All I'm saying is - practice with different clubs. And re; fishing, sure some 
clubs and some lures work sometimes. My tackle boxes - I have 3, are filled 
with spinners, plugs, worms, spoons, hundreds of flies, stink bait, 
marshmallows in red, yellow, green and orange, and just about any other device 
that was "guaranteed" to bring in fish. You know what works most always? 
Earthworms in ponds and some slow moving rivers. And cut-up fish in oceans. So 
why screw around with all the other stuff? Because somebody on some fishing 
show or in some store said "buddy, buy this, you'll kill the fish". 
Same for golf clubs. How many commercials and infomercials have we seen, 
telling golfers "buy this club or this book and gain 30 yards off the tee".Or, 
"you need this (fill in the item) club. You'll always get it out of the sand. 
You'll always hit the 'everything' club close".  Baloney! No doubt you've had 
as many customers as I've had over the years (we're about the same age), who 
told you "I'm only hitting it 250 with the driver and I need more distance", 
or, I can't get more than 180 with my 7 iron, how about bending it 3 degrees 
stronger"? O.K., you're an advocate of the long shafted driver, which wielded 
correctly will yield a few extra yards, but everybody can handle an E2 SW, 48" 
weapon. It takes practice, which goes to what i said before, and above. 
So, if a guy can hit a 60 degree wedge 105 yards, great! Good for him. I very 
much doubt that 95% of the guys here can do that. I sure never could and I hit 
it pretty good way back when. I have a 50 deg GW, a 46 deg PW and a 55 deg SW 
in my bag, which I use relatively often. But nearly as often I'll use the 9 
iron for shots from fluffy sand or cabbage lies. Frankly, I don't see the need 
for 14 clubs. 
An interesting experiment for golfers, and one I've suggested to customers and 
others, is to keep a chart of the numbers of times a given club is used over 
time. Say, a dozen rounds. Driver and putter of course get the most use, But 
what about the rest of  the clubs? The results are enlightening. 
Didn't mean to  ramble on, but it's Sunday, I had a good night's sleep (didn't 
have to get up at 3:00 a.m., if you get my meaning), and a good breakfast. 

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