On top of the many responses you have received, here is another one.  I 
received this flier in the mail.  Maybe you should try this if you are 
not familiar with Poleditor.  Its called WINLOCK PRO.  I have not used 
it or seen how it works.  www.visionsoft.com  It has an unlimited site 
license, I think.



> I hope this would be the right place to post this.  I've 
> tried numerous attempts and combinations of Google 
> searches but hopefully this group will provide me with 
> some better answers.
> I am looking for software that will enable me to 
> lockdown Windows 98 desktops so that there is no 
> start button, no right click on the desktop, only allow 
> certain programs to be run (the shortcuts would be 
> on the desktop), no deleting of those icons on the 
> desktop, no loading or downloading of software, using 
> a web browser only to valid http https or ftp sites in 
> the address.
> Any suggestions?

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