Hey there,

I know this is a little off-post, but you said you wanted to destroy hdds that were not going to be used anymore so...

I've heard the eraser arguement probably as many times as you've probably heard it...there was a thread on extremetech that went on for pages and pages..saying that no erasers work..I got so sick of hearing all the theory..the only useful information that I ever derived was that..if you really wanted to get rid of all the data on the hard disk, consider degaussing the hard drives (magnetically) or do what the government does..Do a 7x NSA spec overwrite (I think that is the spec, somebody correct me if it isn't), and then shred the drive into pieces.

There are other ways, but these are the only ones that sound reasonable and safe sounding to me (safe as in..your data is destroyed for sure)..

There are plenty more soutions that you will hear from other people on this..just hope you make a good selection :)


Subject: Data erasing tool
Date: Thu, 3 Jul 2003 08:31:01 -0400

We are looking for a tool that will erase all data beyond recovery from a
hard drive. We going to get rid of few computers and do not want data to get
into anyone's hand. Both freeware and commercial ware are ok. Would prefer a
solution which is bootable from a cd (OS independent).

(Would prefer not getting answers like all erasers work but none work. Been
through that with my last posting)


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