>>    Sorry to prove you wrong but it "did" cancel out the effects of the 
>> antibotics in me and I had to quit taking the CS. The way that I know is
>> the antibotics that I take give me energy and wake me up plus other
>things. With out them I sleep all the time. After about 2 weeks I started going
>down hill and the antibotics wasn't working any more. About 2-3 days after I
>stopped the CS they started working again. Some people haven't had problems
>> mixing the two and I think that it makes a difference in the type of
>antibotics that the person is taking. Myself I was on floxin and zithromax
at the

>     There are lots of possible explanations.  You say acidophillus cause
>intestinal bleeding in you?  Gasto-intestinal disturbances are the most
>frequently reported adverse affects of zithromax.  
>You are concurrently using the EMEM-2?  

  The acidophillus bleeding problem was before I even knew about the EMEM-2
device or Rife. I took it as advized by my doctor and 1-2 days later I
was bleeding. The bleeding stopped when I quit taking the acidophillus.

>What other meds, diet changes, electrobiophysical experimentations are you
doing?  >Floxin and Zithromax have somewhat overlapping toxicities to the
kidneys.  25% of >Floxin is bound to plasma protein.  Ag precipitates plasma
protein.  The normal dose >for Zithromax is one day.  Occassionally it is
give 3 or even 4 days.  Thats pushing 
>it.  One patient took it for nine days and suffered irreversible renal failure
>(Mansoor GA,et al. Azithromycin-induced acute interstitial nephritis.  Ann
>Intern Med 1993; 119: 636-7).  Perhaps you were experiencing a "die-off
>rxn"?   Did you run any tests (liver function, kidney function, blood chem,
>stools) to zero in on what is really going on?  
>     Reid, I'd have to see something more than energy levels in one person.
> I've seen nothing in the literature as to an interaction of any antibiotic
>and CS, nor can I think I think up a plausible counteraction.  On the other
>hand, in many cases they may work in an additive fashion.  I am not an
>apologist for CS and don't sell it.  My comments are intended in a
>constructive spirit.

   The doctor at the time gave me a pad of antibotics and said try each 
one for a few days then try combinations of them and see what helps. 
I went through each one for a week at a time and none helped alot. 
Then after a few combinations of both I found floxin and zithromax worked.
At the time I was sleeping from 14 to 18 hours a day. I found that if I 
took that combination at 6:00am and went back to sleep that at 9:00am I 
would wake up and feal good. I had energy, didn't hurt, and was able to 
carry on with daily tasks. That's been over 7 years ago and the only 
thing that has kept me going. With out it I become a shuffling, shaking,
hurting, sleeping reck that can't even remember what I done 10 minutes

  I don't have the answer for the reason that CS caused the combination
of antibotics that I take to quit working but it did. 

Take Care 


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