Am 10.05.20 um 20:47 schrieb Erich Titl:
> Hi Boris
> Am 10.05.2020 um 20:37 schrieb Boris:
>> Hej Erich,
>> (back to the list....)
>> Am 10.05.20 um 20:18 schrieb Erich Titl:
>>> Hi Boris
>>> Am 10.05.2020 um 19:56 schrieb Boris:
>>> ....
>>>>> Just a stupid question, or rather two
>>>> not far as stupid as mine....
>>>>> - Can't you access the box using ssh as this would allow closer 
>>>>> inspection.
>>>> Sure I can - temporarily, next time hopefully in Tuesday eveneing, when
>>>> my helping hand will change the CF-Card from old to new (and back, if I
>>>> don't manage to make phone and Mail work).
>>>>> - Is the CF big enough to allow for two different versions of LEAF, this
>>>>> allows to directly compare the settings.
>>>> Well, yes... That is an option, that I made first experiences with -
>>>> evaluating it especially for that case.
>>>> But: Even if it is possible to switch into a testing environment, I
>>>> still need somebody to operate the phone for testing!
>>>> But yes: If I fail at this on Tuesday, I am going to build a
>>>> multiboot-CF and send it to the location.
>>>>> The second is a standard I am using on these boxes. Actually one of mine
>>>>> is about 6000 Km away.
>>>> In my case it's only about 400 km.
>>>>> Could you make a ascii graphic of your set up?
>>>> I hope this makes it clear:
>>>>            Telekom DeutschlandLAN allIP
>>>>                        |
>>>>                        |
>>>>                  Zyxcel VMG1312
>>>>                        |
>>> So what does the Zyxel really do, just signal transformation?
>> Yes, it works like a modem.
>>>>                        |
>>>>                   PPPoE (eth0)
>>>>                     LeafBox
>>>>                   eth1   eth2
>>>>                      /   \
>>>>                     /     \
>>>>                    /       \
>>>>                   /         \
>>>>                 loc67     loc66
>>>> (with Internetaccess)     (no Internetaccess)
>>>>            |
>>> What id the reason for loc66, e.g. why is it connected to the router at all?
>> call it DMZ. There is (beside other PCs that are not allowed to user
>> Internet) a Windows Server established in loc66 and clients from loc67
>> use file shares and printing.
>> The zone loc66 is not part of the issue.
>>>>            |
>>>>        Fritzbox
>>>>        ISDN-X0
>>>>          /  \
>>>>         /    \
>>>>     Phone    Fax
>>> If I understood your problem correctly you have a problem making a phone
>>> call to the Fritzbox connected Phone from remote, is that true?
>> No:
>> Calling from remote to the phone works fine.
>> But: Calling from the phone to remote connects the call but doesn't
>> transport the audio.
> So presumably the outgiong audio is using a different path/port than the
> control channel. Is that path open? Can you see the audio packets come
> in and out of the interfaces of the router.

I regret I cannot show any different data than the screenshots from
wireshark during an outgoing call:    from ppp0    from eth1

Here is my view on the matter:
In Screenshot_1 the marked packet (SIP/SDP (Session Description))
describes how the further traffic should be handled, namely via port
7078 - RTP.

Two packets later the first RTP:7078 packet arrives but is not forwarded
to eth1 - see Screenshot_2.

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