
> as I understand Jeroen, this is mainly a proposal about code
> maintenance, not about deployment.

It's about both.

> I still think that this is a bad idea, due to the fact that it sets up a
> two-tier system of extensions, with somewhat arbitrary criteria over what
gets included

First of all I'd like to point out that MediaWiki itself already has this,
and no one is complaining there,
nor has it created any two-class system.

The criteria would not be arbitrary - pretty much all code that developers
want to put in there could go in,
only when there are serious issues with it, it can't. If something ends up
getting unmaintained or unstable,
it would be appropriately marked as such, and only at a point where it
starts causing problems somehow
it would get thrown out. The people working on the code / maintaining it
would decide on this, and any
developer could join this process. It'd be pretty much the same as what we
have now for code changes
to SMW itself, but then on extension level.

And in case of extensions, two competing extensions can actually both be in
the repository, where
two competing pieces of code obviously could not both go into SMW :)

> There are some technical issues as well: you didn't include the Validator
and Maps extensions
> in that list, even though they're required by SMW and Semantic Maps
extension, respectively

How is this an issue? They are not in the same repo now and they would not
be then. The workflow
for including them would remain the same.


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil.
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