rafal Krzewski
I've basically given up on Maven for the time being. My impression of the state of the project is that it should not be in beta, the quality is more like that of an alpha-status project. We didn't force you to try Maven. It is regrettable that you wasted some of your time, but this fact does

Re: Is there any reason we have to resolve dependencies all the time?

2003-09-09 Thread Rafal Krzewski
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: How many different depTypes do you see. build, test runtime is what's needed by most of the plugins (for example war.bundle and friends are in essence runtime dependencies). Still, we may want to let this set be open - allow arbitrary text inside depType, class or

Re: Is there any reason we have to resolve dependencies all the time?

2003-09-08 Thread Rafal Krzewski
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Yes, resolving dependencies all the time is a PITA. What's your suggested alternative? Do plugins declare whether they need the dependencies? Some other method of us guessing? Lazy evaluation I guess. Checking dependencies could be delayed until the moment

Re: simian report failure

2003-09-03 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Dominik Dahlem wrote: I had a look at the sources shipped with the plugin. The file appears to have a bug (at least in my scenario). The simian.log file contains the line Processed a total of 123 lines in 4 files. The StringTokenizer created for this line expects the 10th token

Re: includeProjectDocumentation in multiproject plugin?

2003-08-28 Thread Rafal Krzewski
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: What should happen is this: sub projects should inherit main and be able to override them. I don't think so. Inheriting project.xml / maven.xml (but not project properties, see MAVEN-37 - our longest standing bug) happens when a project extends another. Main project - sub

Re: adding dependency to a jar in the sdk

2003-08-27 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Marco Herrn wrote: I am using the $JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar in a project. Unfortunately I found no way of telling maven to set a dependency on this. What is important here is, that it should refer to the $JAVA_HOME environment variable. Is there a way of getting this dependency handled by

Re: Fwd: Re: Jelly if problem

2003-08-26 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Alwyn Schoeman wrote: Hi, Could you please paste his message into a new mail. People who do not use outlook cannot read outlook attached messages. Mozilla 1.5a shows the attachment withot any problems. Here it goes: Subject: Re: Jelly if problem From: Evan Koffler [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date:

Re: pom directory in maven repository

2003-08-20 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Norbert Pabi wrote: Does anybody know what is pom directory in maven repository for? On ibiblio it is always empty (at least in this projects I was interested in). project.xml files are intended to be deployed in there so that things like automatic discovery of project dependencies are

Re: Unknown goal clean:clean in a multiproject environment

2003-08-14 Thread Rafal Krzewski
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: You've got the top level project included in the set of directories that multiproject is processing. This is not supported ATM. My guess is that is caused by a bug in Werkz, or in the way Maven uses them. When you try to run goals on a project for the second time in

Re: Maven and missing jelly jars

2003-08-08 Thread Rafal Krzewski
John Farrell wrote: Maven itself can't know about all jars, but the developers who make the dependencies know. I suggest that (a) maven get a feature which allows it to retrieve from the repository information about an undownloadable jar, and (b) developers who depend on such jars put such

Re: Maven beta 10 repository directory

2003-08-06 Thread Rafal Krzewski
S. Radhakrishnan wrote: Now, building the checkstyle report using Maven 10, it gives me the following exception. unable to parse /home/intranet/cvs/metapa/adr/ - Premature end of file.:-1:-1 however,it was

Re: project/properties and multiproject inheritance broken?

2003-08-01 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Kevin Ross wrote: in a bid for the longest running single user thread 1. CSS style properties work on parent and sub projects 2. Normal properties are not inherited. How does property inheritance work? What is the best practice to share properties across projects?

Re: Two requests

2003-07-30 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Joshua Spiewak wrote: I was wondering if the latest Jakarta Taglibs standard/jstl jars (version 1.0.3) could be uploaded to ibiblio. The procedure of upload requests is described in Maven docs, can't remember where though. Try you luck with site search. Also, is there any plan for site:deploy to

Re: master property file

2003-07-24 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Dominik Dahlem wrote: This master project property file can be kept in source control and provides a single location for settings shared among sub-projects. Imagine you have 50 sub-projects and each of them contains a project properties file with settings which could well be shared. It's

Re: Jmeter/Maven integration

2003-07-24 Thread Rafal Krzewski
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: LGPL jars and GPL jars are not allowed to be distributed by ASF projects. But it's the who is storing distributing jars for us, and AFAIK they have no problem with GPL/LGPL. The real question IMO is: Is code that depends on (uses) GPL/LGPL libraries allowed

Re: [HOWTO] New feature: filtering

2003-07-23 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Brett Porter wrote: Submitted under a nice round number of MAVEN-600 :) Suppose we should consider throwing a party @ MAVEN-1000 :-D R. - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL

Re: Modifying the xdocs template files

2003-07-22 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Jefferson K. French wrote: Is it possible to override any of the templates in the xdocs plugin, besides editing the installed file? I want to change the wording on some of the pages, rather than the colors. For instance, since our project does not allow anonymous CVS access, I'd like to remove

Re: WAR file naming

2003-07-18 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Andy Jefferson wrote: Actually if you are packaging your war into an ear, you can specify the context, or if you have jboss you can put a jboss-web.xml in your WEB-INF and specify it there. Can you do this with Tomact :P? Setting the context name is trivial with Tomcat. In version 3.x you can do

Re: multiproject Plugin

2003-07-17 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Andy Jefferson wrote: Hi all, anyone used the multiproject plugin successfully ? I have a hierarchy of projects my_project/ my_project/jar_project/ my_project/war_project/ my_project/ear_project/ In my project.xml at the top level I have registered several reports including

Re: entities in generated HTML from xdoc-plugin

2003-06-26 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Kai Runte wrote: Hi, maybe this is the wrong list to ask, apologies if yes. Currently I working on a site.jsl script for creating webpages in the look-and-feel of our internal website. For some obscure layout reasons I need to have a nbsp; entity in the target HTML document, but utterly failed

Re: How adaptable is Maven's version system?

