> Why are European countries like Germany, France, UK are developed well
> ? Because they were imperialistic or because of good governance after
> hitler rule in Germany and imperalistic rules in other places ? What
> is causing Bulgaria to develop well ? Poland which was under communist
> rule is developed country ? If these are developing rapidly why is it
> so ? Because of lesser conflicts compared to India ?

I think it would be obvious? Look how fair their skin is! If there's one
thing they seem to be communicating in the obnoxious commercials from Nivea
and Unilever, it's that whiter is better.

Low populations, female equality, courteous driving, and the assult of
science over religion (The so-called Age of Reason when Europe rediscovered
Ancient Greece and Rome) maybe helped. Also they got very good at killing
and conquering because of the frequent state of warfare that followed the
fall of Rome up until WW II. If a monkey messes with your stuff in America,
it gets caged and relocated or shot. No one would put but with the Jaipur
crap because they think these are Hanuman's soldiers.

But keep in mind this is all about the time in which we live. For most of
Europe's history they were backwards. We just happen to live now instead of
the time of Ashoka or Harrapa or Xanadu. We shouldn't take it so personally.
The West seems to be doing themselves in quite finely at the moment. Even we
Americans know that, hence the vociferous electoral expulsion of the
Republican party from government.

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