> Not debating you point, but you should try driving in Boston or NY. Not
> that
> it comes close to the Bangalore situation, but if the road infrastructure
> was as bad as it is here, you would see pretty much the same. Seattle is
> over-polite, I feel suffocated there with people being so nice to each
> other
> :)

True about the east coast of US. But those two cities are known as the worst
places to drive.

How about this underly-thought out point: The more nudity and pre-marital
sex and sexually liberated women -- the more successful the median person in
the country (because Saudi is pretty successful as God decided to put all
our oil under them, as they joke on American TV) -- e.g. Scandinavia,
Germany, France, etc.

I suppose I"m just being an agent provacateur, but why should Bonobashi have
all the fun? :-)

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