On Monday 24 Nov 2008 12:22:33 pm Srini Ramakrishnan wrote:
> > What we are getting is an arrogant, grabbing Hindu. No less intelligent
> > maybe - and India's predicted great power status will be achieved by
> > these people. Brahminism's virtues were never designed for leading a
> > nation into those areas.
> I think China has had a head start on the arrogant grabbing bit. I've
> feared for a while the civilization that the liberated China has been
> creating and now India goes the same way. It is true that in both
> cases a large heretofore mute deprived population has found utterance,
> perhaps this is for the best? Or perhaps materialism is like the fire
> water that destroyed the (other) Indians.

Interesting that you should mention China. I believe the cultural revolution 
wiped out a lot of culture, leaving behind boorishness.

I am making the inflammatory allegation here that the targeting of brahminism 
is going to lead to an increase in boorishness.


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