On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 3:42 PM, ss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tuesday 25 Nov 2008 9:10:07 am Charles Haynes wrote:

>> How do you feel about the conversion of untouchables to Buddhism then?
>> Shouldn't that serve to help India preserve a sense of duty, integrity
>> and immunity to temptation of material recompense?

> True - but let me make some un PC statements here.

> Hinduism survived because it is not as pacifist as Buddism. Caste ridden
> Hinduism has no problem with fighting and killing if that is considered
> necessary - a characteristic it shares with Loving Christianity and Peaceful
> Islam.

So you don't want untouchables converting to Buddism because you want
them to fight and kill Islam?

-- Charles

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