On 10-Apr-11 3:50 PM, Bernhard Krieger wrote:

> Udhay, how much of a "financial burden" do you expect your daughter will be 
> when she comes into marriageable age in, say, 15+ years considering the 
> current sex ratio and considering that the topic will be more prominent in 
> the 2020s?         

I don't expect her to be a financial burden, actually. Was that your point?

> Wouldn`t you be more worried if your son had difficulties to find a nice, 
> smart, educated, etc. girl-friend / wife?                 
> Isn`t dowry a set of exchanges that might one day tip "in favour" for 
> daughters once people start to observe difficulties in their neighbourhood / 
> kingroup to find wifes?

Some piece of this is already happening, and has been happening for a
while. I wonder how long it will be before it shows up in sex ratios.

Some more (generally depressing) background reading:

1. A Socio-cultural Study of the Declining Sex Ratio  in Delhi and
Haryana, http://nipccd.nic.in/reports/esratio.pdf

2. Effect of Low Sex Ratio on Marriage Practices: A Study in Punjab,

3. The Daughter Deficit — Exploring Declining Sex Ratios in India,

((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ pobox.com)) ((www.digeratus.com))

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