It actually looks like its copied from various vendor's RFPs that'd get
submitted to BOTH parties just before election time.

"Follow the money" would be an interesting game to play after that.

lukhman_khan [25/06/09 02:44 -0000]:

I think this is way too harsh. Can you be more specific about what >>you
Atanu Dey has the best analysis I've seen

The more I read this, the more I realise its impossibility.
A bunch of elaborate lies, impossible to achieve.

Just one simple example :
Raise farm productivity, bring cost of cultivation
down and increase kisans' income through
revolutionary transformation of agriculture
using IT for water conservation, soil enrichment,
procurement, marketing and credit needs of kisans',
waste elimination,and taking R&D from "lab to land"

So easy to say all that (in just two lines of that vision stmt)
Doing it all is a different ball game alltogather.

Just to implement this one thing they need unimaginable anounts of money.


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