On 19/07/12 11:22, Stephan Gambke wrote:
> Hi,
> I am sceptical about this. I do not see the advantage of having SMW
> extensions maintained outside the normal MW git repo. It creates yet
> another system to be aware of. On top of it, by installing from this
> repo the user would not be done, i.e. they would still need to
> manually get e.g. Validator.

Jeroen did not suggest to move outside of MW git. The idea is just to 
combine several closely related repos into one.

> By the way, on the point of forcing developers to maintain their code:
> It might help if SMW's interface would not break all the time. Just
> saying.

Suggestions are always welcome. I think the last big change to any API 
in SMW was the introduction of DI classes over a year ago. Compatibility 
classes and extensive emails have been provided to simplify the 
transition. Deprecated methods are marked as such for at least one 
release cycle until being removed. So what's breaking all the time for you?

> To simplify deployment and ensure compatibility: What about setting up
> a PEAR server? Then wiki admins could just install/update Semantic
> Maps and would get compatible versions of Validator, Maps, and SMW
> installed automatically.

That would be nice and require some work. Like so many things. Not sure 
if this is of sufficient priority to anybody to get done. But we can 
provide some infrastructure if somebody wants to do it. OTOH, this might 
be an activity that would be just as relevant for other MW extension, so 
one could also ask around the MW lists for volunteers and host the 
server at WMF.


> On 16 July 2012 20:24, Jeroen De Dauw <jeroended...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Advantages for developers:
>> * Less hassle with moving code around as it's in the same repo
> They already are in one repo, aren't they?
> Also, moving code from one extension to another is probably not the
> most common thing to do.
>> * We could just require having these extensions from the same release,
>> making compatibility a whole lot easier
> What's the difference with Semantic Bundle?
>> * Easier to track what others are doing (and having more visibility
>> yourself)
> How so?
>> * Less of a barrier to working on other parts of the extended SMW codebase,
>> hopefully increasing the amount of people caring about particular components
> How so?
>> Advantages for users:
>> * Everything is released together, so fewer points at which one needs to
>> upgrade
>> * Guarantee that the extensions in such a release work together nicely
>> * Having a clearer overview of which extensions in this release are stable,
>> beta, experimental, ect (since unmaintained extensions often don't include a
>> notice they are unmaintained)
> Again, where is the difference with Semantic Bundle?
> Cheers,
> Stephan
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