2003-06-23 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Christian Clausen wrote: Quoting Rafal Krzewski [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Moretti, Luciano (MED) wrote: So how does the Snapshot resolving determine what is the latest version in the online repositories? AFAIK, you can have only one SNAPSHOT version per artifact. This means that if you

Re: How adaptable is Maven's version system?

2003-06-23 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Moretti, Luciano (MED) wrote: I was deploying distributions, not jars. The jar:deploy-snapshot creates the sym links and the index file. Ah, you run across another inconsistency in artifact handling. When Michal is done with the war plugins artifact support, he'll probably update other

Re: How adaptable is Maven's version system?

2003-06-20 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Moretti, Luciano (MED) wrote: So how does the Snapshot resolving determine what is the latest version in the online repositories? AFAIK, you can have only one SNAPSHOT version per artifact. This means that if you are developing two branches of your project in paralell, and want to have SNAPSHOT

Re: maven logo

2003-06-20 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Kristine Weissbarth wrote: Thanks, that's it! It's not very polite to remove the logo completly - don't you think that Jason and the rest of the gang deserve some credit for their work? If you don like the red logo image, there are many other nicer looking maven logos to choose from, take a

Re: language modification

2003-06-20 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Kristine Weissbarth wrote: hi, is there a possibility to set the language of the documentation and navigation which is generated by maven to another language than english? At this moment Maven does not have site/report templates in languages different that english, nor neccessary

Re: [Proposal] changes in POM needed by new features of maven-new

2003-06-07 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Michal Maczka wrote: I see it differently (as mixture of group and transitive dependencies) In your main POM you do: dependecy artifactIdfootoolkit/artifactId vesrion1.0/version typepom/type --- This mean group dependecy kindruntime/kind

Re: [Proposla] changes in POM needed by new features of maven-new [was:RE: Refining dependencies for test and non-test]

2003-06-07 Thread Rafal Krzewski
David Zeleznik wrote: I start to think of the CSS class or psuedo-class mechanisms. I am not sure why we are not taking advantage of that type of syntax in parsing the POM, but I could imagine something like: dependency class=kind1 kind2 This seems to me to be the most elegant notation from

Re: POM and maven-new

2003-06-07 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Jason van Zyl wrote: I believe that type and kind can be replaced with a single set of hints. And here the hints are specifically artifact handler hints. Maybe I just understand, but for me type (jar,war,tld...) and kind (compile,runtime,test,...) are orthogonal qualities of a dependency. Type

Re: [Proposla] changes in POM needed by new features of maven-new [w as:RE: Refining dependencies for test and non-test]

2003-06-06 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Michal Maczka wrote: 1. I want to support mapping between dependencies in POM and multiple classpaths. First of all, I think this is a great idea. I would rather called them 'dependency sets' or something because dependency != jar. I see a need of having at least 3 classpaths: compile,

Re: [Proposal] changes in POM needed by new features of maven-new

2003-06-06 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Michal Maczka wrote: As Ben noted, we may need to have dependencies with varying 'transitive' status per kind. For example it is very common that a library is required for compiling and running your project, but at the same time only for running your project dependencies. Suppose we have: I

Re: maven j2ee workflow

2003-06-05 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Dima Berastau wrote: I think we have a bit of misunderstanding Hi, I don't actually tend to think of maven's emphasis on singularity as a bad thing. Taken in it's pure form producing *multiple* jars (or wars or ears for that matter) from a *single* POM seems like a logical inconsistency.

Re: maven j2ee workflow

2003-06-04 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Dima Berastau wrote: I've somewhat modified ejb, war and ear plugin to mimic functionality of the existing jar plugin including ability to snapshot/install/deploy = the usual stuff. If anyone thinks there is some value in this approach I could submit patches to the relevant plugins. It's not too

Re: Why no multiple locations of sources? ( was Re: inter-projectdependencies for the Eclipse plugin )

2003-04-04 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Brian Ewins wrote: The 'official' way to deal with code generators is to chuck their output into the 'global list of sources'. Are we suggesting global variables are a good thing? Also, this mechanism only deals with .java files - there is no equivalent fat pipe for documentation etc AFAIK.

Re: Why no multiple locations of sources? ( was Re: inter-projectdependencies for the Eclipse plugin )

2003-04-03 Thread Rafal Krzewski
Colin Sampaleanu wrote: Jason van Zyl wrote: On Wed, 2003-04-02 at 09:05, Rafal Krzewski wrote: Jason van Zyl wrote: That is distinctly different than multiple source directories for your application. And here we are trying satisfy these requirements and scale by letting the plugins