> Low populations, female equality, courteous driving, and the assult of
> science over religion (The so-called Age of Reason when Europe rediscovered
> Ancient Greece and Rome) maybe helped.

In fact I think I made the point that the way people drive here is a
metaphor for the problem. No one gives a shit about anyone else -- everyone
tries to get ahead -- and the fastest anyone can go is 40KPH.

Even on a very crowded highway in the US, I drive 100-120KPH. Because if I
drove like they drive here, I'd be arrested -- most likely due to some other
driver calling the police and the police showing up.

Here's a thought experiment:

Imagine you've got 2 groups 50 people each.

Group A is blindfolded. Group B is charged with leading them though a maze.

In Trial 1, you tell Group A that 10% of Group B has been told to mislead
them, and the rest are supposed to take them though right. When those in
Group A think they're being misled, they should stop and take off their

No one takes off their blindfold.

Then in Trial 2, you tell Group A that 50% of Group B has been told to
mislead them, and the rest are supposed to take them through correctly. Same

Everyone takes off their blindfold.

Even the perception of corruption and the undermining of meritocracy is
enough to stall progress.

I try to wait in a line here, and people try to drift past me like I'm
blind. No one does that in Stockholm -- they would be mortified. Q.E.D.

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