On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 10:08 AM, Sumant Srivathsan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is it just me, or are people just getting off on putting words in other
> people's mouths? I don't see how describing one group's qualities
> immediately implies a monopoly on these qualities,

When you make general statements describing qualities of a particular
group.. and say that simply being from that group  ' "inclucates"
morality / honesty/ integrity...etc...'...what do you expect ? heck
lets put a holy thread on everyone and make the world honest...

Unfortunately at that point nobody will be left to clean my shoes, or
take out the garbage...

> question challenging these qualities counts as a blanket indictment of all
> individuals within that group. I thought this group's members were a little
> more capable of parsing content than this thread has displayed. Honestly, it
> reeks of intellectual laziness, or maybe just plain laziness.

sloth and stupidity is a license owned by all humanity in one way or
the other (i doubt whether members of this mailing list are an
exception)... I am starting from that point.

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