Bah. Try telling your inlaws that you'd much rather your wife stayed
with YOU for 3 months after the delivery .. doesn't work, it gets
classed under "privilege"

Tough enough to convince them (successfully) to take her along after the
delivery rather than right after the "seemantam" ceremony (8th month)

And yes, I have a daughter who is, I think, just a bit older than Udhay's


On Sunday 10 April 2011 08:13 PM, ss wrote:
> Many Indian traditions need to be discouraged even if they seem 
> harmless. One such tradition is the "sending away" of the pregnant woman 
> before delivery to her mother's house. 
> While this undoubtedly ensures that the girl gets more attention (and 
> possibly 
> better care)  in her mother's house the tradition is indicative of a general 
> lack of feeling of responsibility

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