On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 6:48 PM, Supriya Nair <supriya.n...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I'm curious to know if most Twitterers on this list use it via their phone.
> Do desktop[/etc.] users use it as a substitute for Facebook/blogging, or is
> it complementary to those experiences?
> I would use my own Twitter account a lot more if I were a mobile Internet
> user, I feel - its functions otherwise overlap far too much with the other
> social media I already use. This is largely why I microblog on Tumblr,
> which
> allows me to post multimedia, and keeps my feedback to a minimum. [ / web
> 2.0 misanthrope ]
> I think of it as a microblog purely in the sense of if I come across an
interesting link on the web, it goes on Twitter. Interesting stuff in my
feed-reader goes to the linkblog. I go back and forth on what Twitter means
to me personally - at times, it seems like group IM.. at other times more a
microblog service that I'm subscribed to.

It doesn't personally substitute blogging for me, but what it can do is
distract me from blogging. When one has half-a-dozen pet projects and not
enough time for even one, having interesting comments / links scroll by
constantly can be really distracting.

The mobile portion of Twitter honestly doesn't grab me that much - it's
still very much a PC-centric experience.

On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Priyanka Sachar <priyan...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I use it on the phone off and on but thru GPRS And not sms.
> most of my usage is through the web and through a tool called twhirl.


On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 7:07 PM, Vinayak Hegde <vinay...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I use it over the web mostly. Twittering kills blogging, hogs time and
> is addictive.

+1 again.

> Also extremely noisy nowadays :(.

Um, it's only noisy if you want it to be. I periodically try and cull my
"following" lists and over time, I've come to realize 200 is around the
number of folks I can follow without it becoming overwhelming. Your own
"comfort" number may be something lower.

> On the plus side, it's a good way to get real-time answers from
> friends and a good filtering mechanism to read interesting stuff on
> the net.

Also true :)


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