Early detection of gender-linked chromosomal disorders
  is a sound medical reason for prenatal gender determination.

  I really don't think you'd want to criminalize that,
  because it would:

      o  Harm some people quite directly

      o  Fail to address the underlying cultural issues

      o  Inevitably result in the creation of a black market,
         with all the risks, shams, and other dangers for 
         women that black markets imply.
   Medicine is a complicated subject, and sweeping policies
   and or bans on procedures are very hard to get right, 
   even for domain experts.  

   Things that sound obvious at first glance aren't, 
   and many times what looks counterintuitive ends 
   up being best-practice, once we learn a bit more.

   Please give it some thought.


> On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 5:43 PM, ss <cybers...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Sunday 10 Apr 2011 2:39:11 pm Stephanie Das Gupta wrote:
> >> Women have proven they can do just as well as men, if not better, in
> >> many levels. Why should we feel that women or girl children are so
> >> insignificant that they can just be tossed away.
> >>
> >
> > Apart from making it a criminal offence to even detect the sex of a child 
> > pre-
> > natally I think legislation to favor the girl child has to be enacted.
> > Incentives must be given for girl children - like free education - or even
> > payment of a sum of money to the family in exchange for ensuring that the 
> > girl
> > actually attends school regularly. ?Laws that entitle daughters to ancestral
> > property are a powerful tool.
> >
> How about abolishing arranged marriages ? Isnt that the problem ... parents
> getting involved in a marriage contract involving 2 other adults....
> and subsequent
> chain of cultural imposition.

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